Legends of Mythica

By CrazzzyGamer

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This is an inspirational story of the famous minecraft story MyStreet By Aphmau as i create my own slice of l... More

Chapter 1: New Neighbors
Chapter 2: Laboring on Part-time
Chapter 3: Classes begins; Rivals await
Chapter 5: Blessed Memories
Chapter 6: Relaxation Day
Chapter 7: New Club
Chapter 8: Motherly Troubles
Chapter 9: Thankful Wishes
Chapter 10: Trouble with Vampires
Chapter 11: Heart Attack
Chapter 12: Heartache
Chapter 13: Healing a Broken Heart with Christmas Miracle
Chapter 14: Winter Fun

Chapter 4: True Purpose

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By CrazzzyGamer

A few weeks later passed, Marcus and the others continue going through their daily

routine of college though, Marcus and John still haven't told the girls about their new

roommate, but today they planned to tell them at lunch time.

The hours continued as Marcus and Ripley wrote their notes in class and John laid his

head down asleep while the lecture in his class went on.

Once the bell rang they all packed their things into their backpacks and they all headed

out of class.

"Hey Marcus, I'm gonna go save us all a seat at lunch try not to be long," Ripley said.

"I won't be long I'm just gonna wait for Blu and we'll head your way" Marcus said.

"Alright see you there," Ripley said as she headed off to the cafeteria while Marcus

roamed the halls looking for Blu's classroom.

In Blu's class, she was putting away her notebook and things in her backpack and

exited her class once she went out into the hall, Derrick was waiting in front of her class.

"Oh hey there Blu, it's about time you got out," Derrick said.

"O—oh Derrick, what brings you here?" Blu asked.

"Well I was waiting for you to see if you wanted to eat lunch together," Derrick said with

an arrogant smile at he shows off his fangs.

"O—oh w—well th—that's very nice of you to offer but umm," Blu stuttered as she then

heard a familiar voice.

"Hey Blu there ye are," Marcus said as she walked over to her smiling happily.

"Oh Marcus, r—really good to see you," Blu said.

"It's good to see ya too Blu, I was wondering if ye were ready for lunch," Marcus said.

"Whoa hold up their buddy, I already asked her and she already," Derrick said.

"Yeah, yeah I'm ready to go Marcus," Blu said as she smiled at Marcus.

Derrick flinched on her response, "Wait what but wait I—,"

"I'm sorry Derrick, but maybe next time," Blu said.

Derrick hold in his anger, but sighs it out, "N—no it's—it's fine really I—I gotta go do

some stuff anyways so go ahead."

"Oh okay, um see ye around I—I guess," Blu said as she and Marcus headed off to the

cafeteria while Derrick looked at Marcus angrily.

"That boy is gonna get what's coming to him," Derrick said.

At the cafeteria, Marcus and Blu sat at the table where John, Ripley and Xian Mei were

waiting for them.

"Well it's about time you two showed up, what kept you?" John asked.

"Sorry I had a hard time finding Blu's classroom," Marcus said.

"Don't worry about it Marcus, go ahead and sit down we got you guys your lunch

already," Ripley said as Blu and Marcus sat down.

"So anyways what did you guys want to tell us anyways?" Xian Mei asked.

"Well okay it's not gonna be much of a shock so to say but," Marcus said as Javik

walked up and placed his tray down on the table and sat next to John.

"Hey guys sorry I'm late," Javik said.

"Um who are you?" Ripley asked.

"Right um girls, this is our new roommate who moved in with us a few weeks ago, this is

Javik, he's a vampire Demi human," John introduced him.

"Javik, these our are friends Blu; she's Psychic, Ripley; a Succubus and Xian Mei; Yuki-

Onna," Marcus said.

"Nice to meet you all," Javik said as he started to eat his spaghetti.

"Wait hold up here, you said he's been with you guys for over a few weeks why haven't

you told us this," Ripley said.

"We wanted to wait for a bit until Javik was ready to meet you guys," John said.

"Well that does make sense, but it's still wonderful to meet you Javik," Xian Mei said.

"A pleasure to meet you as well and please forgive me if I don't sound excited, I'm not

one to express so much of my emotions," Javik said.

"Hey we don't judge it's just nice to have a new friend, especially a vampire friend,"

Ripley said.

"We are friends?" Javik asked.

"Yeah sure why not, you seem like a really swell guy, so yeah we're friends," Ripley


Javik grinned a tiny bit trying not to show too much feeling,

"You know what this calls for a celebration luckily, I brought some cake I'll be right

back," Marcus said as he got up and headed out.

"Wait so he just left a cake in his truck it's probably melted already," Xian Mei said.

"No he brought it in an ice chest, so it's perfectly fine," Javik said.

"I was wondering why he brought that ice chest," John said.

"Well still we're getting cake, " Ripley said happily.

In the parking lot,

Marcus reaching into the back of his truck as he took the cake out of the ice chest,

"I sure hope they like strawberry cake," Marcus said as he started to walk back to the

cafeteria, but someone had come up behind him knocking the cake out of his hands as

the cake splatters all over him.

Marcus quickly tries to wipe some of the cake off his face, but then he was pushed onto

the grass, finally getting back up and wiped the cake from his eyes he tried to turn

around, but slowly he was then kicked in the stomach, groaning in pain as he laid on his

back looking up as he saw it was Derrick,

"D—Derrick b—but why?"

Derrick grabs Marcus by his shirt and lifts him up,

"Why, why it's because of you Blu doesn't want to hang out with me or be my girlfriend,

all she ever talks about and thinks about is you, you, you, well here's a little warning for

you, you stay away from her, you hear me, or I'll make you pay big time."

Marcus looked straight into Derricks eyes scared, but Marcus then looked at him in



"What did you just say?" Derrick snarled.

"Y—you heard me, I'm not gonna stop being around her just because you said, in case

you haven't you learned anything from high school, she doesn't like you in that way

Derrick, she never had you should get off your high horse thinking you're better than

everyone else and think you can get anything you want, so no I'm not gonna stop being

around her," Marcus said.

Derrick let's go of Marcus and looks at him in anger as his eyes glow bright red,

"Fine I really tried to give you the easier option, but you forced my hand, but it would

nice to beat someone up, but a human can be pleasurable," then he swung his fist

hitting Marcus across his face as Marcus falls onto the ground Marcus tries to get up,

but Derrick quickly kicks him in his stomach.

"Y—you can b—beat me many times Derrick it's not gonna change h—how I feel about

her," Marcus said.

"Then I guess I'll have to keep going until I break you," Derrick said as he picked

Marcus up, punch him in his stomach, and across his face as he lands flat on his back

gasping for breath.

In the cafeteria, as the others continue to talk with each other Javik looks out the

window and sees Marcus getting beat by Derrick,

"H—hey is that Marcus?"

"Huh?" Blu said as they quickly look out the window and they see what's going on,

"Marcus!" she quickly got up from her seat and rushed outside.

"Blu wait for us," John said as they quickly followed behind her.

Marcus coughs a bit gasping for air as he sat up a bit wiping blood from his mouth.

"Had enough yet?" Derrick said.

"L—like I said you can do what you want to me, but I'm not gonna stop me from seeing

her or be with her," Marcus said.

"Have it your way then," Derrick said as he lifted his fist up high getting ready to punch

Marcus when Blu quickly ran and stood in front of him.

"Derrick that's enough!" Blu exclaimed as John and the others caught up standing

behind Marcus as they helped him up.

"Marcus are you okay," Ripley asked.

"Y—yeah I'm—I'm good guys," Marcus said.

"What in the world is your problem why are you beating up Marcus for?" Blu questioned.

"He's what's standing the way of our love, he needs to know his place," Derrick said.

"What love, what are you talking about Derrick?" Blu questioned.

"Our love, you know we've been flirting with each other since high school," Derrick said.

"Derrick, you know I—I don't like you in that way, I'm sorry but I really don't, I only liked

you as a friend, " Blu said.

Derrick looked at me sadly as he was heartbroken, "Wha—what, b—but I—I always

thought that,"

He looks at Marcus in anger then back at me as he moves back, "You will pay for this,

you will count on it."

Blu turned around and looked at Marcus, "Oh god Marcus are you alright?"

"Y—yeah don't worry Blu I'm good really," Marcus said.

"We should really get you home, those wounds need to be treated fast," Blu said.

"She right, the rest of us will stay back and go explain to security what happened before

this becomes a big issue," John said.

"Yeah, Blu you get him to the house and take care of him," Ripley said.

"Don't worry I will but are you sure you guys will be okay here," Blu said.

"Yeah don't worry about it, we'll hitch a ride with Javik and John don't worry," Xian Mei


Blu quickly helped Marcus to her car as they quickly rushed back home.

At her house, Marcus sat on the bed as Blu tended to his wounds,

"Ow that stings," Marcus said.

"I know it does, but we gotta clean your wounds we have to make sure there's no

infection," Blu said.

"Still can't believe Derrick did that, from the years we've known him, I've never saw him

as the violent type, I mean he would push people and be mean, but never beat them to

death," Marcus said.

"You're telling me, I just glad we got there on time," Blu said.

"Yeah, B—Blu thank you for sticking up for me like that, it really meant a lot y—ye

know." Marcus said as he blushing a bit.

"Hey it's no problem at all ye always had my back when we were growing up, it was the

least I could do," Blu said as she kissed Marcus on his cheek.

Marcus blushed bright red as he looked at Blu and he placed his hand on his cheek

where she kissed him.

"L—look Marcus I—I—,"

Then at that moment, the door burst open as Ripley and Xian Mei walked in,

"Heya we're back," Ripley looked at Marcus and Blu as they were blushing,

"Oops sorry for interrupting."

"N—no it's alright I—I was just leaving um, thanks again Blu for everything," he smiles

and hugs Blu as he exits the room and heads back home.

As Ripley looks back at her, "So what happened?"

"N—nothing um say who hungry," Blu said as she headed down to the kitchen blushing


Later that night after the girls finished their dinner as they all hung out in Blu's room,

Ripley sat on Blu's bed as she ate and ice cream,

"So girl what was going on between you and Marcus before we came in?" Ripley

questioned her with interested.

"O—oh it—it was nothing really," Blu said laughing nervously.

"She's lying" Xian Mei smirked.

"Oh you think it's kind of obvious she is lying, come on Blu we're all friends please tell

us," Ripley said.

Blu sighs and takes a deep breath as she speaks, "Alright, alright I'll tell you, I—I kind of

kissed Marcus."

They both gasp and giggled at her but want more,

"On the lips please tell me, you kissed him on the lips," Ripley said.

"N—no I—I kissed him on the cheek," Blu said.

"What oh come on girl, that's not the way to go," Ripley said.

"She's right if you really liked him you would've kissed him on the lips," Xian Mei said.

Blu lean on her bedroom wall, "I—I don't even know if he likes me in that way plus," she

rub her arms,

"I'm—I'm just taking things slow."

"Well you do things your own pace, we won't tell you anything different," Ripley said.

"Yeah, if you don't wanna rush it we won't pressure you," Xian Mei said.

"Thanks girls well we better be off to bed, it's getting late and we still have classes

tomorrow," Blu said.

"Man I don't even wanna go to bed yet," Ripley said as she got up.

"Aww would you like me to read you a bedtime story," Xian Mei teases and follows


"Oh shut up," Ripley said as the headed to their own rooms.

Blu then laid down in bed, looking up at the ceiling thinking back to when she had

kissed Marcus she covered her face with her pillow as she blushed red,

"O—oh man I can't believe I did that; I really can't believe I did that; how do I even know

he feels the same way," Blu said then she sighs until she heard her phone vibrate.

She picked it up and saw she had one message from Marcus,

"Hiya Blu just checking and seeing how things are going" the text from Marcus said.

Blu smiled as she replied back happily,

Later that night, as Derrick was walking home kicking a can around, "I can't believe it,

it's all Marcus's fault if he wasn't around her Blu would be in my arms right now."

"Love suffering friend?" A voice said.

"Huh?" Derrick followed the voice,

"Umm hello whose there?"

"Tell me you want that girl Blu right, I can help you only if you help me," The voice said.

"What do you want?" he questioned.

"I want Marcus, I want him all to myself like you want Blu to yourself, so if we help each

other we can both get what we want," the voice said.

"You have a deal but what's your name by the way?"

The person stepped out of the shadows revealing herself,

"It's Eloise it's a pleasure to be working with you," Eloise grinned as she foreshadows a


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