Always Him

By hanlovestowrite26

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Murad and Hanna have always been best friends since their childhood. Murad was always the number one to Hanna... More



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By hanlovestowrite26

Uriel came down the stairs after he heard the doorbell ring. He stayed over tonight because the house is all mine and I knew his parents weren't on good terms right now.

"Who is it?" He was just in a pair of sweats.

I reached for the door handle. "It's Ahmed."

Uriel looked at me like he was lost. "Why would Ahmed come to visit you?"

I smiled. "I might have done something." This was so satisfying. Ahmed was desperate enough to hunt me down. That means he really does like Hanna which i can't handle.

"What?' He came over and looked at me like I was insane.

I ignored him and opened the door anticipating anything and right away Ahmed throws a punch which hits me right near my lip area. It hurt like bitch but it was prefect because he started so I could easily come back with a hit.

I was much taller than him and bulkier so I'm not sure why he picked to start a fight. I swung back and got a good punch right in the center knocking him back. He stayed back and looked at me as he examined his bleeding nose. "What the fuck are you on?" Was he questioning my strength?

I shrugged. "It comes naturally when I see you." I still was heated.

"Okay!" Uriel quickly saw Ahmed coming so he was fast enough to grab him back. "That's enough."

"Stop fucking up my engagement!" Ahmed exploded. "Stop coming around Hana thinking your gonna change anything you stupid bitch!"

"NO!" Uriel yelled as I stepped forward. "No more fighting."

"Fuck you Ahmed." I spat. "I'm going to get Hanna out and you'll see."

Ahmed pushed away Uriel and Uriel let him go. Uriel was also much taller than Ahmed so it was actually uriel who let him loose. "You're crazy." He laughed. "She's in love with me."

I raised my brows. "That explains why she wants to get away from you as soon as she sees a glimpse of you." I chuckled.

"I don't care. She'll be seeing me everyday." He grabbed his keys. "I'll be seeing her everyday and she will get used to me."

I wanted to grab his neck but Uriel quickly stepped in. "Over my dead body!" I shouted as he walked to his car and I closed the front house door not caring if he left or not.



Hana Looked at me confused that I was putting effort into my looks and actually putting on makeup and a cute outfit.

"It's Henry's party. Why are you getting really dolled up." She asked as she completed her eyeliner.

"Because," I sighed, frustrated. "I feel like I shouldn't look like loser." I knew exactly why I was looking super cute for. It's to make Uriel jealous. Was I being stupid? Yes. Should I let it go? Yes. Will I? Nope.

I wanted to kick him where it hurt.

"Okay." Hana rolled her eyes and laughed.


As soon as I arrived at Henrys party, I noticed it was a very fancy party. I looked at my dress. Thank god I didn't wear anything extreme like huge sparkles like I had planned.

Right at the center of the ballroom I saw a dance floor but since this was unlike any party I ever attended, there were couples dancing romantically. I smiled. How cute.

As soon as Hana and I stepped in a waiter handed up some drink in which he informed us was not alcohol. I raised my brows and was very impressed how Henry was making this a very safe and classy party.

Me and Hana walked to a large table that was full of familiar faces. I sat myself down and Hana sat next to me. I can see her eyes wondering around looking for a special someone.

"Looking for him?" I whispered. A smirk formed onto my lips.

"No!" She whispered back.

I laughed. We both knew she was head over heels for Murad. He just didn't know it. I wonder if he did would he have done anything.

Just as I finished that thought guess who came in?

"The two devils have arrived." Hanna smacked my arm to get my attention.

I looked up and followed her gaze.

Right in the front of the ballroom walked in Uriel and Murad. They were both in fitted black suits looking like they walked off a runway.

When Uriel turned to face us I felt the wind knocked out of me. He had done something to his face because he was looking incredibly handsome. His hair was up today and his high sharp cheekbones were incredibly shaped. His jawline could cut steel as his eyes looked heavily mischievous.

He was carrying a devilish smile as he smiled at some people as he made his way across.

I felt my heart was going to explode. This wasn't fair. I was the one who was supposed to cause him heartache.

I sighed and tore my gaze away. We could never happen anyways and he was such a fuckboy nothing is going to change him.

I picked at my salad that was placed in front of me slowly as Hanna gawked at Murad.

Murad and I quickly made eye contact but he wasn't very pleasant. He knew I was Ahmed's cousin so he automatically hated me. The fool wasn't related to me but his uncle is married to my sister.

He didn't know that was rooting for whomever Hana wanted. And she wants Murad so I'm rooting for him.

If only the idiot knew.

"You came?!" Hailees voice boomed loudly out of nowhere causing me to jump up from my seat. I turned around to find her  linked arms to her best friend Lucy.

"Yeah?" I looked at her weirdly. "Why wouldn't I?"

"Uriel said you weren't going to come." She said.

I frowned. "How would be know? He didn't even talk to me." I looked at them like they were crazy.

Why would he lie?

I looked around for him and quickly I suddenly met his eyes. His eyes were dead set on mine.

It was like motion stopped and it was only us.

He tipped his glass at me breaking me out of the trance. A smirk formed on his face. He knew he was putting me under pressure.

The things he did to my mind.

I sent him back a sharp glare and his face went back to being flat and uncaring but he still made his way over when Murad took the first steps here.

I could hear Hana breathing hard. I was hoping she wasn't going to reveal she was this nervous.

As soon as they reached us Haylee and her friend left abruptly. I frowned, weren't her and Uriel together?

"Hey," Murad said to Hana and I quickly stood up. I felt Uriel's eyes follow me. It was honestly kinda hard to breath with his tall stature looking at my petite one. The only thing helping was my five inch platforms I had on.

I grabbed my little Chanel purse and began walking away from the table. I flipped my hair behind my shoulder and walked like a confident women should walk. Who cares about stinky boys! I was only seventeen!

"Wafa!" Henry's smiled. "You look amazing." He studied my long gown.

I smiled. "Thank you." I looked around. "Your party turned out amazing."

"I'm really trying to impress you." He said sweetly and I played it off.

"Stop flirting with me." I joked. But seriously stop.

Just as I finished my sentence the lights lightly dimmed and a beautiful melody played. Suddenly everyone grabbed their partner and joined the dance floor for some classic dance. 

Henry without telling me, grabbed my arm and pulled me to the dance floor.

"What are we-" I began, in shock but he just put his finger on my lips.

"Dance with me." He said. "I'll explain later."

He planted his on my upper back and glided me around the dance floor effortlessly. I was shocked at how good he was.

I was nervous to the core though and I hoped it was going to be over.

Henry grabbed my gaze and kept it. I bet from afar we looked like we were in love. I wonder what Hanna thought. I wonder what everyone thought oh my god I'm glad it's dim lighting.

As soon as it began I started pulling away but Henry held me in place. "It will be over soon." He whispered into my ear and I nodded.

He then twirled me and then the song ended right then.

As soon as he let go, I bolted away and ran to the restrooms. I wanted to wash my face with cold water. My hands still shook.

But before I can get there. Uriel walked out from a door that was connected to the garden outdoors.

My heartbeat picked up. The shadows loomed over him carving out his sharp features.

"What?" I snapped. I tried to not portray what I felt inside.

He didn't say anything. He walked over and grabbed my hand. He started pulling me along with him and before I knew it we were outside.

The air of tonight was cool fall air and the dress I was wearing was thankfully long sleeve.

"What?" I looked up at him only to see him looking at me. His gaze cut through me hard.

"Dance with me." He said. I could still hear the music coming in from the hall.

I looked at him, I was confused. "Uriel I'm not in the mood for this." I sighed and pulled up my dress since it was extremely long. I began walking back to the party when he then again grabbed my arm.

I stopped walking.

"Dance with me Wafa." He said again. It was more of a plead than a demand at this point. My heart ached inside. I was forgetting how to breath.

How did he expect me to be so close to him. He doesn't know how hard it is.

"Uriel-" I started but he spun me around.

He grabbed my waist and pulled me to him. His intoxicating smell quickly filled my nose. He smelled like musk with a sweet twist. It was hard not to breath him.

I didn't realize how broad he was but my hands fit perfectly on his shoulders even though he was much taller than me.

"Are you nervous?" Me and him met each other's gaze as he said that. I studied his face as he did mine.

"A little." I looked away and cleared my throat. "Are we done?"

He just stared into my eyes. Holding my gaze as we moved slowly to the music.

"I'm sorry." He suddenly said.

My eyebrows furrowed. "For?"

He suddenly leaned over and smashed his lips into mine and held my head forcing me to stay in place.

I bit his bottom lip and quickly pushed him away from me as soon as it began. He stumbled back, his eyes were ablaze. "Wafa.." he gritted. He touched his lips and sure enough he was bleeding. His eyes narrowed, his face only shown shock and anger.

"I don't want you to kiss me!" I yelled. "How the hell will I get married like this?!" I said to myself. I can't get married to man if my dad found out that I've been kissing boys! My family was so strict that they will disown me.

Uriel didn't seem like he listened. He walked over but quickly moved away. I ran not realizing there was a huge pool in my way.

My heel got caught on the vines of the plants and before I knew it I was being backwards into the dirty pool. However Uriel quickly grabbed me before I can fall inside and I grabbed for him like my life depended on it.

With my arms around his neck and my face buried in his chest it was hard to make sense of what I should do next.

"You should look where you're going idiot." He said calmly.

I quickly let go of him and wiped the little  makeup off his suit. "Leave me alone." I glared at him. "You got me in this mess." I looked at the pool. "Imagine if we both go back to the party soaked! They will think we did something bad."

"And?" He looked unbothered.

My eyes narrowed and I felt myself heating up. Despite how crazy handsome this man was there was no way I was going to loose everything. "Listen just because you're horny doesn't mean I am. Why don't you go let off some steam with Hailee." I gritted.

"I'm not with Hailee anymore." He bit back.

"I don't care. Just find someone I'm sure it will be easy." I fired. "You know my culture, you're not my husband-" I began

"I will be." He said with his eyebrows risen.

I laughed dryly. "Who said?"

"I say." He smirked. " I mean you've already kissed me. I'll keep kissing you until nobody shows up at your fathers house."

I was shocked. "That's not how it works doofus." I glared at him. He thinks it's so easy.

"Then I'll fucking snap necks Wafa do you want me to go there?!" He yelled I could see he really is serious. The deadness in his eyes gives it away.

"You're crazy!" I threw my hands up. "You're seriously crazy!" I knew I couldn't lie and there was a big part of me that loved him but I knew it wasn't going to go anywhere and I was just gonna string him along.

Uriel sighed and walked away to the door. He was going back inside. But he stopped in his tracks and turned around. "Oh and Henry, yeah he's gonna fucking die tonight."



Murad sat next to me. We were both quite.

Suddenly he got up.

"Let's dance." He extended his arm out to me and gladly took it.


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