
By TheHiddenSecret1

74.2K 2.7K 425

My name is Mei Kurosu, 14 years old. I am known as the 'all-knowing child,' but it isn't because I see the fu... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Special Chapter
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Special Chapter II
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26

Chapter 5

4.3K 128 60
By TheHiddenSecret1

Picture: Google images, Sagittarius bracelet

Hello Guys!

I hope you all had an amazing Christmas and everything you wanted. I know that my Christmas was amazing too. It was so much to be with my family.

For those of you that do not celebrate Christmas, then I hope you had an amazing day.

I honestly can't wait for 2019. Honestly, 2018 was not my year because of a lot of problems this year. I had more downs than ups so hopefully, this year is a good one. Are you guys excited about 2019?

Anyway, let's begin the story. I do not own Vampire Knight. Only my OC.

Chapter 5

Out of Cross Academy

She moved her lips but no sound came out of it. The colors on her form changed and her eyes turn lavender. The build was of a young child. The one dream that I tried to block so much became a memory. A memory of someone so precious to me, gone.

My memory holds a place in my childhood home. I didn't have the memories of Anastasia before that accident. Though, I knew I wasn't like any normal kid. At a year old, my stubbornness had me be determined to walk on my birthday. At two years old, I was able to talk like a five-year-old but slur up my words sometimes. At three, I began to learn how to cook, clean, and fight. My Father's praises and happiness had me think that this was normal but it wasn't. My Uncle told me the truth. No normal child's development can be so fast like mine.

I think he was shocked too when we met.

"Mei. Mei, come to the door please."

While I was experimenting with some new dishes, my father called me from the front door. I made my way to the entrance but stopped when I got closer. My father was with a boy who had silver hair and lavender eyes. From his height, I think he is older than me but that could be a false theory. This boy was coughing harshly in his coat. Why is he here?

"Mei, this is Ichiru Kiriyuu. His parents are old friends of mine and asked me to take care of him. However, I have some work I need to do. Can you take care of him?"

His name is pretty. I still don't have all of the memories of Anastasia yet but his name sounds familiar. When his eyes connect with mine, the memories of Ichiru Kiriyuu from the manga and anime of Anastasia came to me. I can tell that I was going to have nightmares for a week again.

I stretched out my hand to him and my introduction.

"Hello, Ichi. My name is Mei. Nice to meet you."

The memory fades into black with a gleam from the center stretches out till I woke up. The white ceiling was the first thing I saw. I scan the room to recognize the infirmary of Cross Academy. It was still bright in the room so that means classes are still in session. Thank goodness. Since the other two guardians weren't in the room, I sat up and touched my neck to feel the bandages. I removed the blanket to see normal coloring on my legs.

While scratching my head, the memory of Ichiru came to me. It was strange to have a memory of him all of a sudden. It's been four years since he disappeared with her and not once did that memory pop up. Although, I did try to block it from my mind because of how hurt I was for their betrayal.

"Why are the memories of him resurfacing now?"

"What about your memories?"

That voice came from the front door. It was Father. He gave me a fatherly smile first then comes in the room to stay by my side. He reached out to touch my forehead.

"When you passed out in Kiriyuu's arm, he noticed you were suffering from a fever. It seems that it has gone down so please take it easy. We don't want it to come back and make it worst. The good news is that the color on your legs is back to normal. Shall we check your neck?"

I moved my chin up for him to remove the bandages. All I could see was the expression of fear edge on his face but was replaced with relief. He moved his fingers to touch the part of my neck that Aidou pierced with his nails. The fear of dying a second time got my body shaking. Father took notice of my shaken body so he pulled me in for a hug.

"I'm so sorry, Mei. You must have been so afraid. Don't worry. Kaname-kun has taken care of him."

"I'm going to be okay. I'll just be shaken up for a few days."

He released his hold to return to putting on new bandages.

"The bleeding has stopped and the wounds are healing. There is a blue and purple bruise of his hand so we need to cover that up before the Day Class gets suspicious. Also, Yuki and Zero are about to finish their physical examination today. When they are done, do you mind doing some errands with them for me?"

I shook my head.

"I think being in this Academy has my mind messed up. Plus, ever since Uncle left for a long mission, it's been difficult to defend against vampires. This might give me some time to think."

"That's what happens when you are not only protecting the Day and Night students but battling your problems as well."

He isn't wrong about that. The secret of everyone not being real. They are characters in manga to the real world. Yet, what is the real world? This world feels real to me but I wonder if I'm another character to someone else. If I did tell them, would they look at me differently? Would they even believe what I am saying? This is so complicated that it makes my head hurt.

"By the way, you said Ichi in your sleep. You haven't spoken about him since that attack. What brought him up?"

"I don't know either. I tried to push those memories so far away from my mind."

"Maybe, something is telling you to remember him."

More like my mind is telling me that he will be making his arrival soon. Ichiru's betrayal had me so confused and hurt that my personality during the day and night were different. At night, I would cry with so much guilt. When the sun rises, my usual kind personality would turn cold. Zero's arrival had me train Uncle till I couldn't stand. This had me spend less time with them and friendships went small.

The Academy's bell rang loud. The Day Class was done with their examination and the rest of the day. All three guardians were going to town for some errands and sightseeing. Yuki stretched her arms wide.

"Ah...! It's been so long since I came out for a walk! It's only because I am running an errand for Chairman that I was able to enjoy this privileged of coming out here! Cross Academy restricts students from leaving school grounds. Come on you two. You shouldn't look so bored. You both should take this opportunity to spread your wings."

We wore normal clothes instead of our normal uniform. It feels nice to wear sweatshirt and sweat shorts again. However, Zero and I have a look of boredom.

"I don't have any wings I can spread..."

I chuckle at Zero's blank face. Yuki pulled him by his arm to the closest shop on our list. These two are so crazy. I'm glad they are out of the Academy. When I got out of the infirmary, Yuki enveloped me in a hug. She was crying so heavy that I'm sure her eyes will get puffy later. On the other hand, Zero kept his focus on me with an unreadable expression. It was the first time that I didn't know what was going to happen. If I need to change this story, does that mean I have to die?

"Mei! Hurry up!"

Yuki laughed waving at me. Zero was behind her with hands in his pocket waiting for me too. I ran up to them with a big smile.

"Don't leave me by myself you two!"

We did a little shopping for a few hours. Zero had to carry a big duffle bag with two medium-size on his arms. Yuki decided that I wouldn't hold onto anything since I'm in the process of healing. What was the point of me coming then?

"Let me see. What else Chairman wants us to buy... Chairman says he wants us to do arrangements; buy cow liver, green vegetables and..."

"Any more...?"

Zero looked like he was getting annoyed with carrying all of these. I tried to offer my help but he rejected it. He believed that I would not carry anything until I'm healed too. These two are so overprotective. Yuki startled us by her shouts and running off to a clothing booth. She looked so happy at a t-shirt that was made for Zero. In her way, she cares so much for him. Although, she is dense about her feelings for him. Yuki pulled on Zero's arm to check if the shirt is the right size.

While they were having their moment, I look around the shopping booths. The crowd was filled with families that were smiling and laughing. The salesmen were having a great time chatting with others too. This area seems so nice. It is wonderful to be ignorant of the vampire world.

One man's back blocked my vision from two salesmen selling their products. I looked up at the figure for my eyes to widen. His silver and grey coat startled me. He has gotten so tall and slim over these past years. He moved his face to left for a corner of his plain white mask to be revealed. It is him, Ichiru Kiryu.

What is he doing here?

"Mei? Mei?"


I looked at the person calling my name to see Yuki. She was holding a shirt and skirt with a confused look. When I looked back at where he stood, he was gone. Was that an illusion? Was I seeing things? No, that had to be him. Why is here at the shop? What are they planning?

"Mei... are you okay?"

I didn't respond to her. I didn't know how I could respond. Do I tell Zero the truth about me seeing Ichiru or do I wait? This is so difficult. A pull on my arm had my attention on Yuki. She was holding two shopping bags with a small smile.

"Let's go eat. I bet you're hungry."

Was I hungry? I didn't eat lunch so I must have been seeing things. There was no way that Ichiru would show up at a place this open. With a shake of my head, I smiled at her.

"Yeah, I'm starving."

Yuki took hold of my hand as we walked to a coffee shop. We shared a parfait while Zero had some coffee. Zero wasn't happy for being here but I was thrilled. Who could say no to sweets? Not human, that's who. After all, ice cream for dinner is a dish of champions they say. The strawberry covered in chocolate was my favorite. Yuki let me have all them when we get it.

"Zero, you should eat something. Just take it as repayment from me for helping carry everything."

I offered to help but you both said no. Well, that's what I wanted to say but I'm gonna hold off on being a brat.

"I wanted to eat salted noodles..."

Yuuki gulped to look away from his eyes. He had that angry look in his eyes again. This was going to be fun. While she looked away, I sneakily took the parfait and ate most of it.

"But this place's ice-cream is in popular demand... I've come with Yori and Mei before..."

"You still cannot come out alone... still incapable of walking on the streets by yourself, I see..."

I stopped my eating to listen to the conversation this time. Yuki was going to deny his claim but he stopped her before that.

"There's no need to put a brave front. Whenever you go to 'The places outside the Academy', You would remember those events, right...? The world is not with Kaname Kuran's type of "Harmless Vampires"..."

I slammed my hand on the table to draw in their attention. My glare on Zero had him surprised. We were having a staring contest for a few seconds before Yuki's hand block our vision.

"Mei... you don't need to get so angry. I know some vampires aren't like Kaname-senpai but I still believe that there are vampires that truly care about the peace between humans vampires. Besides, that was all about 10 years ago. I have Mei and the Chairman now. I'm not afraid anymore."

She was lying to me. She was afraid by the way her hand was shaking from holding the spoon. The incident, 10 years ago, has shaken her so badly. Her first night at the house was filled with screams. We had to get her out of that nightmare so many times that night. Father and I didn't get enough sleep that night. For the whole week, I stayed by her side until she could sleep peacefully. She never did until he arrived. The nights he stays to watch her sleep was interesting. When he was by her side, she slept so soundly that no scream came out of her mouth.

It hurt to know that only he could make her sleep like that, but it was understandable. After all, their fate is destined to be twine with each other. My fate is still unknown but with the knowledge I have. I'll make my fate.

"Um, sorry to interrupt."

All of us turned to see a waitress and a high schooler behind her embarrassed.

"May I know if you are a Cross Academy's student?"

Her question was directed at Zero.

"I'm right?! No wonder you seem different from other people! As expected, people from the cross academy are special. Do you know Aidou from the night class? He loves to eat sweet things, sometimes he'd come here..."

Zero stopped her from speaking by standing from his seat.

"Ah... please, help me tell him that he would be welcome back here again..."

Zero didn't reply to them but informed us that he will leave first. I gave Yuki a gentle shove for her to follow. She nodded her head at me then left. As I watch her leave, I noticed from the see-through glass door of how she looked left and right frighten. She ran off to the back alley to find him. This was an important scene for Yuki to understand the vampire system. I had no place to change that nor was it necessary too.

I gave the waitress the money for the food. She bowed in apology for making my friend mad. I told her that it was okay but lectured for being careful about her words next time. The waitress was a sweetheart but her mouth tends to get her in trouble. When I exit, I saw all of the bags sprawled over the floor. The presence of a vampire near-by must be where those four were going to be. Well, it looked like I did need to carry these bags.

"All right. Here we go."

I grabbed the medium size bags but the duffle bag was a challenge.

"Do you need help Meimei?"

The bags fell from my arm falling to my side. My body felt like it was back in the ice of Aidou's powers. His voice sounded so deep from when we were young. I slowly glance behind me to see him.


He wasn't an illusion from that booth. He was here in front of me. His smile had my heart beat so fast. The way he looked was so much more healthy from all those years. The most important friend I've failed to save from his darkness.

"It's been 4 years hasn't it?"

He made a move to walk forward but I step back. I caught my reaction to look away with guilt for wanting to stay away from him. Ichiru stops his movements to notice it too.

"Mei, do you hate me now?"

Do I hate him? I'm disappointed in his choices. I'm not happy with his involvement in his parent's murder, but hate is never the word I'll use. I shook my head to focus on him.

"Ichi, did she sent you here?"

Ichiru chuckled to walk towards me. He reveals a letter to me with the seal of a cherry blossom mark. My eyes narrowed from this then look up at him. It was annoying at how he smirks from my expression of a piece of an envelope. He seems different than what I expected. What did they do all these years?

"Mei, you and I both that we really can't escape her. Nor can my brother."

"Is that it? You think I'm trying to escape from her. No, I'm going to find a way to ger her blood for Zero. That way, at least one of us, will have escaped the fate from her."

"As always, your kindness knows no bound. It's a shame my brother does not know what you have done for him. If it weren't for him, you and I would still be-"

"Do not blame Zero for thinking of you Ichi. He loves you. It is normal for the older brother to worry about their younger sibling."


Ichiru removed his mask to show me his lavender eyes. They were soft and gentle like that of a boy seeing something precious.

"In time, I will talk to Zero. At that time, the war between us will be going on and she will see you once again. Things are different now but my views have not changed. I still loathe my brother."


He stopped me by pushing the letter on my chest. The missing Kiryu let go of the letter for me to catch it. He put on his mask then faced me his back.

"Read the letter, Mei. Remember this, Shizuka is always watching. We will see you soon."

He took leave with a wave of his hand. He didn't give me the chance to discuss more on this. His back was so big and tall. Shizuka has taken good care of him but it doesn't change the fact that she murdered innocent people. The letter in my hand crumpled up from my grip. The dream of her pink eyes came back to me. Those eyes, alone, can make my knees go weak and give in. I can't let her presence control me.

Ichiru, my dearest friend, please do not let the darkness in your heart consume you. Find happiness with the one you love and the one that loves you too.

The bags for Father was soon forgotten. Yuki and Zero's disappearance was taking too long, so I rushed over to the smell of blood. In the dark alley, the two guardians were staring in surprise at Shiki and Ichijo. The Artemis rod had electricity all around the weapon. It was rejecting its hold on Zero.

I look down to see Yuki bleed from her arm. She is prone to accidents from something like running. I took my sweatshirt sleeve in my mouth to rip a small portion off. They caught the sound of riping for their focus to be on me. I moved towards Yuki wound to wrap it with the ripped up material.


"You're so inconsiderate. Don't you know that Shiki-senpai, Ichijo-senpai, Zero, and the vampires in hiding are trying to hold in their instinct? Their noses are incredibly sensitive and the smell excites them. We should get going. Shiki-senpai, Ichijo-senpai, thank you for your assistance. We will see you at school."

I bowed to pull on the other's two arms. We need to leave quickly before that person shows up. There was no telling the punishment that I was going to get for this. Father, why did you have to tell him?

Some beings live in the darkness. These are beast that takes on human form and drink human blood, 'vampires'. Some humans spend their whole lives with the task of hunting down vampires. This is a part of the section that Zero and myself are in, 'vampire hunters'. However, I am not sure if I have vampire hunter blood inside me. All I know is that my father was a vampire hunter and I need to be trained as one.

We returned home with the bags that were forgotten from before. Father welcomed us happily with lavish food and a happy shining smile.

"My original creations, liver with fried veggies, stewed green veg with meat, minced fish, and many others. How is it? Nice?"

The two guardians' response was silent. Father's happy mood turned into heartbreak in an instant. He starts to complain about this was a rare chance for all of us to be on the same table for dinner. I came back to the room carrying tea and water for them. Yuki and Zero weren't paying attention to his heartbroken complaint but proceed to eat.

Yuki holds a piece of friend veggies for me to eat from her chopsticks. I happily took the food in my mouth with delight. Father is an amazing chef for sure. We continue eating in silence.

"Did anything happen to you three outside? Yuki's injury-"

While I stared at Father, the other two flinched from his sudden question. When we arrived back, I put on some medicine to her wound and wrapped a bandage over her arm. We don't want a bandaid over that wound since someone could easily tear it off. Before we arrived home, Ichijo-senpai and Shiki-senpai invited us to the Moon Dorms for more details on their reason for being there.

"Ah...! Oh, yes, I almost forgot, Zero, this, you have almost finished those that you had, right?"

Father handed Zero more blood tablets. This had Yuki stare at the box. This has started to become more of a reality for her. I sighed at how heavy this atmosphere was. I swear Father likes to start things at the wrong times. I got up from my seat with my empty bowl in hand to head towards the kitchen.

"I've finished."

"You're full already, Mei?"

I nodded at him.

"I'm going to change into my uniform for nightly patrol. Yuki, Zero, I'll see you both later."

They glanced at me seriously with a nod. This wasn't going to be a normal night patrol. We were going to head into the den of a vampire once again.

Oh! It's Ichijo's birthday. I can't forget his gift.

I arrived earlier to the Moon Droms than the others. Well, this was the better option to go separate. I bowed to the gatekeeper then head off inside. There was rustling around me with the scent of two vampires. They were getting closer to me but I didn't do anything. After all, why would I point my weapon at them?

"Shiki-senpai, Rima-chan, did you two knew I would be here early?"

Rima was the first to show herself in front of me with Shiki behind her.

"It's amazing how well your nose is Mei-chan. Almost that of a vampire."

"Even I know that my nose is no match to a real vampire, Rima-chan. It's Ichijo-senpai's birthday. I'm here for his gift."

Shiki grabbed on my hand to pull me further inside the den.

"Welcome, Mei."

Shiki and Rima escorted me to the direction of the party. As I walked past some of the vampires, they bowed in respect. I acknowledge them with a small bow of my own. The reason for this behavior is because of the cooperation I had with Father and Kaname in this class. Kaname had indeed invited them to attend but it was my decision if they would be accepted. Do not be mistaken. If there was a chance that Kaname and I would be in a fight, they would gladly take his side. I am only someone that can kick them out of the academy so they have no choice but to be respectful.

We made further to the garden of the birthday part with Ichijo smiling happily.


Shiki let go of my hand because of Ichijo running up to me for a big hug.

"I'm so happy you could make it! This is the best birthday ever!"

"Happy Birthday Ichijo-senpai. Here is your gift."

I handed him a big green box with a see-through blue ribbon. He happily took the gift thanking me over and over. It's so hard to imagine that someone like him could be a vampire in this dark world. Oh, Ichijo.

"Hm? Where is Kiryu-san and Yuki-chan?"

"There are coming up in 3...2...1-"

"Mei-chan! How could you leave us behind like that?"

Yuki shout startled Ichijo. She marched up to me angrily but I avoided eye contact from her. She knows how to make a scene in front of thousands of dangerous vampires. Could this day get any more dramatic? Yes? No? Great~.

"Yuki-chan, Kiryu-san, I'm so happy you both came!"

Ichijo's expression glows up brightly with cake and drinks behind him. Aidou was in the back sighing from this. Shiki patted my head to stand beside Ichijo and Rima waved goodbye to walk over to Ruka.


"Tonight is my birthday party! Isn't it fun!"

"Oh... uh... well... May I know how old are you?"

"It's alright, ask away. Everyone here knows about this."

This shocked Yuki to the core of Ichijo's changed of expression. She glanced at me in a silent question. 'Even you?' she said with her eyes. I nodded my head with a stoic expression. My answer gave her a more serious shock then what Ichijo did.

"Does that mean that dangerous vampires roaming the streets are uncommon? Also, Ichijou-senpai specifically went there to kill him, right? What exactly was that vampire?"

"That was an "Ex-Human" vampire. Very Lowly."

Aidou's voice from behind startled Yuki. His voice had me move closer to Zero to grip on his coat. Zero put his arm around my shoulder to hold onto me tightly. The incident this morning still has me frighten to the point where I can't look at Aidou. How can I look at someone the same way after he almost killed me?

"In Vampire society, those at the top is called "Purebloods" and a gathering of vampires are called "Nobles". Even though everyone from Night Class is of the "Nobles" class and above... "Ex-Human' vampires are even more lowly than normal vampires... Truth is, they were not dealt with thoroughly. That vampire I killed belong to 'E class'... Something that does not even have a place in the pyramid."


Yuki's question got Akatsuki to answer for her.

"To put it more correctly, it's the (End Class). Speaking of this Kiryu, Mei, you both should know about this, too. As members of a vampire Hunter family."

Yuki stared at us surprised but I didn't say anything. I allowed for Zero to explain.

"Ex-human vampires... Would eventually sink to the level of the (E Class)... Yuki their will would slowly erode, until the read the 'End'... their 'Limit' or 'Shattering'."

Ichijo took over the explanation.

"That's right... They will then have an uncontrollable craving for blood, recklessly attacking humans... Because of this, Ex-human vampires have to be managed by nobles and above."


"But, occasionally there would be a mishap. Sometimes, an ex-human vampire gone mad would escape from the nobles' control, and charge into human society..."

A new voice came in to interrupt the conversation. The air was getting intensely dark and the vampires were startled for his appearance.

"I heard today a report that there was an 'E Class' vampire roaming outside. Ichijou and Shiki went hunting him down. At my order."


Kaname reveals himself to us wearing an all-white suit. Everyone one of them was murmuring for how grateful they were to see his royal highness and be in his presence. This was a rare occurrence for him to show himself like this. Not surprised since Yuki is here. It would be unwise to not keep an eye on her in this den. I was the only groaning from this to roll my eyes.

"Senpai... to that vampire..."

"Yuki, why didn't you report this matter to Headmaster Kurosu? No better yet, why didn't you report this yesterday, Mei?"

The attention was brought onto me. Yuki looked at me surprised by Kaname's question. He just had to put me in the spotlight. I gave a small sigh to release Zero from hold and stand up tall.

"She can no longer be a child that is ignorant of the facts of vampires. The garden that is being created is slowly breaking apart, Kuran-sama. For her to grow and become stronger, she needs to learn these things for herself. Even if they may hurt her."

"Mei, what are you talking about-"

"I can no longer keep the vampire system a secret from you Yuki."

Her eyes widen from my sudden cut-off.

"Because of my protective nature towards you on that snowy night, I am at fault for keeping you in the dark. I'm sorry Yuki."


Kaname sits down on a couch that was made for him. I moved past them to head up the steps and lean against the furthest railing from them. Yuki's stare on my side was tolerable but the other two stares were not.

"Yuuki, come sit beside me."

Kaname orders for the female vampires grow menacingly and jealously. The Sagitarrius glow got them to stop their fits of rage.


"Just come."

Yuki stared at Zero embarrassed but he ignored her. Zero came over next to me for Sagittarius glow to diminish.

"No thanks..."


Without another word, she plops besides Kaname embarrassed. Kaname surprised Yuki with his arm around her. The action he does to pull her closer got Yuki to blush heavily. These two together looked so much like siblings that I'm shocked no one was able to see it. Well, not many people believed it after the announcement of her arrival anyway.

"The safest place is beside me... Mei..."

I glanced at Kaname slowly to see his other hand stretched out towards me.

"Come here. I want you to sit by my side too."

My eyes narrowed at his hand that is waiting for mine. Even though I hate it, he did save my life this morning. I am someone who can't against the person that saved me from death. Plus, the female's intense stare on my back was terrifying. I patted on Zero's shoulder to walk over to the siblings. Kaname didn't give me time to take his hand so he grabbed by force. Although he said he wants me to sit beside him, he moved me on his lap. My eyes widen in surprise from his other arm to wrap around my waist, and his face buried in my dark brown hair.

"Where were you, Mei? I heard from Takuma that you did not arrive till later in the scene."

I felt his hot breath on the back of my ear. My body was feeling hot from this. My focus was on my lap the entire time he holds me like this. I didn't want to look at anyone.

"That isn't important right now. Yuuki injured herself. You should pay attention to that."

Kaname tightens his hold on me for the feeling of his breath on my ear to be gone. My tense body finally loosens up from this. He was paying attention to Yuki and away from me.

"You were injured by that vampire, right? It must be painful."

"No, it's because I was careless..."

"Ex-human vampires... should not have been created but in a time long past... when the battle between vampires and their enemies, the vampire hunters was at its fiercest... some vampires wanted to rope in most humans to become their kind. To increase their 'combat ability'. However, nowadays, vampires from the noble class and above have taken on the duty of managing the remnants of those vampires. Sometimes we might even need to 'take care' of them."

"Hunting vampires is a vampire hunter responsibility."

Zero spoke up in front of us. The look he gave Kaname could kill.


"Then, why did you not kill him at that time?"

Zero's expression turned to one of surprised. Kaname knew what he was doing with his taunting. My hands were bawling up in a fist to stare at the hurt expression of his past coming out.

"Or is it that Kiryu-san, you... pity him?"

That was the last straw. I pushed out of Kaname's to have Sagitarrius purple light in front of Seiren and a loud slap. The light-shielded Zero from her nails piercing his skin. The loud slap was my hand giving the prince a red mark on his cheek. Kaname let go of Yuki's arm to touch his cheek softly. He was lightly touched the injure then look at me surprised. I didn't know what kind of expression I was making but my heart was hurting. The anger was flaring, and my words wouldn't stop.

"Do you know how hard it is to keep my anger so buried deep inside because of the fear of my actions? Do you know the anger I feel towards the person I'm staring at? I have been respectful because I do not want the people that worship the ground you walk to come after me. Yet, I am tired of no one lecturing you for your words. You might be a pureblood. You might be a powerful leader but you are not the leader of me. What makes you think that your words are appropriate to say? Do you think your childish words is funny? Are Zero's hurt and angry look thrill you so much? What makes him any different than you? What makes you think that you have a right to say something like this? I'm done, Kuran-sama. I... I..."


Yuki reaches her hand towards me but I moved away from her touch.

"I hate you!"

The words echoed in the forest. It echoed in my ears. Most importantly, it was loud enough for everyone at the party to hear.


I ran off in the forest after that. The shouts of my sister, Zero, and my vampire best friends calling out for me. The only voice that I didn't hear was Kaname's. From the look he gave me, he was in pure shock of what to say. It didn't matter. I wasn't going to forgive him. There comes a point where my anger can only take so much of it.

While I was running somewhere in the forest, flashes of Kaname as a young boy came into my head. He was smiling and laughing with Yuki and me beside him. The fun times of us playing hide-and-seek and the baking contest we would hold. There were small moments where Kaname would show up just for me. It was those fun times that had me forget all about the incident with Ichiru and Zero.

He is such an idiot. He's an ancestor for crying out loud!

Suddenly, the greenery of the trees was replaced with a brown coat and long gun pointing at me. I stopped immediately to get a better close up at the person. My eyes widen when the moon's light shines on his face smoking a cigarette.


"It's been a while hasn't it?"

The rustling behind me with the voices of the other two guardians showed up. The man's gun pointed over my right shoulder for me to know who was there. He smiled at me with a click of his gun.

"Uncle Yagari."

"Let's see how much you've grown."

As he says this, Yagari behind me with a finger on the trigger. In those three silent seconds, I ran behind me to Zero with a loud bang from his gun.


Wow! This was a long one. I hope you guys enjoyed this little chapter. Also, thank you so much for the amazing reviews. I truly love reading them and I am happy to know that this story is starting off to be good for some of you.

When the chapter of Yuuki's old memories come up, I plan to make two parts of Mei's past. Mei's past is completely different from Yuuki's and I want to explain everything in those chapters. Please be patient with me when that chapter comes up. I've been thinking a lot about that chapter and I am excited to start writing it when it appears. I don't think it will appear until another 2 chapters. Idk. I may be wrong.

Anyway, I don't want to give any more spoilers for the upcoming chapters. I hope you enjoyed.

Happy New Year!

Until Next Time

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