My four 'body'room mates (Rea...

بواسطة Jack2the7ripper

24.4K 320 205

After a brutal ancient, the sole survivor of the ancient (y/n) revived a blow to the head. Amnesia was the re... المزيد

A 'accident' and a book
The chaos gods for non-40k fans
Meeting the room'body'mates
2 weeks later
Relaxing...then that happened
New face (short)
Judgment day
"Let me help you see,"
News part 1
News part two
News final

Four deadly

2.8K 34 19
بواسطة Jack2the7ripper

Was this really necessary? Going to school I mean...anything I see I will remember it and began to break it down to the last detail. But if I wanted shelter, food, and water I will have to go to this Kuoh academy I just wish they had better uniforms cause this is very itchy. As I waited outside my homeroom class waiting for my teacher to tell me to come in as I drew onto my note book of a battle it held black armored giant sharp knights along with red demons fought men in green armor along with black armored knights and female knights. (1:00-1;30 scene)

Then my teacher opened the door to the homeroom as she told me to come in as I placed the piece of metal that was in my skull in my note book to mark it. Getting up from the chair I walked into the class room my mind already starting to count all the males and females. I had a class of 44 females and 3 males I walked in as the girls looked at me most likely not knowing how to react to me but the guys in the room gave a hateful stare.

Teacher: "Alright everyone this is our new student (y/n) if you will introduce yourself,"

(y/n): "My name is (y/n) and if your going to ask no I don't have a last name so its fine to call me by my first please don't get flustered or anything Its the only name I have,"

The class gave me confused look as one then asked.

Girl: "Why don't you have a last name,"

Teacher: "Now I told you all way-"

I held out my hand with a smile.

(y/n): "Nono its fine I can tell them,"

Teacher: "Are you sure?"

I nodded as I opened my notebook.

(y/n): "You know why?"

They all nodded.

(y/n): "It was because this piece of metal was removed my head,"

I then pulled out the metal bar that was a good foot long and about 1/4 was stained in my blood, they all went wide eyed at the piece of metal as I tap the scar above my right eye.

(y/n): "It took the doctor about 8 hours to pull the piece out so I wouldn't bleed to death,"

Girl 2: "does it still hurt,"

I shook my head.

(y/n): "Nah it itches sometimes,"

Girl: "Wait inside your head?"

Blinking I laughed as I smiled.

(y/n): "No, thank goodness it doesn't I mean can you image a inch inside your head that you cant get to it? *Shivers* That would be nasty,"

They all nodded as the teacher turned to me with a smile.

Teacher: "Well with that out of the way (y/n) please take a seat,"

I hummed a tune as I did as some of the girls smiled but one then asked as I got to my chair.

Girl 3: "What is with the notebook if you don't mind me asking?"

Looking at the book I then show them my latest drawing.

(y/n): "I draw what ever is on my mind,"

They all look in awe at the detail of the piece as the boys only got annoyed for some reason hell even the teacher looked impressed.

Girl: "You did this all by hands!?"

I nodded.

Girl 2: "I'm not usually into that kind of thing but it looks like you looked real hard on it,"

Again I nod.

(y/n): "4 hours, 21 minutes, 49 seconds,"

They all turned to me and blinked.

Girl: "You made that up,"

I shook my head as I handed her my note book.

(y/n): "Pick a page and tell me what the number is and I'll tell you what time I wrote down on the right hand side,"

She nods as she flipped to a random page.

Girl: "Alright page 21 'the nightlord' creepy name for a creepy drawing if you ask me,"

(y/n): "3 hours, 11 minutes, 21 seconds and again I write what ever is on my mind,"

They all looked in surprise before going back to my book then they all looked though them.

Girl: "These are really detailed and these symbols what do they mean?"

Gently I took my book back as I spoke.

(y/n): "Dunno just popped in my head,"

 With that they all re seated as the teacher began to talk about about math as I kept drawing on my art piece as I timed my self with my watch I was given.


As the lunch bell rang I got up as I walked down the hallway talking to a girl who wanted to work on her drawing and asked me for tips as I gladly gave her. She thanked me as she went to join her friends for lunch as I exited the building and to a spot that I saw when I was looking out the window. It was a large tree with plenty of shade for someone like me to enjoy their lunch under sitting down I smiled as I drew on my piece and ate my food.

???: "Hey,"

I looked up from my drawing to a short student with white hair and gold eyes.

???: "That's my spot,"

looking down I packed my things and got up.

(y/n): "Sorry I didn't know,"

I gave a friendly smile but before I could walk away the short student stopped me with a question.

???: "Your the new kid right?"

Nodding I smiled.

(y/n): "Beat the whole school knows right?"

She nodded, I then held out my hand.

(y/n): "Names (y/n) you?"

The student cocked a eyebrow.

???: "Why did you tell me your first name?"

(y/n): "Right you don't know alright *clears throat* all I have is my first name I was a accident the caused me to lose my memory,"

She tilted her head before she spoke.

???: "It wouldn't be the explosion that killed 666 people,"

(Y/n): "Yeah...wait that how many people died?"

She nodded.

(y/n): "Well that is creepy,"

???: "So your the guy who had a piece of metal stuck in your head?"

Again I nodded as I pulled out the piece of metal.

(y/n): "Yep here proof,"

She held out her hand asking if she could see it and I gave it to her as she looked at it before felling the weight in her hand. The student handed it back to me.

???: "Your lucky I give you that,"

(y/n): "Heh if I got a penny for every time I heard that I would be rich,"

The student smiled at my awful joke as she held out her hand.

???: "I'm Koneko Toujou its nice to meet you (y/n),"

I took it and shook her hand.

(y/n): "Its nice to meet you too Koneko,"

Koneko: "Want to eat with me?"

(y/n): "Sure,"

We then sat down as I had already finished my meal but that didn't stop me from drawing as Koneko watched over my shoulder eating a piece of chicken. She then began to ask questions as I told her everything I could answer to as she asked about normal stuff that I'm asked. Then she told me if I ever wanted to have lunch with she would gladly let me sit with her.

After thanking here I head back to class for another 4 hours of stuff that I already knew, then I returned to my dorm. Something about this place felt...weird what kind of weird? I don't know but being around Koneko was even weird as if she wasn't human but, a cat? I know I know how can a cat be a human I don't know but it was weird in the end and my mind was going to overdrive thinking of theories about her past. Why was my already strange body going nuts? I have no clue but what I did know is I need to rest my changing mine with sleep.

The dream would be one I would remember for years to come...


Whats the dream?

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