The Wolf and The Ghost

By Leewashinton

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Noble Six our favorite spartan bravery fighting the covenant head-on. Until he dies by the hand of an elite o... More

Chapter one
chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6 part 2
I have return
Chapter 7
Anniversary of 9/11
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Question and Vote
Votes Are In
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
I'm Back
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
New Armor and gadgets
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Idea what you think
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Update Notice

Chapter 6 part 1

5.9K 75 47
By Leewashinton

Six pov.

Its been two weeks since I met the rebel leaders and I haven't received any missions yet, so just in case I keep my radio on at all times but I still didn't get anything yet. Though I listen to other channels I would hear radio operators and other soldiers they would talk each other about wanting action, their families, or girls which I'm not going into details, most of all   I would listen their officers announce of past and recent operations, mission and ops which most of them fail and won some.

Me: *sigh* If these rebels keep losing battles they'll lose morale this rebellion lose its fire and it will die out.

Right on cue, the speaker went on 

Hera: Hey, guys come to the cockpit we got mission.

I smirked under my helmet, finally, I've been wanting mission for a while now.

Time skip

I made it to the cockpit seeing everyone waiting on me.

Hera: now everyone is here, I'll update you on the mission.

She presses a few buttons on the panel and halo image to appear of what looks like ships

Hera: Recently, We had a few space battles against the imperials and we are dire of need of starfighters.

Me: permission to speak captain.

Hera:*sigh* Six, there's no need for that six, you have every right to talk.

Six: right, sorry *clear his throat*  What were they doing fighting the imperials and why need more starfighter don't you have a fleet to replace them?

Hera: Well they try to capture a planet call Krystal which we won but then several days later imperials send a fleet to recapture the planet, They destroyed our ships and there were no survives, and for the second question, yes we have other fleets it's just that rebel command can't a ford to move our ships around. With the Empire breathing down our necks, they don't want to ricks our ships, we are being supplied by the mon calamari building us ships against the star destroyers but it takes time so we have to get the starfighters ourself       

I was pissed off, they try to fight conventional warfare when they have no chance of winning and they waste manpower that would have been helpful in the future, they even don't have replacements and still think they can get more resources like magic.  

Sabine: Six?

I look at her which has a concerting look on her face.

Sabine: Are you ok?

Six: yes I'm fine.

Sabine: Are you sure.

I nod at her.

Hera continues that we need ships for the Alliances to fill the gap, on the holo picture show fighter that has four wings, next was look like a fighter looks like a y and the last one looks like an a.

Hera: Six since your new these starfighters x-wing,y-wing, and A-wing. X-wing is basically the main starfighters in the fleet they armed with four laser cannons and two proton torpedo launchers, shielding, Y-wing are bombers, two lasers at the front, rotating turret controlled by a gunner, and proton torpedos, shielding, and the A-wing theses have  Borstel RG-9 Laser cannons  2, Dymek HM-5/HM-6 Concussion Missile Launchers  2, with concussion missiles 12.

I look at these ships and thier not bad they can take a punch from a tie fighter and what's impressive is their sizes, their so small it's hard for the turbo lasers to get a shot and each of them have thier own shielding and hyperdrive.

Me: So how many do we need?

Hera: We need about 10,000 of them but we cut in half, phoenix squanders and other squads get   500, while we get 400 and command is getting the rest. Command also said that it doesn't matter how to get them whether stealing them or getting parts for them so the engineers can build them.   

Me: "Great, we are going to steal now" Do we have anyone or any way of getting these?

Hera: Yes, I have contacted a dealer and we will be meeting him on the planet call Coralia, it's a desert planet like Tatooine and it's not populated.

Kanan: Well that good for once we don't need to worry about any imperial.

Zeb: Who is this dealer.

Hera: His name is Vruun, he's a Quarren, arms dealers he usually deals with the alliances, his prices are a little problem but we can do something about that.

The holo screen shows an alien looks like a squid-like creature with grey eyes.  

                          ( imagine him looks more criminal with missing  tentacle)

Me:  "He looks like those fun." When are we leaving?

Ezra: Hey, Six what the rush?

Me: Well, I want to make this deal with man and be done with cause from my point of view I already don't trust, he's bad news.

Sabine: Six right, this guy looks like he will sell you to the Hutts or imperials if given a chance.

Hera: Yes, he is bad news, he betrays some of his business partners and he also works with the Hutts we must tread lightly.

Kana: So, the plan is to meet this guy, and make a deal with him quickly as possible before he stabs us in the back. 

Hera: That's the plan.

Kana: Alright let's get going.

We all stand and left Hera at the cockpit.

Ezra: Finally, something easy for once.

I just gave him a look that would say really.

Ezra: What.

Six: Ezra, you never say 'this is easy'.

Ezra: Why not?

Six: Cause Ezra, a mission is not always easy, something always goes wrong with a mission if it's even the smallest thing, it can lead to disaster.

Kana: Six, is right Ezra, you should never take a mission to lightly, during the clone wars when we would attack the separatist worlds the droids would not make it easy for us if we win an easy battle they counter-attack and hit us hard and we would take heavy casualties.

Six: Right, we have a saying in the military "Prepare for the Worst, Hope for the Best"

Ezra: What does that mean?

Six: Means be optimistic but be ready for the worst things to come.

Ezra: oh, ok that makes sense 

Kana: ok guys lets get ready.


Third pov.

We view The ghost crew on the planet of Coralia, waiting for thier.... friend to arrive with the shipment of ships while Hera and chopper stay in the ship in space.

Erza: Where is this guy?

Kanan: Be patient Erza, he'll come.

Erza: I know but I hate waiting.

Kanan: same here but you have to wait.

There was an awkward silence between the crew before sabine broke the silence.

Sabine: Sooooo, six what do you do during your time in the war.

Six: which one when I was fighting the insurrectionists or covenant.

Sabine: umm both I guest.

Six: Well, I do lone wolf assassination for both and sabotages, when I was with Noble we would recon, sabotages and be apart in operations.

Sabine: Wow that's a lot.

Six: It was.

Another awkward silence

Sabine: uh

Zeb: what did you do for fun.

Sabine look at Zeb with a relief look and Zeb gives her a thumbs up.

Sabine: y-yeah what he said.

Six: well, Spartans were to busy fighting in the war, we didn't have time for relaxation or fun.

Zeb: That tough huh.

Six nod

The crew felt bad for the Spartan that the war for them was bad that he and the other Spartans didn't have any time for themself. Sabine made a loud sad sigh and about to give up trying to talk to him.

Six: but.

This made Sabine and the crew interested in conservation again.

Six: When I'm alone and there are no missions, I would go somewhere that quite and read.

Sabine: what do you read?

Six: There's Lord of the rings novels, The Catcher in the Rye (p.s I hate book it was so depressing) and military books.

Sabine: they sound pretty good stories.

Six: Yeah, they were good.

Then right on cue, they see two ships entering, one look was a light freighter, other one was a large cargo freighter.

                             ( I don't know just pic any ship for the cargo)

Kanan: here they come, get ready.

the crew had their weapon ready and load, sabine had her helmet on.

Kanan: and remember we need this to go smoothly.

they noded.

The ship lands on the surface moments later the doors open and reveals the squid man himself Vruun and other men from freighter and cargo that is arm with rifle blaster.

Vruun: Are you our buyers.

Kanan: Indeed we are.

Vruun: You got our credits.

Kanan: Woah, let's not get ahead of ourselves we need to see the cargo.

Vruun: Of course this way.

We follow him to the cargo, and six notice the dealer's shipmates were looking at the Mandalorian like a toy you find in a shop and doesn't mean the friendly kind.

Six: "Great there already a problem".

Vruun opens one of the crates and it looks like part for ships, wires, armor,  and engines.

Kanan: Looks good.

Vruun: I'm glade *He closes the doors*.

Kanan: How much?

The alien thinks about the question.

Vruun: Mmmm, I say about 39,000 credits.

The crew was horrified by the spoken amount except six he knew that this criminal would scam them.

Kanan: *looks in his brief cast and see they have 25,000* That's a big price c-


Kanan: Ezra come down we can figure something.

Ezra: Kanan, this guy is a scammer and a fraud.

This piss off the dealer.

Vruun: Ok then it is now 40,000.

Sabine: Oh shoot great Erza.

Zeb: Nice Going kid.

Ezra: Hey, it's not my idea that he's a crook.

Everyone except six: EZRA!

Vruun: Now it's 50,000.

  They all look at Ezra with an angry look.

Ezra: WHAT!

Then six put his hand on Ezra's shoulder gaining his attention.

Six: Kid you should keep out of it, you need to know when the time and place to speak.

Ezra: But-

Six: Ezra! Please be quiet.

This silence Ezra.

Kanan:*clear voice* Sorry about that, the kid is new to this. 

Vruun: I don't care he should learn his place.

Kanan: Don't worry he will.

He looks over his shoulder and sees Ezra looking down as a shame, then looks back at the dealer.

Kanan: Please lower the price.

Vruun: Fine, 30,000

Kanan:*grunts*  Really 

Vruun: My price, my call.

Kanan: Is there any way you can lower the price.

Vruun: Mmmmm, actually yes thier is.

The alien looks past Kanan towards Sabine.

Six: " I knew it"

The crew huddle around the Mandalorian.

Kanan: No!

Vruun: Come on, you need this cargo and we need some entertainment. You can take the cargo for free and I'll give you 10,000 credits for her.

Kanan: Again, No, you can keep the cargo and the credits but we're leaving.

Before the crew had a chance to leave the dealer arm crew encircle them.

Vruun: tsk, tsk, tsk, YOU should off take the deal and now...*grab his blaster from his holster and point at the crew* have to take your lives and the Mandalorian, I bet you have some moves that you give us since you live with fou- Hey where the armored man?

Vruun crew looking around to find six.

Crew 3: Were did he go?

Crew 4: I don't kno-

the man was met with a punch in the face made him unconscious.

Vruun crew were full blow panic.


Crew 1: I don't know sir.

Then they see Six deactivate his camouflage surprising vruun crew and the Ghost crew, taking the advantage six swipe at of the crew member legs knocking him down and breaking his arm take him, he then ran towards the fourth member while dodging his blaster bolts then uppercut sending him flying colliding with the cargo ship.

Zeb and Sabine  took down member next him while kanan and ezra use thier force push sending the other guard flying.
Right on cue, two more of vrumm crew members ran out from the freighter join in the fight but six quickly threw hidden knives at them hitting them in stomach area injuring them.
Vruun realizes he no chance against the ghost crew, he ran towards his ship to escape but fell short when Six shot his magnum at the dealer injuring, Six walks up to the injured alien drags him by the leg towards the crew.

Vrumm: Please don't kill. Please!

Six drop him and then left him up in the air.

Vruun: why can't I move my legs? WHAT DID YOU DO?!

Six: bullet must of paralyze you when it hit your spine. Now listen very carefully.

Six change of ton from a clam and serious to venomous which scares the dealer including the ghost crew.

Six: We came here to make a deal with you, no ties, or double-crossing each other just a plane simple deal but you try to scam us with your prices and when we deny it you try to murder us and try to take our teammate away so you can turn her into your plaything. NO, I DON'T THING So.

Six then punch the alien and tossing him to the ground then Crouch down garb the alien by his shirt brings him closer to six.

Six: Now this what we going to do my crew and I are going to take the cargo with us and keep our credits and leave. NOW this is what you're going to do.

Before six finish his sentence, he grabs vruun pistol shoots it towards cargo ship this confuses the ghost crew but when looking behind them they see one of the dealers on top of the cargo ship with chaingun with a hole in his chest and clasp to the dirt ground.

Six: Now * looking back at the alien* you are going to get all of your wounded and leave without pulling any tricks, once you leave you are not telling the imperials about this, and if you do anything that would hurt my team in any way I'll hunt you down like a dog cut you open and hung you by your inners.

This scare the dealer that he piss himself and knowing that six was true on his every word.

Six: and that goes with your crew got it. do I make myself clear?

Vruun: Yes.

Six: What?

Vrumm: YES SIR!

Six: Now get the hell out of here.

Six shot his magnum in the air, this made the injured crew the scatter even the dealer crawl toward the ship.

Sabine pov.

Wow, six scare the crap out of these guys I never see anyone run that fast and I got admit it was scary and cool.

Six turns to us seeing our expression was shocking and intimated.

Six: What.

Me: Nothing it just-

Ezra: Scary.

Me: Sorry I had to put fear in them so they come after us.

Kanan: I guest.

Six: Anyways, let's get this cargo to the rebellion.

Kanan: Yeah let's do that.

Right on cue, we see the Vruun ship took off from the ground and left for space.

Ezra: Well, they were in a hurry.

The crew giggle at my remarked.  


Six povs.

Sabine and I are flying the cargo while everyone else was in the ghost ship Kanan thought that its best I should go with sabine to protect the ship and I didn't mind but thier nothing I can do if there were any attack.

Hera: Sabine and Six this Hera can you hear me over?

Sabine: *Grab press the com* We read you hera.

Hera: Ok Sabine I'm sending you the coordinates to our destination. 

We hear a beeping sound on the terminal screen and we see that it's far from the rebel base and it's near a moon in the Arden system whatever that is.

Sabine: Hey, uh Hera I why is it far from our base.

Hera: Cause the Imperials are searching for suspicious activity and a couple of people and rebels were arrested, so they don't want anyone being follow.

Six: That's, what I would do.

Sabine: That does make sense.

Hera: Anyways once we get there well they will send someone to retrieve the cargo. We'll leave when you're ready.

Sabine: This sounds easy.

Six: Nothing easy Sabine, thier always something there that would cause trouble.

Sabine: Yeah your right.

The Mandalorian clicks a few buttons which I guess it's to turn on their hyperdrive.

Sabine: Six.

Me: * I look at her*Yes.

Sabine: Thank you for defending me, I would take care of myself but the situation we were in I thought they would take me.

Me: Your welcome Sabine, I knew they were up to no good and try something and plus no one hurt my teammates, you guys accept me and treat me like family and no hurt those who are close to me.

Some reason Sabine's cheeks turn red and look away from me.

Me: Sabine, are you ok?

Sabine: y-yes I-I-I'm alright.

Me: Are you sure, your turning red, are you sick? 

  Sabine: I-I'm o-ok it just hot in h-here.

She fans her self even though it wasn't hot.

Sabine: Yeah hot.

Me: But it's not even-

Sabine: Ok let's turn this on and.... here we go* press com* ok hera we are ready to go.

Hera: Roger that Sabine, see you there.

Me: "Well that was weird."

Sabine turns the drive and we enter the hyperspace lane. Unknowing to the Ghost crew their being track by no other than the Empire.

( FINISH, sorry this takes so long and I didn't mean for this to be long anyways this is going to be part one due to how long this is, so yeah, anyway I'll try to finish the chapter in the other stories it just takes time.) (So I hope you guys like this and I'll try to start the part two soon and also the pics are not mine, So see you guys later Washington out) 

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