Fire Emblem: Children of Light

By D_Whimsi

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Twenty years after Mortabe's defeat at the hands of Arturo, the continent of Sanasa has lived in peaceful spl... More

Prologue: Girl from the Ocean
Chapter 1: Guests from the North
Chapter 2: The Quiet Knight
Chapter 3: A Dark Encounter
Chapter 4: Song, Sadness, and Impetus
Chapter 5: Beginning of a Journey
Chapter 6: Dying Fire
Chapter 7: Attack at Rexeus
Chapter 8: The Child of Light
Chapter 9: Aftermath
Chapter 10: A Talk
Chapter 11: The Return
Chapter 12: The Sage's Story
Chapter 13: A God's Message
Chapter 14: Blizzard
Chapter 16: An Old Relative
Chapter 17: At the Top of the Tower
Chapter 18: Angelica
Chapter 19: Fire Swallowing Light
Epilogue: End of an Era

Chapter 15: Arcelia

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By D_Whimsi

  The sun hung high now in the gray mountain sky, no longer obscured by torrential snow. A faint draft lingered in the outpost building, its chilly nip jostling Maude awake. She yawns and rubs her eyes before looking around the room. Upon realizing that it was quite late in the morning, she jumps up and awakens the others as well.

  "It's nearly noon!" She exclaims. "Everyone, get up! We've got places to be!"

  The group groggily pack their belongings and step back into the snowy mountain scape. Maude sighs.

  "At this rate it'll be after dark whenever we reach the walls.."
  "Perfect." Alda smiles. "That'll allow us to sneak in unseen."
  "Perhaps, though I imagine the ramparts will be teeming with Sieghild's soldiers... There's no sense in worrying about that now however, we need to get moving."

  The group, now with Alda, Casey, and Anselm in tow, continue to persevere through the unforgiving mountains of northern Sanasa. After grueling hours of trudging through the snow and slush, they reach the base of a towering stone wall. The wall stretched high into the heavens and looked to be nearly a mile or so thick. Like Maude had predicted, it was indeed dark, and the wall's pitch black stones blended in with the hazy night sky. Blotted out by heavy snow clouds, there wasn't a single star shining above them--they were ebony shadows in the dark of the night.

  "The capital is just beyond that wall, correct?" Aurelio asked, his voice hushed.
  "Why are you whispering?" Alda asks. "The enemy hasn't spotted us yet."
  "Let's keep it that way." Maude sighs. "And yes, beyond it is the heart of our enemy's camp. Are you all ready?"
  "As I'll ever be." Casey says with a lax chuckle. "I haven't been in a good fight since... Anyways, just how are we supposed to get inside?"
  "Indeed, we sit at the foot of quite the fortification." Ian sighs. "It's not like we have any rope to climb it."
  "Climbing a wall like that would be tiring and impractical." Maude says. "Come, I have a better idea."

  Leading the group, the group sneaks along the edge of the wall until Maude stops them. They'd reached a sheer drop--below them set a jet black sea, jagged rocks sharp as knifes jutting out from its languid, ice cold water. The sight surprised Aurelio; he had never seen the sight of an ocean so different from the one at home. Had they really come so far north they'd reached the other edge of the continent?

  The wall around the capital was in the shape of a square, and the group stood at one of its corners. If they kept going straight they would've plunged into the ocean below, but in turning the corner Maude gestures to an old, rusted set of metal scaffolding. The scaffolding led down to the water below, where a small dock could be seen.

  "What's all this for?" Callista asks.
  "The fishermen have to get down to the sea somehow." Maude says as she grabs her sword.

  Standing atop the scaffolding were two guards, both under the influence of the curse. They stood watching, unmoving, guarding the only visible door on the entire wall. Maude goes to step forward, but is stopped by Alda.

  "Allow me." She says. "If you go in there like that you'll cause a ruckus. This requires a touch of stealth."

  Alda grabs her knife, the Ignella, and slides into a shadow cast by a small pile of crates laying atop the scaffolding. Completely invisible to the untrained eye, Alda sat in the shadow for a moment before leaping into the air. Without a sound she lands behind the first guard and slits his throat, the spurting wound immediately dried by the hellish flames that danced on the blade's tip. Before the second guard could react, before he could even utter a sound, Alda had rushed over and killed him just as quickly. She sheathes her dagger and kicks the bodies over the edge of the scaffolding, watching with a smile as they plunged into the icy water with a quiet splash.

  "How it feels to kill again..." She chuckles.

  Alda opens the door and gestures for the others to follow her inside. She scopes out the area and after determining that the coast was clear, leads them towards the exit. Stepping out of the confines of the wall, the group enters the remnants of a small plaza square on the edge of the capital.

  The capital was a desolate wasteland. Few houses were left standing, many were nothing more than burnt and trampled debris. The cobblestone streets had been torn apart, leaving behind thick, slushy rows of mud and blood. Fires burned amongst the remnants, creating an eerie warmth amongst the freezing snow. The only sounds that could be heard were the rhythmic stomping of boots off in the distance.

  "Where is everyone?" Galatea asks.
  "Either dead or in hiding I'd imagine." Alda says bluntly. "I figured there wouldn't be much for us to return to but this..."

  Suddenly, a whoosh could be heard. There was a figure in the shadows, dancing about them like a cat stalking its prey. Alda, Maude, and Ian draw their weapons as the figure appears before them. It was a lean figure, a young woman dressed in tattered robes. She had a crossbow in her hand, loaded and aimed at the group. Some of her long black hair peaked through her hood and swayed in the chill wind. The snow crunched beneath her boots as she stepped forward. Crossbow ready, she aims, but then stops.

  "You..?" She starts, her cold eyes glancing over the group.
  "Lady Arcelia, is that you?" Maude asks, sheathing her sword.
  "Mm." The woman pulls back her hood, revealing her coal gray eyes and olive brown skin. "What are you all doing here?"
  "We're here to take our kingdom back."
  "It's reassuring to know that we still have an ally within the walls." Galatea smiles.
  Arcelia smirks. "Well, it sure took you three long enough to get here. Who're the-"

  Arcelia sees Aurelio and stops mid-question. She silently puts her crossbow away and sighs.

  "C'mon, we'll get caught just standing around like this."

  She gestures for the group to follow her and they head to a small, makeshift building located near the southern edge of the wall. The building was heavily fortified with various debris that had been sharpened to ramshackle fencing. Arcelia leads them through it and into the main building.

  "So, you all know each other?" Aurelio asks.
  "Mm, this is Arcelia." Galatea says. "Like me she was a noble before her tribes merged."
  "She and I were two of Vibestia's most respected knights. We were tasked with protecting Queen Alwine." Maude sighs. "Some knight I was..."
  "Don't beat yourself up. Vibestia has never been a stable nation, a usurping was bound to happen eventually. We were better off in our tribes..." Arcelia says. "You all are safe here for the time being. Set your things down and rest a moment."

  Ian sets their bags of supplies and rations down in a corner. Aurelio looks over and notices that Arcelia was staring rather intensely at him.

  "Can I help you..?" He asks.
  "You're the prince of Arqferi, correct?"
  "That's right."
  Arcelia smiles. "I'd heard tale that you were headstrong, but I didn't expect you to follow Maude and the others here."
  "Sure, is it not my duty as prince to help those in need?" Aurelio says. "If you'll forgive my bluntness, I get an odd feeling of familiarity from you Arcelia. You're not originally from here, are you?"
  "I was born here, but I am not of Vibestian blood." Arcelia sighs. "My mother was an Arqferian woman by the name of Amaya. I... I've never met my father..."
  "Amaya..." Aurelio stops, surprised. "As in Amaya Arqferious, the sister of my father Arturo? Why, that'd make us cousins..."
  "Amaya..? Lord Aurelio, surely you're mistaken, King Arturo has no family. They were... killed..."
  "She was blotted out from history books." Aurelio says. "I don't really know all the details, but I do remember Father mentioning something briefly about her. Why would she come here though? She was older than Father, why does she not sit upon the throne?"
  "My mother was the one who killed your grandparents and the previous King and Queen of Arqferi." Arcelia says grimly. "She influenced by Mortabe's curse. After their murders she renounced her queenhood and came here in hopes of finding a way to atone."
  "And what happened to here after that?"
  "I don't know." Arcelia sighs. "She died not long after I was born. I was raised by one of the tribes and eventually became their leader before our cultures were assimilated under the Vibestian name."
  "I'm sorry to hear that."
  "Don't be. If anyone should be sorry, it should be me. You'll never get to meet half of your family because of something my mother did. I can't make up for that, but the least I could do is provide you all with some temporary shelter. We'll launch our attack against Sieghild come morning."

  Aurelio goes to speak but stops and sighs as Arcelia steps out of the room. An awkward silence hung in the air, stagnating, until it's eventually broken by Ian.

  "To think you had an aunt Lord Aurelio." He says. "And one who met such an unfortunate fate."
  "Indeed, Mortabe's has been trying to prune my bloodline for quite some time. I suppose being a descendant of the man who first sealed him away will do that." Aurelio sighs. "But this will go on for no longer. We're heading out come morning yeah? We'll need to rest up then."

  Wolves could heard howling in the snowy bluster outside as the group begins to nod off. Everyone had fallen asleep save for Aurelio, who sat on the floor tapping his foot impatiently. He sighs and looks up. Arcelia was standing in the door frame.

  "Can't sleep?" She says.
  "Mm." Aurelio chuckles a bit. "I guess you could say I'm a little antsy. If everything goes according to plan tomorrow, maybe I can finally get some peace of mind. Well, for a little bit anyway. The throne awaits me..."
  "Do you not want to rule?"
  "No, not at first, but someone has to wear my father's mantle. I'm nervous, to say the least. I intend to carry my home with pride, but I feel my rule won't be very... let's say conventional. I've got big plans, but most Arqferians are very vehement in upholding tradition. Father broke a few traditions himself and people still silently upbraid him for it."
  "What's he like? The king? I have no recollection of my mother, perhaps I could take some solace in knowing what my uncle's like instead."
  "Well, um, he's tall. And he's got a big beard, one that practically comes down to his knees." Aurelio chuckles awkwardly. "I've never really described him in detail before. He's very quiet and keeps to himself--likely from the trauma of dealing with Mortabe. He's strict and is real avid about discipline. He's real hard on Callista and me, but I get it, he wants us to be the best we can be. He could back off a little though, he's a bit clingy."
  "And don't get me started on Mother." Aurelio smiles. "She's so doting. It's kinda smothering, what with all the hugging and praising."
  Arcelia frowns. "I'm sure that's nice..."
  "O-Oh! I'm sorry, I didn't mean to-" He stammers, embarrassed by his blunder.
  "Don't be. My mother was a weak woman who couldn't resist her jealous ways and succumbed to darkness." Arcelia sighs. "She killed most of my--our--family out of spite. There's nothing for you to be sorry about. Besides, I asked you to describe my aunt and uncle. If I wanted your pity too Aurelio, I would've asked for it."

  Aurelio was surprised by Arcelia's cold bluntness. She sighs and parts her long black hair away from her eye.

  "It's hard to believe I'm related to such a woman." She sighs. "Do continue."
  "Well, you certainly look Arqferian." Aurelio says. "You've got the dark hair, dark eyes, and olive skin, I suppose the only thing you don't have is the accent."
  "Indeed." She smiles a bit.
  "So, what else do you want to know?"
  "Hm, what's the weather like?"
  "Compared to this place, it's rather hot. Arqferi is pretty tropical I guess. Our capital is right on the beach."
  "I've always wanted to see an ocean that didn't have any ice in it." She says. "Though if it's as warm as you say, I'd probably melt."
  Aurelio smiles. "What's it like here, if you don't mind my asking?"
  "Why would I mind? You've asked my questions so I suppose it's only fair I answer yours. Where should I start?" She sighs, pondering the question."
  "From the beginning. I keep hearing of all these different tribes, but they certainly aren't in any books I've ever read."
  "They aren't in any books. No one remembers the tribes save for those who lived in them. There were probably about ten or so in total, and they were always warring with each other."
  "Is that where your queen comes in?"
  "Mm. Queen Alwine hailed from a war torn tribe, one nearly wiped extinct. She stepped forward before the other tribes and suggested that we unify ourselves into one whole. By combining our territories--the source of our constant feuding--into one land, we would have no reason to fight. Many of us were eager to end the incessant bloodshed and were happy to become one conglomerate. They could trade amongst themselves, shared what little food and material they had. There's safety in numbers too."
  "But what of the others?"
  "On paper, all of the tribes that onced called these mountains home are now one nation--Vibestia. Other nations recognize us. We recognize us. But there are some who were adamant in having their way. They refused to be a part of any kingdom and were always starting shit. They believed that one girl didn't have the right to decide how they should live, especially considering they already had their own way of living. Honestly, I can't say I blame them. But the very least they could've done was pretend to conform, to put on a good face and fester silently; yet here we are trying to quell a revolt." She sighs. "We would've been fine if they didn't receive help from on-high."
  "Mortabe's curse?"
  "Mm. When that blonde haired girl arrived here it spread through Sieghild's ranks like wildfire."

  Wynne's theory reappears in Aurelio's mind. He sighs at the thought.

  "I did a bit of looking into the curse. If we take out Sieghild, the others should return to their normal selves."
  "That right? Well, that'll certainly make things easier." Arcelia sighs. "Try to get some rest then Aurelio. Thing's will be rough tomorrow."
  "I'll try."

  He sighs and lays against the wall as Arcelia walks off. A familiar sound filled his ears. Galatea was snoring again. He smiles. It felt reassuring to be surrounded be allies. He would need them.

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