BoBoiBoy One-shots

By BuRocks17

51.4K 2.7K 592

Just some random boboiboy related one-shots I need to get out off my head. :D Anyways, hope you guys enjoy re... More

His Future
It's A Prank
"I'll Be Alright"
Time Travel

Tell Me A Lie

8.9K 264 114
By BuRocks17

"Hey Gem?"

My golden-eyed elemental brother hummed, turning his head towards me.

"What is it?"

My lips pursed as I stared directly at my brother's glowing, golden eyes.

"Tell me a lie." I said.

Our earth manipulator sighed and curved a small smile on his lips.

"You always got low grades in all of your subjects."

I silently chuckled and smiled.

"Yes, I do."


Few months later...


"Yeah?" He simply asked, putting a cereal in the shopping cart.

"Tell me a lie."

"I hate you as my brother." My brother said, making me giggled silently and hugged him tight.

"I love you too as my moth--brother, Gem."


Few years later...

"Come on. You've been in your room for the whole day..." My brother with a mother-like personality stated, leaning on the doorway from the door of my room with his arms crossed on his chest. "You need to at least go out from your room sometime."

"Fine...But first," I grinned. "Tell me a lie."

"You're not stubborn at all."

My eyebrows furrowed. "Hey! That's a lie, right?!"

Gempa only let out a soft chuckle. "Alright, come on now if you're not one."

"Okay, okay!" I rolled my eyes playfully and scoffed, standing up from my chair and went towards the door while my lips formed a small smile.



"H-Hali...T-tell me a lie..."

I heard him sighed deeply on the other line.

"He's weak. He would never wake up again."

I tried holding back my tears while gripping on my phone tightly.

"I'm still hoping, brother. I'm sure he'll be alright..."

"Hey, stay strong, okay?"


"Gem! You're awake!"

The earth element smiled weakly. "Y-Yeah..."

"Thank goodness! Are you alright? Does your heart still hurt?"

"K-Kinda..." Gempa's golden eyes watered up with tears while looking at all of his brothers. "I miss you guys..."

"We miss you too, Gem. F-Fight, okay? T-That's just an i-illness..."

Our earth elemental brother sniffled as his warm smile was still plastered on his face. "I love you guys...I-I love you guys so much with all of my heart..."

"Gem...T-Tell me a lie, p-please...?" I softy said.

"I will make it. Once I get out of this, I'll still be with you and we're still going to be united together, all of us..."

My breath hitched as my eyes widened in fear. "N-No...That's not going to happened! That's just all a lie!"



My heart keeps beating fast...

I'm already scared...

I'm trying to calm myself down while waiting for our brother who's at the operating room right now...

. . .

Every second is valuable...

I stood up from my seat and continued calming myself down...

I still kept wishing...

...hoping our beloved brother would still be alive...

. . .

Not for long, the doctors from the operating room came and me and my brothers immediately went towards them.

My breathing seemed to be holding back because one nor none of them hadn't started talking yet.

I smiled bitterly.

"D-Doc, h-how is he?" I calmly asked.

But, he only looked at me with a gloomy, blank face.

My knees started shaking but there's only one line that came out from my mouth.

"D-Doc, t-tell me a l-lie."

It took him a few seconds before he finally spoke up...

...and it made me regret saying that same phrase I always used to say...

"He's alive."

My heart sunk as I heard those two words. My knees couldn't take it anymore as I let them dropped on the cold, cemented, white floor. I then, broke down into tears.

I still remembered that one lie you've said before you were sent to the operating room...

And, it wasn't a lie at all.

You left us...

And you left me...

...suffering from that lie you've said.


Story credits & inspired by: Hexia Grave

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