
By Blep_Bloop12

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What if there was a school where the kids of Disney kids went. Not just the heroes, but the villains as well... More

Chapter 2: The Deadly Train Ride
Chapter 3: Dorms
Chapter 4: First Day Of School... Yay?
Chapter 5: A Peaceful Walk
Chapter 6: Blossoming "Friendship"
Chapter 7: An Evil Meeting
Chapter 8: Prime Fluff
Chapter 9: Group Project
Chapter 10: Love Potion
Chapter 11: Animal Communication
Not Chapter But Important

Chapter 1: New School, New Life

680 28 47
By Blep_Bloop12

Hoped you all enjoyed this chapter! My partner is MikotoHoshizora2003 as this is a collab book! Yay! :) Thanks so much Noi for doing this book with me! I'm super appreciative of that! Anywho! Enjoy~!

It was kind of exhausting to have to wait outside for a stupid train, Urata thought. It was pointless to have to wait for a train. It'd be so much easier if they could just ride up there. Then they'd actually be able to see their parents during their time there instead of graduation. But oh well, rules are rules.

Urata did miss his parents, well his mom at least. He doesn't actually know his father. Apparently they only hooked up to have a kid and that was it. But, he loved his mom. She took him hunting and taught him how to use a bow and arrow. He even got a pet tanuki he named Yamada. She's currently on his shoulder.

Luz sighed as he leaned against a wall waiting for the train to finally arrive. He just couldn't understand why his mother would send him into this school. He wanted to become the next ruler as he was the son of the Queen of Hearts but instead he was going to waste his time by going to some academy he didn't want to go. But of course he couldn't do anything about it so he could only sulk as he packed his things.

The train arrived not too long later, maybe around 5 minutes later. Once the train stopped, two women stepped out and everyone crowded around them.

The taller of the women had short black hair, that reached her shoulders. Her hair color blended well with her dark blue eyes with black glasses on top. She wore a white blouse with a black vest on top, black flowing skirt, and black dress shoes.

The shorter woman contrasted greatly compared to her companion. She had light purple hair that reached her knees. Though, a bit of her hair was kept in space buns that was kept up by dark blue flowers. She had burning red eyes that didn't go well with the rest of her look. She wore the exact same colors as her companion, though the colors inverted.

"Hello everybody!" The shorter one shouts out. "I'm Crystal, the vice principal of Alerynth! It's nice to meet all of you new students!"

"And I am Mikoto, the principal of Alerynth. I hope that all of you students will get along here.", the black-haired woman said as she looked into the crowd before pushing her glasses back up.

Luz sighed in relief as he saw the train arriving and walked towards the crowd was forming seeing two women coming. He just hoped that being here wouldn't be too bad as he thought. But between going to a school or playing cards with his servants he would definitely choose the latter as he just sighed and wanted to go back already.

"So for all you newbies, let me explain to you this system," Crystal takes charge. "You all will have assigned seats on the train. They are booths, but it'll only be you and the other person. The doors are locked until we get there, unless you need to use the bathroom or the trolley comes. Other than that, you are completely free to do what ever you want!

"In addition to that, I bet you've noticed I am only speaking to freshmen. While some of you might already know this, you will never return home unless it's an emergency or it's graduation. Of course you are free to send letters to your family members, but that's it. Any questions?" Crystal finishes her brief explanation.

All the students were silent as you could hear some whispering occasionally but besides that no one raised their hands at that.

"I think Crystal explained everything that was important already. If you have any problems or have some questions at some point later then you can always turn to Crystal or me. We are here in case you may need any help.", Mikoto said as she gave them a smile.

"But let me warn you not to break any rules or doing anything bad or else it will have some serious consequences. So unless you want to be the person to suffer those consequences you should act accordingly to the rules.", she warned as she still smiled at them.

Crystal smiled at her companions words, but her eyes showed a different emotion. It showed malice. For a brief moment, she looked at a few of the freshmen, before taking out a clipboard.

"Now, I shall begin to call out names! For rooms!" Crystal shouts.

"Sakata and Shima. Eve and Sou. Kradness and Un:c. Urata and Luz. Rib and Neru. Soraru and Mafumafu. 69Neko and Lon. Amatsuki and Nqrse. Senra and Kashitaro. Kiyo and Sako.

"And that is it! We have a pretty small freshmen class this year! Please find your partner and find a booth with them. Also please leave your luggage over there," Crystal points at a place that said luggage. "Make sure luggage has your name on it or else we won't know who it belongs to! Anyways, that's it! Have a great school year." And with that, Crystal went back into the train.

Urata had already put his suitcase at the luggage place and the rest of his things were being shipped there, so he had nothing else to worry about. Well now he had to find his dorm mate. Urata honestly couldn't even remember his name, so he's just going to wait for his dorm mate to find him.

Mikoto followed her companion into the train not before wishing all of the students a nice day.

Luz took his suitcase as he decided to put his suitcase away first. After he did that he decided to search for his roommate.

He did remember the name, it was Urata if he remembered correctly, but unfortunately he didn't know how he looked at all so he thought that the best thing was to just call his roommate's name and hope that his roommate would hear him.

"Urata-san! Urata-san, it's your roommate, Luz! Where are you?", Luz asked as he walked around constantly calling out the name of his roommate. People were looking at him weirdly or curiously but he didn't notice that as he continued shouting out the name of his roommate.

Urata soon started hearing his name get called. He looks over to the owner of the voice and is immediately disgusted. The man he was roomed up with had no shame what so ever. He was shamelessly calling out his name.

But, Urata knew he had to get this over with so he rolled his eyes and walked over to the idiot. The first thing he did was glare and he would have covered his mouth if the man wasn't so freaking tall!

"Hey idiot! Can you stop shouting? You're making a fool out of yourself!" Urata snapped at his dorm mate.

Luz just looked down at the brunette as he frowned. "How rude... just so you know, I'm the son of the Queen of Hearts and I am no fool whatsoever.", Luz argued as he crossed his arms before realizing that it must be his roommate.

"Ah, so you must be Urata then! My name is Luz and I'm your roommate! Nice to meet you.", Luz introduced himself as he gave the short brunette a smile and then a hug.

"You're pretty short...", Luz said not noticing that he stated his thoughts out loud.

Urata didn't like the hug to say the least. He wanted the other male off of him as soon as possible. And to make matter worse, he commented on Urata's height. He deserves death!!!

Urata gets a murderous gleam in his eyes and high kicks Luz in the place will never shine on again. He then grabs Luz's collar and looks up at the ridiculously taller male.

"Never, EVER, make fun of my height again you bastard." And with that, Urata left the male and went to the train to find a booth.

Luz winced in pain as he frowned and followed his roommate giving Urata a sad look. "I didn't make fun of you though.... that height is cute and what's so bad about being short?", Luz asked as he tilted his head.

"But if you don't want me to mention it anymore then I won't!", Luz assured him. "You could tell me something about yourself then!", Luz said as he had another smile on his face.

Urata just found the male annoying. Urata rolled his eyes again, but stayed silent as he continued walking. He finally found an empty booth and went inside, sitting on the right side next to the window.

Luz pouted when he saw that Urata clearly ignored him. Luz followed Urata into the booth as he sat down in front of him.

"Look, Urata-san, I'm sorry for calling you short! But please don't ignore me! It'll be boring sitting in silence the whole time!", Luz complained as he looked at the male sitting in front of him. He then took a box of cupcakes out as he offered one to Urata.

"Here, these are cupcakes made by our servants. Take one as an apology.", Luz said as he held the pink cupcake towards Urata.

Urata looked at the cupcake before rolling his eyes and taking it. He then looked around and became confused.

"Where the hell did that box come from? I don't see a bag anywhere." Urata asks. He then takes a bite out of the cupcake and hums. "Pretty good cupcake though."

Luz just smiled as he took one himself. "I know right? They taste like home!", Luz said as he took a bite himself.

"Enough about me though! Tell me something about yourself, Urata-san!", Luz said as his eyes sparkled and he looked at Urata intently.

"Uh... Well, my name is Urata and my mother is Merida." Urata introduces himself. "Oh and this is Yamada!" He points to the tanuki on his shoulder.

"Um... That's really it about me," Urata states. "I'm not very interesting."

"Aw, Yama-chan looks cute!", Luz exclaimed as he reached out to Yamada patting her head.

"Also, I don't think that's true, Urata-san! Everyone can be interesting and I'm sure you have many things you can tell about yourself! Like what do you like to do in your free time? I like to play croquet with the servants and my mother for example.", Luz stated as he started talking about his home.

"I know she does. She's absolutely amazing~!" Urata gushes over his tanuki before listening to Luz again.

"Oh... Uh.. Well my mother and I do archery together. I like archery and being out in nature. It's nice." Urata comments.

"See, that's something interesting! You're not some boring person like you think you are.", Luz said as he smiled at Urata.

Urata just shrugged and sighed. "This is going to be a long fourteen hour train ride..." he mumbles to himself.

Urata continues eating the cupcake before stopping. "This isn't poisoned, right?"

"How could you think that this is poisoned! I'm not that cruel to poison my roommate, you know? There are consequences like the principal said! Also, I just ate one as well so how can you just assume I'd poison you?", Luz asked as he pouted.

Urata thinks for a moment. "That is true. There would definitely be no reason for you to poison yourself. Alright I believe you." And then continued eating the cupcake.

"Why would you even doubt me that much? And here I was trying to be nice...", Luz said as he sulked and stayed silent as he continued eating his cupcake.

"What? You're mother is evil. Who knows, you could be evil too and I might just not know it!" Urata defends himself.

And that's how Urata got stuck with this loser as his roommate and how much he annoys him. Turn in next time for Chapter 2: The Deadly Train Ride!

Word Count: 1995 words!

Hoped y'all enjoyed! Until next time~!

~Crystal Out! 💜

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