Chapter 13

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(A/N: Hey guys... I have another goal... Reach 700 reads before I update. That's just a goal. And also, I don't own this plot, it's based of the YJ episode: Alpha Male (the one with Wolf). Not exact words, please watch the episode blah blah blah. Oh yeah, and I am (x-13 = 5 • 4 - 19) years old. Go solve that. The answer is at the end of the chapter. Oh, and happy one year anniversary guys.)

SEPTEMBER 23, 2010

6:34AM EDT


Sword's POV

After Robin (thankfully) found another cape in the locker room, we went back to the Team.

They were already gathered in the middle of the room, Black Canary and Green Arrow were among them.

Robin and I went there.

Kid Flash looked at us. "About time you got here. Where did you go?"

"Fixed my burn." I replied and showed him my leg. "Robin insisted he come... And he needed another cape."

"Oh." KF said. "Anything else you two did?"

"Nope that's it." Robin replied.

"Are you sure?" He raised his eyebrows.

"Oh my God Wally!" I slapped his arm.

"Ow!" He complained. "Is it wrong to ask?"

Some members of the League stayed to help us out, while some left.

John Stewart, Captain Marvel, Captain Atom and Martian Manhunter were fixing whatever damage the Reds did to the Cave.

"Anyway." Black Canary spoke, which turned out attention back to her. "The League will take care of this."

"Red Tornado..." Ms. M started. "I can't believe he betrayed us."

"I know it's hard to accept." Green Arrow told us. "But we will find out why."

"You don't know what happened?" Robin asked. "Why did Red Tornado suddenly turn on us? Was his programming overridden or something? Did his AI malfunction? What happened?" Robin kept pressing for answers as Black Canary and Green Arrow tried to answer his barrage of questions.

I didn't pay that much attention, but I noticed Aqualad and Batman standing to the side, away from our range of hearing. They were discussing something.

But not from the Kryptonian range of hearing.

I noticed Conner wasn't paying that much attention either. His eyes were watching Batman and Aqualad. I pretty sure his ears were attentive too.

All of a sudden, he moves to them and violently grabs Aqualad.

"How could you keep a secret like that?!" Superboy lashed out at him. "You put us all in danger because you didn't tell us!!!!"

The Team was watching them, confused, while I was worried. What secret?

"We almost DIED because of your secret!" He continued to lash out. "You put us all in harm's way. M'gann could of died Kaldur! She almost died because of YOU! YOU COULD OF SAID SOMETHING!!!"

Bird by the Window (Young Justice)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora