The Birth Of The King Of Drag...

By dragonking32

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In The Beginning Part 2
birth of a new age
The new king

In The Beginning

82 5 2
By dragonking32

It was a cold dark night in Nagar when out of the night came a man on a horse came to the castles gate and asked to come in to see the king the guard sent a message to the king told him there was a man at the gate who would like to see him the king said let him in and show him to his chambers in a few minutes later the man came to the kings chamber the king asked what he could do for the man asked if the king could bring his daughter to his village that was being destroyed and he feared that his daughter would never survive the king said yes I will take her as my child and raise her like my own the man said thank you to the king and left. 6 years is now gone by the young girl is now 18 years old and a very great warrior she is also the king's bodyguard and protects the king from threats and fights with the king on the battlefield one day the king and the daughter were on the battlefield fighting against the rival army when a dragon fell from the sky in front of the king the king raised his sword to strike the dragon in the last moments of the dragons life the dragon curse the king for killing him you shall take my place forever and as a dragon the king felt a very painful pain in his gut and fell down unconscious he was rushed back to the castle  the castles doctor took a look at him doctor said he has no idea what's wrong with him so they called the wizard and ask the wizard to check him over the wizard said he's been cursed by a dragon and that he shall become a dragon. 3 weeks after this happened the king turned into a mighty red dragon and flew away his daughter took over as queen of the kingdom and swore to find a way to free her father she asked every magician in the  country to come forth and asked every single one of them how to break the curse they all said the same thing cursed can never be broken. 7 years has gone by since the king was turned into a dragon the daughter has become a great warrior She has become queen now of her kingdom her father has become the guardian of the kingdom great giant red dragon patrols the skies above the kingdom. It's been 15 years since the king was turned into a dragon and became the guardian of the kingdom The princess has become a great warrior of her people Has defended her people from many many Invaders The one day individual shows up and says that he needs her help for something defend his country later on like any other a man who's not a man but a beast a dragon the princess's face lights up knowing that it's her father who is the dragon the princess says yes I will help you defeat the Dragon but I want the dragon real life not dead for it may be my father and I must save him the man says very well we will help you capture the dragon if it saves our country so the to travel to his country far far away to the north in the land of cold it took them two months to get to the land of cold when they get to the land of cold the man takes him to her castle where is Castle is in Ruins half destroyed his people are scattered as they settle in they get the alarm but the dragon is on the way the woman tells her men prepare for battle as they get ready for battle she dresses in her battle armor and gets ready to fight her men has prepared the catapults and the Nets ready to cash her the Dragon and as she gets onto the battle Mounds watching to the north where the dragon has come from she sees the big red right Dragon soaring through the sky with a hundred other dragons behind him she tells her men don't be afraid today's A Good Day to Die be ready for battle this may be the day we all die if we don't die we shall celebrate our victory. As the dragons come down the middle she prepared to attack as the dragon brought 100,000 other dragons with him and the Siege of her Castle begin she told her men to deal with the minion dragons she will do with the main dragon for she believes that it may be her father the previous king who is turned into a dragon so as she prepares to attack she turns her blade and makes it frat and smacks the dragon as herd as she can on top of his skull hoping that it will knock him out but it did nothing to  the dragon lit out a earth shattering scream that made everyone fail to the ground screaming in pain than the dragon spoke to the princess asking her why she try to stop him from attacking because y are a evil creatures and I can't let you hurt people no more I will fight to the death for my people she swings her sword at the dragons nick the dragon doged it and swing at her but she block it with her sword they both tern around and look at each other they charge each other again this went on for a few mins than she finely got a hit on the dragon belly than the dragon lit out a scream and flu in to the night sky and the battle has ended. Six days later Lainey tells her people who the dragon really is and she tells them that it's her father and she volunteer's to capture the dragon to save the king which is her father and is the former king that was cursed the evil dragon

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