Legends of Mythica

Per CrazzzyGamer

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This is an inspirational story of the famous minecraft story MyStreet By Aphmau as i create my own slice of l... Més

Chapter 1: New Neighbors
Chapter 3: Classes begins; Rivals await
Chapter 4: True Purpose
Chapter 5: Blessed Memories
Chapter 6: Relaxation Day
Chapter 7: New Club
Chapter 8: Motherly Troubles
Chapter 9: Thankful Wishes
Chapter 10: Trouble with Vampires
Chapter 11: Heart Attack
Chapter 12: Heartache
Chapter 13: Healing a Broken Heart with Christmas Miracle
Chapter 14: Winter Fun

Chapter 2: Laboring on Part-time

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Per CrazzzyGamer

A few days have passed since the group of friends moved into the same neighborhood

and throughout those days they've been working hard at their jobs and preparing for

when classes begin next week.

On the far side of the city, Blu worked in a pet shop where she spent the hours

restocking the shelves, tending to the animals in the shop, and making sure the help

each customer groom their pets.

But as Blu returned to restocking the shelves, a woman comes up to her,

"Um excuse me miss."

"Oh yes how can I help you," Blu asked.

"Are you one of the pet groomers?" the woman asked.

"Um sort of yes," Blu said nervously.

"Well maybe you can help me," the woman said.

"A—alright what do you need," Blu asked.

"You see there is a dog show I must attend today, so I must have my precious darling

here groomed to perfection," the woman said.

"Hmm I think I can do that, just give me a few hours or so and I'll have her all groomed

and ready for that dog show," Blu said.

"Oh thank you thank you so much," the woman said as Blu carried the dog into the

grooming room and she started to groom the dog as best as she could.

A mile up the road in a video game store, Marcus and John both worked at the video

game working as the cashiers or stocking up on the new games that arrive in the

storage room.

Marcus and John both stood behind the register helping customers with their purchase

and seeing the many different people walking into the store.

"I gotta say John, I can't thank you enough for getting us this job," Marcus said.

"Hey don't thank me, it helps when your own uncle is the manager of this store, he

deserves more of the thanks than me," John said.

"Still this job is pretty good pay and it won't be stressful for when classes start," Marcus


"Yeah you got a point there," John laughed a little as they continued with their job.

About a block from where Blu worked there, was a small maid café shop where Ripley


There she took the orders of many customers and served them their orders while she

wore a maid outfit and although she wasn't happy with the idea of wearing a maid outfit

since it makes her aphrodisiac effect much stronger than it normally is, but she didn't

care as long as she was getting paid.

During her break time she stays in the break room for no one outside can see her in that

outfit and go crazy at the sight of her.

But just then one of the cooks walks in the break room as he wanted to take his break

as well.

"Oh well hello there Ripley," Simon said.

Ripley sighs, "Hello Simon, what is it you want now."

"Oh nothing, just wondering why you're cooped up in here all the time," Simon said.

"You know why Simon, I'm a Succubus and me being dressed in this ridiculous outfit

just makes my aphrodisiac effect a lot stronger than normally," Ripley said.

"Oh that's right but come on now that doesn't mean you have to be cooped up in here

all the time besides that outfit isn't that bad," Simon said as he placed his hand on

Ripley's behind.

Ripley with quickly alert reflex, gripped on Simon's arm and twist it,

"I've told you before Simon, keep your dirty hands off of me," Ripley scowled as the

alarm from her phone rang letting her know her break was over, she let go on Simon's

arm and she gets back to work.

Simon stands up and rubs his arm and grins,

"Playing hard to get huh, I like that."

Later the evening, Xian Mei was up in her room with boxes still unpacked, but she sat

on her desk applying for a job as she finished up her resume until she hears the front

door open as Blu and Ripley walking into the house as they sit down on the couch as

they sighed tiredly.

Xian Mei walks downstairs meeting up with Blu and Ripley,

"Hey girls how was work today?" Xian Mei asked.

"Tiring as usual," Blu said.

"Horrible as usual," Ripley said.

"Oh I'm sorry to hear that girls," Xian Mei said.

"How about you Xian Mei, how goes the job hunting?" Ripley asked.

"Eh so far not so good, I just sent my last resume for a job as a fencing instructor," Xian

Mei said.

"Hopefully they accept you not many places hire Yuki-Onnas now a days," Ripley said.

"I hope so too, but I'm a little nervous," Xian Mei said as a small gust of cold mist forms

around her feet.

"Of course they'll accept you Xian Mei, you're the only girl I've seen wield a sword like a

master, they'll bound to accept you they won't care that you're a Yuki-Onna," Blu said.

"Thanks Blu it means a lot to hear you say that, say why don't I cook us all some dinner

since you two worked so hard it's the least I could do," Xian Mei said.

"Thanks Xian Mei," Ripley said.

"Say why don't we invite Marcus and John over as well," Blu said as Xian Mei and

Ripley smile at her.

"Already eager to see Marcus again huh Blu," Ripley said.

Blu blushes trying to hide it, "Th—that's doesn't mean—I mean yes I really do want to

see him again, but n—not in the way you're thinking."

"Mhmm, sure Blu whatever you say," Xian Mei said as they both giggled.

"Uuuuugh you two are the worst," Blu said as she grabbed her phone.

Back at the house, Marcus and John had barley arrived back home as John sits on the

couch laying down and Marcus walks over to the kitchen getting himself a cup of orange


Just then Marcus felt his phone vibrate and he quickly answers it,


"H—hey Marcus," Blu answered.

"Oh B—Blu umm, how's it going?" Marcus asked.

"Oh it's going okay, I just wanted to know if you and John wanted to come over and join

me and the girls for dinner," Blu asked.

"Oh umm s—sure we'll be right over," Marcus said.

"Oh thanks, see you then," Blu said as she hung up the phone.

"Alright John get ready we're heading over to the girl's house for some dinner," Marcus


"Hmm I knew they couldn't bear to be away from me, they can't resistance my charm,"

John said.

Marcus shakes his head as he chuckled a bit, "You're not an Incubus buddy, just get

ready for we can go."

"Yeah, yeah okay," John said as he got up from the couch and he headed to his room

where he started to get dressed.

Marcus smiled a bit just thinking about Blu, but then he shook his head a bit and headed

up stairs to his room where he started to get ready.

Back at the girl's house, they started to finish preparing dinner as they set the plates of

food on the table and the drinks,

"And there that should do it," Xian Mei said.

"Now all we gotta do is wait for the guys," Ripley said.

Just then the doorbell rang and Blu got up from her chair,

"That must be them," she walked over to the door opening it seeing Marcus and John,

"Hey you two welcome back, come on in dinner is ready."

Marcus and John walked in,

"Thanks again for inviting us Blu, it means a lot," Marcus said.

Blu smiles bashfully at Marcus as she rubs the back of her neck,

"Y—you're welcome, it was the least we could do."

"Umm so are we just gonna watch you two flirt most of the night or are we gonna eat,"

John said as Blu and Marcus both blush.

Ripley quickly hits the back of John's head,

"Ow what the heck was that for?" John cried.

"For you to shut up and let them have their moment," Ripley said.

"Um well, we don't want the food to get cold, let's take a seat and eat," Blu said as she

and Marcus walk to the table and take a seat.

"Oh man finally," John said as Xian Mei smacks him in the back of his head.

"Shut up," Xian Mei said as they all took their seats and started to eat.

During dinner, the group of friends chatted with one another talking about their part time

jobs and what goes on during the day at their job,

"Wait, wait tell us again where you work?" John asked.

Ripley sighs, "At—at a maid café,"

John started to chuckle a bit,

"Hey shut up, it was the only job I could find that involves me serving people their food

and pays well too," Ripley said.

"Yeah not to mention with you being a Succubus, I bet you get lots of tips," John said

laughing a bit.

Ripely scoffs, "Whatever, what about you where do you work John?"

"My uncle hooked me up with a job at the video game store," John said.

"Ha seriously you couldn't even find a decent job to work at," Ripley said.

"You know Marcus works there too, right," John said as he pointed to him.

Ripley looks at Marcus as she felt an awkward moment around the table,

"Um n—no offense to you Marcus, some people working there do make it decent and

you're one of those people," Ripley said.

"Nice save," John chuckled.

"Thanks Ripley and I know it's not a good job, but it pays pretty good enough to get me

and John by on our rent," Marcus said.

"Well at least theirs one person in your household who keeps things together, err—um

no offense John," Xian Mei said.

"Heh don't worry it's no problem," John said.

"Yeah because if it wasn't for Marcus here, I bet you would go in debt on your rent,"

Ripley chuckles.

John stands up a bit, "If you excuse me, I have to go to the restroom, you where I can

find it?"

"Oh of course, it's right upstairs second door on the right," Blu said.

"Thank you," John said as he headed up stairs to the bathroom as the others continue


"You could try to go easy on him Ripley he is our guest," Xian Mei said.

"Oh please, it doesn't matter if he's our guest or not, I'll never forget that day what he

did," Ripley said.

"What did he do for you to hate him so much Ripley?" Marcus questioned.

Ripley sighs, "Well if you remember that time in high school in our junior year that day

John was sent to the nurses office for all the beatings he got?"

"Yeah I remember that, I always wondered what happened to him," Marcus questioned


"Well one day I had finished soccer practice, a bit later than the others, so I was decided

to take a shower there in the girl's locker room, next thing I know John falls through the

air vent and he was holding a camera he was videotaping me, while I was in that

shower at that moment, he got what he deserved," Ripley said.

"Ooh guess that explains it a lot," Marcus said.

"So since then I've never forgave him, but that's not the worst I duno if you noticed

Marcus, but he flirts with just about every girl it just has me wondering why Marcus, why

of all people would you be friends with someone like John," Ripley said.

"Well, John and I helped each other when we were kids, back in second grade these

kids a vampire and a Meif'Wa had followed me home and they had pushed me to the

ground before I even got to my house and they wouldn't leave me alone until John

came and he basically took care of those bullies despite him just being a human

standing up to a vampire and a Meif'Wa, it was the kindest anyone friend has ever done

for me ever, since then he always had my back during school and I had his," Marcus


"Aw that was very sweet of him," Xian Mei said.

Ripley scoffs, "Whatever, I still hate him, but Marcus since I'm your friend too, I'll go a bit

easy on him knowing he helped you during those times."

"Thanks Ripley, that means a lot," Marcus said.

John then walks downstairs yawning, "Hey Marcus I'm getting a little tired how about we

head off back home."

"Oh yeah sure John," Marcus then stands up,

"Um thank you for inviting us for dinner, I gotta say you girls are really good cooks."

"Oh stop, Xian Mei should be the one to be thanked she's the one who made dinner,"

Blu said.

"Well Xian Mei than I thank you for this meal," Marcus said.

"You are very welcome Marcus," Xian Mei said.

John comes up behind Xian Mei and Ripley putting his arms around them,

"Guess you girls have yourself a very goodnight then hmm," John said.

Xian Mei and Ripley both sigh as they pinch John on his arm pinching his pressure


"Ow, ow, ow, ow, okay, okay, okay," John said in pain as Xian Mei and Ripley both let

him go.

"W—well goodnight Blu, you and the girls have a wonderful night hope to see you all

again tomorrow," Marcus said.

"Th—thanks Marcus, you have a wonderful night as well," Blu said.

Marcus goes close to Blu and hugs her as she blushes bright red,

"S—see you tomorrow," Marcus said as he and John headed back to their house on the

way to their to the house, John smiles a bit as he looks back at the girl's house.

Once Marcus and John left, Blu was in the kitchen with Ripley as they were washing the

dishes as they were washing the dishes, Blu was smiling and was a bit red,

"Thinking about a certain someone Blu?" Ripley said.

"Huh wh—what, n—no what makes you think that," Blu said.

"Oh I don't know maybe because ever since Marcus hugged you you've smiling nonstop

and your cheeks are red sweetie," Ripley said.

"Okay, okay maybe you and Xian Mei are right, but I—I just don't know how to tell him

or even if he'll feel the same way about me, I'm just scared to find out," Blu said.

Ripley smiles at Blu, "I knew it, but either way you tell him when you think the time is

right there's no rush, it's not like he's going anywhere besides after that hug and the

way he talks to you I think he does like you Blu."

"Y—you really think he does," Blu said.

"I know so, I've been friends with Marcus since kindergarten, and every day he always

walks about you nonstop it gets annoying sometimes, but it's cute," Ripley said.

"He—he really does," Blu said.

"Yeah but it's your choice you don't have to tell him now, find out for yourself and see if

he does feel the same way," Ripley said.

Blu smiles, "Thanks Ripley you're the best."

"I know, yeah sure listen to a Succubus's advice, they can be good advice in a way,"

Ripley smiled and punched Blu in her shoulder softly.

The next morning, as Xian Mei was fast asleep her laptop turns on and dings waking

her up,

"Huh what," she yawns lightly and walks over to her computer seeing what it was then

he eyes widen as she shouts happily.

"Yes!" Xian Mei shouted waking up Ripley and Blu they both come out of their rooms

and go to Xian Mei's room seeing her dance in excitement as ice covered the ground

and cold mist formed around her feet.

Ripley yawns, "Whoa, what has you with all the excitement?"

"Girls you're never gonna believe this, but I got the job" Xian Mei said.

"Wait what really?" Blu said.

"Yeah they just sent me an email and they said they want me to meet at their school for

a job interview later in the afternoon, oh man I gotta take a shower and get ready," Xian

Mei said.

"Well the showers all yours Xian Mei, I'm gonna make us some coffee," Ripley said as

she yawned and headed down to the kitchen.

"And I'll get started on your special breakfast Xian Mei," Blu said.

"Oooo you mean white rice oatmeal," Xian Mei said.

"With blueberries and strawberries," Blu said.

"Oh Blu you're the best you both are, thank you," Xian Mei said.

"You're welcome now go on and get in the shower you gotta get yourself ready," Blu


"Right," Xian Mei said as she looked through her closet getting the proper close ready

and she heads to the bathroom.

"Oh man I forgot I'm out of my shampoo," Xian Mei exits the bathroom and calls down to


"Hey Ripley!"

"What is it," Ripley shouted back.

"Is it okay if I use your shampoo, I'm out of mine," Xian Mei said.

"Sure but just don't use all of it," Ripley said.

"Thanks," Xian Mei walked back into the bathroom as she started to take a shower.

After she was done taking a shower she wrapped her dried off her hair and headed

back to her bedroom where she put on her clothes,

"Hmm alright now time to see how I look in the mirror," Xian Mei walked to her closet

opening the door looking herself in the mirror as she screamed loudly.

"What the heck," Ripley said as she and Blu quickly ran into Xian Mei's room.

"Xian Mei what's wrong—oh my gosh," Blu exclaimed as she and Ripley look at Xian

Mei seeing her hair was now a dark blue color.

"My hair, my hair what happened to my hair," Xian Mei wept.

"That's actually a good question," Blu said.

"How did that even happen, what did you do?" Ripley questioned.

"I duno I just barely realized it after I got out of the shower, wait the shower," Xian Mei

rushes back to the bathroom and the girls follow behind her.

In the bathroom, Xian Mei checks the shampoo she used and she squirted some out

seeing that there was blue dye in the shampoo,

"What the heck, how it's their blue dye in my favorite shampoo?" Ripley asked.

"Ripley did you do this on purpose is this your idea of a joke," Xian Mei exclaimed as the

air begin to grow cold.

"What no, I wouldn't take my pranks that far to mess with your hair, I have standards,"

Ripley said.

"Well then who else could it be no one else used the bathroom besides...," Xian Mei

gasps as she remembered from last night's dinner as she grew furious,

"John, oh I'm gonna kill him!"

Disappearing into mist she flew out the door and exits the house,

"Umm should we do something?" Blu asked with concern.

"Nah I'm sure it'll be okay," Ripley said.

"If you say so," Blu said.

"Bet you twenty bucks Xian Mei hurts John before Marcus has a chance to save him

from this dilemma," Ripley said.

"Ripley get serious, but you're on," Blu said as they head down to the boy's home.

At the boy's house, Marcus was in the kitchen as he poured himself a glass of milk and

spread jam on his toast,

"Another day in paradise as I always say."

As he then walked over to John's door and knocked on his door,

"Come on John it's time to wake up we're gonna be late for work!"

"Yeah, yeah I'll be up in a bit, just give me a few minutes," John shouts out.

Marcus then started to walk over to the living room as then the front door was covered

with frost, as he suddenly felt a bit chill air,

"Since when did the temperature dropped," then looked over as the door hinges and

knob broke from the frost,

"Frost, on the door and the floor, but who—,"

Then the door fell down and so did Marcus's breakfast in shock, ice formed on the

ground and on the spot on the door as Xian Mei appeared in anger.

"Where is he, where's John!" she exclaimed.

"Xian Mei, my gosh what the heck happened to your hair!" Marcus asked.

"I'll pay for the repairs, as for my hair that's why I'm looking for John, now where is he?"

Xian Mei asked as the air grew cold as the cold mist around her feet grew larger.

"He—he's in his room r—right over there," Marcus said pointing at the door shivering.

Xian Mei walks towards the door in anger,

"Umm it's unlocked please don't kick it down," Marcus pleaded.

Xian Mei quickly opened the door in anger walking into John's room.

"Huh, Xian Mei what are you—hey what the heck are you doing," John said as Xian Mei

throws him out of his room across the living room floor,

"Ow what the heck, what did I do?"

Xian Mei hovered down to John and pointed at her hair,

"Oh you know damn well look at it, look at what you did to my hair!"

"What the heck what happened to your hair?" John asked.

"Like you don't know, you put blue hair dye in Ripley's shampoo," Xian Mei said.

"Oh shoot, that prank wasn't supposed to be for you it was supposed to be for Ripley,"

John said.

"Dude why the heck would you do that?" Marcus said.

"Because I was tired of her insulting me, I was tired of her always being nice to you but

not to me all because I videotaped her in the shower room in high school, that was a

long time ago and I learned from that but she's still is mean to me all, I wanted was to

be friends with her after that but all she keeps doing is pushing me away and being

mean to me," John said.

Xian Mei looked at John sadly as the ice on the ground begins the melt her the cold mist

starts to disappear as she helps him up,

"So y—you really didn't do this to me on purpose?"

"Of course not, I would never do something like this to you Xian Mei, honest this time, I

made a mistake I know that and I'm really sorry I really am I know you'll probably hate

me now, but I just want you to know that I am sorry," John said.

Xian Mei hugs John comforting him,

"I don't hate you John, I mean yeah it's gonna take some time for me to forgive you, but

I don't hate you," Xian Mei said and smiled as her frost melted away.

"Th—thanks Xian Mei and don't worry the dye should come off within a few days, I

bought the cheap kind," John said.

"A few days oh no, no, no," Xian Mei said.

"What's wrong," Marcus asked.

"I have a job interview in an hour that's what's wrong," Xian Mei said as the air begins to

turn cold once again.

"Maybe you can call them and have them reschedule," John said.

"No you don't understand, it took me a year to wait for a job opening for this job, I can't

risk rescheduling it I have to go today and I have to go like this," Xian Mei sighs.

"I'm really sorry Xian Mei, I wish there was more I can do to help," John said.

"It's fine John, for now here's hoping they won't mind my blue hair for now wish me luck

guys, oh and Marcus sorry about the door I'll pay for the repairs I promise," Xian Mei

said as she headed back to the house where she opens the garage and she gets in her

car and heads off.

"I really hope she gets the job, I'm gonna feel guilty if she doesn't because of me," John


Marcus pats John on his back,

"Here's hoping she does for now let's call someone to get the door fixed," as he and

John went back inside the house.

Later that afternoon, Marcus and John were over to the girl's house while the repair

man fixed their door, and the two explained the whole thing.

"Wait so you were gonna make my hair blue, seriously do you have any idea what that

would do to my life I'll the laughingstock of the neighborhood with blue hair," Ripley said.

John comes up behind Ripley fondling with her hair,

"You seem to have no problem showing your orange hair."

Ripley grabbed John flipping him over onto the ground,

"You really don't learn; and for your information John this hair color is my natural hair

color that's why I don't have a problem with it."

"He really doesn't know when to stop does he," Blu said.

"No, no he doesn't," Marcus sighs as Ripley was getting mad at John.

Just then the front door opens as Xian Mei walks into the house,

"S—so Xian Mei did you get the job?" Ripley asked.

"Please tell me you did, please," John said.

Xian Mei lifts up her head and smiles, "Yes I got the job!"

They all shouted in happiness, Xian Mei then walks over to John and kisses him on his

cheek leaving a small patch of frost on the spot where she kissed him,

"And I owe it all to John."

They all looked at John in surprise and back at Xian Mei,

"Say what now how the heck was it because of him you got the job," Ripley said.

"Well because there at the school it was ocean tide week where all the employers wear

blue and when they saw my blue hair they were just surprised on how prepared I was

and how much I was determined for the job basically they thought I studied over their

special events day and to them it's like I was ready before they even asked after that we

went on with the normal questions and they told me I was perfect for the job so thank

you John," Xian Mei said.

"Oh well I—I don't wanna toot my horn and all," John said.

"But it was still stupid for you to do that, and next time it'll be Ripley and me teaching

you a lesson," Xian Mei said as Ripley cracked her knuckles and smiles at John.

"Umm y—yeah I'll keep that in mind," John said as they all started to laugh as they were

happy that so far their new life is really off to a great start and they hope it'll continue

that way.

Continua llegint

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