You may now kiss the husband!

By Rumbadaa

146K 9.4K 1.4K

The famous playboy prince, known as Singto was again in the tabloids! His mother was fed up, completely exasp... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32

Chapter 26

3.4K 209 22
By Rumbadaa

Ever gotten the feeling that everything was going according to your plans and then all of a sudden a superior force came in between you and your successful plan, smirked in your face and said mockingly: "You were wrong. So completely off the mark." Well, this was what the queen was going through right now. Because she had seen that superior force mocking her in that bandage fixed at Krist's nape. Hugging her son close to her chest after she fed him a piece of cake, it was then that she noticed the slight white bandage playing hide and seek with her as Krist bent down to take a piece of cake to feed Singto. She felt her world crumble underneath her feet. When did they mate to each other? How come she was not aware of it? What were those bodyguards for?! How could they let something like that happen? The prince, her son was mated!! To an omega!!! Worse, Isla's son!!!

Isla had been watching her reaction ever since and she saw when Mia saw the bandage. When Mia turned her head to glance at her, she smirked at her. The queen was mortified. How could an omega beat her at her own game? She examined Krist carefully. Rosy cheeks, eyes a bit feverish, the way he stood very close to Singto, there was no doubt that Krist had been having his heat. And that Singto bit him during his heat. Irreversible bite! By this bite, Krist would always be Singto's mate.. Forever.. Unless either of them died. But she was not that cruel to remove her son's mate from him. No. Never. However, Isla was not aware of this fact. To her, the Mia she had in front of her right now was the portrait of the late queen and she had witnessed what the late queen could do to save her reputation. No, she was not going to take that risk for her son. Her Krist would never have to undergo this. So, she waited for when the queen was standing a bit far from the fanfare and she whispered: "We need to talk." Mia gritted her teeth but nodded. They both stood and watched their sons bask in their happiness until they had the opportunity to leave.

Once alone, Isla sat down and calmly waited. Sitting down too, Mia lowered her eyes and finally opened her mouth: "You knew they were going to mate when I came to your place, right?" Krist's mother smiled and nodded. "But you should know that I felt that it was too soon for them to mate. But seeing how you were so excited to make my Krist the culprit in some ways after Singto claimed him as his fiancé, I made my mind to give them my blessings. Being under the lights of a known actor, my son was already enduring the discrimination of being an omega. So, you can guess how it would have been if you alleged him to some stupid accusation afterwards. It would have ruined his career. Ruined his life. Oh why would you worry about these things? You never cared." Mia felt the bite in her words but she kept quiet because it was true that she had been going to ruin Krist's career without another glance.

Getting only silence for an answer, Isla clapped her hands in sarcasm. "Aren't you the great queen?", she lashed out. "What are you going to do now? Going for the big guns? Because unlike your mother, you failed to separate them before mating!!", she exclaimed, her anger and misery of all those years finally erupting. Mia raised her eyes to stare at her in surprise. She was not expecting to get the past thrown in her face like that. She then frowned, her own anger coming forth. "Don't you dare blame my mother!! You are the one who could not wait to get mated to any alpha who came forth." Isla laughed. "Yeah right. As an omega in heat, it was obvious that I was thirsty for sex and to be mated. It's in my genes! But you as my chosen alpha, why were you not there??!! Where the fuck were you, Mia?? Ever asked yourself why did your mother decide to throw royal duties at you only then?!!"

She came close to Mia and slapped her hands on the table in anger: "We agreed for me not to take my pills for that heat!! We agreed to mate but you never came!! Instead I found men entering the room! All alphas!!!!" Mia trembled as her eyes widened in shock. "You are lying..", she whispered. Isla stared at her and then shook her head. "Even now you don't believe me.. You know what.. All this doesn't matter. It's over now. All I came here to tell you is that you dare touch a hair of my son, whatever had been done to me will be revealed to the media. I don't have the proof of how your mother arranged everything because I was too weak at that time she came to visit me. I could not even reply her. But I still have our photos, Mia. I swear to God, you play with fire, I will burn you!! So, beware." Mia sat there, frozen as she absorbed what she had just heard. Di- did her own mother...

Of course not, Isla was lying. She was still trying to convince herself when she heard a knock on the door. She raised her head and watched Sebastian enter the room. The latter was looking worried and guilty. Why was the butler looking so guilty? "What?", she asked, fear in her throat. He sat down, silently offering her a clean handkerchief. She touched her cheeks and realised that she had been crying. Why would she cry when whatever Isla had said was not true? She repeated her question: "What?" Sebastian sighed and said: "I ordered the bodyguards not to interfere with the prince's mating." At once, she froze. Tonight was the night of getting all kind of surprises, it seemed. Unpleasant surprises. She laughed at her own misery and asked: "Why?" The butler lowered his head and whispered: "Because I owe her." "Her?", asked Mia and Sebastian nodded.

The queen closed her eyes painfully and knew that "her" was Isla. And Sebastian started to explain what happened all those years. He had been a young recruit and had not known until it was too late what the queen ordered him to do. He had been the one who had helped Krist's father to enter the room afterwards and had protected Isla. He had helped in getting rid of the other alphas. He had always wished he could do more but the situation had been such that he could not at that time. Mia listened to him and then laughed drily. Then, she had been a mere puppet in her mother's hands all these times. Fueling her hate for omegas when Isla had not been the culprit. As an omega in heat, it was obvious that I was thirsty for sex and to be mated. It's in my genes! But you as my chosen alpha, why were you not there??!! She clenched her fists. So, it was true. Shit. They both had been played by her mother. She ignored her butler's calls and walked away. She needed to be alone. She waved her hand vaguely as she ordered: "No matter what, I am not here. Mia the cold bitch is not here. She doesn't want to see anyone."

Meanwhile, Isla stood in front of the mirror, watching the droplets of water sliding down her cheeks. She would be strong. She would also pray that Mia understood because Isla did not want to reveal buried skeletons now. Not when she knew it would hurt a lot of people, her son among them. "Mom!", shouted the said son as they entered the apartment and Isla dried her face as she went to join them. Krist ran into her arms and hugged her tight. Isla chuckled and hugged him back. Her baby. Ah alas no longer only hers. She smiled at the alpha who claimed her son and Singto smiled back. Krist finally leaned back and said softly: "You have been crying." Isla laughed: "Of course, I am crying. My son is mated." Krist frowned: "But I am not going anywhere, mom." He glanced at Singto and said: "Tell her, P. We just mated to each other." Isla smacked his head and retorted: "Don't be silly. You are still hot to touch and your mate needs you. You need to be together." And she laughed when she saw Singto's relieved face. "It's fine. You don't need to worry about your mother that much, baby.", she said to her son and Krist hugged her once more.

Singto came to him and rubbed his back. "You told me you wanted to come home because you are tired, aren't you Krist? So, you should rest." Hearing that, Krist's mother pushed her son back and grabbed his face: "Let me see that face. Tired? Nah I don't think so." She then whispered into his ear: "Just wanted to be with your alpha, huh?" Krist at once blushed and his mother chuckled as she kissed his cheek. "It's fine to be clingy on the first day of your heat.", she added with a wink. Hugging her second son to her bosom, she whispered: "You take care of my baby." She then waved them bye. "I better get back to home. Have sex all you want. But don't forget protection, boys! And drink lots of water. Dehydration does not feel nice!", she advised as she walked to the door. Krist shouted, mortified: "MOoooom!!!" "Love you too baby!", she laughingly replied as she closed the door.

Singto was chuckling into Krist's neck as he listened to Isla. "Your mother is funny.", he added. Krist sighed: "As if we don't know we need to use protection.." At once, they both froze and turned to face each other. "Protection.. We didn't use any..", whispered Krist and Singto nodded as he tugged the nervous omega into his arms. "I am sorry.. I didn't realise..", he whispered back. Krist swallowed hard as he buried his face into Singto's neck. He shook his head. How could his mate realise under such clouded feeling of that time? He did not blame his P at all. However, the alpha could feel the turmoil going through his mate and he sighed as he guided them to the sofa. There, he sat down and placed Krist on his lap. "It's fine. Whatever happens we'll deal with it.", he tried to convince the omega but Krist shook his head again. What about his career? What about his already signed jobs? He could not get... pregnant now... But at the same time, he really wanted a little Singto in his arms. He groaned and hugged his mate again, feeling conflicted. 

"Do you want me to talk to the doctor? There must be some pills..", said Singto as he rubbed Krist's back. Krist remained silent. "Krist darling..", urged the prince and Krist finally leaned back, his face flushed. "I am scared..", he whispered. Singto grabbed his nape and kissed him. "We'll be together. Alright?" And he took his phone out to speak with the doctor. After having the situation explained to him, the doctor asked to speak with Krist. "Hello?", said the hesitant omega and then he flushed red as he replied: "About 3 times?" Singto bit back his smile. His Krist was so cute when he lied his ass off. A few more questions about how regular his heat was and what kind of heat suppressant he had been taking to finally being told to take the emergency contraception pills. Krist nodded and whispered his thanks. The fact that the doctor mentioned how fertile an omega was during his heat and how an alpha could easily make the omega pregnant stuck in Krist's head.

 Singto spoke to the doctor after and then cut the call. "He said he was going to send the pills.", he said softly as he raised Krist's chin to make him face him. "What's the matter?", he asked. Krist's whisper reached his ear and Singto's eyes widened in surprise. "He said that?" Krist nodded as he bit his lower lip and Singto laughed as he reached out to kiss his omega. Being the prince meant that he was a more potent alpha to impregnate an omega. "You are worrying for nothing. The pills will work." Well, Krist hoped so. He cuddled close to his alpha and slept, ignoring how the burn continued to tease his body. But during the night, he could no longer ignore it as he woke up looking for his mate. He had pushed all waves of heat as much as he could while staying at the party but now could no longer push them. 

Singto woke up at the feeling of getting kisses on his neck and he moaned, arching his neck sleepily so that his mate would have more access. Krist's hands were everywhere, pulling at the clothes, searching for skin to touch and grasp. Both started to pant as desire filled their veins. Krist moaned when Singto pushed him back on the bed. The bed? When did he reach here? "I brought you here.. You were sound asleep..", explained Singto as he bit into Krist's earlobe. He then moved back and tugged on Krist's arm to make him sit up. He reached out to place the glass of water and pill in the omega's hand. Staring into his mate's eyes, Krist swallowed the pill with the help of the water. A sense of déjà vu hit them both. It was certainly not the first time they both performed this act. Singto smiled encouragingly at him and whispered: "Now, tell me how are you feeling? Why did you start devouring me once you woke up?"

Krist placed the glass of water on the nightstand and glanced at the pack of condoms lying there. Oh the possibilities they had since protection was here. He licked his lips and went back to attack Singto's neck. The prince's hands went into his mate's hair and moaned. Krist continued his path down to Singto's nipples and even down to his navel. Singto's question was answered. Krist wanted him. Like right now. The prince had absolutely no objection and he readily got rid of his shorts. Krist moved to grab one of the condoms and he started to try something he saw in films. Getting the condom on with his mouth. Should he say that he sucked at it? In the end, he threw the rubber away and picked up another one. Singto groaned and decided to take over the job before he burst out. Krist watched the whole procedure of rolling the condom on with hypnotised and feverish eyes , causing Singto to groan. He reached out to pull his mate onto him and started to kiss him passionately.

"Ride me.", he asked, out of breath. Krist nodded as he removed his clothes impatiently. They made him feel hot. Once he finished, he came back to his mate and straddled him. Singto reached over and splayed his hands over Krist's chest. Krist grabbed one of them and teased him with light kisses on each finger. Singto shivered as Krist proceeded to suck on the fingers. Sucking them in and out, causing Singto to lose his mind. Locking eyes with his omega, Singto moved his hips and Krist moaned, making the prince feel the vibration along his finger in Krist's mouth. Widening his legs, Krist closed his eyes in ecstasy when Singto slid into him. Pulling his finger out of his omega's mouth, Singto could not hold it anymore and he sat up, holding on Krist's waist, going even deeper inside him.

Rubbing the omega's thighs, Singto felt how they quivered when he moved faster. He shivered and dropped kisses on Krist's shoulder blade. "Fuck, I love you. I love you so much, Krist.", he whispered and Krist buried his face into his neck, clenching him tightly in his hold. Singto groaned. "Don't tighten up so much." Krist was not listening, he moved even faster and moaned Singto's name into his neck as he came hard. He kept on clenching, causing his alpha to come even harder. Singto groaned and sagged into his mate as he caught his breath. After a while, he asked: "What was that?" Krist sighed and cuddled even closer to him. "I love you too." was heard a few minutes and Singto smiled as he rubbed his mate's back. He felt himself drift off and he shook his head to keep himself awake.

He gently removed himself from Krist and said: "Wait here." He went to the bathroom and got rid of the condom. When he came back, Krist was already asleep. Singto could understand his fatigue. He was glad though that he could bring Krist to his birthday party and got to propose him right there. He needed to thank his mother for that brilliant idea. He was not expecting that of her but well, people changed. He sat down on the bed, watching his mate for a few minutes like a lovesick fool. He then took the wet towel he brought from the bathroom and proceeded to get his mate clean before he joined him on the bed to sleep, safe in his Krist's embrace. This was the best way to sleep. He smiled as he finally lost himself to deep slumber.


The prince proposed!!!

We all knew that was coming! Oh come on, you could not have missed those loving gazes they were sending each other at every event they went, right? So, yeah we knew it was coming! Okay, okay, I thought it was mating. Sue me. I was not far from the truth either since our lion proposed and our baby turtle said yes!! We all know what happens after marriage right?


BUT!!!! Coming back to the proposal!!

We didn't know it will happen at the birthday party of His Highness!!!

Imagine my mini heart attack when I saw the prince kneeling down in front of Krist!!!

I had tears in my eyes when our baby turtle said yes!

Congratulations, my babies!

Ugh, my heart still has not gotten over the surprise!


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