I Need You | k.sj

By junebabyffs

1.9K 155 27

This story follows Seokjin and his wife before and after they divorced due to a heartbreaking event they shar... More

Introduction: Things You Need To Know~
1~ Old Times 🔞
2~ Nostalgia
3~ Unexpected
4~ Doubts
5~ Denial
6~ Anticipation
7~ Hope
8~ Fear
9~ Trauma
10~ Second Nature 🔞
11~ Insecurities
12~ Pain
14~ Unprepared
15~ Hesitation
16~ Change
17~ Finale: I Needed You
18~ Epilogue

13~ Catching Up

59 6 0
By junebabyffs


"3 weeks?" I looked at my manager, Henri, wide-eyed.

Henri called me to an urgent meeting today.

It's Tuesday and I'm still trying to recover from yesterday's emotional encounter with Y/n. It was hard bringing up the past and reliving the pain from losing my son.

I've been trying my best to focus on what he has been saying but my mind keeps fading in and out of reality.

That is until he proposes a new tour schedule for my cooking show. 8 countries in Europe, a show each. 'A mini cooking tour' he calls it.

He nods in agreement.

"Starting next week. If we use the rest of this week and the beginning of next to continue our preparations, it can be done"

"You've really thought this out huh?" I chuckle.

"I know it's sudden and you may have a lot on your mind right now but I think this could be good for you. Leaning into your craft and taking your mind off of your personal life for a bit. Plus you don't have to worry about anything. You just have to show up! To be honest... The team and I have been planning to do this... Behind your back" he lets out a nervous laugh.

"Wow..." I laugh. "I don't know if I should be thanking you or cursing you out for planning all this without me"

He grins. "You're in good hands Seokjinnie! We'll be there with you every step of the way. Also I have an outline of what the schedule's supposed to look like already"

A mischievous smile spreads on my lips and I raise a brow. "How long exactly have you had this planned?

He only releases a nervous chuckle.


I called in sick today. I just physically and emotionally didn't feel strong enough to do any kind of work. It also didn't help that I looked like crap.

After Jin had left last night, I took a long shower thinking it would wash away all my sorrows. It only ended up turning me into a prune with red puffy eyes.

I just don't know if I'm ready to get back with him or if I should, for that matter.

I should probably talk to Dr. Gale and see what she says. I always feel enlightened whenever she talks to me.

After having a much needed chill and relaxing day, it soon approaches nighttime.

In the middle of watching another funny series on Netflix, my doorbell rings and I sigh dramatically in distress.

I'm not expecting anyone so the last thing I want right now is company. Reluctantly going to the door, I look through the peephole and am surprised to see June standing cutely and casually dressed.

I open the door after a few seconds and she smiles at me.

"Hey... I contemplated whether not to come see you and I know I should've called first but I got worried. So I just wanted to surprise you by bringing over snacks to cheer you up" She holds up a medium sized paper bag in her left hand that I didn't even realize she was holding at first.

I'm touched. "You didn't have to do this June"

"Of course. That's what best friends are for! Can I come in for a bit?" She peeks behind me.

"Yeah, sure" I step aside.

"I'm sorry, I basically ghosted you. I just couldn't talk to anyone. I still can't" I walk over to the couch as she sets the bag on the dining room table.

"It's okay Y/n. I totally understand... It's Seokjin, isn't it?" she walks over to sit next to me.

I sigh, nodding.

"Do you wanna talk about it?"

"Not really... I'd really like to hear more about you and Hoseok to be honest"

She chuckles shaking her head at me. "Unbelievable. You're hurting so fine, I'll grant your wish this time"

For the next half hour we sit on the couch and share the snacks she brought as she tells me how Hoseok was nervous and he didn't think that she'd actually like him like that. Apparently he had developed those kind of feelings for her but for the sake of their friendship he put it behind him.

"I knew there was something there, I just couldn't get it out of him" I shake my head.

"I'm happy he feels the same... but I don't think it will work out"

I frown, peering at her in confusion. "What? What do you mean it won't work out? That's negative talk"

"You know how I feel about long distance. I've been through it already and it's difficult. The last time Hoseok actually lived here was 4 or 5 years ago"

"But now he has a reason to come back more often. And to retire early" I nudge her.

"Stop it." A playful glare sets on her eyes. "I think we have to talk about it. We can't rush into something only to be heartbroken before even beginning a relationship"

I sigh. "At least consider your options first"

"I will..." she suddenly glances at her watch. "I actually have a date with Hoseok in a few. I should bring it up then"

My once somber eyes now become bright. "Well, you guys move fast"

She chuckles. "Will you be at work tomorrow?"


She smiles at me, giving my shoulder a gentle squeeze. "I hope so. Call me if you need to talk okay?" she stands up, getting ready to leave.

"Yeah right, like I'd want to call you while you're on a date with Hoseok and ruin it"

She laughs. "You won't 'cause he'd want to help too"

"Aww the perfect couple, my two best friends"

"Shut up, talk to you later. Feel better"

I stand up to give her a hug. "Thanks June, have fun, but not too much fun"

She giggles and winks at me before walking out and closing the door behind her.


The next day I sort of forced myself to go back to work. After a long drawn out day, I decide to meet with my therapist. I promised myself that I would try my best to be honest with her because a lot has happened since we last spoke to each other.

As I arrive for my session I just let everything out to her as I plopped down on the couch.

"Wow. I see your life has been very... Adventurous this past week"

"Yeah" I sigh. "What do I do?"

"You're really asking me what to do? What did we say about that Y/n?"

"Dr. Gale, I'm really stuck here. For real. I've been in so much pain in past year and I don't wanna relive it"

"So that's the real problem here... You're afraid of it happening again, so you're trying to avoid Seokjin and it's no longer working. Am I wrong?"

"It's really hard"

"What's hard?"

"Fighting... Overcoming"

"But Y/n you're in a very fortunate situation because you don't have to go through it alone. You have friends, you have family, you have a man that's willing to rebuild your relationship and make it a new. Why would you be afraid of that?"

"It all fell apart so quickly, what if it happens again?"

"But what if it doesn't? Y/n forgive me for being blunt but the reason this separation began was because you lost your first baby and you and Seokjin, went on different paths of mourning. But look at you now a year later. What I'm trying to let you do, is see things from a different perspective. Don't stress on the 'what if it doesn't?' , look at the 'what if it does?' . You have to get yourself out of this negative frame of mind. You have to learn how to deal with your problems better by talking and sharing instead of hiding. Do you think your baby would want to see you so sad all the time?"

Tears fall from my eyes as I sit quietly listening.

"You've come so far in your recovery Y/n. Don't overthink it. I'm requesting for you to take some time off from work. I want you to take the time to go out, try some new things. No more crying. Clear your mind, do some fun things and change your perspective"

She began writing a note now after which she stamped.

"Give this to your boss. Don't stay home all day, I mean it Y/n. Go out with your friends or by yourself but be active"

"Okay okay fine I'll do it. I won't stay home I promise... I'm tired of crying anyway"

She smiles sympathetically. "I want you to do this as soon as possible and tell me about it at our next meeting okay?"

"Got it" I smile back.


Later as I'm in the living room planning out my off-days in my planner book, my phone starts ringing next to me on the couch.

I glance at the screen, seeing Jin's name in bold. My heart beat speeds up and my mind immediately starts looking for reasons as to why he would be calling me.

Taking a breath, I pick up the phone.


"Hey Y/n. I hope I'm not interrupting"

"No, no it's fine. I was just surprised at your call"

"Uh yeah but don't worry. It's not about our last talk. I was actually debating on whether or not to call or text you about this but I decided to call because I wanted to hear your voice"

"Oh..." Oh God... I couldn't hold back the smile growing on my lips nor my flushed my face. I thank God he can't see me right now. "So um, what's this about?" I quickly ask.

"Well, I'm leaving the country next week on a mini cooking tour. I'll be filming episodes of my show and guest starring here and there for 3 weeks. So you know, just in case you wanted to come see me soon I thought I'd let you know"

"Oh, okay. Thanks for letting me know... I'm happy for you. You'll do great, you always do"

"Thank you. So... I guess I'll see you soon?"

"Yeah... I'll see you soon, Jin"

"Bye Y/n"

"Bye" I quickly hang up first.

I close my eyes as I exhale, contemplating on the fact that my ex-husband is still making me blush at this point in life. Gosh, how can I not love him?


So Dr. Gale's request gave me 3 days off from work which starts today, Wednesday.

I made more plans with Hoseok to spend time with him and his family since it's been forever since I've seen them. I was both nervous and excited.

Hoseok should be picking me up soon to take me to his family's house.


"Oh my goodness Y/n!" Mrs. Jung exclaims as she opens the front door and immediately pulls me into a hug.

"Aunty!" I exclaim, hugging her back.

"Oh my dear I missed you, Hoseok didn't tell me you were coming!"

"I wanted to surprise you and dad" he says, coming up behind me from the car as I release from the hug.

"Speaking of which, where is he?"

"He's in the kitchen fixing something to eat, are you hungry Y/n?"

"Sure, I could eat"

"Mom you're talking to Y/n here. The woman won't refuse free food" he laughs.

"Shut up!" I push him, laughing.

Stepping into the house, I was completely taken over by the delicious smell coming from the kitchen.

"Uncle! What are you cooking in here?? Smells amazing!"

Mr. Jung does a double take not realizing it was me at first.

"Oh Y/n! Where did you come from? Come gimme a hug!"

He engulfs me in his warm hug and I smile widely. It feels so good to be genuinely happy again.

"Oh gosh it's been so long" he speaks cheerfully.

"It really has"

"How are you doing now?" he looks me over sincerely and places a hand on my shoulder.

"It's been hard but I'm much better than I was before. I feel better"

"I'm so glad to hear that Y/n... Let's all have lunch together"

"I'll help set the table" Hoseok says.


About 15 minutes later we're all sitting at the dining table, talking until we were all ready to eat. We go on about the college days where Hoseok and I were almost in separable and I can honestly say that if I didn't have Hoseok with me during college it would have been a really miserable experience.

The day is filled with more laughter a lot and conversation which is something I really needed. June somehow came up a couple times and I noticed that Hoseok was a little hesitant to mention anything about what was going on between them so I decide to stay out of it.


It seemed like the day winded down faster than I'd realized because my quality time with the Jungs was coming to an end as it becomes dark outside. So it was just about time for Hoseok to take me back home.

We made plans for me to come back and spend more time with them though, go out and stuff because one day just isn't enough.

After hugging each other goodbye. Hoseok and I were on our way back to my apartment.

"So-o-o how come you didn't say anything about you and June to your parents?" I ask as I play around with the strings on my jacket.

"Y/n have you met my parents? They've been talking to me about getting married ever since I left college. You remember when I introduced you to them for the first time right?"

I chuckle to myself, remembering that day.

"Yeah, they for real were convinced we were dating"

"Exactly and for a long time they kept telling me that you and I were perfect for each other"

I laugh even more, shaking my head.

"If I told them about June and I potentially being a thing they'd surely lose it. I mean, I know she says she likes me but she seems very hesitant and I get it anyway. My life isn't the most ideal for hers"

I notice Hoseok looking a bit sad as he says that and it made me feel sad.

"Don't worry Hobi, I have a good feeling about you two"

"I don't want her to have to wait for me..."

"I understand. It's hard adulting but it'll work out how it's supposed to okay? Don't worry" I place my hand on his shoulder, trying to comfort him.

"Thanks Y/n. I can only hope so"

"No worries... Now stop being sad I'm supposed to be on a happy break right now!"

He laughs throwing his head back a bit. "Yes ma'am"


This was a short filler. Sorry about that. It was also needed so maybe not so much of a filler. But anyway we'll get right back into the drama next Friday! ♡

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