Bird by the Window (Young Jus...

By onetwothreewriting

21K 381 458

(Nightwing x OC) (Young Justice Fanfiction) My name is Calypso, and I'm not a good girl. My father is Harvey... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Official Art and Official Costume Design
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter X
Chapter 14

Chapter 4

1.6K 30 45
By onetwothreewriting


UST 5:00AM

Luthor Mansion


I was amazed I woke up at 5:00. I slept at around 12:00 or 1:30?

After doing my morning duties, I went downstairs to train. Once I reached the training room, the first thing I realized was that Slade wasn't there. Maybe he was snoozing, since he went on a mission the previous night.

What went through my mind while I was kicking the punching bag was, "Damn, this joining the Team thing isn't so bad."

I was so damn excited for the proving mission later today, or tomorrow, you never know with superheroes.

"But then.... I'm going to betray them. Don't get excited. You'll leave them soon enough."

I felt a sinking feeling in my chest. What's this, guilt?

"No. You don't know them and they don't know you. This is your mission. You must fulfill it."

I was too busy bringing pain to the inanimate punching bag, I heard Slade's voice behind me. "You're early for someone who slept at one thirty."

I turned around, he was there. "That's your definition of good morning?" It was still odd seeing him in normal clothing, black t-shirt, black jeans and black combat boots.

"No. This is, Morning little sword."

"Morning Uncle." I said.

He went to the back of the punching bag to hold it still. "Slow reflexes."

"I slept at 1:30. What do you expect?" I continued to kick the bag.

"I don't sleep sometimes, I'm still at the top of my game."

"Well, you don't have homework." I punched the bag.

"I have to hack and research." He replied, holding the bag tighter. "That's my homework."

"Uh..." I couldn't think of anything to say, so naturally, I jumped and kicked the bag, harder than intended. The bag flew out of the hook on the ceiling and Slade absorbed the impact. And by absorbed I mean he flew back a little bit then fell down on the floor, the bag on top of him.

"How was that?" I asked and removed a lock of my hair from my face.

"Top-notch, perfect." He said as he pushed the 200 pound punching bag off him. "Although, it could've been stronger."

I rolled my eyes and helped him up. Ironically, he's about a foot taller than me.

"Hey, about your mission." He straightened his black t-shirt.

Here it comes. "What about it?"

"Are you willing to do it?"

I was surprised at the question, he's a perfect solider... Most of the time. "What do you mean by that?"

"I mean, in your heart, are you willing to do it?"

"Why, of all people, you, are asking me?" Since when did he mind if I wanted to do it?

"Because Calypso, I have no master." He crossed his arms.

"But you follow Dad's orders!" I protested.

"Only if I am willing to do so." He replied. "If I am not, I'll make up an excuse, deviate from the mission and find another way, follow my own rules or... sabotage the mission." He had venom in his words and had an evil twinkle in his eye.

I had no words left to say, he left me speechless, again. "So every time I heard you and Dad yelling... Was because, you didn't want to do or allow something."

"Yes." He said.

"But you're a perfect solider!"

"I am not. Soldiers have no choice but to obey orders from their superiors without question, no ifs and no buts. I on the other hand, I choose what orders to obey, I have no superior, and I can question anything I want. What about you? Are your orders something you want to do?"

I reflected, was I really willing to do that mission? Of course I was! It's for Dad and the Light, the people (or person) who considered me as family. But if Uncle was throwing this question....

"Of course I'm willing!" I replied. "Why wouldn't I be?"

Uncle studied me. "Okay..." His look made him look like he was thinking, "We'll see about that later."

"It's a mission, I will do it. I am willing to do it." I said firmly.

"Well just remember," He put his hands on my shoulders. "You make our own choices. No one can decide for you. Like a sword..." He stopped and grinned. "Speaking of which, I heard that's your name."

I blushed. "Yeah, it is."

"It's it because of the nickname I call you or some other excuse?"

"The nickname... And some of that excuse..."

"Well, little sword," he said. "Like a sword, it follows it's own path, regardless of whose using it."

"That makes no sense. Doesn't the wielder control the sword?" I scrunched my eyebrows.

"No. The purpose of the sword is what guides the wielder on what to use it for. If the sword is nothing special, then it can be used by anybody, if the sword is strong but weak at the center, it will last, but eventually after being used over and over and over again, it will break and be thrown away. If it is weak in both center and exterior, it will be surely used as scrap, given away, shattered, destroyed, and wasted." All of a sudden, Slade's eye sparkled with a different kind of light. "But a truly good, truly strong and truly sharp sword, is either put on display for everyone to admire and respect, be used honorably, be passed down from generation to generation as a symbol of strength or will stick by the true wielder's side, forever, even in death."

I dwelled on his words, I wonder what they meant? But it wasn't my concern yet.

"Wow Uncle Slade, never knew you could be so philosophical."

"I have my moments." He said with a grin.

"Yeah. You do. I treasure those moments."

"Now," he removed his hands from my shoulders. "You look like hell."

"Thank you."

"Go upstairs and clean up. Another thing I can't tolerate besides sloppy movements is a sloppy outside."

I sighed. "Fine." I started to walk the elevator.

Just as I reached the elevator, Slade called me. "Calypso, heads up."

I turned around just in time to catch a shurikein that should've hit the back of my head.

"Good luck. Don't make it obvious you're betraying the Team. And don't fail in your classes."

I laughed and pressed the elevator doors opened. "I won't. I learned from the best remember?"

I looked back at the elevators as they slid open. I clutched the shurikein in my hand, I went inside and imagined Uncle's smile as the doors slid shut.



UST 7:03AM

Gotham Academy


7:03AM. What. The. Hell. Three minutes late. Bruce does not tolerate even seconds late.

And neither do I.

I jumped out of the limo and muttered a thanks to Alfred. I speed-walked to the entrance.

"Maybe she's not there." I thought. "Maybe I'm early. And my watch is advanced."

I reached the entrance and saw that Calypso wasn't standing in the archway. "Yes!" I taught and made a fist and pumped it a little bit.

I was not expecting the ambush.

Thing is, no one (except Bruce and a few select people) can sneak up on me. I will detect them before they actually attack me.

But I didn't sense her.

She leaped out from the opposite side of the entrance and yelled. "YOU'RE LATE DICK GRAYSON!!!"

If it wasn't for my training, I would've leaped out of my skin. Thing is, I was actually shocked. And I flinched.

"Geez Calypso." I said, calming my always-active nerves. "Do not sneak up on me like that!"

"Sorry." She replied and put her hands in her skirt pocket. Her raven hair was in a single braid today, as it always was, it was swept over her right shoulder. Her eyes shone with mischief, making me think that she wasn't really sorry. She started to grin.

"What?" I asked, feeling a twitch in my lips.

"You were so calm..." She said. "I was expecting a violent reaction... But..." She covered her mouth.

"But what?"

She broke and she started to laugh. "Oh my God. You're face.... And you were so stiff too...." She continued to laugh. And I joined her.

After what seemed like a fit of laughing, we both finally regained our composure.

"Whew." She said with a smile. "I think that was about one-fourth of the laughing today." She said and straightened up. "So, let's go to the hall of damnation?"

"Of course." I made a gesture for her to go first. "Ladies first?"

She curtsied. "Why of course!" And she went forward.

I caught up with her and we walked to the hallway.


Calypso's POV

That day went by extremely slowly. Despite the fact that it was the first technical academic day, it was really slow.

Except for Homeroom. During HR, we had the votation for class officers.

"Hey." I sat down in my place, which was next to Dick, I had my ballot in hand.

"Hey." He continued to furiously write on his ballot.

I got my pen and wrote down the names of the people I wanted to win.

PRESIDENT: Richard Grayson (He's the only person I know. And the person I sort of trust anyway, and the person I know can lead, and the person I find physically attract- I mean, physically.... uh... fit?)

VICE-PRESIDENT: Calypso Dent Luthor (I know I know, good choice)

SECRETARY: Barbara Gordon (Not that I had a choice, all the other people were sucky)

TREASURER: Jon Blue (I had no idea who the frick who that was, I just remember seeing his name in the math club sign-up sheet)

As soon as I was done, I glanced over to Dick, who was also glancing over to me. He flashed a white-toothed grin. "Let's pass?"


We stood up and dropped out ballots in the ballot box, went back to our place and sat down.

We waited for the results.


"President, Richard Grayson." Read the teacher. The student in the board marked Dick's 10th vote. "Vice-President, Calypso Luthor." The student on the board marked my 10th vote. "Secretary, Barbara Gordon." Student marked Barbara's 8th vote. (Haha.) "Treasurer, Peter Johnson." Student marked his 7th vote.

It went on and on and on and on and on like that until...

"Okay!" The teacher tore up the last ballot. "Let's see who won." She turned to the blackboard. For President, Grayson: 40, Jorgenson, 1 and Sanchez, 1. Your class president again for this year is, Richard Grayson!"

The class cheered and clapped. "YES GRAYSON!" yelled someone. "Congrats!" yelled another. "Great Job!" cried another. And I heard some fangirls scream in excitement. (Wait, Dick has fangirls in our school? I'm his- erm... I mean, I'm the... uh...)

Dick stood up to be recognized. He had a bright smile on his face. "Thank you. I promise I'll try to make it a fruitful year. Let this class be the best class once again!" He said.

I bet the class loved him because everyone cheered after his short speech. (Except for the ones who lost against him.)

"Settle down!" Said the teacher. Dick sat back down. "Next, for Vice-President."

"Here it comes." I muttered.

"It's not like you'll lose." He smirked. "And I'd hate to not see you next to me, as my vice-president."

"Okay." I shrugged. "Just as your Vice-President."

"Wait no! That's not what I mean... I mean..."

"I know." I managed a smile.

"Luthor, 40, Gonzales, 1, McQueen, (yeah like Lightning McQueen), 1. Your Vice-President this year, and new student, Calypso Luthor!!!"

The class cheered.

The person beside me in our row clapped me in the shoulder. "Congrats newbie." Someone to the far right yelled, "CALIK IS CANON!!!" Another yelled, "DALYPSO FOR THE WIN!!"

I hoped I wasn't tomato. I stood up to be recognized. "Thank you. I haven't actually won in any election before, but I'll do my best, with my fellow officer Dick Grayson," I gestured to Dick.

Some people said "Ayeeeeeee!"

"and those to be elected as a class officer. We will work together to ensure a great year." I smirked. "But of course, no promises that nothing will go wrong or you won't be pranked or something."

The class laughed and I sat back down.

"Nice speech Calypso." Dick said.

"Dad's public speaking. I caught on some of it." I replied and cracked my neck.

"Even the no promises bit?"

"Well, about that...."

"For Secretary!" The teacher said loudly, just to calm the class down. "Gordon, 18, Smith, 12, Reyes, 10. Your secretary for this school year is.. BARBARA GORDON!"

The class cheered, but not quite as loud as when Dick and I won.

Babs stood up. "Thank you. I will help you all become the best class ever. With the help of my fellow officers, I'll do whatever what a secretary has to do."

She sat back down and the class clapped politely. (Haha)

"For Treasurer!" The teacher cried, probably wanting to finish the damn thing. "Svenson, 15, Johnson, 9, Blue, 18. Your secretary is John Blue!"

The class just clapped. They wanted this over with.

John stood up to be recognized. He had auburn hair and his green eyes were framed by black thin-rimmed glasses. "Thank you for electing me as treasurer. I'll do my best to keep your money."

He sat back down. Cue the polite clapping.

"Thank you officers." She looked at the clock. "Oh my. It's already time for your next class...."

She didn't finish her sentence, everyone got up and ran out the door. I packed as quickly as I could.

"Come on Calypso." I heard a voice . I turned and saw it was Dick just leaning against the doorway with his hands behind his head and a foot against the wall he's leaning on.

"Chill." I put my backpack on and went to him. "Not like we'll miss anything important."

Dick went back to his normal position. "I don't want to mess up my record of never late. So if you don't mind..."

"Yeah yeah." I said and passed him. "Let's go."

He went next to me.

"Last one there makes the excuse!" I said quickly and half sprinted towards our classroom.

"Dammit Calypso! This is not how a president and VP are supposed to act!" Dick cried behind me, but he ran as well.

I think I was laughing like a maniac. Dick was two steps behind me, he was gaining. So I decided, why not my full sprint?

I gave it my all in the last stretch. But amazingly, Dick was just one step behind me.

We finally reached the classroom and I placed my hand on the doorknob. Quickly after, Dick's hand was on the doorknob as well, well not exactly. His hand was on my hand. Which was holding the doorknob

He looked at me and smirked. "I win."

"You call that winning?" I asked him with a small laugh. "I got here first Dick Grayson." My cheeks taking on a very very light pink hue. Hardly noticeable. His hand was warm. I stared at our hands.

He followed my gaze. Were his cheeks turning pink too?

"Fine." He admitted and gave my hand a little squeeze. He looked back at me. "Let's just go inside."

And together, our hands still touching, we pushed open the door, and entered into the classroom.


The only entertaining time, was lunch. And Dick, I and Barbara, and we were just talking.

Well, Dick and I were talking, Barbara and I were bickering, and Barbara and Dick, well, they were pushing each other's buttons.

"Hey, do you normally take this long to keep your stuff Luthor?" Barbara asked impatiently beside me. We were just dismissed from our last class before Lunch. And since I live to annoy people, mainly Barbara, I decided to pack slowly.

"The more you talk Gordon, the longer it takes. I do enjoy seeing you upset." I replied while slowly putting my books and notebooks inside. I pack slow because if I wasn't trying to hide who I was, I would be the first out the door.

"Ugh! Everyone left already you turtle!"

"I'm still here you know!" Dick waved from the doorway. "Babs, lay off Calypso." He frowned. "Let her pack at her own pace."

"We might run out of food at the canteen!"

"Babs, we're in Gotham Academy. Food never runs out. And the food is top notch."


Dick raised a hand for her to shut up. "I want food as much as you do. But remember, you were this slow your first time here. And besides, everyone left just three minutes ago!"

"Three minutes is a long time."

"You have no patience." Dick said.

"How do you know?"

"You're my closest friend here at Gotham Academy Barbara." Dick smiled. "I know you."

"Ooh. Friendzoned." Muttered very quietly to myself.

Barbara fake smiled, obviously oblivious to my comment. "You're my closest friend too Dick."

I was trying very hard not to laugh. He doesn't like the daughter of the Commissioner, he likes me. I was smiling to myself.

Wait. Why did I feel happy?

Oh yeah, just because Babs got friendzoned. That's it.

"Hey beautiful," Dick called me. "Hurry up, or are you as slow as a turtle?

"Hey!" I said as I packed my bag. "I'm not that slow."

"Yes you are." Barbara huffed. She was clearly pissed off.

I shouldered my bag. "Come on. Let's go out."

Barbara went out first. "I'll save a seat. If there are some left anyway." She glared at Dick as she passed him.

"What?" He asked.

I went to Dick. "You're so clueless you know."


"Maybe I'm not the turtle."

"Wait what?" He stood up straight now, no longer leaning on the doorway.

I slapped his arm.

"Ow!" He rubbed it. "What was that for?"

I laughed. "Come on. Let's go."

Dick looked at me with an eyebrow raised then he sighed. "Okay." He sighed. Then he glanced at me with his blue eyes. "Last one there throws the trash!"

Pushed me gently and ran down the hallway.

"Hey!" I shouted with a huge smile on my face. "That is not how a President should act!" I mocked him from earlier this morning.

"Who cares? I'm an immature thirteen year old!" He called back.

I laughed and chased after him.

He was ahead of me now, unfair, since he got a really big head start.

Dick stood in front of the canteen doors about to open them.

"Wait up!" I ran my full sprint towards him, I was sprinting faster.

"DICK!" I laugh-shouted

He turned, "Calypso! It's slippery! Watch out!"

"Wha-" I looked around and saw a SLIPPERY WHEN WET SIGN.

Dammit. The floor was glistening and shining near Dick. And that's when I lost my focus.

I slipped there and slammed into Dick.

The canteen doors opened as we fell through.

"Ugh." I said. The first thing that came into my mind was, "Is the floor here this soft?"

I opened my eyes to see bright blue ones staring back at me.

We had fallen over, and I was on top of him. "Uh..." I felt my cheeks get pink.

"You're such a klutz Luthor." Dick lifted his head a bit so that his face was inches from mine. "I like it." He started laughing.

So naturally, I laughed and got off of him. I reached out my hand. "Come on. Let's go."

He took it and I helped him up.

"Why is it always I'm the one to help you up?" I asked him as I let go of his hand.

"Maybe because you want me move up the ladder?" He smiled. He was so close to me.

"Maybe." I said. Then I realized it was too quiet.

Dick must have realized it too. "Why is it so...?"

I looked pass him and saw all the people in the canteen were staring at us. And the worst part was that some of them were holding cameras. Smartphones. I saw Barbara glaring at me from a far table. That's what you get for leaving early Gordon.

He turned around and saw them too. "Hey!" He said. "Never seen a girl and a boy fall through the canteen doors? Go back to your business!"

Slowly, the people, after snapping a picture or two, went back to their conversations. The sound in the canteen grew louder and louder.

The canteen had baby blue, black and wood tables everywhere. There was the food section just next or somewhat next to the door. The display case had a glass window and a metal frame. The gourmet food was lit up by the light inside, making it more appealing.

"Come on." He said and gestured to then food place. "Let's go get food."

"Okay." I walked with him. "Is this the kind of popularity you get Grayson?"

He shrugged. "Sometimes. But never with a girl."

"Wait wait wait wait." I said. "So you're telling me, you never hung out with a girl, or had a "school-wide controversy" with a girl?"


"Wow." I said. "A guy like you? No girl."

"Why is it so hard to believe Luthor?" He sighed. "And what do mean by a guy like me?" He got a tray.

"Uh...." I hoped I wasn't blushing. Again. I grabbed a tray. "B..because you flirt a lot."

"What? Just because I flirt with you, most of the time, doesn't mean I want to be with every girl I meet." He gave the tray to the lunch lady. "It means I want to be with you." He continued to walk forward.

"I know." I gave the tray. "You made that clear when we made the ladder agreement."

He smirked and continued to file along. "Well, then why don't you make it easier for me."

"I'll never make things easy." Which was true, since I'll betray the Team, I never make things easy.

"Damn." He got his tray from the second lunch lady. "I thought it would be easier."

"No it won't." I got my tray, it was loaded with food. For today there was a small salad with honey mustard dressing. The main course was lasagna, vegetable lasagna with a side of garlic bread. The drink was a Coke, and they gave us a glass too. Then for dessert, as if the coke wasn't sweet enough, a green tea ice cream scoop.

Oh yeah, and there were utensils wrapped in tissue next to the plate with the lasagna.

"Fine." He walked out of the line with me behind him. "But how about you? Have any old significant udders?"

"Nope." I replied, popping the P. "I rarely go out that much."

"But out of the country-"

"You know what I mean by out, like other places, without my dad's instructions or a butler and maid with me. Or..."

"I get the point. The theoretical out is whelming."


"Yeah like, overwhelmed and underwhelmed, people aren't just whelmed now a days." We weaved through the tables to get to ours.

"Wait so you're saying that in your dictionary, whelmed means... Not whelmed just normal."

"Yup." He replied.

"That's not grammatically correct."

"I know. I'm funny that way."

"Yeah, funny and charismatic and cu- cool."

"Wait. Were you just about to say I was cute?"

"No!" I protested.

"Yes you were." He pushed me a bit with his shoulder.

"No I wasn't!"

"Anyway, since you aren't going to admit I'm cute because I am pretty cute, I know I'm funny, charismatic? Well, I can make friends easily. But cool? Never heard that."






"Okay fine. But why do you think I'm cool?"

"I don't know. It's cool being valedictorian for your class..."


"Whatever, and it's cool being elected for president each year."

"Well, if you put it that way, I suppose it's true." he looked at our table. "Heya Babs!"

"Hi." She said and popped another piece of food in her mouth.

Dick sat down beside her and I sat across the both of them. Dick immediately started chowing down on his food.

Nah. They don't look good together.

Maybe if she had raven hair.... WAIT NO.

"So, did we take so long Gordon?" I asked sarcastically.

"No." She said. "But frankly I guess you love making a scene. And now your pictures are scattered all over Twitter."

"And Instagram." Dick said while holding a fork with salad leaves and while holding his phone in his other hand. "And Facebook and... Wow, there's a Vine already?" He tapped a few times. "And... okay... A YouTube video."

He showed me a video of the both of us slamming through the canteen doors and landing on each other and laughing.

He kept his phone. "We're famous!"

"You're already famous stupid." Babs continued to eat.

"I know." He was already almost finished with his salad. "So is Calypso."

"Yeah I know, she's the daughter of Lex Luthor, who's competing against Bruce Wayne."

"She's still here." I started to eat. "And besides." I got my phone, careful not to activate the holographic ability. "Twitter's piling up. I have a lot of new followers already. And hate."

Dick brought out his phone. "Oh yeah. Damn. That's cool."

"It's not the first time." Barbara said. "Last time that happened when you were... Talking to Calypso, NOT on your DM's."

"I was there." He said.

"No shoot." I replied.

Barbara yelped. I looked at her and saw that she spilled her coke on her her tissue. "Oh Dick." She batted her lashes. "Can you get tissue for me? And water possibly?"

He grunted. "Get it yourself Babs."

"Not fair!" She slapped his arm.

"What? I get your stuff all the time."

"Just tissue and water. Please?"

He sighed. "Anything for you friend."

He got up and left the table.

Immediately, Barbara turned her attention on me and glared. "You have no idea how lucky you are."

"Lucky?" I said.

"You know what I'd give to be in your position?"

"Your virginity?"

"Yes! No! Wait what?"

I started laughing. "Can't believe this."

"Ugh! I've been his best friend since we were kids. How are you, someone he just met not even a month ago be the person of interest for him already?"

"Maybe the both of you weren't compatible." I calmly continued eating. "Maybe he just saw you as his closest friend."

"But a best friend is closer than the closest friend and the girlfriend is closer than the best friend."

"So?" I replied. "You have a crush on him, I don't care. 12th graders have a crush on him, I don't care either. But, he likes me and wants to move up the theoretical ladder, to becoming more than my best friend."

She crossed her arms. "I don't like you."

"The feeling is mutual."

Dick came back holding a glass of water and a lot of tissue. "Hey."

He looked back and forth between me and Barbara. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing." Barbara said and glared at me for a second before turning her face into a "thank you now love me" face while looking at Dick. "Thank you."

"Welcome." He said and set down the things on the table. Then he sat down.

"So." He picked up his utensils. "Let's finish up so we can go?"

"Yeah. About that," I held up the ice cream. "I don't like this."

"What?" Dick looked at me like I was an alien. "Someone as beautiful as you, doesn't like ice cream?" He pouted. That was really cute.

I mean weird. Not cute.

Barbara looked like she wanted to burn a hole in her plate, which is impossible considering she's not Superman. She also wanted to snap her fork.

Which is also not possible because she's not me.

"Well, not at the moment." I set the ice cream cup down on his tray. "For you."

"No." He got the cup and set it down on Barbara's tray. "It's yours."

"Thank you." Barbara replied and began to eat it.

A slut and a greedy person. Why am I not surprised?

So we ate our lunch, talked, bickered and etc. As the bell rang, signifying five minutes before class starts, I had to throw all the trash, even Barbara's wet tissues with God knows what in it.

I had to put the trays away too.

Afterwards, we headed to our next class.



4:40 UST


After the Boring Ages, I walked out of the school and headed to the gate with Dick. Barbara went really ahead this time.

"Where are you going after this?"

Dick shrugged. "Home first maybe."

"Okay." I said. "Me too. What do you do after school anyways?"

"I don't know. I just do whatever I'm told to do."

"Really?" I remembered my talk with Uncle that morning. "No questions asked?"

"I'm not a solider. But I do my best."

"But, let's just say, you hate what you're supposed to do. Would you still do it?"

"Thats a hard question." He said and put his hands behind his head. "But I guess it depends on the cause."

We walked out the school and went to our separate cars.

"See ya tomorrow beautiful." Said Dick as his butler opened the door.

"See Ya." I said with a smile. Mercy opened my car door.

I slid inside and Mercy slid into the driver's seat. She gave me a smirk that I saw through the rear view mirror.

"What?" I asked.

She just smiled to herself and stared straight ahead.

"It depends on the cause." I muttered. "Disobeying orders depends on the cause."

I wondered on his words until I arrived at my house.



UST 18:00


I went home, changed into my outfit, fixed my hair, got on my motorcycle, and left for Mount Justice. I arrived at Mount Justice at that time just so I won't go home as late as the previous day.

Yeah. I know what you're thinking. One hour. Big deal.

Anyway, I walked into the Cave. It was completely empty except for a small figure in a black cape, standing there and using the holo-computer in the center. Robin.

I walked to him and said, "Hey."

He didn't even look back. "You're here." Yeah screen casting a light blue light on his face.

"Gee." I said and stood next to him. "I thought the Boy Wonder would have some manners."

"I'm busy." He said and continued to furiously type on the computer. "People don't have manners when they're busy."

"Yeah right." I looked at the holo-screen. "What are you even doing?"

"Research." He still wasn't looking at me.


"You're nosy for a newbie."

"Well you're nosy."

"That's because I'm a detective. I'm supposed to be nosy."

"I thought Batman is the "World's greatest detective."" I made quotation marks in the air.

"Yeah. But I'm his protege. So I'm the second best."

"No. Sherlock is."

"Sherlock takes thrice longer than Batman, and twice as long as me to figure out things."

"Sherlock didn't have hacking gadgets." I gestured to his glove-computer and I tapped my black watch. "They weren't invented yet."

"The bad guys didn't have gadgets either." He replied. Damn, he still not going to look at me?

"What's the connection?" I studied the screen.

"The connection is that, now, the bad guys have gadgets, so we do too, and then they didn't have gadgets, neither did we."

I nodded. "You have a point. But Sherlock uses tiny clues." I continued to study the screen.

"That's why we have camera-computers that can serve as a magnifying glass, scanner, microscope and etc."

"This debate is going nowhere."

"No it isn't." He smiled and continued to type. "Just proves your losing the debate and I am better than Sherlock."

"Sherlock had a whole book about him. Books actually."

"Does Sherlock have merchandise?"


"Like during his time."

"Erm.... No..."

"Well, if I do say so myself, I have some merchandise."

I rolled my eyes. "Like two or three t-shirts."

"Hey! I have more than that!"

I snickered, "Okay Boy Wonder. You're still not better than Sherlock."

"He has a better fashion sense."

He scoffed. "No. Sneakers or rubber shoes, a pair of jeans with a shirt under a jacket and really dark sunglasses are pretty fashionable."

"Is that what you call fashionable?"

"It's my casual wear when I'm with the Team."

"What about outside?"

"Minus the sunglasses."

"So you wear the dark sunglasses in replacement for your mask?"

"Yes. I'm not allowed to reveal my secret ID. Yet anyway."


"Well, Batman told me not to, but," he shrugged. "Maybe I will, to the people I trust."

Great. Just great. "Same here." I replied, but I wasn't planning to anyway.

We stood there in silence for a while until I finally fully studied what he was researching on. "Why are you researching on the League?" I asked him. "You're practically WITH the League."

"I can't use way too detailed, not public and confidential information for school." He smiled at the screen, then his smile disappeared and he looked down at the holographic keyboard, casting a more intense shade of blue on his face.

"You... Need it for school?"

He was still typing. "Yeah. Need it for a project." He bit his lip.

"What project?" I asked him, I was still looking at the screen. So far, there were just pictures of the League, fighting and doing heroic deeds.

"Extra credit start of the school year project." He replied quickly. He looked back up at the screen.

I was confused. That was our (optional) project too. Which by the way, I'm doing as well. "So, all schools have to study about the League?"

"Yeah." He replied. "It's an important part of our history."

"Oh." I said. "I'm doing a project on the League as well." Robin's whole body tightened. "So, all schools have to do a project on the League?"

"All schools usually have to do it. And are usually assigned at the start of the year."

I shrugged. I'm out of school. And I'm talking about school. "Okay then."

He sighed, his body relaxed and after a few minutes of typing and looking and sliding and stuff, he typed really really fast and put down the hologram computer. "That's good enough."

"What did you do?"

"I emailed the necessary info to myself."

"Oh. Okay. Then, if that's all you needed to do, then why don't you use your arm computer?" Dammit! I could've looked at what he was typing. It might have been his personal email!

But even if I did, he typed it too fast and it disappeared too fast.

"I enjoy big screens Sword." He finally looked at me through his white one-way lenses. "Problem?"

"No. Of course not." I smirked. "I'm just amused that you enjoy big screens."

"Batman likes big-screens too."

"That's not the point."

"Okay, enough about big screens." He said. He studied me, he tilted his head a bit.

I looked at my body "What are you looking at?"

"Your costume. It's nice."

I hoped I wasn't blushing. "Thank you."

"I'm not a blue person, but your costume is cool."

"Fabric grows to fit my needs until I die. All of the fabric. Even the mask."

"Wow. That's impressive. Where did you get it?"

"My uncle." I replied flatly. "I get everything from him."

"Really?" He was getting interested. "And who is your uncle?"

"I'm entitled to a secret ID Robin." I crossed my arms. (Good job Calypso.) "You won't tell me who your uncle is, because it would lead to me figuring out your secret ID."

"Touché Sword." He looked at the sword at my side. "Speaking of which, is that a katana? And that sheath, it's heavily detailed. Who- your uncle?"

"Yup." I gripped the hilt. "He made it." I smiled.

"DAMMIT STOP OPENING UP!" I scolded myself mentally. "He'll figure out who you are!"

"Can I.... See it?" He asked cautiously. Maybe he noticed my knuckles turn white.

"Okay." I drew my sword. I glided smoothly out of the sheath. The blade shone in the artificial light.

I held the hilt with both hands. "This is my blade."

Robin walked around me as I held it. "First rate craftsmanship." He reached the side where my initials are carved. Please don't see it. Please don't see it.

"What's this?" My blood turned to ice. He stepped closer to the blade. "DWL?"

I had to use all my willpower to not sigh out of relief. He made the mistake of thinking it was just "DWL" like I had.

"Um... It's...." There was only one solution to this. I was facing forwards, so I just brought my blade a centimeter from his neck.

"Woah." He made no gesture of defending himself. "If you don't want to tell me, it's fine."

"Don't research on it." I glared/squinted through my one-sided white lenses. "I keep track of whoever is looking up my name."

"What? Do you have this thing where you can see who and what is looking up anything related to you?"

I gave him a knowing smile. "Maybe."

He didn't falter. "I can hide, so no promises that I won't research." He had the guts to smirk and using his padded glove, pushed my sword away from his neck a bit.

"You little..." I crouched down tried to trip him with my leg but he dodged and jumped back.

"Oh. So it's sparring now?" He smiled. "Beat me, and I swear I won't research on you."

I sheathed my sword. "I was equal to Black Canary. What makes you think you can take me down?"

He spread his arms. "She doesn't know some of my tricks."

I smiled. "Deal."

"With or without weapons?"

"Are you seriously asking me that?"

"No. I want to fight you with."

I shrugged. "It's your life."

He smiled. "I'll just get a sword." He ran down a corridor.

I sighed and went to the other side of the center circle.

"Dammit." I muttered. "How do I get info?" I looked around. I opened my watch-computer and hacked into the system, concealing myself properly. "La la la la la." I sang softly as I scrolled through their files. It was very interesting. I found some of their plans and strategies. They were the completely useless, (well some of them only, like two or three), so obvious (two or three only.)

Maneuvers and stuff. The unless ones are something Uncle would tease me for getting info so unless and scold me for getting that info in the risk I'll be caught.

But I'm a rebel, so I emailed the files to Uncle Slade. It's a secure email.

It doesn't even exist on the online grid.

I kept scrolling and scrolling and browsing and browsing and looking until something caught my attention. "This is interesting." I said and I chose a folder labeled "Watchtower". There was a picture of an asteroid-hotel hybrid. "What the hell is this?" I opened a few more files. I read one:

CONFIDENTIAL (whoops. My bad)



"That sounds ominous." I said then looked down the hallway where Robin ran, not there yet.



"What?" I was shocked. They had their secrets. I was about to read more when I heard footsteps go down the hallway.

"Crap." I downloaded the file, emailed it to Uncle and just as it finished, Robin appeared out of the hallway.

Yeah. My computer is that fast.

"I have it!" He ran to his side. He was holding a katana. Nothing special. Brown hilt, silver blade that is not as sharp as mine.

"You ready?" I asked the eager bird in front of me as I drew my blade. "I'll treat this like an actual match, against bad guys..." I slightly cringed at my words. I am with what they call bad guys. But... Robin and the others are our version of bad guys. But still... Makes me feel uneasy to refer to us as bad guys. We're not. We just serve a different cause.

Control the uncontrollable. Make us the leaders of a better world. Make the world reach the Light.

At least, that's how Dad put it.

"And whatnot." I continued. "So if I hurt you, it's part of it. but I'll do my best to keep you from getting cuts."

"Aww." He said with a smirk. "You're a softie."

"I said I'll do my best." I gave him a small smile and pushed away my thoughts. "I'm just going to have fun. There is no guarantee that you will not get hurt.

He held his sword with two steady hands. His arms didn't shake. Probably he does lots of arm works. "Fun?" He said. "Well, let's see if you still

"Then I'll protect myself from you." He said and he looked ready.

I held my sword in front of me with both hands. "On three."

"On three or after three?" He teased.

"One." I said and I ran to him and I slashed.

He acted quick and blocked my attack that was supposed to tear his top.

"Whoa. You said three!"

"A good swordsman must be ready all times." I said and pushed his blade away he moved back.

I whirled and attacked him. He managed to parry my attack. He pushed me and I moved back, but not as far as him when I pushed him. I actually moved just a foot or less even.

"Not to shabby Robin." I said and blew a loose strand of hair from my face.

"I was trained by Batman. What did you expect?"

"You weren't really specialized in swords were you?" I went at him again.

He barely managed to block that attack to his head, I almost felt bad.

"No." He said as he lifted pushed my sword off his. I was forced back.

"But he gave me basic lessons." He said and this time came at me.

"Basic?" I said as I caught his strike. "This is kinda above basic." I disentangled my sword from his.

"Really?" His face brightened.

"I mean like beginner basic, not my level basic." I teased.


"See." I ran to him. "It comes in the name." I attacked and our blades formed a cross as I tried to push him. My face was literally inches from his.

"How do you like fighting this close?" He asked.

"It's normal, more intense." I smiled, this was a small challenge, you should see me with Uncle Slade. I literally have no time to pause. Much less talk. We just spar and spar and spar and spar.

It ends up with me on the floor his sword on my chest or neck as he lectures me, him on the floor my sword at his chest or neck as I make fun of him, both of us on the floor panting and completely exhausted, both with a blade positioned at each other's throat, one holds the other's sword and holds it at his or her throat or chest, sword gets disarmed, and all the other sword

Going back, Robin smirked. "You specialize in close combat?"

"I do well in all forms. But my favorite is the sword." I retained my smile. "And I'll show you why."

His smirk faded as I pushed him back, farther this time, ran to him, whirled and hit him in the chest with the butt of my sword.

He swung his sword and I easily deflected it and disarmed him. His sword flew across the room.

"What the-" he started and stared at his sword. He was distracted.

I cut him off and tried to trip him. This time, because he was shocked I disarmed him. He fell and hit the hard ground.

Before he could get back up I sat on his stomach. My blade hovered and inch above his chest.

"Argh." He groaned. "You win."

I grinned. "So you won't research?"

"Ugh. Yeah." He replied and placed his arm in a position that looked like he was taking the pledge. "I solemnly swear I'm up to all good."

I got off him and stood up. I stuck out my hand.

"Good match Boy Wonder." I said.

He took my hand and I pulled him up. "You too."

I let go of his hand. "Thanks."

"I think I should just put back the sword..."

"Yeah go."

He ran to his sword and picked it up. He ran down the corridor.

I sighed and sheathed my sword. "You can't start feeling things Calypso." I muttered. I was starting to like this Robin guy, as a friend I mean. I have a guy already trailing me.

As soon as his shadow disappeared, Superboy and Miss Martian Zeta-ed in.

"See, Superboy? We just needed a leg stretch." Miss Martian said. She entered with Caucasian skin instead of her green skin, and human clothes.

Few steps in, she morphed into her "hero" outfit.

"Yeah, I suppose." Said the blue-eyed clone. They walked towards where I was standing.

"I think we should do this more often." Miss M's eyes sparkled with excitement.

"What's this?"

"Hang out. Since we both live in the cave and stay in all the time. We're allowed to go around remember?"

"Yeah, like the time you brought us out during that Mr. Twister phase."

"That was a fiasco. I was such a failure."

"I told you you did okay."

"You were just reassuring me."

"I meant it. If it wasn't for you, that stupid robot would still be around."

Her green cheeks stained a light coral color. "T-thanks."

"So we like, go out of the cave and do stuff other than missions and pretend to be normal?"

"Well, we're both aliens. So yes."

"I haven't been anywhere much, haven't had much fun. I like that idea." He gave her a smile and she blushed a bit.

They look cute together. I thought to myself. I ship them.

They stopped talking when they saw me.

"You're here." Said Miss M.

I shrugged with open arms. "Yeah. I'm here."

Superboy studied me. Can't blame him, I do look suspicious. "Where's Robin? We left him here. He was, researching or some sort."

"Oh, we sparred." I held the hilt of my sword. "He's just putting back his sword."

"Who won?" Miss M asked.

"I did." I said monotonously.

"You?" Superboy said incredulously.

"Yeah." I said. "I suppose you don't believe me."

"No. I mean, it's obvious you used swords. And your name is Sword, so you obviously won."

"I guess." I replied.

"Where are the others?" Asked M'gann.

"Not here yet." I said.

"Not-" Superboy was cut off by three zeta tubes lighting up.

"Here." He finished.

From one came Artemis, the next came KF.

Aqualad was still a no show. He was still in Atlantis.

"I'm here baby!" Kid Flash shouted and ran to us. He eyed me. "And you're here too."

"Yes. I am perfectly aware I am here." I crossed my arms.

"Kid Flash." Artemis walked to us. "Always making a loud entrance."

KF looked at Artemis. "Oh, look, Artemis, walking in all arrogant and annoying."

"If I didn't know better, you're talking about yourself." Artemis came back at KF.

"Why you-"

"Stop it Wally." Miss M chided.

"Who's team leader here?" I asked. "You?"

"Oh no, definitely not. None of us. It's Aqualad." She replied.


"Where is Robin?" She asked me.

"Oh, he's coming. He's just putting back the sword."

"Why did he need a sword Sword?" KF laughed at his play on words.

"We sparred." I said, very annoyed on having to say it twice.

"Whoa. You guys sparred who won?"

"I did."

"No way!" KF smiled. "Now I can tease my best friend!"

"You guys are best friends?"

"Yeah babe"

"Do not call me babe."

"Fine. Cool." He put his arm across M'gann's shoulders. "You know, I have a thing for green and red and black." Superboy looked annoyed, and flashed that annoyed look at Kid Flash. But Kid Flash didn't notice.

Superboy likes M'gann. And M'gann, obviously likes Supey.

I'm shipping them.

I'm shipping the people I will betray.

I shook my head, erasing the thoughts. The more I think about it, the more obvious it will be that I'll betray them. Just do it naturally.

"The world will end the day Kid Flash stops flirting with girls." Artemis teased him.


"Kid Flash!"

I heard footsteps behind me. I turned and saw Robin going to us.

"Seems everyone is here." He said and stood beside me. "Now all we're missing is..."

The Zeta tube lit up and Batman came out.

"Small mission." He glided across the cave, his black cape flowing behind him and his face and cowl as intimidating as ever. "All of you have to go."

"Batman!" KF spread his arms. "It's a small mission! Why do we all have to go?"

"Because I said so." He replied, not even looking at KF and went to the center of the sparring, holographic, I-don't-know-anymore circle.

A screen came up. "Recon at LexCorp."

I caught my breath. Robin glanced at me. "What's wrong?"

"Oh nothing." Just that I'm infiltrating my father's place at his work time! Why did the Batman choose this mission? Does he know? No, he can't possibly know.

Robin went back to staring at Batman.

"You will infiltrate the main building in Metropolis." He showed a hologram of LexCorp's main building. Naturally, the one my dad is in now. Couldn't be the warehouse in Texas? I like that warehouse. Its empty and not high security. Oh well. Main building? Challenge accepted.

"Then you will go down to the bottom levels, meaning the sub-levels and get information." Batman gestured to the bottom levels and the sub levels. "LexCorp has been producing weapons that are available to the military and their other sources less than the usual. We suspect it might be involved with the Light's plans. The less production may be the cause of extensive focus on other weaponry or technology."

Damn. This guy is good. No wonder he's named worlds greatest detective. That's exactly what Dad is planning, a slight less in normal (as normal as it can be) weapons for more focus on the real objective.

Of course. Batman's wrong, but not too far from the truth.

I clenched my fists. Okay. Maybe he'll be in his upper office. The one at the very top. Doing paperwork.

"We need to see what is happening. This is strictly recon. Do not attack unless necessary." Batman said firmly. "We need to find out the Light's plans before they figure out ours."

I gripped the hilt of my sword. "They already have. Well, some of them anyway. Like five or more. Not all of your plans. I was only able to hack and read Level 1 Confidentiality. Meaning, the ones known by the League and select few." I thought to myself.

Hey, I had a couple of minutes only. I can hack until level ten onwards in a minute, but I can't read, then scan, then send them all in a couple of minutes.

"Any other suggestions or instructions Batman?" Asked Robin.

"You will be using your respective motorcycles to get to Metropolis. But be quiet. No tricks." Batman glanced at Robin and I.

Robin pursed his lips and tried to suppress a smile.

I wanted to curse so badly. I know my way around. I have to pretend I don't know.

"Sword." Batman looked at me.

I crossed my arms. "Yes?"

"This is your proving mission. Do this wrong or do anything to jeopardize the mission or show that you are not worthy," he squinted-glared at me. "we will not allow you to join the Team, and we will see you as an enemy, since your attempt at joining us will be foreseen as an attempt to infiltrate our system. This will be done because you have chosen to not reveal your secret ID."

"I won't do anything wrong." I replied. Dammit. He assumes a lot. But his presumptions are somewhat accurate.

"Good." He looked at the entire Team. "Go. After you are finished with the mission, report back to me here in the Cave and you will be dismissed."

"Let's go." Robin said and ran towards the hallway going to the hangar.

All of us followed him.



19:30 UST



"Okay. Move." I said. We got off our motorcycles and removed our motorcycle clothes. We hung them on the bike.

Our motorcycles were parked behind the LexCorp main building. There was a back door.

We went to it and Artemis was about to open it when I stopped her and pointed to the alarm system/security code keypad next to it.

I pulled a USB cord from my mini computer in my glove and hacked the security code.

"Anyway now Boy Wonder." I heard Sword mutter over my shoulder.

"Shaddup." I said through gritted teeth as I finished hacking the system. The light on the security keypad turned green and I heard the whirring of gears. I removed the cord and tried to open the door.

Of course it was locked.

I used my finger pick to pick the lock and the door unlocked.

"Haha. Success." I said. "Everyone stay whelmed."

"Whelmed." She repeated, like it was foreign to her. Or not new.

"Yeah. Whelmed, normal, like not overwhelmed with things." I opened the door slowly and silently. "But come on, let's go."

We went in and Artemis closed the door. The place that we entered was a metal hallway lit by fluorescent lights.

And it was completely empty.

"Okay." I opened my computer, I opened a 3D diagram of the building. "We're here, on the first floor."

"Great." Sword muttered. "That is the busiest floor."

"How do you know?" I looked at her and projected just the first floor.

"Duh. This is the entrance. The lobby and reception for clients are always on the first floor. And you do know late Luthor stays up right?"

"She has a point." Superboy. He crossed his arms. "How do we get past?"

"Well," I studied the floor plan some more. "Here. There is a secret elevator down this hallway at the first right."

So we were in the place where the employees enter.

And almost all employees are Lex's hand picked minions."

"Really?" M'gann asked. "Then we should go!"

"I'm gonna push the button!" Kid Flash ran down the hallway and took a right.

"KF wait!" I cried, but he was already gone. I sighed and ran my fingers through my hair. "Okay. There were no traps anyway since its still operating hours."

"Let's move." Sword said.

I nodded and we ran towards the elevator.

We reached it and saw that KF was inside the elevator impatiently holding the open button.

"You move so slow." Kid Flash remarked.

"Yeah, because we don't move at the speed of sound.

I scanned the elevator. "High speed elevator. Like the one in Cadmus.As I said before, not found in buildings like this."

We went in and I opened my holo-computer again. "Dude. Sub-level 75." I examined the floor. "It's the data storage labs."

Sword drew in a breath. She looked nervous and she was holding her sword hilt, her knuckles pale.

The second time tonight. I wonder why.

"Okay." He took his finger off the open button and hit Sub-level 75.

The doors slid shut and we began our speedy descent.



Stupid. Stupid. Stupid! Why did I did I have to look nervous? Now he suspects.

I have to stop.

I continued to watch the numbers count up. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10...

I released my sword hilt. "This is going to take a while."

"I'm the impatient one." KF said to me. "Not you."

"Well, sorry. Not really. Actually I'm not." I teased him.

"Both of you are equally as annoying. I was already annoyed when I saw you for the first 5 seconds." Arremis leaned on the wall.

"Whatever Arrow Girl." KF teased.

"Artemis." She said through gritted teeth.

"It's not like I don't know."

"With the way you act, I think you don't."

"It's a joke Art!"

"That was sarcasm Kid Flash."

Superboy leaned casually against the wall next to M'gann while she was staring at him.

I looked at Robin, he was so focused with the diagram of sub level 75.

"What's down here?" He muttered. "Information about what?"

I looked over his shoulder and studied it too. It's amazing on how technology evolved to analyze the entire building, get the entire floor plans and see a diagram of each and every single floor.

"I can't hack the system from here." He muttered again. "I need direct contact."

"What are you looking at?" I asked him although I knew.

"3D diagram of sub-level 75. Want to know where to go."

"It's just a big room." I said. "What's there to look at?"

He sighed. "There are two elevators, one of them is this one, while the other leads straight to Luthor's office."

The one I use. "And your point is...?"

"My point is, that-"

He was cut off by the sweet sound of the ding of the elevator.

"We're here." Robin said. And it made sense if you add the part he was cut off. "Miss M, put up the link."

Miss M closed her eyes concentrated for a bit. I felt a presence in my mind. "Link established." I heard her in my head.

"I'm still not over this." I thought.

"You and me both." Artemis muttered.

The doors opened to reveal a dimly lit room with computers lining the walls, different types of tech in shelves, file cabinets, and a few people manning the computers on one side and milling around.

This is where Uncle Slade sometimes gives me hacking lessons.

"Hide!" Hissed Miss M and disappeared-ish in her Martian camouflage. Easy for her.

Robin and I darted to the other side while KF, Artemis and Superboy darted to another.

Thank God no one noticed us.

"KF, and Art," Robin thought. "Go to those file cases and take what you can. Superboy and Ms. M, defense, watch our backs.

"Got it." KF and Art went to the cabinets and Ms. M and Supey stayed in the corner and took watch.

"You and I," Robin said out loud. "We hack."

We moved/crawled towards the computers on the side with no people.

"Why the hell are there no people here?" I asked him in the mental link.

"Because," he replied. "Maybe this side has the faulty computers."

"Or.." I started, "They need the other side to work on something and this side to do otherwise."

"Point." He looked at them as we kept crawling. "What are they planning?"

I took a conscious effort to not think, "Your Doom."

"I don't know." I replied.

"Great. Just great."

"Will you two shut the front door?!" I heard Wally in my head. "Mental link is for things we all need to hear, not you two super geniuses at hacking."

"Hey." I heard Robin's voice. This was getting really weird now. "At least you know what we're doing."

"Fine!" Wally said. "But if it's hacking time, I don't want to ears anything."

"Shut up Wally!" I heard Artemis. "You two are bickering like an old couple."

"Well because I live to be annoying."

"Well, maybe you should live to be something else."

"Extremely annoying?"

There was a brief silence.

"OW!" Wally cried in the link. "Art!"

"That's what you get." I think Artemis hit the poor speedster.

"Ugh. This is worse than my super-hearing." I heard Superboy. "Both of you are running through way to many insults."

"Okay guys, enough. Bicker out load, talk out loud, but in a whisper. Got that?" Ms. M spoke. "Ok the Martian and I'm getting annoyed."

"Well, you look beautiful when you're annoyed." Wally said a bit dreamily. I guess we weren't supposed to hear that.

"We heard that!" Artemis, Superboy, Robin and I said (thought?) at the same time.

"Oh man." Wally said.

As we kept crawling, I looked around at the familiar surroundings, the computer I just passed was the one I practiced on, and the computer on the far end with the cracked screen and keyboard broken in half was the one I broke the first time I tried hacking, it was hard.

"Where do we stop?" I asked out loud this time.

"Here." He stopped in front of the biggest computer on our side. "Let's hack."

I pulled a cord from my watch and plugged it in. Robin did the same with his glove computer.

We started hacking.

The thing is, I don't need to hack into LexCorp systems. I can get all the files I want. This is because I am permanently the bug in the system. I hacked in, and I can't hack out.

No really.

I hacked in too much, I really can't get out of the system. I did that when I was bored.

So I had to pretend I was having a hard time. And it would take me a bit long to get in.

"Dammit." I said as I "furiously" typed on the holo keyboard. "Encryption is tough here."

"Try hacking JLA systems, they're easier than this." Robin was way too concentrated on his screen.

"Yeah, because you're already with the JLA."

"Whatever Sword."

I watched him because once he's in, I should be in a minute later.

"Anywhere near?"

"Almost got it..." He typed a bit more. Then all of a sudden, a small, red copy of his face with a devilish smirk plastered across his face, popped up on screen.

"What. The. Hell. Is. That?" I stared at his screen through mine.

"My hacking, it's like my loading symbol." He replied with a smirk. "It's my bug."

"You are so immature."

"Says the one without a creative bug."

"You're impossible."

"I'm possible." Three more Robin heads popped up. "Yes!" He said softly.

"That's quick." I muttered really really softly because my thoughts have a Martian in it. "Is nearly impossible to hack LexCorp systems that fast.

But of course, I've done it faster.

The heads turned green. "I'm in." He said. The faces disappeared and up popped out a complete replica of the screen of the computers on that side. "You?"

"Wait." I pretended to type a bit then I just hit a button that automatically let's me into the system. "Got it."

"See, I'm better than Sherlock."

"Sherlock never hacked." I reminded him.

"Ugh. Anyway, let's see what dirt Luthor's got in here." He was about to scan when the elevator leading straight up to Dad's office dinged.

"Oh damn." I said. "Please be anyone but Luthor."

The doors opened and out came Dad, Mercy and this tall man with hideous sideburns and a cruel expression on his face. He had three claw marks and long hair.

Vandal Savage.

"Who the hell is that?" Robin asked me as he scanned and downloaded quickly. "What's happening?"

"Dad." I muttered.


"Damn." I said louder.

"So Luthor," Vandal started. "What are these plans?" The two walked out of the elevator with Mercy behind them.

They stopped walking on front of the highest computer on that side. Dad looked at the screen. "Ah those, those are for the young heroes and the Justice League's downfall."

"Good. Is that why you pulled back a bit of production on your technology?"

"Of course. Why waste time helping humanity if we're going to rule it anyway?"

"You have a good point. Humanity needs to see the Light."

Since when did Dad's voice have this much cruelty and poison and at the same time a convincing and calm tone?

"But speaking of Humanity..." Vandal continued. "How is your- ah, side mission?"

Dad was jolted out of his thoughts about the plans. "What?"

"I mean your daughter, is she okay?"

"Calypso Luthor." Robin said next to me. "And dammit Luthor! Talk about the plans!"

"You know her?" I whispered back to him.

"Yeah. She's all over the paper. And plus, who doesn't?"


"She's fine." Dad replied to Vandal.

"Is she ready for the future?" Vandal asked.

"No. Not yet. I need to, condition her more."

"Condition?" I muttered. "What do you mean?"

"She is so young Luthor, what if she meets her father?"

"I am her father." Dad spat.

"I mean her biological father." Vandal studied the screens as well. "What would happen if she meets him?"

"He's a psycho. A man with identity issues. He's delusional goddamit!"

"Luthor, relax, as a father myself I understand what's you mean."

"If she were to meet her father, everything I planned for her will be ruined. I need her."

I prayed to God thanking Him for such a great Dad.

"Planned." Vandal repeated. "So her-"

A sickening crash was heard from the back of the room, where the file cabinets are. Everyone's heads snapped back there.

"Oh crap." Robin looked that way.

I looked at the crash and saw a drawer of the file cabinet was on the floor and Wally and Artemis were standing there.

"Kid Flash!" Artemis cried. "Look what you did!"

"Well sorry Art, fast, not strong."


"Excuse me, but have you tried pulling out that thing?"

"Oh. The young heroes." Vandal smiled evilly. "What is the pleasure of having your presence here?"

The personnel at the computers looked panicked. They all ran to the elevator that was behind Supey and Ms. M, opened the doors and crammed themselves in. Be doors closed.

Good, no personnel that I talked to might be harmed.

"Trying to kick your can as usual." KF said.

"If you both are here," Dad said sort of unfocused. "Where are the others?"

"Here." Superboy came out of his corner with M'gann no longer in camouflage mode.

"Where's the Boy Blunder?" Vandal asked cruelly.

"Dammit." Robin unplugged his cord and shut off his computer. "That would have to do. I downloaded what I could."

"Same." I replied. Although I don't need to, I just need to select. I removed my cord and shut off my watch.

Time for some sparring with Mercy and Vandal.

He jumped out from behind the computer. "Don't you dare call me Boy Blunder. It's Boy Wonder."

"Just you four?" Vandal laughed. "Hardly a challenge, where the Aqua Brat?"

"Oh not just four." I said from behind the computer. I want an awesome entrance. I saw Dad cringe. I jumped up on a table. "I'm no Aqualad, but I'm Sword." I drew my sword and pointed at him. "And you will taste my blade."

"So you're the newbie." Vandal glanced at Dad for a second. "You're the one I've heard of."

"Well, what you heard was probably great. I'm the best of me." I smiled.

"Prove it brat."

I looked at Dad and he was shocked. But his face quickly changed into something, he nodded like "Go."

Then he said out loud. "Mercy!"

Mercy came forward, gave me a smile and her arm morphed into a gun. She aimed a shot at me, but I jumped and dodged it.

I charged at her. "Come on Mercy." I smiled. "Let's spar." I kicked her in the chest and she went flying. She hit the wall.

I looked back and saw Robin and the rest taking on Vandal.

"Get ready to leave!" Robin yelled through the mental link. "Superboy, Ms. M, get to the bikes! Now!"

"Don't give me orders." Superboy thought-muttered.

"Let's go." Ms. M said.

Superboy and Ms. M went into the elevator and closed the doors.

Robin looked at me. "SWORD LOOK OUT!"

I looked back to Mercy and saw that she was aiming at me again. I looked at her stance. I knew what she was going to do.

She feigned a shot and ran to me. She did a flying kick but I sidestepped and accidentally knocked her into Robin.

"Sorry!" I called as both of them fell. Mercy sat on Robin and punched him in the stomach. Hard.

"Oof!" Robin said then laughed and locked his ankles around her neck and brought her down. Robin removed his feet from her, got up and punched her in the face on her healing bruise.

Ouch. That's gonna hurt.

Mercy fainted.

Robin punched her one more time then looked at me triumphantly when he was knocked down by a flying Kid Flash.

"Argh." KF's head lolled to one side while Robin removed him and stood up.

"KF!" He looked angrily at Vandal, who was holding up Artemis like a life size rag doll. He tossed her and she crashed into the computers and cracked his knuckles.

"The Boy Blunder." Vandal teased as Robin got up and stood next to me.

"I told you do not call me..." I placed a hand on his chest. "Let me take care of him. Get KF and Artemis out of here. I need to prove this bastard wrong."


I glared at him. "Now."

Robin looked reluctantly at me and went to KF. "Dude. Wake up."

KF groaned. "What happened? I remembered Mr. Sideburns..." KF looked at me. "Oh."

"Dude, we have to go." Robin helped him up.

"Where's Artemis?"

"Knocked out, but she's okay."

"KO-ed?!" KF shook Robin's shoulders. "Where?"

"There." He pointed behind the tables.

"Let's go." KF let go of Robin's shoulders.

Robin and KF went to Artemis and put her arms around their shoulders and dragged her to the elevator. KF pressed the button and the doors opened. They walked in. Robin looked at me and nodded solemnly. The doors closed.

Vandal looked at me. "Now that they're gone, I can test you all I want."

"And I can hurt you all I want." I replied.

He ran to me, fist aimed.

I sidestepped but I still received a knee to my stomach.

I coughed and moved back. I was still holding my sword.

"How was that blade?" Vandal sneered.

"It's Sword you dickhead." I smiled. "I'm about to cut that off."

I ran and he sidestepped.

Big. Mistake.

I slid between his legs.

"What the-"

I stood up, slashed at both his arms from the back. And I made a big gash diagonally across his back from shoulder to his hip.

It was a deep cut. Super deep. I actually saw the blood as I cut.

"ARGHHHHHHH!" He yelled. His clothes hung off him and the cut was nasty.

I stabbed the spot that looked the deepest, at the arch of his back, the blade reached until the other side of his body. It pierced his gut. Then I kicked the back of his knee.

He crumpled to the ground in front of me

Dad stood in the corner, staring at Mercy knocked out and Vandal on the floor.

I noticed something about Vandal's back, it was healing. I was too preoccupied to actualy make a big deal out of it,

I traced the diagonal cut hard, stabbed him in the gut again. I stabbed him right next to the right shoulder blade. Then next to the left shoulder blade. My sword was dripping with blood, and the intricate designs had dried blood in them already.

I looked at my Dad one last time and ran to the elevator. I opened the doors and stepped inside.

"Good Job Calypso." I heard him whisper.

I smiled and the doors closed behind me.

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