Addicted Book 2 - Passionate...

By Rosy0513

1.7M 24.1K 9.4K

Credit online sources for cover picture. He's dead... He's alive... He should be abroad! Hands that embraced... More

Chapter 1 - Subversive Life!
Chapter 2 - The Cute Policeman
Chapter 3 - Meeting Again After Eight Years
Chapter 4 - Cannot Stop the Fate
Chapter 5 - Two People Fiercely Clash!
Chapter 6 - This World is Really Intriguing
Chapter 7 - Someone to Seek Cooperation
Chapter 8 - Visiting Someone's Dorm
Chapter 9 - GuHai the Rake
Chapter 10 - Visiting Someone's Marriage House
Chapter 11 - Embarking on the Road to a Blind Date
Chapter 12 - Enthusiastic Big Girl
Chapter 13 - The War Continues to Escalate
Chapter 14 - Late Night Inexplicable Sentiments
Chapter 15 - It's a Really Good Day!
Chapter 16 - Nick of Time
Chapter 17 - A Fierce Battle!
Chapter 18 - Finally Found Darling
Chapter 19 - Warmth in the Swamp
Chapter 20 - Worrying Gu's Family
Chapter 21 - Continue to Scourge Me
Chapter 22 - The Days are Quietly Clear
Chapter 23 - Isn't That A Joy?
Chapter 24 - XiaoBai's Method of Wooing Husband
Chapter 25 - Forcing You Into Submission Step By Step
Chapter 26 - The Couple's Intimate Move
Chapter 27 - Sweet to the Bottom of Someone's Heart
Chapter 28 - The Dog Had Eaten His food!
Chapter 29 - A Peasant Turned Into An Emperor
Chapter 30 - Dirty Little Leader
Chapter 31 - XiaoBai's Bad Luck
32 - This Time It's Really Heartache
Chapter 33 - A Horrid Training Camp
Chapter 34 - DaHai Talks About Yinzi
Chapter 35 - Breaking Body Limits
Chapter 36 - I Am Dying
Chapter 37 - More And More Capable
Chapter 38 - Young Couple Showing Love
Chapter 39 - A Wave Followed By A Wave
Chapter 40 - Roasting Poor Little Liu
Chapter 41 - Old Zhou Suffer a Surprised Attack
Chapter 42 - Another Unreliable One
Chapter 43 - Gift You A Pair Of Glasses
Chapter 44 - Everywhere Is A Battlefield
Chapter 45 - War Is Imminent
Chapter 46 - An Abrupt Late Night Raid
Chapter 47 - Fake And Shoddy Product
Chapter 48 - Who Is the Forced Lord Leader
Chapter 49 - Hiding the 'Take-Out' Package at Home
Chapter 50 - Schizophrenia Drama
Chapter 52 - Again Another Love Rival
Chapter 53 - The Truth Finally
Chapter 54 - The Couple Returns Home
Chapter 55 - Bloody Price
Chapter 56 - You Really Don't Know Me
Chapter 57 - One More Ruthless Than The Other
Chapter 58 - Temporary Transfer Of Contradictions
Chapter 59 - Still Love At First Sight?
Chapter 60 - Two Big Animals Fight
Chapter 61 - Whereabouts Thoroughly Exposed
Chapter 62 - The Thrilling Journey to Escape
Chapter 63 - Poor Donkey Son
Chapter 64 - Just Enjoy the Show
Chapter 65 - Overbearing BaiLuoYin
Chapter 66 - I Am Not A Local
Chapter 67 - You Are The Most Cunning
Chapter 68 - What I Can Do For You
Chapter 69 - XiaoBai Embarrassed In Public
Chapter 70 - New Vice-President TongZhe In Office
Chapter 71 - Gunshot, Quickly Lie Down!
Chapter 72 - This Kid Is A Little Crazy
Chapter 73 - This Time It Is Very Infuriating
Chapter 74 - Yinzi Messes With Old Zhou
Chapter 75 - GuHai Painstakingly Suffer
Chapter 76 - Somebody's Seldom Show of Warmth
Chapter 77 - Master Gu's Infatuation
Chapter 78 - I Just Love Him
Chapter 79 - Guhai Reveals the Truth
Chapter 80 - I Keep Thinking About You!
Chapter 81 - The Successful Completion of the Mission
Chapter 82 - A Big Gift Of Time Travel
Chapter 83 - The Best Blessed Words
Chapter 84 - Discordant Voices
Chapter 85 - Creating a Civilized Mentality
Chapter 86 - Drunk Once Again
Chapter 87 - Old Line Of Business Selling Cut Cake
Chapter 88 - What A Wonderful Dream
Chapter 89 - Sorting Out the Car Accident Case
Chapter 90 - Formally Making His Attitude Clear
Chapter 91 - Completely Opposite Attitudes
Chapter 92 - Old Man Gu At A Disadvantage
Chapter 93 - Finding a Place to Take a Break
Chapter 94 - Flying A Helicopter To Herd Sheep
Chapter 95 - Deliriously Anxious
Chapter 96 - You Are My Child
Chapter 97- Trying Hard to Earn Some Money
Chapter 98 - Who Will Come To the Wedding?
Chapter 99 - Discussing the Wedding Details
Chapter 100 - Old Bai Eavesdropping On the Wall
Chapter 101 - The Last Nod
Chapter 102 - The Luxurious Wedding Convoy
Chapter 103 - Difficulties for Groom Gu
Chapter 104 - Performing For Me Alone
Chapter 105 - Taking Prince Charming Away
Chapter 106 - Accompanying Each Other Hand In Hand For A Lifetime
Epilogue 1 - Two Hearts Linked Together
Epilogue 2 - Our Little Brothers Are Strong!
Epilogue 3 - A Dead Loss
Epilogue 4 - Wedding Night - FINAL ENDING
Story of Meng Qi Qi - Chapter 1
Story of Meng Qi Qi - Chapter 2
Story of Meng Qi Qi - Chapter 3
Story of Meng Qi Qi - Chapter 4
Story of Meng Qi Qi - Chapter 5
Story of Meng Qi Qi - Chapter 6
Story of Meng QiQi - Chapter 7: Live Together With Me!
Story of Meng QiQi - Chapter 8: Smelly Tofu And Spring Onions
Story of Meng QiQi - Chapter 9: Complaining To BaiLuoYin
Story of Meng QiQi - Chapter 10: Just You Wait, Little YangMeng
Story of Meng QiQi - Chapter 11: So It Was Like That
Story of Meng QiQi - Chapter 12: One Disaster After Another
Story of Meng QiQi - Chapter 13: Are You Happy Now?
Story of Meng QiQi - Chapter 14: It's So Good To Have Someone Dote On You
Story of Meng QiQi - Chapter 15: One Horrifying Surprise
Story of Meng QiQi - Chapter 16: Come And Collect YengMeng's Body
Story of Meng QiQi - Chapter 17: Mengzi Got Tricked Again
Story of Meng QiQi - Chapter 18: Youqi Continues To Cheat
Story of Meng QiQi - Chapter 19: Hope You Can Be Reinvigorated!
Story of Meng QiQi - Chapter 20: Dropping Into The Trap
Story of Meng QiQi - Chapter 21: He's Indeed A Big Clown
Story of Meng QiQi - Chapter 22: Brother Will Help You Overcome!
Story of Meng QiQi - Chapter 23: Who is Yang Small Three?
Story of Meng QiQi - Chapter 24: It Really Can't Be Cured Anymore!
Addicted2 Fan Made Video

Chapter 51 - Washing Away the Sinful Soul

13.1K 179 55
By Rosy0513

These days, BaiLuoYin had been nesting comfortably in GuHai's home. He repeatedly asked to return to the military, but was forcefully prevented by GuHai. GuHai's reasoning is that he has to see Little YinZi restored to health or he will not let BaiLuoYin go. Of course, just curing Little YinZi is not enough. He also had to make up to Little HaiZi for owing him the past few days.

During the day, GuHai also took BaiLuoYin to work with him. At noon, they would eat out together. At night, BaiLuoYin would be brought back home safe and sound. GuHai even followed BaiLuoYin to the toilet, afraid that BaiLuoYin will run away if he's a little careless.

GuHai had always been a loner before. The company's female employees have all been accustomed to his natural and unrestrained character. But now, seeing him bringing someone along with him every day, going in and out of the company with their arms on each other shoulders, inseparable for 24/7, even a long-eyed person would be a little suspicious.

BaiLuoYin took advantage of this period of time to review the progress of the cooperation project. He would follow GuHai into the workshop every day and occasionally offered his advice. When they discussed about the cooperation before, HaiYin Technology Company was not the main partner of this project. But now, with both husband and husband in conspiracy, almost all of the core components are produced by GuHai's company.

Using GuHai's words, the money that I earn will be yours in the end, so it's better to keep the goodies within the family.

This afternoon, GuHai is extremely busy in front of the computer. BaiLuoYin is like an uncle, sitting on the side, basking in the sunlight.

"President Gu, this is the latest draft plan, please review it," says a female employee.

GuHai took it, gave it few glances and angrily said, "Come over here and take a look. This part here still needs a few changes."

The female employee immediately bent down, half of her body was affixed to the desk with her collar widely opened. GuHai only have to raise his eyelids and he would be able to see her sexy grooves and two big white steam buns easily.

BaiLuoYin narrowed his eyes to take glance. Then, he closed his eyes with an aloof expression.

Soon, the female employee smiled, nodded her head understandingly, and left swinging her waist provocatively.

As soon as the door closed, BaiLuoYin gave a soft cough.

GuHai turned toward him, "What's the matter?"

BaiLuoYin hook his finger, "Come over here. I have something to say to you."

GuHai could not feel the danger emitting out. He sat on BaiLuoYin's side, put his hand on BaiLuoYin's shoulders and casually said, "What did you want to say to me?"

BaiLuoYin's hand slid directly under GuHai's shirt. GuHai resisted this temptation. "Don't mess around here. We are in in the company." But in his heart, he didn't want to take BaiLuoYin's hand out.

BaiLuoYin's hand quickly gripped onto GuHai's nipple. He puckered up his lips into a mischievous smile, while using his two strong fingers to severely twist the nipple, turning it in two and a half circles. GuHai's facial muscles tensed up in a flash.


GuHai immediately clutched BaiLuoYin's wrist, with furrowed eyebrows, "Don't have such a heavy taste."

"Looking at that every day, your eyes are full, right?" BaiLuoYin's hand still have not loosened its grip.

"Don't twist anymore, if you twist it again, it will come off," GuHai says bitterly, "then what are you going eat?"

"Your company have so many capable people, they can make you one that can't be twisted off, right?" After saying this, he continued his actions with the evil hand.

GuHai bind BaiLuoYin's cheeks, angrily with a hint of laughter, "Let go now, do you hear me? I am very sensitive there, if you're really going to continue on with that and I can't control myself, I will fuck you right here, right now. You understand?"

BaiLuoYin still did not let go.

GuHai was consumed with pain. He immediately pushed BaiLuoYin down onto the couch. BaiLuoYin was holding his breath. Just when he wanted to reverse the situation, there is a knock on the door. Two pretty long legs walked into his line of sight, he looked up and sees a familiar face.

YanYaJing smile embarrassingly, "What are you two doing?"

GuHai got up. BaiLuoYin also took his hand out from under GuHai's shirt. The two put on an indifferent expression and returned to their original positions. GuHai's hand gently tapped his desk. He still had not fully recovered from being turned on by BaiLuoYin, so when he was looking at YanYaJing, he looked a bit aroused.

"Were you guys done?"

For a moment, YanYaJing was surprised at GuHai's expression. She could not help but looked down at her dress, there's nothing wrong!

"Why are you looking at me with that expression?"

GuHai look confused, "What expression?"

YanYaJing looked fixedly at GuHai, watching the heated fire in his eyes decreasing little by little.

"Nothing, I just needed to talk to you about the cooperation terms with TianRui Company. I have just talked to their CEO ...." YanYaJing sat by GuHai's side, competently detailing the work plans.

BaiLuoYin have spent three to four days in the company. He has come to realize that YanYaJing is the only person who will not intentionally attempt to seduce GuHai. On the surface, their relationship appears to be the most ordinary. But, this is precisely the reason that it is not at all ordinary. Any employee that came into GuHai's office, GuHai is always the one to ask questions. But when YanYaJing comes in, most of the time she is talking while GuHai just listens. With a lot of things, he doesn't even question, completely delegating it to YanYaJing.

Their degree of understanding is really envious to people.

"Oh by the way, last time you asked me for a medicine that is good at getting rid of scars......" YanYaJing took out a small bottle from her pocket, "Here, my brother found an old Chinese doctor to mix it. Apply it three times a day. If it is effective, I can let the doctor know to make more."

GuHai slightly raised his lips, "Thanks, how much is it?"

"No need. Between us, there is no need to mention money, right?" YanYaJing laughed helplessly.

GuHai waved the bottle in his hand, "Help me thank your brother for this."

"Yeah, try and see if it's effective?"

GuHai unscrewed the cap, poured a little ointment on his finger, and then started to apply it on the scar that is on his forehead.

"That's not how you apply it." YanYaJing quickly smile, "You see, it got on your eyebrows. You have to first wet your forehead." Having said that, she helped GuHai wiped his forehead with a wet towel and then lightly rub it with her fingers until the ointment is completely even.

BaiLuoYin silently observed on the side. Looking at GuHai's scar that he had seen many times but never thought of getting treatment for. Right now, that spot is under YanYaJing's attentive care. This scar was from the car accident, which was ultimately caused by him. But at this moment, someone else is using her hands to help remove it. If YanYaJing took the initiative to buy the medication, then it didn't matter, but it was GuHai who asked her to buy it.

Why did he never ask me to do anything for him?

Even after YanYaJing left, BaiLuoYin's mood was still a bit angry.

Back home that night, BaiLuoYin wanted to cook for the first time ever.

GuHai's was ecstatic! After so many years, this wish of his will finally be fulfilled today. So, he took out the DV to record the entire process. From the time they went grocery shopping, to washing the vegetables, and from cutting to cooking. This was shot in all kinds of angles recorded in high-definition. There were several times where the flames hit the lens, but he was unwilling to stop the recording.

"You go out first. You're getting in my way being in here," BaiLuoYin tried to kick GuHai out of the kitchen.

GuHai still did not move, "I'm afraid that you will burn yourself."

"Just wait outside! I'll call you if I need you to put out the fire!"

Once GuHai went out, BaiLuoYin started to pour half the bottle of soy sauce and a bowl of dried chili into the pot. He was so choked up by the smoke that he had to go all the way out to the balcony to seek refuge.

After he had finished cooking all the dishes of food, BaiLuoYin's face is as dark as the color of soy sauce.

"Time to eat," BaiLuoYin called out.

GuHai looked down. All the cooked food look alike. They were so dark and black that it would've made a person's hair stand up. But fortunately there is light in the kitchen. If there is a power failure, you can't even find the food.

BaiLuoYin smiled deviously, "Hurry up and eat!"

GuHai tried it out with his chopsticks. He clamped on a piece of bok choy leaf and put it into his mouth. Just chewing a little and he could already feel a sharp stream of air flowing from his nostrils to his brain. His tongue instantly lost all ability to taste.

"How does it taste?" asked BaiLuoYin.

GuHai forced out a smile, "Not bad, is there rice?"

"No rice. There are so many food dishes, is it not enough for you? How about I go and make some soup?"

GuHai, "......"

"You have to eat all of it. I want to record it!"

After saying this, BaiLuoYin took the DV and started to record GuHai eating. Poor GuHai, he was choked to the point of tears, his face swollen, but he still had to face the camera with a happy expression.

BaiLuoYin was very curious as to how bad his food tasted, so he sat down next to GuHai and was going to try it. But GuHai forcefully stopped him, "Don't touch it, it's all mine!"

Then, GuHai took way his bowl and chopsticks.

Watching GuHai forcing himself to digest such awful food, BaiLuoYin's heart suddenly trembled a bit.

After dinner, GuHai pulled BaiLuoYin down on the couch with him and started to talk to him in some mumble jumble Shan Tian Fang and Ma San Li's mixed accent speech.

He asked, "what happened to your hand?"

GuHai looked at BaiLuoYin's hands1, flipping them over and over again. There were large and small scars, each time an old scar had barely healed, a new scar will appear. The most hideously looking were BaiLuoYin's fingernails, with two layers, twisted and buckled on top of his fingers. Each time GuHai saw it, his heart would feel extremely painful.

"I have to renovate machines often so it's inevitable to get cut by steel."

1Note: the real reason why BaiLuoYin's hands are so deformed is because he was using it to pry the steel plates from GuHai's body in an attempt to get him out of the car immediately after the car accident (Book1, Chapter 208).

After saying that, BaiLuoYin saw GuHai picking up the bottle of ointment that he had ask YanYaJing to buy for him. He wet BaiLuoYin's hands with a wet towel and carefully applied the medicine on all his scars from the top of his palm to the back of his hand.

BaiLuoYin's heart suddenly felt deflated, his eyes no longer as relaxed as earlier.

"Did you ask YanYaJing to help you find this medicine for my hand?"

GuHai drank two big mouthful of water and then replied, "What do you think?

BaiLuoYin is completely silent.

After 2am in the morning, GuHai had already fallen asleep for a while, but the person in his embrace suddenly got up. GuHai thought that BaiLuoYin was getting up to use the toilet so he didn't give it much thought. He waited for half an hour and still didn't see BaiLuoYin returning. His heart tightened a bit as he silently thought, did BaiLuoYin secretly run away? So he quickly got out of bed to look for him.

He ended up finding BaiLuoYin on the balcony. BaiLuoYin was just wearing his briefs sitting cross-legged on the balcony floor, his eyes slightly narrow, looking remarkably like a handsome Buddha.

"YinZi, what are you doing here?" GuHai was stunned.

BaiLuoYin didn't raise his head but said, "I'm reflecting!"

GuHai kneeled down, with an inexplicable expression looking at BaiLuoYin.

"You're not sleeping but came out here to reflect on what?"

"To wash away my sinful soul!"

GuHai "......"

End of Chapter

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