Beneath the Waves (Ocean Song...

By DeaAuroraLumen

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A storm gathers on the horizon, and the sea shall swallow all... Serena Adamaris's life is fairly ordinary as... More

*UPDATED* Chapter 1: The Song
*UPDATED* Chapter 2: Searching
*UPDATED* Chapter 3: Drowning
*UPDATED* Chapter 4: To Breathe Again
*UPDATED* Chapter 5: Trapped
*UPDATED* Chapter 6: The Prince
*UPDATED* Chapter 7: Lullabies
*UPDATED* Chapter 8: The Sorcerer
*UPDATED* Chapter 9: The Calling
*UPDATED* Chapter 10: Lost Again
*UPDATED* Chapter 11: Together at Last
*UPDATED* Chapter 12: The Ocean's Curse
*UPDATED* Chapter 13: Cascata
*UPDATED* Chapter 14: The Twelve
Chapter 15: Dark Secrets
*UPDATED* Chapter 16: Lady Delmara
*UPDATED* Chapter 17: Unexpected Developments
*UPDATED* Chapter 18: Poseidon & Amphitrite
*UPDATED* Chapter 19: Kingdom of the Ram
*UPDATED* Chapter 20: High Tide
Chapter 21: The Ram of Nerisia
Chapter 22: Crisis in Aquaria
Chapter 23: Emissary of Peace
Chapter 24: Return of the Banished
Chapter 25: Meeting of the Princes
Chapter 26: Home Again
Chapter 27: Confouding Thoughts
Chapter 28: Trouble on Land
Chapter 29: Lost in Thought
Chapter 30: Prisoner of the Mind
Chapter 31: Voice of the Monster
Chapter 32: The Date of the Wedding
Chapter 33: Aegaea
Chapter 34: Aegaea's Recounts
Chapter 35: Abduction
Chapter 36: The Storm at Day's End
Chapter 37: A Light in the Dark
Chapter 38: Calder's Return
Chapter 39: Nightmare Wedding
Chapter 41: Beneath the Waves
Sneak Peek of Book 2: Ocean Song in the Deep
Book 2 is now available!

Chapter 40: Tidings from Vilmaris

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By DeaAuroraLumen

A pure black flood of magic particles erupts from the tiny pearl, and wraps around Delmara with a vicious hold. She screeches and screams as she tries to break free of the magic's hold, but it's useless.

"What did you do to me?" She yells as she tries to reach for Serena through the barrier.

"You shall have to ask Calder. He knows more of that magic than I," Serena says with a little smile. The pearl begins to reel the magic back in, and takes Delmara along with it. Calder comes down and catches it once it has finally settled. Serena's feeling quite proud of herself for having actually succeeded in her task.

Though it's brief. Hands wrap themselves around her throat from behind, and her hands immediately fly to the offending appendages trying to rip them off. A series of shouts echo out coming from different directions. Prince Oceanus stands before her with an intense look on his face as he stares down the person choking her.

"You little wretch!" Lord Hallmar snarls angrily. "You have ruined everything!"

But Serena chuckles. "I...ruined everything?" She asks in amusement as she struggles to maintain some kind of air in her lungs. "Was it not you...who had Queen...Aegaea...killed?"

Gasps ring through the air as Prince Oceanus's eyes widen.

"What do you mean?" He whispers, struggling not to swim forward and free her. If he were to do so, then she would die if Lord Hallmar saw fit to dig his elongated nails into her neck.

"Shut up! You know nothing!" Lord Hallmar hisses, but, again, Serena chuckles.

"I found Aegaea's memoirs. She knew...what you and your family...were up to. So you had her...killed."

Lord Hallmar's grip tightens as he quickly loses his composure. "I warned her to keep quiet! But that woman was as stubborn as her foolish children!" Horrified gasps filter through the room as the true fate of Aquaria's beloved queen comes to light.

King Neptune rose from his seat then, a rage-filled expression on his face. "Hallmar..." The tone of his voice promised a storm of wrath that would rain down upon Lord Hallmar for centuries to come.

A hopeless smile settles over Lord Hallmar's face right then. He looks out over the sea of angry or shocked faces as he releases a sigh.

"I suppose that is it then," he mutters before turning back to the royal family with a wicked smile on his face. "If that is to be the case, then I shall drag her down with me!" Serena violently begins to break free of his grasp as panic sets in when his nails puncture her neck. Magic buzzes through her blood as she barely takes note of Lord Hallmar's quiet song of darkness. A cold feeling slips into her bloodstream, and her body freezes as she looses all feeling. Lord Hallmar drags his nails across her throat, forming shallow cuts as a series of enraged shouts sound out from around her, but she can barely hear them. She feels Hallmar's grip disappear from her body, and for a moment she's slowly falling.

But a pair of warm arms hold her up, shaking her in an effort to get her to awaken. Yet her eyes have already slid shut, and right before she surrenders to the darkness coming to claim her, she hears her name on someone lips.


Hallmar has been safely locked away, and Delmara's little prison has been left in Calder's care. Yet victories aren't without sacrifice.

Serena has been moved to her bed chambers, but shows no signs of awakening. Her wounds have been treated and wrapped, but her eyes stay closed and her breathing steady.

When it was discovered that she wasn't going to awaken, Rodion had went off the rails and had spent a good thirty minutes blaming Calder and shouting at him. Princess Arcelia did the best she could to calm him, and thought it best to take him elsewhere to calm down.

The only ones standing around her bed are Calder, Storm, Pelagios, Prince Oceanus, King Neptune, and Queen Salacia.

"I have lived for many years, but even I am afraid that I have never seen magic like this," Queen Salacia says solemnly as she tenderly brushes aside Serena's hair. Not even that action disturbs her perpetual sleep.

"I would imagine not Your Highness. This is a kind of curse dealt by Proteus. It shall not be easy to undo," Calder states quietly as a frustrated glint shines in his eyes whenever he looks upon Serena. He was so certain that things would go according to plan, and everything would be fine. How foolish he had been. He should've foreseen something like this happening. Should've known that Proteus would give Hallmar some type of weapon to use against their enemies. If he had, then she'd probably be awake right now instead of being trapped within her own body. There's still no telling just what all that curse had done, or what kind of damage they could expect in the future.

Marina would probably know more. If only he had found her. If only he knew where she was or where she had gone. Without her, there's little he can do to help Serena. All he can do is make sure nothing worse happens to her.

He'd never have had her go up against Delmara if this was to be the end result. But then, if this was the price of their victory then it had to be paid regardless. Of course, Calder would never voice as such to the grieving people surrounding young Serena's bed.

King Neptune turns to look at Storm with a stern look in his eyes as he says, "Who are you then? I am given to understand that you have met my younger ward once before during her foray in the surface world."

Storm bows his head. "My apologies. My name is Storm Callas, Captain of the Vilmarisan Guard, and sworn protector of her Majesty."

There is a measure of surprise that runs through the gathered people, except for Pelagios that is.

"Vilmaris? What is going on there? And why are you here?" Calder presses as he moves in closer towards Storm.

But Storm shakes his head. "I am not at liberty to discuss what goes on within our borders to outsiders." Calder frowns. "I was given a mission, that shall not be disclosed, and I had been instructed to come here upon completion."

"And why is that?" Prince Oceanus asks suspiciously as he glares at Storm with nothing short of his usual kind disposition.

"Again, I cannot disclose that information to outsiders. All I can say is that for now I am to act as your ally."

"What do you mean 'for now'?" King Neptune crosses his arms.

"Exactly as it sounds. I am to assist you until such a time as I am ordered to do otherwise."

"And just what is your interest in Aquaria?" Queen Salacia asks, her expression taking on a stony one for once.

"Vilmaris's interests lie with the two humans you have been harboring," Storm says curtly before clasping his hands behind his back. "Now then. That is all I am at liberty to tell you. Therefore I shall answer no more questions. I suggest we focus our attention towards the safety of the girl."

Queen Salacia stands up taller as a cross look appears on her face. "And it is precisely for her safety that we are asking these questions! What are Vilmaris's intentions for these humans?"

Storm seems to think for a moment before he says, "Vilmaris only wishes to keep them from Proteus's grasp." But there's more to it. Of that, Calder is completely certain. And yet, who is he to meddle in the affairs of Vilmaris? That is more his sister's area of expertise, and without her they shall not be getting anymore answers than that.

Prince Oceanus clears his throat, effectively garnering the attention of the group. "That is enough. Clearly it is pointless to question him any further." The prince glances at Serena with an unknown emotion in his eyes as he addresses those gathered once more. "Our only priority right now should be ascertaining a way to wake her." They all nod. Finally, something they can all agree on. Although Calder didn't miss the way Prince Oceanus looked at their sleeping beauty here. It has been a fair bit of time since he's seen a look such as that one in the young prince's eyes. However, he won't say a word of it. As said prince has just said, their primary concern should be finding a way to break Serena free of whatever curse Hallmar put on her.

Calder moves forward and places a hand against Serena's forehead. His eyes slide shut as he allows his magic to spill forth from his body, and into hers'. His magic tries to feel out the opposing force within her body. They are both surrounded in a mixture of clashing mists. One green, and the other a sinister black. It only lasts for a minute before Calder is sent reeling just as his magic is repelled.

Pelagios looks over at Calder in alarm. "What is it?"

Calder pants as he narrows his gaze on Serena. "The darkest of magic. This is not the harmless type of curse, I am afraid to say."

"What does that mean Calder? What will it do to her?" Queen Salacia asks rapidly, unable to conceal her deep-set worry.

Calder shakes his head. "I am afraid that this curse shall do more than simply trap her in sleep." He looks towards Serena. "She is trapped within the darkest recesses of her mind, where nothing but agonizing pain awaits her. Time will work differently for her to prolong the suffering, and it is imperative that we be quick in waking her."

"What horrors could be lurking within her mind's depths?" Storm asks slowly as he eyes Calder warily.

"That, I do not know. I have been cast from her mind completely, and no doubt the point is to drive her into maddening despair." Calder sighs. "I could already feel it, brief though it may have been. She is convinced that she is alone, and I have no way of getting to her."

Dammit! Prince Oceanus feels useless. She has already done so much for them without question. So how is it that they can do nothing but watch as she succumbs to whatever darkness plagues her? Seven months ago he wouldn't have given her much of a single thought, but now she has become a permanent residence there. This annoying, stupid, naïve human girl has, against his better judgement, made herself a place within his life. And he refuses to acknowledge any more than that.

Calder groans and stretches. "Well, I shall return home and see if I cannot find an old tome that may or may not have the answers we need." Calder waves his hand, inciting a trail of magical green mist to follow it before he's completely engulfed in said mist and disappears.

King Neptune releases a sigh of his own. "Come Storm, Pelagios. I would have words with you both surrounding everything prior to earlier events." Prince Oceanus doesn't even look in their direction as the three exit the room in silence.

His grandmother stands behind him, a sorrowful look on her face as she comes forward and places a gentle hand on his cheek. He looks at her.

And she gives a wistful sigh. "My dear Oceanus, this world has not been kind to our family." She looks over at Serena. "And this poor girl has gotten wrapped up in all of our mess." She chuckles humorlessly. "There is much I would tell you dear boy, but now is not the time. For now, do what you must and ensure that it is what will be best for you, and you alone." With that said, Queen Salacia takes her leave as well, closing the door quietly behind her.

And now he stands. Finally just him by his lonesome. A somber expression takes over his features as he moves closer to Serena's bedside. He can almost hear her calling his name, and see her with an angry look on her face as she reprimands him for his cold demeanor.

It's almost funny. Just a few months ago he wanted nothing to do with her, and wished for a moment of silence when she and her brother came round. Now he has that silence, and he wants nothing more than for her to disrupt it with a smart remark or angry retort.

His eyes narrow on her. When did this infuriating little human take up so many of his thoughts?


Well, we've finally made it to the end. This is the second to last chapter and the last is in the works. I hope the developing feelings between Oceanus and Serena occurred naturally enough. I did try. So here we are. Serena's in a cursed induced coma, Delmarva and Hallmar have been defeated, and now the pressure is on to save our young heroine. Please leave comments telling me what you think and also be sure to vote and follow for updates on these stories. See you in the final chapter!

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