I Am The Novel's Villain

By BlueRain0109

662K 29.2K 3.5K

She was just a typical woman, she loves her family, has a stable job she loves and a cat who doesn't love her... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2: A New Beginning
Chapter 3: What?
Chapter 4: I Reincarnated
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24: Laeticia Ross
Chapter 25: I Finally Meet You
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41: Richard Henney
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51

Chapter 46

9.8K 428 148
By BlueRain0109

“I-I mean the flowers! The flowers are very beautiful.” Smile, smile, smile AAAA!!

“Yes.” He answered.

I don't have the guts to say I was referring to his eyes! Thank goodness he took it.

“By the way.....may I ask who are your grandparents? ” He asked.

“My grandfather is Roland Sears and my grandmother is Emerald Sears. They're in the banking and real estate business.”

“I see...” He said.

Silence soon followed.

Well, this is awkward.

“Where's your fiancé? ” He suddenly asked out of nowhere, causing me to turn my attention, from looking at the flowers surrounding us, to him instead.

I don't know why but my mood suddenly soured remembering that Richard just hastily jumped to conclusions. He always do that. I really don't understand why he kept on approaching me only then to push me away and find faults in me.

“I don't know.” I answered with my business smile. Then a wind suddenly blew, it felt nice and before I knew it, I smiled at the fleetingly soft sensation.

He was about to say something to me when he suddenly stopped and stared.

Is he perhaps looking at the scene at my back?

Naturally, I was about to turn around and look at my back when I heard it.

“So this is where you were Laeticia.”

It was Richard.

“Yes, I'm sorry I can't accompany you in the party. I have a headache and my mother insisted I take a break. This man before me was asked by my mother to accompany me. Richard, this is Ethan Alphonse. ”

Ethan suddenly jolted. It was so subtle but I noticed it. He stopped staring at Richard then extended a hand to him.

“Nice to meet you.” Ethan said while extending a hand.

Richard looked at his hand then to man.

He didn't take Ethan's hand.


He hugged me in front of him.


W-w-wait!!! W-why!?!!!

“R-richard, what are you-”

Before I could finish my words, he hugged me tighter. My words were muffled by his chest.

“Thank you for looking out for my fiancée. ” He said coldly to Ethan.


Ethan's POV


True to the novel..

The male lead is very handsome. His well defined features coupled with that icy blue eyes and deep voice can easily seduce any woman, which is a feat considering he's still 18 years old. What more if he grew up and became an adult man? I could see why the Laeticia in the novel never stopped chasing.

Honestly, if I were still a girl, I'll probably drool over him.

Too bad..... I am a guy now and got used to handsome men, considering I see my good looking albeit villainous face, my father and basically my friends. The admiration of handsome men is still there..it just toned down, similar to how a person sees something nice. They get attracted to it and eventually gets used to it.

Plus I was more amused by seeing something.

Laeticia's blushing face is so adorable. I mustn't smile..DON'T SMILE ME!!

I don't like that accusing tone of him. Like girl, I'm not stealing yo' gurl! I don't even know if I can get attracted to a girl!?!

But it's nice. As usual, when the villainess changes, the male lead also notices and gets attracted. And I can clearly see Richard being possessive of her.

I'm glad she can finally have the man she loves this time.

But seriously?! What the hell!!!!

Laeticia's blushing face is so cute AAAA!!!


“It's no big deal. I'll excuse myself now. Nice meeting you.” I said with a smile.

Little did he know... He was so distracted by holding that fluffy smile in..

He accidentally smiled condescendingly at him. Coupled with how villainous he looked, it seemed like he's challenging Richard.

Naturally, Richard's eyes sharpened.

But Ethan didn't know what he looked like so he just wondered why the male lead is glaring at him while he is walking away from the couple.

While walking back to the party, he started to contemplate.

I should be happy with Laeticia being happy this time but...

What is this feeling?

Suddenly, he remembered how it felt like the time and his heart stopped when he caught Laeticia as soon as he entered.

And how it he experienced it again at the gazebo.

Her gentle expression, softened green eyes and blonde hair in the wind...

Unlike the first one when his heart stopped beating.

The second time around, in the gazebo..

His heart beats strongly. It was not the racing type. It was a slow and strong one. And it felt like those beats are leading him somewhere..

He was so mesmerized then by the feeling induced by the stunningly beautiful image of the smiling girl before him that he forgot what he was supposed to say.

Good thing Richard came.

Though I should be happy he seemed possessive of Laeticia. I can't shake this feeling of uneasiness when I saw him hugged her.

It must be because....I was just sad seeing my friend get taken away, right?

Yes, that's must be it.

Richard's POV

I was supposed to make her suffer and embarrassed.

Naturally, I took notice of how pale she was and how she was holding her head.

I thought she was acting to get my attention. Just like how other people and girls do.

I didn't think it would be really true. I felt a little guilty.

No, I mustn't. She's just like any other girl after my money. I must unveil her true intentions.

When I can no longer see her in the party, I asked her parents to where she is. I then started to look for her. I just wanted to be sure if she's truly sick or faking it.

Then I saw her sitting at the gazebo with a man.

She doesn't look sick to me at all. I don't know why I got angry all of a sudden seeing her with that man. So I did something I never thought of. I hugged her in front of another person.

I also learned from her that he is Ethan Alphonse. The man I wanted to get to know when I was a child and hoped to meet in the academy but then he transferred to another school.

I wanted to show him that no man can get their hands on what was mine. Even if I don't like it.

Then he gave me that smile. Is he challenging me?

“Can you let me go?” I was then brought back to reality when I heard her voice. I didn't realize I was hugging her for that long.

I take a good look at her but didn't let her go. Hmm?

Well, this is interesting. I thought all she  had as facial expressions were those fake smiles and poker face. Her embarrassed reaction is a surprise to me.

“You don't look sick at all.” Which is true.

Then suddenly she grew pale and started to clutch her head. She pushed me away.

She's definitely acting.

“Drop the act. You were fine just a minute ago.” I said coldly.

“I don't understand. I was fine before too ah!” She clutched her head again.

Drama queen.

“Grandpa says he's sorry he can't attend. His back hurts. If you need help, I can call someone.” I said.

“No, thank you. I'm sorry for troubling you. I'm fine now.” She said.

I look at her. Her skin is so pale and there are light sweat forming at her forehead. Maybe she isn't fine at all?

“I can escort you back.” I offered.

She looked surprised. What? I can help other people too. Unless you're really a good actress.

She took my hand then she suddenly doubled over.

“Hey!” I admit I was shocked. If she were truly acting then it's an effective one.

I was about to hold her again when she pushed me and stood up.

“I'm so sorry, can you please leave me alone?” She grew paler and clutched her head again.

“I'll tell your parents.”

Let's see if you're really in pain or just acting.

Laeticia's POV


I thought they're gone now!

Why come back again!

Aah! It hurts!

As soon as Richard went away, the pain subsided.

Why do these images kept on hindering me and Richard from bonding together?!

I hate these!

Always...always showing up when I was about to reach him!!!

This time too!!!

Why can't I have a normal conversation with him?


Before I noticed it, I cried again.

This is so unfair...

Why am I the only one seeing these whenever I'm with Richard?!

I don't want these memories!!

Just like that...her memory of remembering Ethan was overshadowed by grief and pain.

The beauty of the moment she spent with him was overshadowed by the longing of wanting to spend time normally with Richard.

She forgot the peace of mind which Ethan's presence gave her.

And just like that..

Her nights were once again wallowed in nightmares and grief.

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