Mother knows

By werdowoman30

11.1K 284 10

Remember season 11 when Chuck and Lucifer are living in the bunker together and Lucifer essentially acted lik... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11

Chapter 6

893 29 1
By werdowoman30

Chuck and Rose were walking hand in hand in the garden, enjoying the time together as they looked over his creation. Joshua had kept the garden looking beautiful for them while they were away. When he was younger he had always taken more of an interest in the garden than playing with his brothers, even now Rose watched him pruning the flowers. In his true form, he looked no more than thirteen and his eyes held a constant curiosity for the plants and insects around him. He wasn't the only one. Samandriel was playing around here too with Castiel and Gabriel. The two youngest were always fascinated by earth's natural beauties while other's curiosities lay with earth's inhabitants. Hannah and Anna being two such angels. Hannah requested story after story from Anna on her human life and Castiel and Gabriel since they both spent a lot of time with humans.

"Wow" Rose heard from her four year old Samandriel as a bee rose up from the grass below him. Castiel took notice too. She rest her head on her husband's shoulder while she watched her younger sons following this bee around. Gabriel rolled his eyes at his brothers, especially when Samandriel lost interest in the bee and started chasing a butterfly. Were they baby angels or were they puppy dogs? Gabriel swears puppies were based off of these two. Rose perked up at the sound of a crash,

"GABRIEL!" She smiled on hearing that. Balthazar came over covered in his own secret stash of wine, "I'm going to MURDER YOU!!" He ran after Gabriel who just kept one step ahead of him, laughing all the while. Rose smiled warmly, looking up at her husband as she rest her head on his shoulder,

"Just another day in paradise" He chuckled too, looking down at his wife, kissing the top of her head. She closed her eyes, leaning into the touch. She felt completely relaxed and happy, like nothing could ever spoil it. As she looked over at her children, Samandriel was getting tired. He was lying across Castiel's stomach,

"Hey Cassie, do you still have nightmares?" He asked out of the blue,

"What do you mean?"

"Well, it's been months now since you've been to earth but you still have unpleasant dreams about it"

"Well it's not just earth, it's everything" Cas said, "Purgatory, the fall, the civil war. Even what I did to you. I'm sorry Sammie" He used his black wing to stroke his younger brother's hair,

"It wasn't your fault Castiel that was Naomi" Samandriel said, "Even as it happened, I knew it wasn't you. Your eyes glazed over when I said her name and you weren't acting yourself"

"Yeah but I still feel guilty"

"You feel guilty about everything" Samandriel rolled over and slid off Cas, "Hey, wanna play a game?" Cas was feeling pretty tired,

"How about sleeping lions?" He asked,

"Come on, a real game" Samandriel replied, "Like hide and seek"

"Ok you go hide and I'll find you" Cas didn't get up from the ground and Samandriel rushed off excitedly. Cas wasn't even counting, he was just closing his eyes and waiting. After a while he got up again, "Ok, here I come" He was really only half heartedly looking for Sam. Sam knew this. Cas wandered by and he jumped down from the tree he was hiding in and landed on Cas, "Ow" Cas let out as a large weight landed on his shoulders and back and he immediately fell down. "Sammie" Cas groaned,

"Surprise!" Sam said starting to try to tickle his brother but Cas didn't really react. As he got up, Sam put his arms around his neck and clung to his back. Cas held his legs as he waddled along with the weight on his back. Sam piggybacked along happily, "Come on Cassie! Mush!" He giggled. Cas just rolled his eyes and smirked. At least his little brother wasn't afraid of him or held his actions against him. They ended up bumping into Michael. Michael smiled, plucking Samandriel from Castiel's back,

"Are you torturing poor Castiel, Sammie?" He asked playfully as he scooped the young angel up,

"I'm trying to get him to have fun" Sam pouted,

"By breaking my back" Cas complained, shaking out the flattened feathers on his wings,

"Aww, poor Cassie" Lucifer now scooped him up and put him on his shoulders, "You still tired?" Cas leaned down over Lucifer's head,

"Yeah" He replied a little deflated,

"Wanna sleep in my room tonight?" Michael asked, "Might help with those nightmares"

"Ok" Cas gave a yawn,

"In your room Michael? Sounds like a death sentence" Lucifer scoffed, Cas giggled,

"Well we know Raphael's bed isn't an option because some sneaky fledgling put white paint in it, I wonder who that was hey Castiel?" Michael booped his nose,

"He made me clean up after Gabriel's prank"

"Don't play the innocent Cas, we know you're his little lookout and distraction" Lucifer reached up to tease the little angel who giggled a little, "Speaking of Gabriel, anyone seen him around, I have a feeling I'm up next on the list"

"He was being chased by Balthazar when we saw him last" Sam said,

"Ok, I'm not going to be tomorrow am I Cassie? I know you know who he'll prank next"

"Every time he pranks you, it requires weeks of planning before hand" Cas gave a small, tired smile, "It's hard to find something new to do now"

"Gabriel!! Get over here!!" The shouting was still going on, Balthazar was still chasing Gabriel as they went by them. Lucifer casually stretched his foot out as they past, tripping Gabriel up. Since Balthazar was right behind him, he also tripped up over Gabriel and the pair tumbled across the ground, play fighting, wings flapping wildly and both making grunting and growling noises as they wrestled along the ground. Michael had to step over them as they came his way. Lucifer laughed at them but noticed the weight laying on the top of his head. He picked Castiel up off his shoulders and noticed the fledgling was asleep, completely conked out,

"Aw" He smiled at Micheal, "Ain't he precious?" Michael swapped with Lucifer, giving him Samandriel while he took Castiel. He brought the fledgling to his room to sleep more peacefully.

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