Irondad and Spiderson: One Sh...

By yaknowiknow

2.7K 59 17

One shots that I hope you will like. :) The other Avengers may be included at times just an FYI. :) Send in r... More

The Field Trip (Part 1)
The Field Trip (Part 2)
The Field Trip (Part 3)
The Judgement Day
Cooking Lessons With Mr.Stark
Birthdays :(
Getting Ready
The Date
The Case of The Missing Pop Tarts
More Posts
The Only One
Updating Schedule
The End

Asking Her

97 2 0
By yaknowiknow

Alright so as I'm writing this I am four reads away from 200 hundred reads and tbh that is so crazy to me. I've just been writing as a distraction and because it make me really happy to finish a short story that had meaning to me, so thank you so very much. Enjoy this chapter! :)


Peter was super excited, why, because he was finally going to ask MJ on a date. Ned, MJ, and him have been getting really close lately, especially because of decathlon practice, but he was finally feeling comfortable enough to do it. 

He had prepared everything, he was going to do it after decathlon practice before Happy picked him up. Happy would be in the car with flowers if she said yes, but if she said no Tony was going to give the flowers to Pepper.

Yes, Tony helped him plan this entire thing. He was pacing around the lab that weekend and Tony was getting dizzy watching the kid so he asked him what was up. "Just there's this girl and I want to take her on a date, but I'm nervous because she doesn't open up to people very easily." Peter responded to him and Tony just sighed. "Kid, I'll help you and if she says no we can have a movie night and be sad alright?" He asked Peter and he just nodded back in response. "Alright what's her name and what does she like?" Peter began rambling on about pretty much everything he knew about MJ, but he mad a big emphasis on the fact that her favorite flower was the black dahlia, because of the murder of course. 

Tony made it a point to get black dahlias for Peter to show that he does listen to this girl and to show how much thought he put into the flowers he was getting her. Little did he know how hard it was going to be to find, but he is Tony Stark so he just pulled a few strings and got a bouquet. 


After school Peter walked to decathlon practice and the entire time he was practically shaking without realizing it. He hadn't been this nervous in forever and he was just praying that everything would end up okay. 

After practice he asked MJ if she could meet him outside to talk about something important. MJ just nodded and said she'd be out in five. So, Peter took his time walking out there rehearsing what he was going to say in his head to make sure he didn't stutter over anything. 

When he finally made his way to the front of the school MJ was standing there in all her beauty and he froze for a minute. "Hey loser, you said you wanted to talk?" She said snapping him out of his state. "Oh yeah," He said as he walked over to her, "well, I was wondering if m-maybe you'd want to go o-on a date with me this F-Friday?" Peter finished and mentally face palmed for stuttering. "Yeah, that sounds like fun." MJ said with a smirk and walked closer to Peter. 

Peter wasn't necessarily expecting this and froze for a second before saying, "Stay here for a second I have to grab something.". He quickly ran to the car and grabbed the flowers from Happy, who was recording the entire thing for Tony. "Thanks Happy!" Peter said before he ran back over to MJ. "So, I got these flowers just in case you said yes." He said as he handed MJ the flowers and blushed lightly. "Nice choice loser." She said with a real smile and she was also blushing, "So what will we be doing?" She questioned him.

Peter hadn't thought that far ahead and started panicking, "H-how about I get back to you on that tomorrow with a few ideas and you can choose from them?" Peter said hoping it would be good enough for the moment. "Sound good, see you tomorrow Peter." And with that she was gone from in front of him. Peter went and ran back to the black car waiting for him.

"She said yes Happy." Peter yelled as he got into the car making Happy drop his phone. He picked it up and turned off his recording. He immediately sent it to Tony and silently laughed at the kid, " I know I was sitting right here kid." Happy said before turning the car on and heading towards the tower.

On the car ride Peter quickly sent Ned the text of conformation that he had been waiting for ever since the practice got out. 

Spideyboi: DUDE!

Guyinthechair: YES?!?!

Spideyboi: She said YES!

Guyinthechair: OMG OMG

Guyinthechair: MJ has a heart, who would have thought


Spideyboi: And accepted the flowers

Guyinthechair: Wow okay go Peter!

Spideyboi: Just got to figure out what we are doing now...

Spideyboi: Scared

Guyinthechair: Hey, just talk to Mr. Stark, I'm sure he'd be happy to help

Spideyboi: You're right I'm going to the tower now

Spideyboi: I'll text you when I know date details, alright?

Guyinthechair: Sounds good to me

Spideyboi: Bye

Guyinthechair: Bye


When Happy pulled up at the tower Peter basically jumped out of the car and ran toward the doors. "Kid, your bag?" Happy said and Peter ran back to the car and grabbed his backpack, "Sorry Happy." and with that he was off again. 

FRIDAY greeted him when he walked in and he gave her a quick hello before running into the elevator and going to Tony's lab. He was so excited he didn't even realize the video of him asking MJ out was playing in the background when he walked into the lab. "Mr. Stark, she said yes, but now I don't know what to do, I didn't think I'd get this far. "Alright kid, let's just brainstorm through some idea's." Tony said calm as can be and shut off the video that was playing behind him.

That's how Peter and him spent the rest of their night, brainstorming and writing down the good ones. Well they found some good ones, but Peter would erase them after a minute claiming that MJ would find something wrong with that one and he wanted it to go perfectly. Tony saw it from the moment Peter first started talking about the girl, he was head over heals in love with her. Well, they finally had a list of four things that Peter approved and were ready for him to ask MJ which one she preferred tomorrow.

Before heading to bed he made sure to inform Ned.

Spideyboi: Got the details reply to get them

Guyinthechair: Here and on time sir. LOL!


So, I'm either going to make this two or three parts. I want to do three, but it depends on how long I can make the next one, which will be them deciding the date and the days leading up to the date. Hopefully the third one will be the actual date, but we will see. Let me know what you thought of this! :)

Word Count: 1098

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