Stuck In Place || Jaeyong

By jaerontaemo

119K 5.8K 5.7K

Taeyong recently moved to a new town with his mother and saw a festival was happening nearby. Jaehyun on the... More

O1 - City 127
O2 - Heart Breaker
O3 - Blow My Mind
O4 - Fly Away With Me
O5 - What We Talkin' Bout
O6 - My Van
O7 - Wakey Wakey
O8 - Welcome To My Playground
O9 - Good Thing
1O - Baby Don't Like It
11 - Touch
13 - Running 2 U
14 - Mad City
15 - Run Back 2 U
16 - Chain
17 - Jet Lag
18 - Once Again
Christmas Special - Angel
Anniversary Special - Simon Says
[ Update ]

12 - Lips

5.4K 270 474
By jaerontaemo

Weeks passed and Taeyong slowly adjusted back to how things were before. He no longer felt nervous around Jaehyun. After he let go of his expectations it made him more comfortable.

The flashback of that day replayed in his mind.

A few days after the camping trip Taeyong had been overly cautious around Jaehyun. Any slight movements and unintentional touching made him exaggerate.

He decided that he could not continue like this so he seeked Ten for advice. The two of them were seated next to each other in the library.

"Just treat him as you would treat me or anyone else" ten commented after Taeyong explained his concerns.

"What do you mean?" taeyong arched his eyebrow at the younger boy.

"I mean, before this. All of your feelings. He was your friend. So treat him like that"

"Ah friends..." taeyong pondered.

"Anyway, I doubt you should worry. I think he likes you" ten cut taeyongs thoughts to a halt.

"That's ridiculous. What makes you say that?" He whispered looking around to check if anyone heard them.

"He pays attention to you a lot more than you realize" ten shrugged.

"Well he's very nice to everyone." Taeyong reasoned and turned his attention to his notebook which he hadn't opened yet.

"Hmm...I dunno it's definitely more than that. Oh, by the way John and I kissed in the tent." Ten giggled while covering his mouth at taeyongs facial expression.

"What?! How can you just drop that information on me so suddenly" taeyong whisper shouted remembering that they were in the library.

Ten just shrugged his shoulders and looked at the older boy sideways while he smiled broadly.

Since then he behaved as normal. The label of friends solved the entire thing. But he wondered if what Ten said was true. He didn't feel that Jaehyun treated him differently to others. Jaehyun was an overall nice guy. Also, did he ever consider Jaehyun as his friend to begin with?

School was now dismissed. The club wasn't meeting because of the lunar new year holiday this weekend, so they took the day off.

Jaehyun invited everyone from his homeroom and the club to spend the holiday at his parents beach house on the weekend.

Taeyong looked forward to the weekend even more because Taeil and Jungwoo called him a few days ago saying that they'd visit his new town for the holiday.

He grinned to himself thinking about seeing his friends again. He thought of places he'd take them and how they'd get to meet his new friends.

They however were more interested in Jaehyun as he became a common topic of their chats recently.

After Taeyong mentioned the camping incident, they were starving for details. Jungwoo threatened that if Taeyong didn't confess soon he'd steal Jaehyun away for himself when he got there. Taeyong laughed at the memory.

Taeil suggested he and Jungwoo would stay at his relatives house since he was visiting them for the holiday and also did not want to bother Taeyong and his mother. Of course Taeyong begged him to reconsider but the older refused, telling him they'd come on the weekend for the beach party.

When the weekend came Taeyong heard a knock on the front door and he ran down the stairs to answer it. He was met by his two friends and quickly pulled them into a tight embrace.

"I'm so happy you guys are here!" He shouted and pulled them inside the house then jumped in excitement while he swung their hands.

"Same Tae but calm down. You'll yank our limbs off!" Jungwoo said and Taeyong stood still while grinning broadly.

The two boys looked around the house as Taeyong gave them a quick tour before they all settled in the living room area. They greeted his mom when she came downstairs.

"Long time no see boys, how's everything back home?" She asked.

"Same ol', same ol', Mrs. Lee" said Jungwoo.

"I'm glad you guys could visit Tae. It would've been fine if you both stayed over also"

"It's alright, we're staying with my relatives who live an hour away. I'm visiting them for the holiday"

"Okay, well whenever you guys are coming you're always welcome"

"Thanks Mrs. Lee" they both said together.

It was after 2pm when Taeyong, Taeil and Jungwoo were picked up by Johnny and Ten. He had already told his mom to expect him much later then she told him to be careful and to have his phone on at all times.

As they entered the jeep Taeyong spoke.

"Johnny and Ten, these are my best friends from Gyeongju, Taeil and Jungwoo" Taeyong pointed at them.

Johnny peeped through the rearview mirror at them as he drove off.

"Nice to meet you both, welcome to Seoul!" Johnny said.

"Yeah, nice to meet you!" ten chimed as he turned in his seat and stared at the three.

Jungwoo greeted them with a wave.

"Taeyong told us all about you all" Taeil shortly said.

"Good things, I hope" chuckled Ten and they all joined.

The boys sang along to some of their favourite songs on the radio and Taeyong occasionally took in the scenery. He watched as the sea peeked out from behind the trees and buildings passed by until they came unto a stretch of road exposing the coast and a wonderous expansion of crystal blue water ahead.

Taeil and Ten talked together, especially about Taeyong and went on like they were his parents. It caught his attention and he felt embarrassed and whined for them to stop. They just found him even more adorable.


They shortly arrived at a two story neutral house which was surrounded by various shrubs and palm trees. The lawn was neatly cut and they drove on a circular driveway which led to the front door where a big oak tree was centred.

As the jeep parked they each got out. Taeyong took in a waft of the briny sea air and it filled his nostrils in a calming manner. The splashing of the waves could be heard and the cool wind engulfed them making their clothes wrap around their bodies.

He loved anything to do with water and found it relaxing. When he came back to his senses he helped the others with the bags of ice and cases of drinks then approached the house.

It was still early before the beach party would start and as they stepped into the house they found Jaehyun setting up.

The interior had an open concept with nautical furniture of navy blue, neutral and white fixtures. There were potted plants in the corners and shiny glass tables at the entry way and the living room area.

On the kitchen counter there were platters of finger food, multiple snack bowls and red solo cups in stacks beside a beverage dispenser.

It seemed like Jaehyun had been up early preparing. It took him a while to notice their presence. He turned towards them and his eyes landed on the two boys he's never seen before.

"Ah, these are my best friends from Gyeongju Taeil and Jungwoo" Taeyong said as he noticed.

"Oh, nice to meet you guys. I'm Jaehyun." Jaehyun stretched his hands out offering them both.

Their faces lit up when the taller boy said his name. The two boys took a hand each and shook it.

"Nice to meet you, Jaehyun" taeil said while he emphasized his name. They looked over at Taeyong and smirked while wiggling their eyebrows.

Taeyong darted them death glares and mouthed for them to stop.

Quit it you guys.

Jungwoo stuck his tongue out at him. At the same time Ten grinned to himself and Johnny watched in amusement but walked off and continued to bring the items inside.

Jaehyun then let their hands go and followed their gaze to Taeyong. He smiled broadly at them showing his dimples and a confused expression. Taeyong immediately straightened up pretending nothing happened.

Ugh this is gonna be a long day.

"Is there anything you need help with?" Taeyong asked softly changing the atmosphere.

"Nah, everything's all set" Jaehyun smiled at him.

"Such a good sport" ten clapped and went to help Johnny.

Jaehyun clicked his teeth then faced the remaining boys. "If you guys want you can sit in the living room and watch some TV until it's time, we have two more hours"

"Thank you Jaehyun, if you need any help let us know" Jungwoo said.

"I will, and call me Jae"

"Okay Jae" Jungwoo winked and did the okay hand sign. Taeyong felt his stomach churn at the display of sweetness towards his crush.

He grabbed Jungwoos hand and dragged him away from Jaehyun who was still smiling at them but raised an eyebrow in amusement. Taeil followed behind as they went to sit on the couch and turned the TV on.

A few minutes later they were joined by the other three and watched reruns of korean dramas airing on the OCN channel.

Cars had started to trickle in as the time approached. By now its 5pm and music was being played on the surround sound from the house. The party had finally started.

Outside people were seen playing ball games on the lawn and some were dancing with cups in hand.

The three boys were still seated at the couch chit chatting with some other students about music and various things. Johnny and ten disappeared a while ago but never came back. Whereas for Jaehyun, he went alone to swim at the beach.

Jungwoo was currently busy as he fawned over a new target. A tall and muscular jock. They seemed to be hitting it off.

"Are you guys hungry?" taeyong said checking in on his friends.

"Yeah, I could eat" said Taeil "same" jungwoo added and continued chatting with the other guy.

"Alright, be right back" taeyong went to the kitchen counter and plated assorted foods sharing them for his friends.

Afterwards, he ate his share then took a cup and dispensed some of the golden beverage into it. He brought the cup to his head and downed the drink in gulps. A very strong and bitter after taste mixed in with a sweet addictive flavour was noted.

He refilled his cup and took a step outside to get some fresh air.

He went closer to the beach area which was a few yards from the house. Taeyong walked with his slippers in hand and cup in the other until he found a spot and sat on the sand laden ground.

As he stared beyond the horizon appreciating the pinkish and orange hues of the sky, he spotted Jaehyun as he emerged from the water and was coming to shore.

Taeyong watched as his skin glistened in the setting sun. Beads of water dripped from his hair and his white shirt sucked onto his toned torso.

Damn, he should be illegal.

Taeyong took a shaky breath in as Jaehyun jogged over to his side and shook off the excess water from his shirt. He took another swig of the beverage, his head began to spin a little.

"Hey Tae, why are you alone?" Jaehyun asked as he sat beside the older.

"J-just getting some fresh air" the boy confessed.

"The water is good, do you wanna go in?"

"Nah I didn't bring a change of clothes" taeyong shook his head.

"I could lend you some"

"I'm not a good swimmer though" said the other softly.

"Don't worry I'll save you if you drown. Come on." Jaehyun chuckled and got up and lent his hand to help Taeyong up.

Taeyong thought it over for a few seconds before he finished his drink and took Jaehyuns hand. The boys then walked towards the water.

In the water they stood against the waves in a shallow area and faced the direction of the sunset. They were far from the crowds of students at the house but the music could still be heard as it traveled through the air.

"How comes I don't see (y/n)?" Taeyong suddenly asked.

Jaehyuns head turned slightly to the older boy and he awkwardly replied "oh... uhm, she's celebrating with her family."

Taeyong had start to feel groggy from the constant motion. "Oh.. I think I want to get out and sit" he said as he struggled through the water to shore.

"Okay, are you alright?" Jaehyun followed behind worriedly.

"Yeah I'm fine just felt dizzy" Taeyong held his head as he sat down.

He felt a warmth taking over his body and a tingling sensation in his head which made him giddy.

"Jaehyun... are you nice to everyone?" He unexpectedly questioned while he looked directly at the younger boy.

Jaehyuns head turned abruptly to meet the eyes of the other.

"Why do you ask that?"

"Because you're soooooo nice to me. You make me feel speciallllll" the older boy said while as he opened his arms wide and stressed the words.

"Tae, you sure you're okay? Are you...drunk?" The younger raised an eyebrow.

"Nope! I had a bit of that fruit juice in the house. I can't be drunk when I didn't drink alcohol!" Taeyong laughed uncontrollably.

Jaehyun took the cup beside them and whiffed the alcoholic stench.

"Tae, I think you are drunk"

"No I'm not, anyway answer my question! Why are you so nice to me. You're confusing me! Don't be nice to me or I'll mistake your kindness for something else..."

What to do? I'm not even sure how to answer.

"I guess I am. More importantly I think we better go inside and get you some water to sober up" jaehyun suggested.

"No! I'm not drunk, I'm already sober!" Taeyong said cutely.

Oh gosh, he's such a baby.

"Tae, come on lets go insi-" before jaehyun could finish his sentence his mouth was met with soft lips which pressed against his. Taeyong then held the sides of his face to support himself.

W-what's happening....

Jaehyun was paralyzed from shock but neither had the urge to push the other away. He was taken aback by the boys action. It was his first time kissing another boy and he felt his heart quicken.

"Shhh... you talk too much. Ugh, my head hur-" taeyong said as he removed his lips and before he became limp falling backwards.

The last thing he remembered was Jaehyun who hovered over him saying inaudible words before his figure became fuzzy and everything went dark.

Longest chapter in this
whole fic maybe lol. I
thought of splitting it
but then I'd have to
find a new title and
all of the chapters
mostly have some sort
of theme. This fanfic
will have a total of
18 chapters BTW.
Hope it was okay,
I'm not good at
writing graphic things.
- Love, Krys

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