Jordans Journey

By MonicaGrace23

680 11 0

Jordan is a 17 year old girl in an unfortunate situation. She has big dreams and goals but shes stuck in a cr... More

Riisee and Shineee -Kylie Jenner
The Morning - The Weeknd
Scared of Lonley -Beyonce
You Dont Know My Name -Alicia Keys
Aquainted -The Weeknd
The Joy -Jay Z Kanye West
Bad Guy -Billie Ellish
Pull Up -G Herbo
End -Frank Ocean
Immortal -J Cole
Pheonix -A$AP Rocky

Remember You -Wiz Khalifa

77 1 0
By MonicaGrace23

I woke up in solitary confinement with no recollection of what happened. I starting banging on the walls to get one of the guards attention. I know there is one nearby and they are choosing to ignore me. "HELLLOOOO" I scream louder and louder and it yet it still goes unanswered. "I'm not suppose to be in here, I didnt do anything".
"QUIET INMATE" The guard finally yells. I lower my tone but the message still stands I'm not suppose to be in here I know remember the heckling laugh coming from Jenn she threw a slice a bread at the server and she probably threw one at me. "I'm being serious Jenn threw bread at the lady serving and she threw it at me too."
"Inmate I wont tell you again."
"But am Im being honest, I haven't done anything wrong so I don't think I should be in this situation right now, honestly. I was minding my business just trying to—-"
"One more peep out of you and you're getting time added to your sentence"
"QUIET" He yells as he bangs on the door I cant see him but I can feel the anger in his voice even through these walls. I settle down, waiting to choose my words wisely. I hate this place anything that happens is always somehow your fault. Im so upset at Jenn she is really costing me my freedom right now all because of a slice of bread? No now I want to fight wheres the warden I need answers and explanations. I start banging on the door as loud as I can screaming for the warden. I feel myself getting a headache and I almost give up when I hear footsteps. "Jordan Jackson you've granted yourself 3 more months on your sentence in addition to to the the 3 months added for the assault of Jennifer Webb."
"I didn't assault Jennifer she threw food at me" I spit
"Lying isn't helping your case"
"But I'm not lying I'm telling the truth I didnt assault anyone what are you talking about"
"No you listen I don't know if this is some type of sick psychological game but don't play with me. I'm not stupid somebody is going to tell me what the hell is going on or I promise I wont stop screaming until I made every individual in this center bleed."
"Ma'am is that a threat"
"If you do that you will serve the remainder of your sentence in confinement and that's a promise"
"Can I speak to my public defender"
"You have no visitors for today inmate"
"You guys are holding me in solitary confinement with no premise"
"You assaulted Jennifer"
"I didn't assault anyone" I was calm but now I am starting to get frustrated again. My palms get sweaty and my heart starts beating.
"Sir please I just need to talk to my defender"
"This conversation is over"
"But sir"
"You have seven days in confinement inmate"
"Sir" my voice is cracking now I cant believe this is happening.
I hear the wardens footsteps walking in the distant and I turn into Kayla every morning. I was top of the classes here, on track to having an early sentence, how did I get 6 months added to my sentence? I cry for what feels like hours before eventually falling asleep. Solitary means no 8am breakfast, but it also means no reading, no journaling, no Kayla. I start counting 100. One Mississippi , two Mississippi three Mississippi , four Mississippi Thre—

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