Chapter 12

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(A/N: Pop quiz! For those who don't know me and based on what you have read.. guess how old I am. Please comment your answers. I'll tell the right one on the next chapter. Another note, please comment so I can improve my writing, please vote and please, I have a goal of this reaching 700+ reads before I update. If you make this goal a reality, I will be more motivated to write better than ever. Thanks!)

SEPTEMBER 19, 2010



Dick's POV

"Bye Dick." She said to me.

"B-bye." I managed. I was still startled over the fact that she gave me a little reward.

Mercy closed the door.

I stood there, dumbstruck. All I could think of was, don't celebrate, don't celebrate, don't celebra-

I jumped up in the air, and whooped. It was loud enough that I guess Calypso heard from the inside.

Well, I wasn't sorry if I disturbed Lex's beauty sleep or fried Mercy's circuits.

I don't even know why but I backflipped and summersaulted in the air. The curtains were closed so I don't think that Calypso saw that.

I walked back to the limo, ecstatic.

I opened the door and sat down. I closed the door.

"Happy Master Dick?" Alfred asked me.

"Naturally Alfred." I said a bit too happily.

Alfred then pulled us out of the Luthor driveway.

"So." Bruce looked at me. "Did you honestly have to celebrate that much? You could have been caught."

"Hey," I shrugged. "I wasn't caught and I'm hungry and I like the girl."

"You're hungry." He raised an eyebrow.

"You had time to have food before leaving! I didn't." I reasoned out.

"Well. What do you want?"

"Very unhealthy, kid-friendly, greasy fast food?" I asked hopefully.

"I am not driving this thing through a drive thru Master Dick." Alfred said. "I just waxed this. And fast food is very bad for your cholesterol levels, also it is terrible for your training and it doesn't help you at all. It just gives you unnecessary calories. Their burgers are not all natural and their fries are not fresh and-"

"You won't have to drive it through the drive through and relax Alfred, just this once.." I said.

Alfred sighed. "If that is what you wish. Go ahead and eat unhealthily."

"I'll just go down by myself at the nearest McDonalds..." I patted my pockets. "Do you have any cash on you?" I looked at Bruce.

"I can see you are really hungry. You'd go down. To McDonalds. In a custom tailored suit that's worth more than a thousand dollars."

"Five thousand to be precise Master Bruce." Alfred commented.

Bruce gave me a look. .

"Fine." I muttered. "I'll bring down the price of the suit." I took off the tie, the jacket and the vest. "There. How much is it now Alfred?" I looked at Alfred through his rearview mirror.

"Well. The polo is quite expensive Master Dick and so are the pants but if you must ask, it's about three thousand now."

"Two thousand dollar reduction!" I looked back at Bruce.

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