Highschool Dxd:Pokemon God

By Volmatriax

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*Description rewrite* A boy named Aleon one day met an old man and ask him what he wishes and after telling... More

Chapter 1-Awakening
Chapter 3-Going to Kuoh
Chapter 4-Meeting With A Rogue Pyscho Priest
Chapter 5-The Two Exorcist Girls and Project Comet.

Chapter 2-A new Creation and Frying a Phoenix

4.5K 48 18
By Volmatriax

A/N:I forget to tell you all I will either be using Aleon to those who knows his full name while Recrozrium on those who don't know.

I arrive at the facility and went to the CAMR(Cloning and Modifying Room)and when I arrive there I was greeted by Giratina,Mewtwo, and Genesect in their human form.

(A/N:I forgot to mention that all pokemons can transform into a human)

Giratina/Mewtwo/Genesect: welcome Father.

Aleon:where is he now then.

Mewtwo:he is right over there Father waiting to be awaken.

I then look to a giant cloning Pod with a Pokemon inside it.

Aleon:good then let's wake him up then.

Genesect: yes Father.

Genesect then went to one of the console's and press a button that immediately open the cloning Pod.

The Pokemon then stood infront of me motionless.

Aleon:I guess he doesn't have some life within him.

Genesect:we forgot to tell you that we haven't put a conscious on him yet.

Aleon:well I guess I have to put it him one then.

I snapped my finger and then he suddenly move and then look at me and spoke.

Pokemon: Father.

Guess even if I gave him the memories to not call me Father they will continue to call that.


(A/N:His name pronounced as Ge-nae-ges)


Aleon:that is your name and species.

Genagax: thank you Father.

Aleon:your welcome now then we should began what move set you will have then.

I then use my powers to create his move set.

Aleon:there we go now then Mewtwo would you please show us his move set.

Mewtwo then press the console and scanned Genagax and showed his move set.

Number of Ability's:5

Physicic Cannon:the ability that only a Genagax can use it to fire a beam of physicic energy that will either confuse the target or damage it's mind which will have a possibility to make the opponent faint and also inflict physical damage.

Mortar Bombardment:the cannons on it's back fires a barrage of 35 shells that will release 5 round bomb inside of it leaving widespread damage over on a opponent.

Gatling Cannon:turns the Cannon  into a Gatling gun dealing multiple damage on the opponent.

Wing Blades:stransform it arms into wings that can cut a diamond easily and with one jet engine on each side(A/N:the wing are like the wing of a Mega Latios but with engines on it).

Shield:the user will be covered in a by a very sturdy shield.

Special Ability:1

Shield Override: overrides the shield and increasing it's power  by 20x but can only be used again in every 5 turns.

Signature Move:1

Cyber Barrage:Fires a hail of Flash Cannon on an opponent inflicting with a critical atack rate of 95% but also it immensely decrease it Sp.defence.

Genagax: wow that are some cool moves.

Aleon:yes and as your type is Steel/Dragon/Psychic you can learn other moves from it.

Genagax: Thank you Father.

Aleon:your welcome my child, now then Genesect I want you to escort him to the new region and tell him everything he needs to know.

Genesect: yes Father.

As they left I then look at Mewtwo and then spoke.

Aleon:as for you Mewtwo I want you to 99 more of them 50 female s and 49 males as we already have one male and after that you can take a rest for a while before you resume back to work.

Mewtwo:yes Father.

Aleon:good I'll be going now then you may also go now Giratina.

Giratina: yes Father.

I then left and teleported back to the castle and who head to my room and when I arrive their I immediately saw my wife sitting on the bed(A/N:just use your imaginations)

Lillie: are you just going to stand their darling?

That made me snap out of my stupor and then immediately lock the door and put a sound barrier.(A/N:again just use your imagination)

The next day I was in my office finishing the paperwork my wife delivered.

Aleon:well that's the last of it is there are there I should finnish Lillie.

Lillie:no but I suggest you should visit Yasaka for a while.

Aleon:I guess so it has been 1000 years since I last seen her.

Lillie: good then I will see you later then love.

Aleon:and where are you going?

Lillie: it's a secret.

She said while smirkng deviously before disappears immediately and I just sigh heavily she probably was planning  something that will make me involve in it ,I just teleported my self to Kyoto.

And I arrive beside an alleyway with no one in sight, I then went out and began to walk while ignoring the stare giving to me by the females around me until 15 minutes of walking I felt a barrier in front of me.

I walk through the barrier and then saw many Youkais and Pokemons walking around and I could say something have change to what it is supposed to be in the anime.

I then head to a forest nearby while walking around I could see a female Youkais that looks like 10 years hiding in atop a tree while observing me after 15 minutes of walking I arrive at the shrine and stood there observing the whole area while doing so I could see the small Youkai hiding in the bushes.

Aleon:you can come out now Kunou.

This made the little girl flinch and jump out of hiding while looking at me with a terrified expression.

Kunou:who are you h-how did you kn-

I cut her when I spoke again.

Aleon:know your name little Kunou or should i say daughter of Yasaka the leader of the Youkai Faction.

This made her cute little jaw drop.

Kunou:what-but how I mean we haven't even met?

Aleon:that is for me to know and for you to find out.

Just then I sense several Youkais heading over to us and one of them is familiar to me.

Aleon:well I guess we have company I see you later Kunou.

Kunou:wait I don't even know your name?

Aleon:my name is Aleon.

I disappeared while smiling deviously and then hide in her shadows and when they all arrive they saw a completely terrified Kunou and I could see Yasaka having a worried look on her face.

Yasaka:Kunou dear what happened did someone hurt?

Kunou:I-i-i-i m-m-met a m-m-man n-n-name A-Aleon.

This made Yasaka sighed relief but also surprise and joy on her face

Yasaka:*gigle*oh really you were terrified by just meeting Aleon and here you said you were brave.

Kunou:Mom he was really terrifying it's he always watches me where ever I go and how did you know him?.

She cutely pouts while glowing red in embarassment.

Yasaka:oh I met him when I was young he even often visits and play with me when I was young he was the Pokemon God Kunou.

Kunou:what you mean he is Recrozrium the one you always tells me about how he is so powerful that not even Great Red can defeat him.

Yasaka:yes Kunou.

Kunou:but he looks so young mom and he doesn't look like in the picture you showed me.

Aleon:that's because I am ageless and that was my Dragon Form.

This made Kunou jump in fright and hug her mom for dear life.

Kunou:wait where are you show yourself.

I then appeared out of her shadow  making her yelp in surprise and hide behind her mom,while I immediately remove the shadows that covers me.

Aleon:Hello Yasaka.


Yasaka said looking at me in joy before pulling me to hug.

Yasaka: where have you been?

Aleon:I was asleep for more than 1000 years and I only woke up yesterday.

Yasaka:that makes sense and I have see you have met my daughter Kunou.

Aleon:yes I did and he kinda reminds me of you when you where young who acts like a scaredy cat who always afraid of the dark and when someone suprises you.

Kunou:Hey I am not.😡

Aleon:anyways how have you been Yasaka and where is your mother?

Yasaka face went to a sad look.

Aleon:something wrong.

Yasaka:no nothing's wrong it's just mom past away 2 years ago since she was very old now.

Aleon:oh sorry about reminding you about it.

Yasaka:no it's alright I have already move on so how would you like to go and drink some tea.

Aleon:that sounds good.

We went to Yasaka house and drank some tea while we talk about what happened in the past millenia while I was gone for the rest of the afternoon.

Aleon:So who is Kunou Father Yasaka?

That made Yasaka cry in tears.

Aleon:what wrong did something happened to your husband.

Yasaka:no*sob*it just that he abandoned me*sobs*and Kunou when I*sob* learned he was*sob* only using me to get the position*sob* of becoming the Faction Leader*sob*and when he didn't get *sob* the position he abandoned us.


I said in anger that made me literally boil in rage and want to send this man that abandoned her in Hell where he will be tortured for eternity, I mean he just used her and then he abandoned her and his own child.

Aleon:where is he now then?

Yasaka:he was killed by a group of stray devils when he ran away from us.

Aleon:does Kunou knows this?



Yasaka:when Kunou was 5 years old he abandoned us but even after he left I still love Kunou because she is my precious little girl .

Aleon:I see it must have heartbreaking for her to know her father never loved her.

Yasaka:yes it was but Kunou moved on even after what happened she is still cheerfully as ever.

Yasaka stated while looking at with a smile Kunou outside playing around her smile made me blush a bit and I didn't know that Yasaka notice it.

Yasaka:are you alright Aleon.


Yasaka:*gigle* come on Aleon there is something I need to talk to you privately in my room.

She said while standing up and walking ahead of me while swaying his hips causing me to blush furiously.


We then left and head to her room when we arrive she immediately closes the door.

Aleon:so what do you w-

But was cut off by Yasaka kissing his lips he was surprise at first but gave into it after kissing for who knows how long they separated with a long thin string of saliva connecting.

I was surprise she kiss me I did had a crush on her a thousand years ago.

Yasaka:I wanted to say to you that i love you Aleon.

When I heard this I was happy but also sad because my wife.

Aleon:Yasaka I love you to but we

But was cut off when I heard a very familiar voice.

??????:I wouldn't mind sharing you darling.

When I heard my wife voice i paled a bit and immediately turn around I saw my wife smirking deviously at me causing me to blush in embarrassment.

Aleon:so this is where you went.

Lillie:of course darling me and Yasaka had talk about it before you got here.

Aleon:you two plan this all along didn't you.

Lillie: of course now then how about we have some fun then Yasaka.

Yasaka:of course.

I mentally gulp on what was about to happen when they immediately throw me on the bed they then strip of their clothes and look at me with those loving eyes with a small hint of lust and then they pounce at me(A/N:just use your imagination on what they are doing).

While the 3 where having fun they didn't notice a little girl listening not far away from them when she heard them she was confuse on what they are doing so she just went back on continue playing.

(1 weeks and 4 days later)

After what happened 1 weak and 4 days ago I was officially married to Yasaka and when we told Kunou about she was happy also I got her pregnant apparently it was mating season of the Youkais and also i was invited by the devil king me to meet him for something important.

Also this is also the time where Issei challenge Riser to free Rias.

And here I am now heading to the Underworld why mentally making a new spell in case something happens, when I arrive I could see the Phoenix Castle and a couple of guards who look like they where attack In front of the door.

Guard1:halt identify yourself.

I showed them my invitation they immediately bowed and open the door.

Guard2:you m-may e-e-enter l-lord Recrozrium.

Recrozrium: tell me what happened here?

Guard3:we were attack by a boy with brown hair with a red gaunlet on his left hand.

After i heard I nod then walk inside while using my left eye on seeing what is happening inside I could see him challenging Riser to a battle.
(3rd POV)

We could see devils all the devil in a huge Arena while in the middle you could see two devils standing far away from each other then Grayfia voice can suddenly be heard.

Grayfia: the battle between Riser Phoenix and Rias Gremory pawn will now be-.


But was cut off when a torrent of flames appeared above the Arena and when the flames subside and handsome man could be seen causing Grayfia and every female devil to blush furiously with a nose bleed while others where drooling heavily.

Devil1:hey who the hell are you.

????:perhaps you should ask Sirzech about it.

Devil2: how dare you talk about are ki-.

But was cut off when Sirzech appeared and greeted him while bowing.

Sirzech: Welcome Lord Recrozrium.

When Sirzech finnish speaking this made all of the Devils bowed except Riser(A/N:because he is to damn busy on his harem to even learn about the leaders of each Faction).

Recrozrium:you may rise Sirzech their is no need for kneel in front of me.

Sirzech: of course my lord.

Riser:hey who is this weakling that interfered Riser battle.

This got him a huge glare from his parents and the surrounding devil.

Sirzech:Riser do not dare mock Lord Recrozrium or else.

Riser:why is that he seems weak to me,I challenge to fight Riser.

This made all devil facepalm on what he just declared.

Recrozrium: I accept your challenge Riser.

Sirzech: my lord are sure about this.

Recrozrium:yes and don't worry I won't kill him.

I then teleported below while looking at the two that are preparing themselves to fight me.

Grayfia:the battle between Riser Phoenix, Rias Gremory pawn and lord Recrozrium will now begin.

When she finnish stated Riser then open his flaming wings and fire a fireball to my direction and then got engulf in it.

Riser:Hahaha pathetic he can't even survive my att-.

But was cut off when multiple shark made of water flew out and hit Riser.

Riser: Aaaaaaaaaahhh.

The sharks turn into magma when it hit him causing it to engulf him in magma and then what happened next made everyone shock.

A giant Leviathan came out of the flames and flew up to the sky and was then water started to appear from it and transformed into multiple serpentine dragons.

Issei: what are those?

He immidietly got his answer when all of the serpents descend to the were Riser is and a huge explosion engulf the whole Arena.

When the smoke died down we could see Riser beaten badly while Issei is a bit injured but thanks to his Balance Breaker by sacrificing his left arm he manage to survive leaving only his armor damage tremendously but was ok leaving only a few bruises.

Recrozrium then reverted back to his human form and then walk to Riser when he arrive he summoned a black flame and was about to burn him when Risers sister stop him.

????:please stop he is already defeated.

Recrozrium:very well but you should teach your brother about his arrogance.

And with that I teleported back to Sirzech.

Recrozrium: now that's done tell me Sirzech what is that you want to show me?

Sirzech: of course Lord Recrozrium follow me I will show it to you.

To be continued.
____________________________________A/N:well I hope you all enjoy this chapter Author out.

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