Acid Rain

By abbileeann

31.9K 944 97

Blake has been going through some rough times so her friends decide to take her out on the town where she mee... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41

Chapter 6

925 21 3
By abbileeann

                Tuesday afternoon I woke up at 3:00 vomiting over and over again. A couple of hours later when I walked out of the bathroom I looked at the clock on my wall, it read 5:15PM. That was the fourth time I had to run to the bathroom to vomit. I looked down at my stomach and sighed, I was ready to get rid of this thing inside of me.

                I brushed my teeth again and went to my room to put on fresh clothes. I slid on an old faded maroon t-shirt with a dark design on the front. I then slid on old worn out jeans and torn tattered thin white keds on my feet. After putting on a coat of mascara and throwing my ash blonde hair into a messy bun, I walked into the living room and checked my phone.

1 Message: Jimmy “The Rev” Sullivan.

                Stop what you’re doing, drop everything, and come to the Olive Garden by my house A.S.A.P, it’s an emergency!!


                Why would Jimmy text me if there was an emergency? What could’ve happened to him? Is Jimmy okay? Where are my car keys?

                These were the questions running through my head as I scrambled around my apartment looking for my keys. I ran out the door and was on my way to Olive Garden in less than a minute.

                As I got out of my car I saw a black 1969 mustang veer in from the other side and whip into the parking space in front of me. I glared at the person in the car who was now rushing out. Much to my surprise it was Brian.

                I raced past him, ignoring him and sped inside. I ran to the small counter in the front of the restaurant where a short hostess with bright red hair was standing. “Excuse me I’m looking for a Jimmy Sullivan,” I said interrupting a conversation she was having with another hostess. Her nametag read ‘Tabby.’

                “You looking for Jimmy too?” I heard a male’s voice behind me. I turned and Brian was right behind me. I hated him but he looked good. He was wearing a black fedora over a bandana and had lightly put on eyeliner. He wore a black v-neck with aviators hanging on the neck and black ripped black skinny jeans.

                “Yeah I am, he texted you too?” I asked. He nodded right before I turned back and looked at the hostess. She had a huge grin across her face then whispered something to the other girl next to her. “Right this way,” she smiled. As we walked throughout the restaurant I noticed people were dressed very fancily. I looked down at my old t-shirt, jeans, and dirty keds and immediately felt my face flush with embarrassment.

                “Nice to know you dress like a homeless person when you go to fancy restaurants,” Brian mumbled. He was right on my heels. I felt that if I stopped walking for a millisecond he would run straight into me. “At least you smell nice,” he added. I rolled my eyes and ignored him although he smelled good too. “Does that host look familiar to you?” he whispered to me. “No, why would she?” I whispered back. “Never mind,” he dropped the question and we continued on in silence.

                “Synyster Gates!” we heard someone call. We turned around and a group of teenagers that looked like they were eating here before a homecoming dance were staring at us. Brian immediately switched from total jerk to nice awesome rock star.

                “Hey,” he grinned and walked up to the group of what looked like 20 teenagers. “Will you take a picture with us?” a boy asked. He smiled and stood at the end of the table, “I’d love to. Blake will you take our picture?” he asked nicely.

                “Sure,” I said a little weirded out that I was seeing this side of Synyster Gates. “No let your girlfriend be in the picture too, she can stand next to you,” a girl said.

                I felt myself blush and tried to decline but she dragged me into the picture and placed me next to Brian. “Brian we have to go, Jimmy’s in trouble,” I whispered to him. “Smile,” he whispered back as he wrapped his arm around me and grinned while a waitress took a picture.

                After we took the picture Brian looked at the group and said, “by the way, she’s not my girlfriend, she’s my maid, and not the sexy kind either.” I glared at him as chuckled at his own joke. Before we walked off a girl spoke up, “well you two should date because y’all make a good couple.”

                Brian smiled and waved, “thank you for the picture!”

                As we followed the hostess I thought about the side of Brian I just saw. Where did that side of him come from and why didn’t he show me the same kindness? I never did anything to upset him.

                The hostess was still grinning as she stopped at a table. A table with no Jimmy. Instead it was a table meant for two sitting in front of a window with a lit candle in the center. The lights around it were dimmed.

“What is this?” I asked hardly able to speak.

                “A Jimmy Sullivan called and set this up for two of his friends, dinner and drinks are already paid for,” the hostess said while laying down two menus on the table. She pulled the chairs out for us to sit down.

                “No we’re not dating or anything,” Brian said starting to back away.

                I wanted to leave just as much as he did but Jimmy had already paid for everything and I didn’t want to waste his money. “Brian we might as well, Jimmy already paid for everything,” I suggested.

                Brian shot me a look that told me he knew I was right but he didn’t want to. I sat down at the table and ordered a peach tea. Brian got a beer.

                “So what was that all about?” I asked pointing to the group of teenagers. “What do you mean?” he asked raising a brow. “You just seemed like a great guy back there, I was kind of confused where that side of you came from,” I admitted. He sighed and took a swig of beer, “they’re fans, you can’t piss off fans or you won’t have anymore.”

                “That makes sense,” I mumbled. We sat at the table in silence. I was too scared to ask him anything, I didn’t want to make him angry. We sat there, the silence was deafening. When Brian finally decided to speak it made me jump. “So you met everyone?” I nodded not liking where this was heading. “What’d you think?” he asked a little too calmly while taking a drink of beer.

                “I like them,” I said uncomfortably. “Cool, now leave us alone and go find your own friends,” he spat at me.

                “Jimmy was the one who invited me over so talk to him, I don’t want to have this conversation,” I was going to end it there but Brian was being a scumbag so I decided to have a little fun. “And from what I hear, they like me too. In fact Jimmy likes me so much he offered to take me to my appointment tomorrow at the clinic. Also before I left Jimmy’s house last night Matt invited me to have breakfast with Paige and him next week at his place.”

                Brian bit his lower lip, he was getting frustrated. I grinned happy that I was making him angry instead of him making me angry for once.

                “Don’t you know what the words ‘stay out of my life’ mean?” his voice grew louder.

                “Oh I’m sorry but last time I checked you’re the one who bound me to you for nine months,” I fought back.

                Brian rolled his eyes, “that’s why you’re getting an abortion.” He paused and sighed, “you know that’s why Jimmy planned this. He doesn’t want you to get an abortion.”

                “Why would he care?” I asked.

                “His parents wanted to get an abortion when his mom was pregnant with him but they ran out of time.”

                “That’s terrible,” I gasped, “they told him that?”

                “He found out from his grandma,” Brian’s jaw tensed up.

               After a few minutes of silence made me feel awkward I spoke up.

                “I want an abortion Brian. I’ve never wanted kids, I’m terrible with them anyways,” I informed him.

                “Yeah I want you to get one, just be careful when Jimmy drives you to the appointment tomorrow, he might get a little sensitive about everything.”

                I smiled, “thanks for the heads up.”

                “Yeah don’t expect that from me, I just thought you should know so Jimmy doesn’t show up at my apartment door angry at you,” Brian looked away from me and chewed on his lower lip.

                “I can’t imagine Jimmy angry at anyone.”

                “It takes a crap load to make him angry but once he is it’s awful,” Brian said recalling past experiences.


                The waitress came back to our table and took our order a couple minutes later. Brian got lasagna and I got fettuccini alfredo.

                The rest of the night was actually kind of fun, we talked a little more and we didn’t fight… till the end.

                I brought up the sensitive subject of why he was so rude to me the first night we met and he immediately reacted by yelling at me then eating in silence the rest of the night. We departed with him saying, “just because we did this together tonight, it doesn’t make us any better, it doesn’t make us friends, and it doesn’t change a thing. Get the abortion, tell me, then lose mine and Jimmy’s number.”

|I just want to say this now, Jimmy's parents NEVER wanted to get an abortion with him, I just made it up! I repeat: I made up that Jimmy Sullivan's parents wanted to get an abortion to add to the story!

Anyways, that is a picture of Matt (M. Shadows) Sanders and Brian (Synyster Gates) Haner Jr. (Matt is shirtless, Brian has the black spikey hair :) ) The song is "I Won't See You Tonight pt. 1" by Avenged Sevenfold.

Thank you for reading! I dedicate this chapter to synistarr69 because she votes for all chapters of my story! Thank you so much!! You motivate me to keep the story going!|

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