Mine. Ateez Gang AU {UNDER...

By BabyBoii__

67.2K 2.4K 775

Just a gay gang Ateez story :) October 27, 2019 - #17 in ateez 😳 October 31, 2019 - #9 in Jongho December 5... More

Some Information
Seonghwa {1}
Wooyoung {2}
San {3}
Seongwha {4}
Wooyoung {5}
San {6}
Wooyoung {7}
San {8}
Mingi {9}
San {10}
Yunho {11}
San {12}
Wooyoung {13}
Jongho {14}
San {15}
Yunho {16}
Seonghwa {18}
Jongho {19}
Seonghwa {20}
San {22}
:) ❤️❤️
Yeosang {23}
San {24}
Hello. New chapter coming, but before then-
Mingi {25}
San {26}
Seonghwa {28}
Hongjoong {29}
Yunho {30}
Yeosang {31}
Jongho {32}
San {33}
Info+new chapter Dec 18, 2020
San {34}

Mingi {21}

1.1K 49 14
By BabyBoii__

November 19, 2019
Tuesday 8:33a.m.


"Ready to go see if I can join you guys on missions, Mingi?" Any other time I would coo at Yunho's big doe eyes, but I'm most definitely not excited about this talk with Seonghwa. I can also see it is very obvious about my feeling towards this because Yunho says, "Gee, can you act more excited for me Mingi?"

Yunho is already dress, standing at the end of our bed with a hand on his jutted out hips. While I still sit in bed, still in my pj's. "Can't we just cuddle some more?" With a 'tsk' Yunho leaves the room and not without slamming the door. To not anger my baby any more than he is I quickly get up out of bed and start to go and do everything necessary to get ready.

After a good 30 minutes I'm done and leave the bedroom in search of Yunho. He texted me some time ago and said he was with Seongwha not even enclosing where that might be, but if I would have to take a guess it would be Seongwha's office.

Passing by Yeosangs and Jonghos room on the way there I notice no one is in it. Either they are eating breakfast or is already at our training spot. I honestly wouldn't put it pst them to have woken up so early to be the first ones there.

I finally make it to Seongwha's office and upon opening up the door Yunho has the biggest smile ever. "Mingi! Guess what! Hyung here thinks it's a great idea for me to accompany you all on Friday!" I try and keep a straight face to not throw off Yunho's happy face, "He did?" Yunho nods his head and get up to give me a hug. I hug him back, but make a face towards Seongwha who looks a bit confused. Does he not realize what he just did? I mouth that we will talk about this later and he just gives a 'whatever.'

"This will be good time to mention I will have two of Jaebum's men to also come with. Names are Kangdae and Dongsun, whom I already did a background check of. I didn't find anything out of the ordinary so we should be good." Wow, hyung sounds so sure about our safety. 'We should be good.' Honestly what does that fucking mean? "When are we going to discuss the game plan when going to your uncles? At this point i'm just allowing Yunho to talk because if i open my mouth I might go off on Seongwha and then not be able to stop. "Was thinking tomorrow so we can have a full day to prepare." I glance over at Yunho and I can just tell there's absolutely nothing you can tell him that would wiped that smile off his face. God damn, why is he so damn excited about all of this? May seem like an easy mission, but you can never be too laid back about it.

Suddenly we hear a knock on the door and then, "Hey hyung can I go with Yunho and Mingi when they go to our training spot?" Tunring back I see it's Hongjoong. From the lack of his special plushie I can conclude he isn't in little space right now. Seonghwa doesn't hesitates and tells him yes in which Hongjoong smiles and starts to leave.

"Hongjoong," Seonghwa calls out in a stern voice. We all look over at Seonghwa curiously, until we notice he is pointing to his cheek indicating he wants a kiss from his man. In which I groan and lean over to Yunho, whispering "Are we that cheesy when we are together?" Yunho didn't find it funny. He rolls his eyes and smacks me in the chest.

"Yunho! You can go with Hongjoong and can you make sure he eat's something before he goes?" Hongjoong looks over at Seonghwa like he wants to tell him off about something, but Seonghwa gives a hard look and it immediately makes Hongjoong to keep his mouth shut. Seonghwa looks up at me, "You can stay. I want to finalize the plan so we can hurry and let the others know." I stay seated, Yunho gets up and gives me a kiss and follow Hongjoong out the door.

I didn't think much of me being held back until Seonghwa gives out a long sigh. "You good boss?" He nods his head no, looking down for a while and then glances back up to me with a very serious face.

That puts me on edge so I straighten up in my seat and give all of my attention to him. "Remember Jaebum's men I was talking to you and Yunho about? Saying I trust them and all that bullshit?" I slowly nod my head and allow him to continue. "Well I lied. I did do a background check, but I didn't find literally nothing. Nothing like them having a criminal record or anything and that's a little suspicious knowing they are in a gang. How does one just have a clean record like that? I'm really trying to stop making that a habit to lie," him putting air quotes around lie. "I only said that so Yunho doesn't start to get scared about coming with us on Friday," him saying that kinda enraged me.

Fuck it if the others can hear what I'm about to say, "You have this gut wrenching feeling about these guys and yet you feel like it's ok to allow my baby to come with us on this specific mission?"

"Calm down Mingi-," He is telling me to calm down? Does he hear himself speak sometimes?

"Me, to calm down? Hyung! I don't know what has been going on inside that fucking head of yours! Yeah let's fucking calm down when when are at at such a demerit time for our gang to be be extra fucking careful about what we do! Yet, here you are. For whatever reason to not give a fuck on who you put on the fucking battlefield!"

At this point both me and Seongwha are out of our seats and glaring down at one another. Seongwha rolls his eyes and goes on about what stupid shit has been going on in his head, "You know how it is! You always have to put your guard up around certain people just in case. I didn't exactly find anything to pin them as an enemy right now, but my emotions have been running really high these past couple of days and I thought you would have been there for me while I vent. Not get mad at me as if I did anything." You didn't do anything, but those guys just might and i'll be damned if it's my baby Yunho who get's hurt.

"To hell with Yunho coming Friday. My emotions have been going haywire since we just up and left Korea." I start to make my way to the door. Hand on the doorknob, "I'll break the news to him so don't worry about you having to be the one making him sad. Even though it's kinda your fault. Telling him something without me knowing." Just as I was about to open the door and leave Seongwha yell's out a 'Wait.' I turn around to him.

He point's his finger to the chair in front of his desk. "If you have something to say Seongwha, then fucking say it right now. You don't need to talk to me while we are both sitting down. Nothing you will say will change my mind." Since i'm not obeying my wishes he comes from around the desk and up to stand in front of me. Putting a hand on the door to make sure I don't leave during his pathetic rant.

"Mingi. Did you think I liked Hongjoong joining us like how he does now? I let my man do what he wanted to do because I trust his abilities," at that statement I start to open my mouth to tell him off, but he stops me. "No i'm not sitting here saying Yunho doesn't have skilled abilities, but you have trust issues. All Yunho wants to do is prove to himself and every one else that he can take down bad guys just as good as we can. He is tired of always being left behind because you only care about your own feelings. So when are you going to stop putting yunho on a tight leash and let him make his own decisions? Start thinking of how Yunho must feel?"

It's almost like the talk I had with Yunho yesterday went through one ear and out the other. I have a reason for everything I do or allow, why is no one getting that? "Because hyung! I grew up in this lifestyle. I've seen way more shit than you. I saw how taking someone's life can break someone. So I know how fragile Yunho is, he may not think he is, but he is. and i'll be damned if the light in his eyes goes away because you allowed it to do so." I was about done with Seongwha, but it seems like he wasn't done with me.

"Ok but this is the line of work. Why are you trying to shield him from it when it's his life 24/7? He made the big boy decision to join it. I get that this one mission can either break or make him, so why can't you give him some kind of confidence and support him in this? I know it won't be easy, but he needs this. It's been too long and this specific fight we are fighting... we might need all hands on deck. Because Mingi...I'll tell you right now. I'll tell you something you really don't want to hear right now, but I'm afraid that we all won't rise from the ashes in this one. Seven is better than six it seems at the moment." I stare hard into Seongwha's eyes thinking over everything he just said. This is a hard decision. A hard decision that has everything to do with Yunho. So of course he has a say in it and god dammit. If my baby feels ready then so be it.

"Do you at least have a plan for when Yunho comes with us? I don't want him doing to much on his first day and I also don't want him to ever leave my side." Seongwha chuckles, "I'll be stupid to think fo anything other than such you dumbass." Rolling my eyes he let's his hand off the door so I can finally leave. "I'm doing this to make Yunho happy and for the overall safety of the gang. Not because you made good point's and told my ass off. I'll never admit." Seongwha laughs and goes in for a hug. "Good going Mingi. I know this will make Yunho extra happy today. I just ask one thing though. Never mention my doubts about Jaebum men." I nod my head yes and hug him back.

Leaving the office I make my way to the kitchen where I know Yunho and Hongjoong are waiting, but I'm surprised with who else is in there. San and Wooyoung. I do a double take at the kind of emotion in San's eyes. Almost the same emotion i've been told people see in my eyes when looking at Yunho. That's really fucking weird and I don't want to touch that with a ten foot pole. "Do you want green smoothie or a pink fruity one?" Facing towards Yunho who seems to be in charge of making our pre workout kind of breakfast. Smart choice of just letting us have a smoothie. Something easy to digest, but something that wouldn't make our stomachs queasy during our training today. "I'll take what ever you are having, babe," I answer back and then going to sit next to Hongjoong.

"So no little friend to hold onto, today?" Hongjoong faces me nodding his head. "Nah. I know hyung doesn't like to ask me to try and be big, but I can tell he himself is very stressed with everything going on. I don't want to put another burden on him with him having to take extra care of me in little space." Frowing at how Hongjoong see's this while situation, I pull him close to me. "Now you damn well Seongwha loves taking care of you. Mostly when you're in little space. As much as that helps you, it helps get him grounded too."

Yunho comes over with our smoothies and I thank him. He gives a back hug to Hongjoong pinching his cute, chubby cheeks, "Yeah hyung. Plus, you walking around here in your oversized clothes and a plushie under your arms brings just about everyone's mood up around here." Hongjoong smiles wide, looking to as if he is thinking things over. "Well we have to meet Jongho and Yeosang at the training spot like right now. San! Are you going to come and train with us today?" I glance hard over to San. He better not about to say no to my baby.

"Oh I'm wanted around everyone?" It take's everything in me to not go over to him and slap that stupid smirk off his face. "All you had to do was answer the simple question San." Yunho comes into my line of view and holds my face in his hands to keep me from going off on San. He kisses me on the lips as Hongjoong starts to talk to San. "You're always welcome around us. Just not your bad attitude and we ask that if you come you don't start anything, please."

Everyone knows not to mess with Hongjoong at all or Seongwha will come for you. No matter who you are so it's no surprise San didn't say back a smart response or nothing. Instead, all he does is nods his head and goes back to feeding Wooyoung his breakfast. I get up and motion to Yunho and Hongjoong that we should get going.

Friday is the day. Really can't wait to see what it brings us. I hope it's nothing too dangerous and Seongwha is just being a bit too cautious about things.

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