Something i guess

By WispyFrost77

122 16 26

The first point of contact between an author and the reader should be an online blog. Or something. This woul... More

A Greeting
Weird Stuff And More.
...... FML i guess.
On Gunpla And Gundam...
More Gunpla?
Art, art, and- oh wait it's just one
.... Ow
So, Here we Again
Taggytaggy #2

Houston, We Have A Problem

20 2 1
By WispyFrost77

6 Nov 2019

So, today.

It's... Very... Nice in some ways, and bad in some other ways.

Basically, today was a friend's birthday party.

The first half was nice enough, I played monopoly and pretty much won against my Birthday boy friend.

For efficiency, we'll just call him Sean.

Another guy, we'll just call Shelf, brought some planes along. Specifically, 2. Both made out of styrofoam, one is a remote-controlled one (with landing gear/flimsy wheels) that he hasn't flown before, and another which is kinda shaped like a javelin, that's just human powered. The former being white with red wing stickers, and the latter being blue with specks of orange on it. Shelf's in some flying club or something, which would explain the obsession with planes, like my obsession with wind instruments after joining band.

He brought them with us to McDonald's when we went there for a pretty late lunch at around 1.45 pm.

After lunch, we went to the park. This particular McDonald's was located in a park, fyi. Also, the Birthday boy's house was around that park.

So anyway, we get the planes out, and we just fly them. Me and Sean managed to get the blue plane nearly flying into the nearby river. Twice. Once when I threw it and the wind brought it neatly to land in the tall grass (or whatever its called. I think they were reeds tho) growing on the river bank.

The reeds also managed to make a sort of a bridge over when Sean was climbing over them to get the plane, so he was mostly untouched by the water.

Then, he decided to throw it to me, when I specifically told him not to because the wind was blowing towards him and would've carried the plane into the river.

Now, I don't blame my friend. He was pretty stuck in there, and he redeemed himself by bringing the plane out himself.

And, yes, I know what you're thinking. Ice, the plane flew into the river, right? End of story, right?

Nope. Also, the plane flew a metre or two away from Sean, back into the reeds. Ha psych. Gotcha there.

Though this part of the reeds were partly submerged deeper into the water, so me and Sean got one sandal wet each. Mine on the right, his on the left. We both got them wet on the edge of the reed patch, and I was walking the reed patch to take the plane myself, but Sean had already gotten halfway there when I got the sandal flooded. Right now, there's probably dried mud in the grooves of my sandal. I haven't washed it yet.

So after this incident, we move further inland and to a fake grass patch. Everything was smoother there (and also very hot since I was barefooted on the fake grass patch throughout. Sean put the sandals back on when the fake grass started heating up.), and we actually had lots of fun with both planes.

I know what you're thinking.
Ice, why didn't you just say, and we had a happy rest-of-the-day?
Well, something happened after that that proved that we probably shouldn't ever fly the RC plane by launching it with our hands.

So, about 10-30 minutes in, Sean gets a turn on the RC plane. To be honest, I think I was the best at flying it, because I was the only one who actually managed to fly it back to the starting point. Like, make one proper circle around the fake grass patch.

Shelf's flying normally ended up in straight line routes, with the plane either flying down into the ground from the wind, or it crashes into the leaves of nearby trees.

Anyway, I launched the plane (normally it would just take off from the ground) and Sean controlled it from then on. The plane went pretty high up from a breeze and Sean tries to fly it back. The plane usually made huge arcs, so it would be difficult for it to get back to us. Basically, it flies over the trees behind us, then we lose sight of it. Then Sean immediately cuts the acceleration.

After that, I've no idea what happened, because Shelf and Sean ditched me to go search for the plane, leaving me behind to guard our stuff.

I think after a while of searching, they decided to turn the "engines" on again, to hear where the plane was. I have a feeling it was probably safely nested on top of a tree or something, because the plane starts flying towards me.

Then it crashes into another tree, much closer to the river.

And I see and object drop out from the tree and into the water. Oh no.

They didn't see the plane flying though, so I told them the entire story, and they walk over to the bridge to check if the plane fell into the water.

Turns out, apparently I just saw a leaf falling, and the plane was still stuck in the tree. At least the plane didn't kill any of the dishes in the river by electrocution.                                                            (Note by future me: It was fishes, but now dishes seem funnier so I'll keep it there)

But now we had a problem. So, I get over there, and I start throwing sticks to try and get it down. Basically, the sticks flew like a lightsaber when you threw the lightsaber. The sticks didn't come back though, I'm not force-sensitive. But if I was, we wouldn't have taken a bloody dam two hours (or less) to get it down.

During the process, we got to explain the situation to a nearby policeman who wished us good luck, got a schoolmate who was travelling to the park to for after-school activities to help us twice (the first time he was on the way to McDonald's or something to change into proper attire, and the second was when he was heading towards the activity location), and also started using stones on the ground.

You know the saying, "Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me"? Yeah, apparently, sticks and stones can break bones but not KRIFFING TREE BRANCHES.

Eventually, Sean went home to grab a ladder and a pole (during that two hours or less I mentioned). We had to attach several of the throwing sticks we found using tape (it was a type of tape which is like a toned-down duct tape) to the latter in order for it to be long enough to even reach the branch the RC plane was stuck on when Shelf (our tallest guy, not very tall compared to my classmates though) was on the ladder. Sean also grabbed Shelf's Nerf Rival, but more on that later on.

After a while more (still within that 2 hours or less I mentioned), another guy comes along. I didn't get a good look at him, so I'm not sure roughly what age would he be in. Basically, he finds this longer stick (that also was much, much thicker than my throwing sticks) and tries one throw, but fails. Then Sean has an idea, and the guy walks off (without the stick).

So, we replace some of the sticks with this new stick, and while Sean was doing that, I was getting refreshments (Shelf got one set for him and me when Sean went to get the equipment), and Shelf had just unjammed the gun and started trying to shoot the plane down.

I'm fairly certain that they got the plane down using the pole shortly after I left, since Sean came to get refreshments to while I was there.

So yes, we got it down eventually.

Oh yeah, fyi, all the refreshments were bought at McDonald's.

Well, in the end, we did still have fun.

Also, there was another guy, we'll call Anthony, he went home shortly after lunch, so he didn't witness the fiasco of getting the plane down.

Oh yeah, you remember when I told you about the landing gear of the white plane? It didn't fall off on the tree, but we lost it in the end when Shelf and I were heading back home. Very sad.

Disclaimer, the characters from this problem of mine are real and their names... Well, Shelf is a nickname he gave himself (Because his name is very close to the word "shelf"). Sean is not the guy's real name... Or is it? And Anthony is just what I mistook the guy's actual name for a few times today.
Also, today isn't "Sean"'s actual birthday.

Oh, and for anyone wondering how this is happening cuz it's Autumn and leaves should have started falling... I live in the tropical region/around the equator..... 

No winter for me! 😢

Welp, bye. Hope you liked my small update (and rant) about my life. Working on the next chapters for both books right now.

See ya soon!

~Ice 🔥❄️

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