fairytail ᝰ oneshots. ✓

By jippsk

173K 2.6K 724

─︎ a collection of oneshots, lemons, headcanons and scenarios of the fairy tail characters.﹙︎fem!reader ∕︎ se... More

BICKSLOW. ∕︎ starlight (oneshot)
COBRA. ∕︎ redemption (oneshot)
GRAY F. ∕︎ goodbye (oneshot)
GRAY F. ∕︎ winter sickness (oneshot)
JELLAL F. ∕︎ ice cream (oneshot)
LAXUS D. ∕︎ jealousy (oneshot)
LEO. ∕︎ in love (oneshot)
LEO. ∕︎ in love (second oneshot)
LUCY H. ∕︎ christmas wishes (oneshot)
MEST G. ∕︎ valentines (oneshot)
NATSU D. ∕︎ be free (oneshot)
NATSU D. ∕︎ celebrating (oneshot)
NATSU D. ∕︎ protector (oneshot)
ROGUE C. ∕︎ shadows (oneshot)
ROGUE C. ∕︎ stay home (oneshot)
ROGUE C. ∕︎ sherlock's spies (oneshot)
STING. ∕︎ common criminal (oneshot)
STING E. ∕︎ best friend (oneshot)
STING E. ∕︎ i'm sorry (oneshot)
STING E. ∕︎ christmas cuddle (oneshot)
???. ∕︎ secret santa (oneshot)
COBRA. ∕︎ shower (lemon)
LAXUS D. ∕︎ public (lemon)
LUCY H. ∕︎ sudden (lemon)
STING E. ∕︎ take me (lemon)
ROGUE C. ∕︎ I love you (lemon)
JELLAL F. ∕︎ under the table (lemon)
ZEREF D. ∕︎ savior (lemon)
NATSU D. ∕︎ sensitive (lemon)

JELLAL F. ∕︎ safe (lemon)

8.1K 117 29
By jippsk


[ Third Person POV ]

It was normal for you to see Jellal, he often stopped by your guild when he got the chance too. You were in Mermaid Heel, and just recently you joined. You and Jellal have quite the past, when you were younger you were kidnapped and taken to the tower of heaven.

You were tortured for six mouths before you had met your escape by the help of a young guard. Jellal, at the time was insane, possessed, crazy, you name it. You hated him, you wanted to end his life the day you met him.

But you couldn't, you just couldn't do it. You've never been a person for violence, or fighting. Kagura was like your best friend. You and her had quite a bit in common.

You are actually an exclusive model for Sorcerer Weekly, but most everyone was in Mermaid Heel. And today, you were sitting with Kagura, having a detailed conversation. "Kagura-Chan, it's seventeen." You chuckled. You and Kagura we're playing a game, it's quite a bit like chess just with more math and detail in the game.

It had cards and paper and pens, there were more tools to use but you mainly focused on the cards, tools and mathematics. "No it would be eighteen, the three soldiers coming from the right would hit your king on a 90 degree angle." She says, writing some numbers down on some paper as she moved her black colored pawn forward.

"My my what's all this cute math stuff?" Millianna asks in her cutesy cat voice. "Oh nothing, just a homemade game that me and Kagura are currently playing." You smile. "Hey guys, Jellal and Crime Sorcière are here! Risley shouts. "Those guys? We haven't seen them in forever!" Beth smiles. "Jellal too?" Kagura asks.

"Tch, I'm guessing so." You say, getting up from the table and beginning to walk up the stairs to your room in the guild hall. "Wait," Kagura says, grabbing my arm. "I've made peace with him, I'm sure if you try too, you'll be able to do it too." She says.

"Kagura-Chan, I'm sorry but no, Jellal is my enemy as far as I know. Why should that change now." You say back as you tug your arm out of her grip. "I used to think the same thing, but he really has changed, you'll see just talk to him..." She argues.

"...If it will get you to never bring up the subject of making peace with him again, then I will make one conversation lead." You say. She smiles softly. "Okay, deal." You walked over to Jellal and the other members of his guild, Jellal was taking with Araña, Beth and Risley.

They were laughing at whatever he said. You walked over and smiled. "Weathers nice, huh? It's like really sunny."

"(Y/N) you feeling alright? Your actin' a bit weird." Beth says. "No, no," I say "I'm fine, don't you think so Jellal? Or is it Mystogan—or wait let me guess, it's Siegrain now. Sorry I have a hard time remembering names as it is, let alone three which are basically the same person." You chuckle.

"Okay now your definitely acting weird, (Y/N) what's up?" Araña asks. "Nothing—I'm fine... forget it," You say, looking off to the side. "...It's me, I'm sorry." Jellal finally says, speaking up. "How is it you?" Beth asks, nobody else knew of your past with Jellal except Kagura, your best—and first—friend.

"Jellal," You say sternly in a warning voice.
Jellal lets out a sigh, "I can't make up for what I did in the past—but for crying out loud let me help me make up for the future..." He says.
"My future is with Mermaid Heel, so get lost." You glare.

You never thought you'd be his friend, he was always your enemy. But over a corse of a full year, you've grown to learn from your mistakes, and move on. Yet moving on means you have to move on from most of the things that weigh you down, and for you it was your past with Jellal.

You've finally made peace with him, you even like to hang out or go out to eat with him and catch up. You always seem to smile when he comes around, it was clearly obvious to most of Mermaid Heel that you have feelings for him—romantic feelings.

They've talked to you about it but you always decline and say "He's just a friend," or "Trust me, I don't have feelings for him." But even you knew you were lying. Jellal invited you for coffee at a café near a park, it was around ten o' clock so it was like breakfast in a way.

You grabbed your things and met Jellal at the café. The waiter took your orders and you sat down in a 2-seating window seat (two chairs and a table next to the window).

"Hey Jellal, hows it going?" You smile.
"Good, Erik has really mastered his skills lately, I'm honestly really proud of all their progress." Jellal smiles softly.

"Can I get take your orders?" A woman asks, walking over to us. She had long blonde hair but it was tied up in a curly bun. Her dark green eyes shunned softly as she asked us.

"Yes, I'll have a coffee, black please." Jellal asks.
"Uh-Huh, and I'll just have a (F/D) please." You smiled at the waiter.

"Coming right up," She smiles as she walks off.
The waiter soon came back with our drinks and we thanked her. "Have you progressed? Jellal?" You ask while sipping the drink from the white coffee mug.

"Well, I've really been focused on them, so I haven't had much time to train and work." He says deeply as he took a sip from his cup.
"Them? Like Erik, Sorano and the others?" You ask.

"Yes," Jellal answers. "Want to take a trip down to the park? It's nice out today." He asks
"Sure yeah," You smile as you take one last swig of your drink and so does Jellal. You leave the money on the table and walk out of the café.
You and Jellal walked over to the park. The scenery couldn't have been any prettier, the pink flower petals we're falling and blowing in a tiny bit of wind.

You and Jellal we're walking side by side, you suddenly grabbed his arm and wrapped your body around his arm as you walked. He didn't take his arm out of his pocket, and it didn't seem like he minded you clinging to him. You smiled softly as you two continued to walk. "Hey Jellal?" You say suddenly. "Yeah?" He asks.

"If anything were to suddenly happen, you'd protect me right?" You ask. He doesn't answer at first, he stops walking and looks at you dead in the eyes. "Like what? What's gonna happen?"
"Well... I'm just saying if... I can count on you right? You'd be by my side? You'd keep me safe?" You ask him.

You were unsure what answer you were going to get, now that Jellal wasn't answering you, you just assumed a 'no' from him. "Yeah nevermind..." You nervously chuckle as you look away from him, you were to embarrassed to look him in the eyes. Honestly you felt like you were going to break down and cry your heart out.

Suddenly he grabbed your chin and pressed his warm soft lips against yours. Your eyes were wide but slowly you began to melt into him and the kiss.

You placed your soft hand beside his right cheek and he softly gripped your hips with his left hand as his right hand was still holding your chin.
You both pulled apart and looked at each other, it was clear you both had the same emotions for each other. "Of course I'd protect you, I love you." He smiles softly.

The wind was blowing pretty fast, blowing the flower blossom petals in all directions.
"...I love you too," You smile. "But the wind is picking up pretty fast, can we go back to your place?"

"Sure, come on," He smiles as he takes your hand and intwines his fingers in yours.

[Second Person's POV]

You and Jellal just made it back to his house, he and you stay by his lacrima television and watched some movies as you cuddled on the couch. You drifted off into a sleep while in Jellal's arms.

Dream Land.
It was late, around midnight and
you were sleeping in Jellal's bed.
Jellal was moaning in his sleep,
but then you heard your moans
as well as they synchronized
with Jellal's. You looked closer,
You and Jellal were having super
hard sex, "Deeper Jellal!~" The other
you moaned as Jellal picked up the other
you's right leg and put it on his shoulder, for
him to go deeper and hit that spot. You felt
heated, turned on and flustered by what you
were seeing/dreaming . "Fuck I'm cumming!" Jellal groaned loudly. "Ah, Fuck!~" The other you moaned loudly as she bit her lip and stared into Jellal's eyes with her own lust filled (E/C) eyes.

You woke up, flustered as you felt cold, even moist between your legs. You sighed heavily as you looked over to Jellal's cute sleeping face. You slowly got up and walked to the bathroom and looked at yourself, you were soaked with wetness.

Luckily none of it leaked out of your jean pants.
You were clearly still aroused, so you thought about it and quickly pulled up your shirt, you firmly gripped your left breat with your left hand as your right hand reached down and you started fondling yourself. You bit your lip to hold in your moans.

You hear a knock on the door and then Jellal's voice, "Hey (Y/N), sorry I fell asleep on the couch with you, I'll be in my room if you need me or if you wanna come sleep on a bed I don't mind sharing." He chuckled. "...Yeah okay." You said, trying not to moan but you did.

"You okay?" He asks "You just moaned." You suddenly snapped back into reality, and pulled your shirt down. "I did? Sorry!" You chuckled. "Hey do you have any sweat pants or PJs I can wear to bed?" You ask.

"Yeah, check the closet near the door there should be sweat pants or something." He said. "Good night."

"Good night babe," You said softly as she smiled to yourself. You grabbed a pair of gray sweatpants out of the closet and took of your wet jeans and panties, then you slipped the sweatpants on.

You walked out and into Jellal's room, he was getting comfortable in his bed as you climbed onto the bed. You cuddled into Jellal as he put some blankets over you.

It was deep into the night, probably midnight or possibly one o' clock AM. You were faced away from Jellal as Jellal's arms were wrapped around you tightly. You only woke up because something hard was pushing against your back, close to your butt.

You turned over and saw it, Jellal's erection. It wasn't out or anything, but you could clearly see the bulge in his clothing. You pressed against him and lightly grabbed his throbbing erection. He moaned loudly as he woke up. "(Y-Y/N)?" He asked, red cheeked.

"It's okay," You smirk "Just let me do it."
"A-are you sure?..." He moans, you smirk once more as you reach into his PJ pants and down his boxers. You lightly grip his cock as you begin to pump it up and down, up and down.

He was letting out quiet grunts and groans of pleasure. "Don't be so quiet, no ones here except us, so let those noises out." You whisper husky in his ear as he slowly begins to moan louder and louder.

"(Y/N), I'm so close~" He groans.
"Cum for me, cum right on my hand." You moan a bit in pleasure of hearing his grunts and groans.

He clenched his eyes shut a bit and let out on super hot moan that turned you on more badly than you already were. His warm semen went all over his clothes, and most of his was on your hand. You didn't think he'd cum this much but you loved it.

"Damn I made such a mess..." He mumbles as he pants lightly. You grin, "I'll clean it up for you~" With that said you threw the covers off you and Jellal and you wormed down to his cock. You pulled down his pants and boxers and saw how much cum had exploded. "Geez I turn you on this much?" You chuckle.

You lick up your hand and then move to his cock, you lick around and you lick the tip countless times before you take his whole dick into your mouth.

"Fuck" He groans. You smile as you pull away, leaving a trail of saliva on his hard, wet cock.
You sit up and slowly strip yourself of your clothing. You were about to kiss Jellal when he grabbed you and flipped your positions. You were on the bottom and Jellal was leaning over you.

"Hey—" You were about to say before Jellal crashed his lips on yours, his hand wiggles down to your still soaking wet core as he plunged his pointer finger into you.

"Ah, Jellal-" You moaned out, breaking the kiss as Jellal just kissed down your neck. You gripped his arm as he fingered you. "Is this good? Do you like it?" He asked, making sure that you were okay.

"Yes, please.. go a little harder." You moaned as now he smirked and added another finger into you. He was quite innocent just a minute ago, but now that he's in control now, he's kinda dominant, but that only turned you on more. You was adding more fingers and fingering you harder and more faster.

"Jellal please." You moaned loudly. "Please what?" He grinned. "Please, I need more than just your fingers!" You moaned out with no shame whatsoever.

He smirked as he took out his fingers and licked them clean of your wet juices. He then gripped his hard member and got on top of you. He looked back up to you, "Are you sure?" He asked. "Yes yes, please put in me.." You pleaded as he smirked at your begging state.

He trusted into you as you cried out in pain, tear bubbles formed at the corners of your eyes. You gripped Jellal's muscular shoulders as Jellal hadn't moved yet. He began to praise you by whispering sweet and encouraging things into your ear as he planted kisses near your ear.

"Your so beautiful, I love you so much, your doing amazing baby." He whispered. Soon the pain you were once feeling faded away and became extremely amazing pleasure. "Fuck Jellal! Oh my.. god!" You begged as you were a moaning mess. You moaned loudly as Jellal began to trust. "Fuck me! Harder!" You begged.

"Fuck your squeezing me..." He groaned "I love you...so much..." He groaned once more as he placed his hands on both your sides and trusted deeper. "I love your walls.. god damn."
You were already so close to climaxing, Jellal's big cock inside you was enough to make you scream in pleasure, so him fucking you hardly was enough to reach all your needs and limits.

"Jellal!" You screamed in pleasure "I'm close!"
"Me... Me too, lets cum together..." He groaned as he moved his hands to your stomach. He was now gripped your stomach as he trusted into you.
Your walls clamped around Jellal as you moaned, your climax hit and Jellal's cock was now soaked with your liquids. He let out a sexy moan as he pulled out and came on your stomach.

"I love you—I love you so much," He praised as he collapsed next to you.
"I love you too," You smiled as you rolled over a bit and moved his sweaty blue hair out of his face and then you kissed his forehead. "So much." You add.

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