Starlight-⭐✨🌟🌠--(A GreenHou...

By candyprincessamari

32.3K 593 62

"I love you starlight.""Right back atcha, Flashlight" Cassie Copeland is a raven at the Greenhouse Academy in... More

✨✨Extended Summary✨✨
"Welcome to the Greenhouse"🌠
🌠🌠Pilot Pt.1🌠🌠
🌠🌠Pilot Pt.2🌠🌠
🌟The Opening Challenge Pt.1🌟
🌟The Opening Challenge Pt.2🌟
✨Breaking and Entering Pt.1✨
✨Breaking and Entering Pt.2✨
⭐Private Screening Pt.1⭐
🌠Black Smoke Pt.1🌠
🌠Black Smoke Pt.2🌠
⭐Captain Material Pt.1⭐
⭐Captain Material Pt.2⭐
✨Swimming Lessons Pt.1✨
✨Swimming Lesson Pt.2✨
🌟The Outsider Pt.1🌟
🌟The Outsider Pt.2🌟

⭐Private Screening Pt.2⭐

1.4K 28 4
By candyprincessamari

Third Person's POV

"So what does it mean to be a leader?" Ms. Suzy asked the group of Ravens sitting on the grass.

"Is it something you're born with? Is it something you learn?" she listed off.

"I would like us all to think about this question using a test case. We all know what a test case is?" she asked

"I know what a case officer is" Jackie joked which enlisted a small chuckle from the rest of the group.

"Any ideas for who our test case could be?" she asked the group.

"How about the best of the best, Mr. Steve Jobs? RIP" Max said

"But he didn't lead a country. How about Barack Obama?" Emma said

"Or an artist like David Bowe?" Becca offered. "Over Kim Kardashian?" Jackie said in a valley girl voice.

"Or how about Katniss Everdeen from the Hunger Games?" Winnie asked

"These are all great examples. I thought we would start with someone you all know. Turn on your Louies. Say hi to Sheriff Woody Pride, our leader test case" she instructed.

"Your first activity this year is a short one. I want you all to think of a word to describe Sheriff Woody as a leader. I'll see you in a few hours. " She said standing up

"I hope you all bring interesting ideas to the table." she said.

"One word? That's it?" Emma asked dumbfounded

"You want us to think about Sheriff Woody all day?" Max asked.

"Welcome to the Greenhouse." Ms.Suzy said as she walked away.

"I can't believe that our test case is a cartoon character!" Emma said

"Who invented Woody? Pixar. And who was the chair of the Pixar board? The best of the best Steve Jobs. RIP" Emma said.

"Jackie who's your favorite. Woody or Buzz Lightyear?" Max asked

"Uhm. I don't know" she said before walking away


"Why are you following me?" Jackie asked exasperated as she heard Max walking behind her.

"I'm not. But listen..... do you want to work together on the Toy Story assignment?" The tall boy asked

"NO" Jackie said curtly

"Are you sure? Why not?" Max asked

"Cause I work along. Thanks" Jackie said

"You're okay. You looked upset in class?" he asked

"I'm fine" Jackie answered. "Okay cool" Max said.

"Good luck. As Woody would always say to infinity and beyond!" Max said in a fake deep voice.

"Yeah, I love it when he says that." Jackie said

"Actually he never said that. It was Buzz lightyear" Max corrected. "Okay, I knew you never saw the movie" he admitted.

"What do want from me Max?" Jackie questioned

"Nothing. See I can help. Woody is this toy cowboy who belongs to this-" Max started before Jackie cut him off.

"Max just leave me alone" Jackie yelled before walking off.


Brooke's POV

"Another leg cramp?" I asked Daniel as he sat on the bleacher in the locker room. I was planning on asking him about the medicine in his locker but I was hoping that he would fess up first.

"It's nothing. Leo's going to be sorry when I'm finished with him. I'm so tired of-" he started before I quickly blurted out, " Daniel, I saw the medicine in your locker. What's wrong?"

"Maybe you not respecting my privacy" he said angrily.

"I'll start respecting your privacy when you start telling me things" I replied

"I better go" he said as he walked out angrily.


Jackie's POV

"What do you mean you found my file. I deleted everything" I said confused as I walked into the computer lab to find Max.

"There's no file" I said as I walked into to see Max setting up a table.

"Sorry. It was the only that I could get you to come here" he apologized

"Well I figured that you couldn't finish the assignment if you haven't even seen it" he rambled pointing to the TV. This boy can't take a hint.

"I didn't know if you liked buttered or not, so I got you both," he said directing me to sit in the chair while handing me a bowl of popcorn. He set me up with a blanket and pillow.

"You really are something Maxillion Miller" I said at a lost for words.

"Have fun. It's a great movie" He said before closing the door with a smile.


Cassie's POV

I was walking around the kitchen looking at the filth that had become my sink. This would have never happened it mom was around.

"Dad come in here" I yelled up the stairs.

"Dad, how can you live like this?" I said pointing to piles of dirty dishes in the sink

"More importantly how are you letting my brother live like this!" I yelled at him.

"What is this? More evidence for the FBI" I said pointing to the chicken molding in the corner.

"If I had know your were coming, I would have made your brother clean up a little bit" he said in rush back to work.

"Why do I have to let you know when I'm coming back to my own home? More importantly, why does my brother have to clean up your mess?" I asked

"Your right. I should clean up my mess and you don't have to ask to come home. I'm going back to work" he said turning to leave.

"Aren't you even a little curious as to why I left the Greenhouse? Or how your son is doing in school?" I asked following him, tears brimming in my eyes.

"Sure, but I didn't want to bother you and your brother is doing fine" he said going back to leaving.

"Bother me how. By spending some time with me?" I asked

"Are you saying that I don't spend enough time with you?" he asked

"I'm say that you don't spend enough time with anyone. You spend all your time at work trying to figure out mom's death" I explained

"What's wrong with me thinking about your mom?" he asked

"SHE'S DEAD DAD!" I yelled at him.

"She's gone. You don't care about me or Chris. You've said six sentences to me since I've been home. You spend all your time at work trying to figure out what happened to mom. But you and your two kids are still alive. We're alive." I screamed at him.

He came to me and wrapped his arms around as I let out a series of coughs into his arm. It didn't matter that my chest hurt because my dad was holding me.


"Yeah" I said as I heard a knock on my door. I turned around to see my dad.

"What?" I asked turning back to my computer.

"As usual, you were right. I have to move on with my life" he said and sat down on my bed.

"Thank you for reminding what's important" he said. "You're welcome" I smiled back. We came back in for a hug, where he whispered into my ear, "When you get back to school . I want you to go see the doctor"

"Oh and one more thing. These guys just showed up" he said pointing to Leo, Hayley, and Winnie.

"Hey what's up guys" I said. "Hey" the replied back.


Brooke's POV

"What are doing back?" I asked Dad, seeing the FBI agents leaving the campus.

"Oh they just wanted to tell me, that they found what they were looking for" he explained

"They found the missing ranger?" I asked hopefully. "They found the taser. Off-campus thankfully, which means that it is no way involved with the Greenhouse." he said

"That's great" I whispered as he pulled me into a hug.


Cassie's POV

"What are you guys doing?" I asked watching my three friends sit in my room, returning back with a pitcher of lemonade and some cups.

"Looking for embarrassing pictures of you from the second grade" Winnie responded looking at my book shelf.

"Hayley knows where they are" I said pointing to her.

"But why are you guys here. To give me some inspirational speech about why I belong at the Greenhouse" he said

"We don't do speeches, Copeland" Leo said. "Winnie and I wanted to see where you grew up and we're taking Hayley back to Greenhouse" he explained.

"I just came home to be with my dad and Chris" I explained.

"Oh really" Winnie scoffed.

"They needed me" I said

"What?" I asked as Leo sat in front of me and Winnie and Hayley sat to my sides.

"No. Your dad needed you. Your brother needed you. Louis needed you. When are you going to stop taking care of everyone else and start taking care of yourself?" Leo asked

"Cassie you're so smart and kind. You deserve to be at the Greenhouse more than anyone" Winnie said kindly.

"I mean if you don't go back, who's going to be there to rain Leo in when he gets out of control" Hayley joked.

"I thought you guys said that you didn't do speeches." I said

"So what do you say?" Leo asked

"Fine. Just because I don't want the rest of Ravens to suffer under's Leo's reign." I huffed as I started to back up all of my stuff.


Third Person's POV

"This part always makes me cry" Max said standing against the wall watching Jackie cry.

"God how long have you been standing there" she asked startled.

"I wanted to the third act again. It's a great movie isn't it." he smiled at the blonde girl.

"I feel stupid for not having seen it before" Jackie said.

"So what? Now you've seen it" Max reassured her

"It's not just that. Why are you being so nice to me?" Jackie asked

"Look they're getting back at Syd for everything he did to them" Max said pointing at the TV.


Now that Hayley and Cassandra are gone. All you have to do is get rid of Alex" Judy Hayward, Daniel's mom whispered to Jason at the Eagles basketball game.

"I'm working on it" he said back

"Well work faster" she replied


Back at the Copeland house.

Noah Copeland was finally throwing out all of the clippings and magazines from his wife's death.

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