There is only... A new beginn...

By Turf_Primordial

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You already know what happens within this... but what if I told you not all was true and there's more after... More

Chapter: 1: Rise of a dormant key-bearer.
Chapter: 2: The beginning of a new adventure.
Interval: 1.
Chapter: 3: Wait! WE'RE TOY'S?! (Part: 1).
Chapter: 3: HEARTLESS CONTROL TOY'S?! (Part: 2).
Chapter: 3: Well, we've just angered the mothership (part: 3).
Interval: 2.
Chapter: 4: a rude mother and a proud horse... yeah, that's normal (part: 2).
Chapter: 4: Uh... how does a person form into a TREE MONSTER?! (Part: 3).
Interval: 3.
Chapter: 5: Huh... we're monsters... who do I scare first? (Part: 1).
Chapter: 5: Lasers... WHY DID IT HAVE TO BE LASERS?! (Part: 2).
Chapter: 5: Ok! Slime! Your causing property damage! (Part: 3).
Interval: 4
Chapter: 6: forgotten history found, unforeseen legends arise (part: 1).
Chapter: 6: Opposite's meet at last, an unforeseen awakening (part: 2).

Chapter: 4: Oh look, a tower in the middle of nowhere! (Part: 1).

353 2 3
By Turf_Primordial

Goofy: "Alright everybody, we're here!" He Said as the ships arrived at the planet which had a large tower in it.

Shino: "well, that is definitely something you don't see everyday." She said as Sara took a picture of it with his phone.

Sora: "it looks cool though."

Trf: "can't argue with that. Soundwave, what's the name of this place?" He Said as soundwave presses a few buttons on his console before it appeared on both ships screens.

Donald: "'The kingdom of corona.'"

Shino: "sounds like a nice place, maybe we can have a picnic her sometime?" She Said as the rest nod.

Goofy: "that sound pretty nice, and delicious." He Said as sora nods.

Sora: "Yeah, we could also get little chef to have us taste some new recipes he's done." He Said as they nod.

Donald: "just make sure my uncle gives you a discount, he'll probably get us to give him a lot of money." He Said causing everyone to laugh.

Trf: "Alright, let's go guys!"

Everyone: "Right!" They Said as their ships make their decent onto the planet.


Everyone was now walking through a very nice forest and all looked normal as goofy looked up to the sun while putting his hand over his eyes before looking back to the rest.

Goofy: "it sure is a pretty day." He Said as sora stretched his arms while putting them behind his head while Shino breathed in the fresh breeze of the forest as Trf stretched and shakes his legs.

Sora: "Yeah, the weather is great, Shino was right about having a picnic here, it's perfect."

Shino: "I'll say, *spins around* it's beautiful!" She Said giggling.

Trf: "it feels so relaxing, even soundwave is having a great time with the animals." He Said since soundwave had a few squirrels on top of his head while he looked at a bird on his left hand as lazerbeak interacted with them from soundwave's chest.

Donald: "why do you think we came here?" He Said as they all kept walking forward.

Sora: "got me Donald."

Trf, Shino: "us too." They Said as soundwave nods.

Goofy: "we'll figure it out as we go." He Said as Donald sighs.

Donald: "okay."

Sora: "me and my brother are sure we were brought to this world for some good reason, but can't we sweat it later?"

Shino: "how are you sure Trf agrees?" She Said as Trf chuckles.

Trf: "you can call it brotherly intuition, so? What do you guys say?"

Donald: "fine with me, as long there's no heartless." He Said before Shino face palmed.

Shino: "You had to say it, didn't you!"

Donald: "What do you me-" He Said But was cut off by them all hearing someone scream and it keeps going until they noticed someone behind them tumbling down a cliff and they turn to see an adult man on the floor rubbing his But in pain before he looked up again to see heartless chasing him as he started to run away again and runs through the two groups.

???: "make way! Make way! Make way!" He Said as he kept running as the two groups then summoned their weapons to face the heartless.

Sora: "heartless!" He Said as the man now hid behind a large rock and looked back to the two groups standing their ground against the heartless.

Shino: "See?! As soon as you mention the thing you don't want to happen again, it happens!"

Goofy: "there goes our picnic." He Said as Shino sighs sadly as Donald looked angrily at the rest.

Donald: "I didn't do it!"

Trf: "it's alright, we'll have a picnic some other time. Now let's send these guys packing." He said nodding to the two as they then smile and nod as they all then look to the heartless as soundwave punched one of them, causing it to disappear before the man spoke up.

???: "say, since you 6 *lazerbeak ejected from soundwave's chest and shot 2 heartless's that were closing in before attaching itself back onto fond chest* uh... I meant 7, seem to know what you're doing, mind if I leave this one to you?"

Sora: "we'll take care of them. Go on, skedaddle!"

???: "you have my thanks. *sighs* the horse was enough, don't need any monsters on my trail."

Donald: "the what was enough?" He said as the man then reacted.

???: "oh, nothing, nothing. Names Flynn, Flynn Rider. Ohh! Watch out, they look mad! *everyone looks at the heartless as he slowly sneaks away.* slowly... slowly... Outta here!" He said running away as the rest then fight the heartless. Soundwave knocked a few away as goofy made a few disappear by crashing into them using his shield, Shino hit a few before using her key-lance to make an energy chain and grab a tree branch before she used it to swing around the branch before crashing into some heartless that went for her, causing them to disappear, sora slashed through a few heartless's before he shot a few energy plants from his key-blade and shouted:

Sora: "Blizzard!" He Said freezing the heartless around him before he slashed at each of them, causing them to shatter.

Trf: "Hyper combination!" He yells summoning his shotgun while he was in his Barron of chaos form and shot a few heartless behind soundwave as donald aided him by casting water spells to make a few heartless disappear while knocking the rest from him. Trf slashed anither heartless by him before his transformation ended, causing a little implosion ball to appear from him since he didn't boost his strength that much, causing the heartless to disappear from around him as everyone then finished off their attacks as all the heartless around the disappear and they all regroup.

Sora: "hey? Where's Flynn?" He Said looking around for him.

Donald: "He skedaddled."

Shino: "I gotta admit, that man did run away pretty fast." She Said as the rest nod.

Goofy: "I think I saw him go that-away." He Said pointing down the forest path for them to see that it's a dead end.

Sora: "Huh? But 'that-away is... just a dead end." He said crossing his arms.

Goofy: "Yeah, that's puzzling." He said scratching his head.

Donald: "well, did he?" He said unsure as the rest shrug.

Trf: "if you want my opinion, I say we go and investigate where he might've disappeared to." He Said as the rest then walk forward to where they last saw Flynn, but had no luck so far. And they were now by a punch of large rocks as one had a lot of leaves on it.

Donald: "He couldn't have come this way." He Said as they look around as Sora and Trf walk forward before turning around with sora having his hands behind his head again while smiling a little.

Sora: "well, at least he got away safe, right?" He said leaning backwards before falling through the leaves while accidentally grabbing Trf's clothes, dragging his brother along with him.

Trf: "Huh? Hey!" He shouted falling backwards too through the leaves that covered up the secret passage as the rest now notice they've disappeared.

Goofy: "hey! Now sora and Trf are gone too!"

Shino: "how is that possible, they were just here?!" She said shocked as they come closer to where Trf and sora were and look around before hearing a voice through the leaves.

Sora: "this way guys! It's a secret passage!" He Said as he and Trf got up as the rest look through the leaves to see them.

Trf: "whoever did this was pretty clever, it's genius even!" He Said as they all then run through the cave to the other side and were amazed to see a large tower in the middle of a small area while looking at everything surrounding it, that looked beautiful.


Inside the tower, Flynn was now tied up to a chair by... very long golden hair as he looked to where the long hair came from to see a girl holding a frying pan looking at him with caution as he then did his best impression to her.

Flynn: "how you doing? The names Flynn rider. How's your day going? Huh?" He Said as the girl was confused before she pointed her frying pan at him.

???: "who else knows my location, Flynn rider?"

Flynn: "Alright, hang on blondie."

???: "Rapunzel."

Flynn: "Gesundheit. Here's the deal: I was in a situation, gallivanting through the forest when I stumbled upon a- *realises something* oh! Oh no no! No no no! Where is my satchel?!" He Said as rapunzel crosses her arms with a smile.

Rapunzel: "I've hidden it, somewhere you'll never find it. *starts to walk around the chair Flynn is tied to by her hair.* so, what do you want with my hair? To cut it?"

Flynn: "wha-?"

Rapunzel: "sell it?"

Flynn: "No!" He Said Making her confused.

Rapunzel: "Wait. You don't want my hair?"

Flynn: "why on earth would I want your hair? Look, I was being chased, I saw a tower, I climbed it, okay?! End of story." He Said as a chameleon popped out from behind her neck and glares at Flynn before using his tail to point away from him as Rapunzel and the chameleon conversed while Flynn tried to get out of the chair.

Rapunzel: "okay Flynn rider. I'm prepared to offer you a deal." He Said confusing him.

Flynn: "a deal?"

Rapunzel: "look this way." She said turning him around using her hair, only for him to fall onto the floor still being stuck to the chair as she shows a painting behind a curtain.

Rapunzel: "so you know what these are?"

Flynn: "you mean the lantern thing they do for the princess?" He Said with half of his face on the floor as Rapunzel smiled.

Rapunzel: "lanterns? I knew they weren't stars. *to Flynn* well, tomorrow evening, they will light the night sky with these 'lanterns'. You will act as my guide, take me to these lanterns, and return me home safely. Then, and only then, will I return your satchel to you. That is my deal."

Flynn: "Yeah, no can do. unfortunately, *roles the chair over* the kingdom and I aren't exactly 'simpatico' at the moment, so I won't be taking you anywhere." He Said as Rapunzel looked to the chameleon on her shoulder as the chameleon looked at her by making a fist in one hand and crashing it into the other. Rapunzel then grew serious and jumped down, and pulled her hair, causing Flynn to come towards her.

Rapunzel: "something brought you here, Flynn rider. Call it what you will, fate, destiny... so I have made the decision to trust you."

Flynn: "a horrible decision really." He Said as Rapunzel went towards him.

Rapunzel: "I am serious." She Said as she pulls Flynn forward so they are now face to face with each other. Flynn the coughs a little.

Flynn: "let me get this straight: I take you to see the lanterns, bring you back home... then you'll give me back my satchel?"

Rapunzel: "I promise. *Flynn looks at her annoyed* and when I promise something, I never, ever brake that promise. *Flynn raises an eyebrow at her* Ever." She Said as Flynn then thinks.

Flynn: Oh, What to do? I cannot let her find that tiara. Okay, just think... I need the satchel and blondie has it, there might be more monsters out there... I've got it! The six guys in the funny outfit's and the wired metal bird. They looked tough enough to come in handy. "Alright fine, I'll take you, but on one condition: my seven sidekicks come along." He said smiling at her while she was confused.


Meanwhile with the two groups, they were outside looking amazed at what they found.

Sora: "look at that, a tower!"

Shino: "But, why is it out here? In the middle of nowhere with no civilisation whatsoever?" She said confused as the rest nod.

Trf: "well, let's check it out and see what we can find." He Said as they then go towards the tower as they look over the place. As they then get closer, they see someone climbing down the tower before noticing another person using their hair as a rope to go down the tower before stopping as they neared the ground, before slowly standing onto the soft grass and kneeled down in it, and it was non-other, than Rapunzel.

Rapunzel: "it's so soft. I'm free... I'm really free!" She Said as she ran around the place as the rest look at her before they ran to a familiar face who made it down, which was non-other than Flynn.

Sora: "Flynn, good to see you in one piece!" 

Trf: "oh boy can you run fast, nearly half as fast I can run." He Said as Flynn turns around and smiles to them.

Flynn: "Guy's! You're here, and just in time." He Said confusing them as they look at Rapunzel confused.

Shino: "Oh... so who's the nice girl with the long hair that's somehow... gold?"

Flynn: "uh, that would be Rapunzel, something tells me this could be her first time outdoors. Give her a few minutes to get used to it." He said shocking them while they all look at her.

Sora: "First time ever?"

A few minutes later:

They were now outside as Rapunzel was looking around in joy.

Rapunzel: "I can't believe I did this! I can't believe I did this. I can't believe I did this! *gasps and looks down.* mother would be so furious if she knew I disobeyed her and left the tower..."

Rapunzel: "But that's okay, I mean, what she doesn't know won't kill her.. right? She said as she now sat on a rock in the middle of a pond holding a lake flower as sora and Flynn look at her.

Rapunzel: "oh my gosh, this would kill her." She Said sitting in a cave as Donald and goofy look at her.

Rapunzel: "This is so fuuuuuuuuun!!" She said running around the place dragging her long hair behind her while Flynn and Donald watch.

Rapunzel: "I am a horrible daughter. I'm going back." She Said standing on a tree branch, putting her head against the tree as Flynn and Trf look at her.

Rapunzel: "I am never going back!" She Said as Shino watched her roll herself up With her own hair.

Rapunzel: "I am a despicable human being." She Said with her body laying in the grass as Flynn sat by her while soundwave and lazerbeak look at her with lazerbeak squawking in confusion.

Rapunzel: "Best. Day. Ever!" She said as swinging round a tree as Flynn, Trf and sora lean against it. After that, she now sat by a rock crying as Flynn and the rest come towards her in concern.

Flynn: "I notice you seem a little at war with yourself here."

Goofy: "a little more than a little."

Donald: "more like a lot."

Sora: "Yeah..."

Shino: "And she's going through the five stages of grief rather quickly."

Trf: "in record time to..." He Said as soundwave nods with lazerbeak squawking by him as Rapunzel then noticed them and stood up, aiming her frying pan at them.

Rapunzel: "stop right there! Who are you?!" She Said causing them to Yelp in shock as Flynn comes in to intervene with a smile.

Flynn: "I told you before: my sidekicks."

Sora,Trf: "sidekicks?" They said confused.

Flynn: "may I introduce, ehh..." He Said as they realised what he meant.

Sora: 'Oh, uh... my names sora."

Donald: "donald!"

Goofy: "and I'm goofy, pleasure, ma'am." He said waving at her.

Trf: "well, my names Trf." He said smiling while scratching the back of his head.

Shino: "hello! Im Shino, nice to meet you."

Trf: "and this is soundwave and lazerbeak, soundwave doesn't talk all that much so he uses his... uh... communicator he made to talk to others, he's also great with animals. *lazerbeak attaches itself to soundwave's chest, shocking the other 2* and lazerbeak is a rare spices of bird that can do that." He Said as they laugh nervously.

Flynn: "can't say I'm still not sure how the metal bird does manage that."

Rapunzel: "sora, Donald, goofy, And Trf, Shino, soundwave and... lazerbeak. *relaxes* its... nice to meet you too, I'm Rapunzel." She Said as Shino went over to her smiling.

Shino: "you look so beautiful, and it's amazing on how you got your hair this long!" She said looking at her hair as she picked a strand up before dropping it and jumped in front of her.

Rapunzel: "Really? Thank you. You look very pretty too." She said smiling as they both giggle.

Flynn: "yep. My sidekicks." He Said proudly before soundwave forced him to turn around and look at them while Shino and Rapunzel chat.

Sora: "since when is that?"

Trf: "Yeah, we, especially I don't get ordered around by anyone I don't trust." He Said as Flynn talks to them.

Flynn: "look, she really wants to see the lantern show tomorrow night. Now I'm a nice guy, so I've decided to help her, only problem is those monsters might show up again.*shino and Rapunzel look at them talking from afar before they returned to talk to one-another.* I can get her to the kingdom, but you guys are clearly more cut out for combat."

Donald: "that's because we're heroes!" He Said as Flynn agreed to that.

Trf: "I'm no hero, I only want to the right thing and help others out." He Said as Flynn gave him a thumbs up in approval.

Goofy: "and we're heartless experts." As Flynn also agreed to that as they then stand together.

Sora: "just leave it to us!" He Said as soundwave nods while they posed.

Flynn: "done!' He Said pointing to them before they turn back to Rapunzel and shino as Flynn let's Rapunzel walk forward as Shino got back to the group.

Donald: "Rapunzel sure is interesting."

Goofy: "Yeah, her heart's pulling her all kindsa ways."

Shino: "Yeah, when I talked to her, she and I had a few things in common, and she was also super nice!" She said smiling as Trf chuckled since it was adorable before they stopped to look at the two in front of them.

Sora: "the outside world must seem so big and scary. I know how she feels, lucky for me you two came along at just the right time, and the rest has been unforgettable." He said talk to donald and goofy as Trf smiled and put a hand and sora's shoulder.

Trf: "the same goes for me brother, my time with you all has been a great one, especially with you two, Shino and soundwave." He Said as they all look to each other.

Donald: "awww..."

Shino: "that's so sweet..." she said putting a hand on her chest smiling as the brothers were then embarrassed at what they said before they smiled menacingly.

Sora, Trf: "Yeah, unforgettable..." They Said as sora was now by Donald's face and Trf was by Shino's.

Sora: "just like you face!" He Said as Donald the became mad.

Donald: "Oh yeah?!" He Said as sora ran away laughing as Donald quacked in anger.

Trf: "and just like your hair!" He Said as Shino then had an angry smile as Trf then ran way laughing as she chased him.

Shino: "Really?! Don't mind if I mess with yours then?!" She Said before sora span around and started to walk in front again as Trf then stopped and turned around to pick Shino up as she ran into him and spin her around while they both laugh, before he put her down and they all walk forward hand in hand as soundwave starts to go towards them too.

Goofy: "come on! Let's get going!" He Said as he then ran to them with Donald behind him.

Sora: "all for one, and one for all."

Trf: "no point in giving up, until they fall." They Said as they high five each other as they continued to walk forward with Flynn and Rapunzel down the path. after a few minutes, they then pass a few rocks before they then arrived at a small clearing, with a big dandelion sticking out in the middle of it.

Rapunzel: "oh look, what is that? It's so fluffy!" She Said as she went towards it and then was going to touch it, before some of the dandelion shot out a few woolly puffs into the air as 4 heartless flowers sprouted from the ground before the big dandelion jumped upwards and it turned out to be a heartless.

Shino: "heartless! *they all go in front of Rapunzel and summon their weapons.* Rapunzel, take cover!" She Said as Rapunzel then ran to Flynn as he then smiled smugly.

Flynn: "Alright, I hate to say it, but I'm lettin' You outta this deal."

Rapunzel: "What?" She said confused.

Flynn: "it's way scary out here, let's just turn around and take you home." She said guiding her backwards before she forcefully stopped him.

Rapunzel: "no, I am seeing those lanterns." She Said as she picked up her hair and ran towards the rest.

Flynn: "Oh, come on!" He said annoyed as the rest were confused on why she came back.

Sora: "Rapunzel?"

Rapunzel: "it's okay, I am not afraid to face them." She Said as more heartless popped out from the ground as they all began to fight.


A lady who was known as mother gothel was looking around in Rapunzel's tower, looking for her.

Gothel: "Rapunzel? Rapunzel!" She yells as she looks everywhere before ripping down the curtains to see if she was behind them, but was nowhere to be seen as gothel panics before noticing a shine underneath the stairs floorboards, and goes towards it and lifts it up to find a satchel. She grabbed the satchel and finds a tiara before dropping it since it reminds her of something before looking deeper into the satchel to find a poster that has Flynn's face on it, but his nose wasn't done right.

???: "missing someone?" Said the voice as gothel turns around to see who it was.

Gothel: "who's there?" She Said as she then sees a man with long pink hair appeared out of a portal as it closed behind him while the man smiled evilly as gothel looked to him in panic.

???: "she's such a precious gift, allow me to assist you in getting her back." He said walking towards gothel as her eyes the glowed a light shade of pink.


Trf, sora: "BANZAI!!" They both Said as they crash into the heartless while sliding on goofy's shield as they slashed they heartless with their key-blades as Flynn was defending goofy while hitting a few heartless with a frying pan before he walked one away as it disappeared and smile to the frying pan as soundwave helped.

Flynn: "oh man have I gotta get me one of these!" He Said as Donald blasted a few fire spells around the place before yelling:

Donald: "Meteor!" He Said causing 3 meteorites to hit the heartless in front of them, causing them to disappear as they see Trf and sora slide by on goofy's shield while laughing as Trf then shot 4 heartless behind them with his shotgun.

Rapunzel, Shino: "lets do it!" They Said as Rapunzel used her air to grab shino's energy chin which she just summoned before they both swing it around like a very long skipping rope as sora and Trf then jumped over it since they slid through on goofy's shield before sora stabbed his key-blade into the ground as Trf then jumped onto it summoning both of his key-blades before he span around like a tornado, drawing the heartless in as a few disappeared when the entered the tornado as sora rides it using goofy's shield, Trf then stopped, causing sora to the make the rest of the heartless disappear by crashing down like a meteorite in the middle of it.

Rapunzel: "woohoo! We did it!" She said happily as she and shino hug each other while they giggle as The rest high five.

Flynn: "great job guys!" He Said as sora grabbed his key-blade and gave goofy his shield back.

Goofy: "nice sliding you two!" He Said as soundwave nods.

Sora: "thanks, and nice tornado brother." He Said as Trf ruffles his hair.

Trf: "and thank you for being the meteorite." He Said as they laugh.

Flynn: "well, we should get moving, it's already noon and I don't want the law on my tail."

Donald: "the 'wha' on your tail?" He Said as the rest were confused.

Flynn: "uh... nothing! Let's go before more of these guys show up." He Said as the rest nod and walk through the canyon and continued to their destination, on the way, sora used aero magic to make dandelion's float for Rapunzel, as she watched in amazement before saying they resemble like the floating lights, while the rest sneezed since most of it went in front of their noses.

Everyone(except Rapunzel): "ACHOO!!"

Everyone then went up a hill to meet up with friendly rabbits, who they defended from a few heartless that showed up, and the rabbits showed their gratitude by giving them a pendant as a treasure.

Shino: "Thank you little guys!" She said petting one of them as the rest watch while Soundwave had bunnies all over him as sora and Trf laugh while they take a picture.

After that, they were now by a lake as they go in and splash around the place while having fun while soundwave was just resting on the lakes surface as Flynn did the same beside him. Trf and shino were splashing each other while they laughed before they both got drenched by sora's group and Rapunzel who snuck up to them before they laughed as Trf and shino looked annoyed. They both then look to each other and smile evilly before They used their magic to make a large wave of water by them as the rest Yelp in surprise before they ran away laughing and screaming as Trf and Shino laughed while they chased them.

After all of that, they continued on their journey before they see a few posters and noticed Flynn's face on it.

Goofy: "say, doesn't that look a lot like Flynn?" He Said as Flynn then sweats tremendously before Trf and sora speak.

Trf: "nah, that isn't Flynn." He said shaking his head causing Flynn to sigh in relief.

Sora: "besides, his nose is not Right." He Said causing a small squeal of pain from Flynn.


After that and they wondered why Flynn looked like he got his soul shattered, they walked up to another small clearing to see a large closed blue flower in the middle of it. 

Flynn: "okay, that's suspicious." He said stating the obvious as the rest looked prepared.

Shino: "Rapunzel..." She Said as Rapunzel looks to them with a smile.

Rapunzel: "don't worry, I know to be careful around flowers now." She said winking to them as they smile.

Sora: "whatever it is, it's not normal, I'll take a look." He said walking towards the flower.

Donald: "watch it." He said worried as sora checked the flower.

Trf: "be ready guys." He Said as they got into a stance as they watched in anticipation before sora stood tall and looked to them.

Sora: "we're all clear." He Said causing everyone except Trf's group to sigh in relief.

Shino: "it's too easy, huh?" She Said as lazerbeak squawked from soundwave's chest as Trf noticed the flower transforming behind sora and rushed to him as the entity created a scythe in its hands.

Donald: "sora!" He shouts as sora turned around to see the entity swipe at him.

Trf: "bro! Watch Out!" He Said as he blocked the strike with his Key-blade's, before he slashed upwards with his key-blade of sin before he slashed downwards using his star key-blade and jumped into the air, causing Shino to summon her key-Lance and use it to make an energy chain to grab Trf's foot before slamming him down onto the entity as he slashed it again, causing it to disappear as soundwave blocked a strike from another entity that appeared and knocked it away as another also appeared as sora's group summon their weapons as Trf and soundwave jump back to them.

Sora: "great, not these guys!"

Goofy: "They're nobody's!"

Shino: "great, first heartless, now nobody's, how many times does our day have to be ruined?!" She Said as Soundwave shrugs as lazerbeak ejects and shoots them a few times before attaching to soundwave's chest again.

Rapunzel: "mother said the outside world would be full of ruffians and thugs." She Said as Donald looked to her.

Donald: "those aren't ruffians. Those are... uh, I dunno..." he said since the nobody's were technically nobody's... is it just me, or did that sound confusing?

Sora: "Rapunzel, Flynn, stay back!"

Rapunzel: "no, I want to help you fight." She said determined.

Shino: "we know, but I'm afraid you can't hurt these guys with a frying pan, their way more tougher than the heartless. Trust us on this."

Trf: "Flynn, could you explain to her why you both need to... you know?" He Said as Flynn Stood proudly.

Flynn: "no problem, knowing when to flee is one of my specialties." He Said going to Rapunzel.

Trf: "Glad we have that in common!" He Said as soundwave punched a nobody away before kicking it into the cliff.

Flynn: "c'mon Rapunzel, gotta go."

Rapunzel: "But-"

Flynn: "look, I wanna stay and slug it out too, but my sidekicks have it covered." He Said as they look to them as both groups nod back, saying they can handle this.

Rapunzel: "Alright, please be careful you all." She Said as she and Flynn nod to each other and run another direction towards the kingdom as the rest stay to fight. Sora locked onto the nobody's before firing a few energy blasts at them as Shino and Trf help by blocking attacks and slash the nobody's a few times, causing them to get knocked back a little before soundwave grabbed both nobody's and slammed them onto the floor. Goofy then slid on his shield and slid over them, flattening the nobody's before Donald used fire magic to blast them away from them.

Sora, Donald: "meteor!" They both say together, causing a few meteorites to appear in the sky bed they crashed down onto the nobody's, causing them to disappear as they then look over the area to see if there is more and then regrouped.

Goofy: "you know who uses nobody's."

Donald: "the organisation!" He Said as the rest nod.

Shino: "I'm surprised they haven shown up yet, but my guess is that they're not far behind." She Said as sora then shouts.

Sora: "we know your there! Come out you has-Beens!" He Said as a portal then appeared in front of them as a man with long pink hair came out.

???: "'Has-beens'? Now why would you say that?"

Trf: "He is technically correct since you guy's are basically literal rip-off's of the old organisation. So you're in the 'real' one too? Then good for you! I wonder if you will have a product placement replace one of you these days, it would be a lot easier for us to beat you then." He Said as the rest laugh while the man looked at him annoyed.

???: "my name is marluxia, and yes, that is correct while I also put the rest of what you said aside-"

Trf: "W-why? You think that might actually happen?" He said laughing a little making the man angry.

Marluxia: "no wonder the rest Said you are annoying, you are the exact definition of it." He Said as Trf bows.

Trf: "why thank you! I try."

Shino: "He mostly doesn't though." She said crossing her arms with a smirk as soundwave nods as sora's group laugh a little at this.

Marluxia: "whatever. But how interesting it is to see you again, sora." He Said confusing both groups.

Sora: "again? *looks to the rest* you know him?" He Said as they shake their heads.

Marluxia: "a shame you've no memory of me, because I remember you exceedingly well. although... it's those memories I'd soon erase." He Said confusing the group even further.

Sora: "I don't know what your saying, even the rest of us."

Marluxia: "nor should you, not will you ever for that matter. *keeps confusing them further.* now, if you'll permit me, I've come to ask a favour." He Said as d crossing his arms.

Shino: "Favour? You have got to be kidding."

Trf: "it's either that or the worlds ending." He Said causing Shino to giggle as the rest nod.

Marluxia: "please hear what I have to say. I'm sure you've noticed... *they say nothing and he scratches his head* well, perhaps not. But you should know that maiden with you, Rapunzel, is the very light of this world. I would see you guard her from it's dark horrors." He said shocking them.

Everyone: "Huh?!"

Trf: "Okay! The worlds ending!" He Said as they get into a fight stance.

Sora: "starting with you, right?"

Marluxia: "all the organisation seeks is balance. You must understand, our ultimate objective is not to clash with the light, we seek to complement it." He said making Trf angry as he summoned his star key-blade in his right hand and aimed at marluxia with his shotgun on his left hand.

Trf: "Really?! REALLY?! THEN HOW WAS THAT A COMPLIMENT TO THE LIGHT WHEN YOU KEPT TAKING EVERYTHING I LOVED AWAY FROM ME!?!?" He Said as his clothes glowed black for a few seconds as his eyes started to emit fire from each, as the rest look in shock on how quickly Trf's attitude changed.

Marluxia: "Huh, seems that I might've hit a nerve."


Sora: "bro! Calm down a little, you don't want to do something you might regret." He Said as Trf looked to him with a small from as he calmed down a little causing his clothes to stop turning black as fire still emitted from his eyes before looking back at marluxia.

Marluxia: "doesn't matter, use that key-blade... to keep Rapunzel safe." He Said before he teleports away, causing Trf to de-summon his weapons.

Donald: "Trf, are you okay?" He Said as everyone looked worried at Trf since he was looking down in sadness.

Trf: "y-yeah... I'll be fine. It's just..." He Said before sighing before soundwave tapas his shoulder causing him to look at them as he gave a thumbs up.

Goofy: "it's okay, we understand."

Shino: "he just struck a nerve, we know how it is."

Sora: "Yeah, no biggie. If I was you I would've done the same thing." He Said as he smiled to them.

Trf: "heh... thanks everyone, I really appreciate it. Besides, it's only fair for them to make me angry since on how many times I've made them mad." He Said causing the rest to laugh as sora thinks.

Sora: "Rapunzel's light... *noticed that Flynn and Rapunzel are gone* hey, where did they go?" He Said looking around.

Goofy: "I guess they musta run off ahead."

Shino: "Yeah, they must've gone towards the kingdom since it's now about to get dark." She said noticing it was the evening.

Sora: "then we better go find them."  He Said as soundwave nods and points to the direction they went as they then go down that path.

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