Plié (Lost Birds Book 2)

By XBlaireX

187K 10.7K 571

Tori is already cracked and broken after barely managing to escape her abusive fiancé. She's trying to heal b... More

Part 1 Nightmares
Part 2 Naughty Mornings
Part 3 School
Part 4 Fuentes
Part 5 Practice
Part 6 Worthless.
Part 7 Disappointed.
Part 8 Grounded.
Part 9 Mistakes.
Part 10 Thursday.
Part 11 Surgery.
Part 12 Ballerina's.
Part 13 Freezing.
Part 14 Tao's Office
Part 15 Panic
Part 16 Aydan's
Part 17 Broken
Part 18 Communicating
Part 19 Party
Part 20 Fight.
Part 21 Tacos.
Part 22 Kitten.
Part 23 Backlash.
Part 24 Failed Arguments.
Part 25 Staples.
Part 26 Chloe.
Part 27 Phone Call.
Part 28 Promise.
Part 29 Boyfriend.
Part 30 No Belt.
Part 31 Stephan's Back.
Part 32 Torrance Phelps.
Part 34 Ditching
Part 35 Family Day
Part 36 Afraid
Part 37 Weird
Part 38 Introductions
Part 39 Interests

Part 33 Drink

4.4K 257 24
By XBlaireX

"Victoria!" My mother called.

I'd been expecting her call this time. Tao had texted Cameron thirty minutes ago that my parents were on their way home. We'd rushed back from the bank and Cameron had helped me get back into my room. He slipped out the same window that Tao had the night he stayed over.

I went down stairs to where my mother was waiting. She looked the same as she had this morning. She was ready to leave. I stopped in front of her and tucked my good arm behind me. Her scanned glanced over my simple outfit with disapproval. I'd changed into a modest dress with flats and a cardigan. It was an exact replica of the last 'casual' outfit she had chosen for me. Cameron had even helped me twist my hair into a high and tight bun and it only took us four tries.

She turned and gestured for me to follow her.

"Where are we going?" I asked but carefully kept up as we walked toward the car.

"You have appointments." She dismissed.

Appointments? I gulped but made sure she couldn't see my concern.





Every part of me had been poked, adjusted, and assessed. I stared down at the delicate French tipped nails. My nails hadn't been done up like this since my parents vow renewal. Having actual nails made it hard to sew and sewing was something I'd done almost daily in ballet. It was weird to think I wouldn't be doing it for weeks.

My mother had been surprisingly calm when the doctor said I wouldn't be able to practice for at least two more weeks. I was confused and nauseous. The last time she had put me through this many appointments was the night I was told I was engaged to Stephan. It was the party I had run out on. The same night I met Tao and the others.

"Drink." My mother said setting a glass of green juice in front of me.

I picked up the cup and took a small sip. My stomach rolled immediately. It tasted like a mixture of kale and something awful that I couldn't quite place. It coated my tongue and stuck in my throat.

"All of it Victoria." My mother ordered.

I took a deep breath, plugged my nose, and finished the glass as quickly as I could. I set the glass on the counter and focused on keeping the awful tasting liquid down.

My mother checked the glass and gave a small nod.

"Now go to your room and if I hear any noise from you you'll go back in the cellar." She said.

"Ok." I said and rushed up stairs before she could change her mind.

Once I was safely in my room a grabbed the cell phone from the closet and went into the bathroom. I turned the water and the fan on so that it sounded like I was taking a shower. I sank down and turned the phone. I had several messages.

The first one was from a random number and all it said was "Thank you". I was surprised that Diego had been released already but it was one less thing to worry about.

*How are you feeling sweetheart?* Theo had asked. I typed out a quick reply to let him know I was feeling alright.

*I hope everything goes ok with your mom.* Cameron had texted. I sent him a similar text that everything seemed ok.

*If you don't want to sleep alone just let me know.* Tao's said. I told him that since I had been ok last night that I should be alright tonight as well and that I didn't want to take an unnecessary risk with how tense things are here.

*I'm outside tonight if you need anything princessa.* Sab's text said. I sent him a thank you and let him know that he didn't have to stay out there all night.

*Call me.* Aydan's text was the shortest and it made my stomach knot up with nerves. I immediately thought that I was in trouble. After last nights events and discussions I didn't waste any time pressing the call button for Aydan. I wasn't sure what I had done or what I would say but I had promised. I couldn't and wouldn't ignore Aydan.

"Hi baby." When Aydan's voice came through the phone it sounded sleepy and deep. The knot in my stomach loosened into nervous butterflies. He didn't sound even a little upset with me.

"Hi." I said back.

"How was your day?" He asked.

My lips parted in surprise and I glanced down at the phone unsure if I had heard him correctly.

"My day?" I asked.

"mmmhm." He said.

There was a rusting sound that made me wonder if he was sitting up in bed.

"It uhhm it was ok I guess." I said uncertainly.

"How were things with your mother? Did she make you go to ballet practice?" He asked.

"No... Well yes but only to ask if I would be allowed to practice but my teacher is really strict about needing medical clearance and said no so we went to the doctors right after." I explained.

"Did the doctor clear you?" Aydan asked.

"No, she said that I need a couple weeks before I'll be cleared for practice. I thought my mother was going to have a meltdown like last time but she didn't even react." I said shaking my head.

I leaned back against the wall and forced my shoulders to relax. So far talking to Aydan was easier than I had expected.

"That sounds like a good thing." Aydan said.

I nodded more to myself than to Aydan since he couldn't even see me.

"I don't know." I admitted quietly. "I think she's planning something."

"Like what?" Aydan asked.

"Like the night they pushed the engagement on me..." I said. I still couldn't believe they had done it the first time. Imagining a second was making me feel sick all over again.

"What makes you think that?" Aydan asked curiously.

"She made me do all the same things. Fancy haircut, stupid nails, a new fitted dress... I think every part of me was scrapped, stabbed, or painted." I said bitterly.

"Baby..." Aydan sighed. "That sounds like an awful day not an ok day."

My eyes burned a little and I nodded again.

"...but..." I started and caught myself. I didn't want to point out how stupid I was being.

"But what? Aydan asked.

It was too late. I didn't' want to lie to Aydan over something as insignificant as me being a sensitive idiot.

"Most girls would have loved a day like today with their mother. New hair, new nails, new clothes. It's like pampering but it felt more like torture. I feel like I was waxed, snipped, and measured for a stupid dog show or something." I said.

"You are not most girls baby and that's ok." Aydan said. "You don't have to like certain things just because you are a girl. Although I'm sure all of the guys would agree that the day you had sounds awful."

Aydan paused but when I didn't say anything he continued.

"I think that under the right circumstances you might enjoy a day of pampering but it would have to be for the right reasons." He said.

"I don't think there is any reason to rip hair off of someone's body in strips, shove the skin off of their nails, or peal a layer off skin off their face." I muttered shaking my head.

"Are you ok?" He asked.

"Yup. Polished and ready to bark." I glared down at my shiny new nails.

Aydan was quiet for a moment. I could picture him pressing his lips together in a thin line and closing his eyes so he wouldn't roll them. I sounded like a drama queen but if he wanted the truth about how I felt I was going to give it to him.

"You're funny when you're venting." Aydan said.

I could hear the smile in his voice and it made me smile a little as well.

"I could go on..." I offered biting my lip.

"Please do." He laughed.

"I can already feel my face and my legs swelling. Tomorrow I'll probably look like a tomato because I don't have any aloe or witch hazel or anything to help with the irritation and she wants the dress ready for tomorrow night so I don't even know how she expects a tomato to wear a dress." I ranted on. My stomach shifted and cramped. I rubbed at it wondering if it was already tome for my period. The pain felt to high to be lady part related.

"I can bring you some if you really need it." Aydan offered.

"No..." I sighed. "It'll serve her right if I do end up tomato faced. It will make it harder to sell me."

"Baby, all joking aside, we aren't going to let anything like that happen. Whether it's Stephan or some other creep, you aren't going to be forced into marriage. We will get you out before that happens, alright?" Aydan said.

"But what if you can't?" I asked softly.

My throat burned and my stomach twisted up even more.

"We can and we will. The only reason you are there now is because you are not ready for us to remove you, not because we are unable to remove you." Aydan said.

I tried to swallow back the sick feeling as I nodded.

"I'm sorry." I said.

"For what?" Aydan asked.

"For... for everything. I'm just... scared." I said.

"I know that baby. We all do and we understand. It can be scary leaving the only thing you've ever known." Aydan said.

"But it's not that... I just... I don't want anything to happen to you guys and I don't want to be alone all over again." I said.

I tucked my knees up to my chest. It helped me hold myself together but it didn't ease the pain in my stomach at all.

"That's not going to happen baby. We aren't going anywhere unless you decide that you don't want us around anymore. And even then, some of us wouldn't be able to walk away." Aydan said.

I snickered at his words. They reminded me of Tao trying to drag me away last night. It was kind of funny looking back on it because of how ridiculous it was.

"Like Tao?" I asked.

"Yeah like Tao" Aydan laughed. "and Cameron, Sabbatian, Theo... me."

My breath caught. He really thought that none of them would be able to walk away? Even himself?

"...Aydan..." I said.

I couldn't figure out any other words to accompany the butterflies threatening to fly up my throat. I tightened my arm around my knees and held the phone tighter.

"Tori..." Aydan said back.

"I... I don't know what to say." I admitted.

"I didn't mean to overwhelm you baby. I just wanted you to know that we all care about you very much. We consider you a part of our family and we know that can be a lot sometimes but if you're willing to put up with us then we aren't going anywhere." Aydan said.

"I'm pretty sure you guys are the ones putting up with me." I said.

I shifted my knees and my arm hopping to relieve the painful cramps my stomach had started up with again. Moving around only seemed to make it worse. I tried to breath in through my nose and out through my mouth. It helped a little.

"We can agree to disagree." Aydan said. "Are you going to be allowed to sleep in your bed tonight?"

"Yes." I said.

"Good. I'll let you get some rest then." Aydan said. "Goodnight baby."

"Goodnight." I said back.

The line clicked off and I started to get up. The sudden movements made my stomach lurch. Before I could figure out what I had done wrong the contents of my stomach rushed up my throat and I had no choice but to scramble to the toilet or puke on the floor. 

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