A tazzy story

By Adrianne1806

9.3K 143 39

Shortly after they came back Tasmania to finish chipping the Tasmanian devils they left deciding they had fin... More

Chapter one
Chapter 2
Chapter three
Chapter four
Chapter six
Chapter seven
Chapter eight
Chapter nine+an
Chapter ten
Chapter eleven
Chapter twelve
Chapter 13
Not a chapter
More of a side chapter :1
Chapter 14
Qna/ askes and maybe dares
More questions
Even more
Another question
First dare
An/ rewrite

Chapter five

494 10 0
By Adrianne1806

(Zack POV)

The plan was about to go into action ,gourmand already gathered a few t-devils and Danita was in position with Dabio and the pose beam. All we needed now was that stupid wild rat to arrive , which didn't take long. And of course his ignorance led him right into the trap, Danita pose-beamed him right in place just as he was about to pounce on gourmand. "Perfect now take him to my tower there we can trap him in the titanium cage which is much stronger that bone, may I add"

As all the colour washed from his face, I couldn't help but laugh at his stupidity. Danita and gourmand joined in the laugh. "Oh cheer up green-grape you will enjoy working for us" gourmand told Chris

"And if you are worried about the wild Kratts don't be , they won't when you work for us" Danita mocked him

They all boarded Danita's jet (the only reason they agreed Danita's jet is because she was getting annoyed at the constant fighting) and went to the Varmitech tower so Zack could build the machine for Chris , who was thrown into the Titanium cage quite roughly. It took all night but by morning the machine was finished and on Chris , eyes shining red as a side effect of the machine. It was hidden in his fur so it wasn't easily seen.

(Back at the tortuga)

It had been a week since Chris vanished only this time he wasn't in Tasmania, they checked even with the help of t-bone they had completely lost him. Again. Then a call who came from Zack. Aviva picked it up , expecting to get a gloat on how much a better inventor Zack was compared to her, but was in pure shock at what she saw. Chris was there red eyes but no indication of any machine. "Zack what did you do to Chris ?!"

"Me , do something to Chris, I would never!"  Aviva gave Zack the 'really?' look . "Ok fine but I did nothing this time do you see any machines?"

"No, but something must have happen to him!"

"Well let's ask him" Zack turned to Chris . "Hey Chris, aviva is convinced I did something to you, please tell her that I didn't"

Chris hesitated ,his eyes flashing a quick brown before turning back to red. Aviva didn't notice tho. "Aviva I decided to join on my own Zack did nothing to taint my ideas nor make anything that could control me" Chris said most of it blankly ,the underlined is him trying to call for help , which aviva also didn't notice.

"See he joined us willingly" Zack

"Us?" Aviva

"You know us" Zack , gourmand and Danita come into view

At that Zack hung up

(Le time skip a month)

Chris was ordered to try and obtain the miniaturiser in which is past attempts were a fail. Whenever he failed to do something the villain ordered he wasn't fed . He walked into the tortuga seeing everyone was asleep he crept into the machine room ,which had aviva asleep in. He still had some control so he decided to put aviva to bed, unaware he woke his blue brother in the process. Chris grabbed the miniaturiser and put it in his fur he then walked over to Mel and nudged her so she would wake up. They cuddled for a bit till Chris heard Martin walk into the machine room where he and Mel were . Martin was unable to see Chris but that didn't mean Chris could not see Martin. The green brother pounced onto the blue brother and made a snarl sound , oblivious to the fact the bang of Martin landing on the ground made the others wake.

"Oh Martin it's just you"

"Chris?! What are you doing!?"

"Don't be scared" he said
"I won't hurt you" his eyes were turning brown
"I remember the promise we made as kids and intend to keep it" his eyes were full brown


A little boy around 5 was talking with another little boy around 4

"Hey Martin" the 5 year old said

"Yes Chris?" The other little boy said

"What if one day you and I separated like into different sides , like hero's and villains" Chris told his brother " and then I am ordered to do something bad to your team ,will you still be there for me when I need it"

"Of course so long as you promise to always protect me through thick and thin" Martin responded


Flashback ended

The blue Kratt bro was expecting anything but that "Chris what do you have?" He asked the brother of his that was on top of him

"The miniaturiser..." Chris responded

"Why did you join them anyway? You know the rest of the team hate you now even faith" Martin grabbed the miniaturiser

"I didn't want to ! Zack made me loyal to him and if I don't complete a command he won't feed me!"

"Why didn't you tell us before? And why don't you just run away?"

"It was the machine Zack built under my fur he has forgot to renew it but the tracker still works , and where would I go? I couldn't face you guys even if I wanted to" Chris whimpered "I tried to tell aviva but the machine wouldn't let me "

Koki heard Chris's voice and somehow she was the only one awake other than Martin. She heard every word and saw his eyes weren't red like every other time she has seen him for that past month. She felt sorry for Chris , she heard that he won't get fed without a complete mission and willingly gave the miniaturiser up anyway.

"Koki why are you up so early?" Koki was surprised that aviva was up as well , tho also nervous.

"Nothing just doing an early tortuga check"

Aviva than heard Chris's voice ,Grabbed the nearest scrap metal and threw it towards the voice unaware Martin was there and the scrap metal was heading for him. The next thing that happened was that Chris jumped into the line of the metal and Martin ,getting hit with it , the benefit was that Chris kept his promise and the machine Zack used to control him flew off. From his side came a bit of blood but nothing serious. Aviva yelled not screamed at the bleeding Chris to "get out!"

He ran out a trail of blood following him along with Martin but only till the edge of the forest. "No ,no ,no not again"

"What's the matter Martin?" Aviva reached for his shoulder but the blue Kratt moved away from her

"You made me brake it again." Martin quietly said "YOU MADE ME BRAKE OUR PROMISE AGAIN!" He yelled at her

"Promise? what promise?" Aviva argued

"The Promise We Made As Kids" Martin collapsed and began to sob "he protected me but due to your ignorance I couldn't help him like I promised to always do when he needed it even if we were on different sides"

Aviva was about to speak again when Martin ran into the forest in an attempt to find and help Chris.

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