Twin Choices

By DomiBlushes

1.9K 35 6

It's hard enough being a teenage girl but when your parents spit up life can feel unbearable. At least that's... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24 - Epilogue

Chapter 5

98 1 0
By DomiBlushes

'WHAT IS YOUR PROBLEM YOU JERK!?" I screamed at Evan.

His mouth dropped open and he sat staring at me wide eyed in his boxers. 'I- I-'

'Ugh, I hate you.' I groaned.

'I'm sorry?' He tried.

Avalon laughed behind me, 'That's not gonna cut it buddy.'

My mom walked into the kitchen calmly, a worried looking Robert behind her.

'What's the matter? I heard yelling.' Rob looked between us.

My mother smiled and gently patted his back, 'Someone probably just finished the peanut butter, Reggie's addicted to the stuff.'

I pointed an accusing finger at Evan, 'He did it!'

'Well I didn't know!' He defended himself. 'I promise to buy you a new container on my way home from school.

'That doesn't help me now.' I ranted.

Avalon gently patted his shoulder, 'Good luck and uh, keep an eye on her or you'll end up with more pink clothes.'

He looked confused for a second and then his jaw dropped for the second time today, 'That was you!?'

'Nope.' I grabbed a pancake off his plate and ran up to my room as he yelled after me.

Sliding the new lock closed I grabbed a random pair of jeans and a top from the bags of new clothes. The shopping bags are still in the corner of my room.

I roughly yanked on the ripped up black jeans, damn these things are super skinny! It's almost uncomfortable. The shirt I'd picked up was a black crop top. With skinny jeans? Um, no.

I found a soft grey tank top and slipped it on. It fit nicely, loosely clinging to me. I added a pair of dark grey flat pumps and a black headband with grey poka dots. I love poka dots.

On my way downstairs I stuffed my leather jacket into my black backpack, I might need it later since I'm not sure how the weather here changes.

I rode to school with Evan and Avalon, they sat in front chatting while I gave him the silent treatment from the back seat. He only got me to talk to him when we stopped at a coffee shop where Evan bought me and Avalon peanut and raisin scones. The boy knows how to brown nose, I'll give him that.

Ridge Mount High was just like any other high school, big buildings, teenagers all over and annoyed looking adults. Prison sweet prison.

Evan smiled at us as we entered the school, 'We'll get your schedules now so I'll have to introduce you to people at lunch.

'Sure.' Avalon grinned and followed him happily.

I pretty much blanked the two of them on the way to the office and barely checked my schedule just fining out where my first class was. I knew none of my classes would be with Avalon since she's been put in all the advanced classes.

I decided to find my class early, not feeling like making small talk with the jock/player and my sister. I had Math first, nice way to start a Monday right?

I think not.

The class was already open, a boy with crazy curly hair sat at the back with his nose in a text book. He had broad shoulders and his hair reminded me of Harry Styles except this guy had pitch black hair.

'Hey, is this math, grade 12?'

He jumped at the sound of my voice and shot up in his seat, 'Yeah.'

I ignored his surprise, 'Cool, thanks.'

I took a seat in the back corner and pulled out a Novel from my backpack. The boy was still looking at me with wide grey eyes.

'Are you new?'

'Yep. My step brother goes here so my twin sister and I had to move schools.' I shrugged as if I didn't mind. I minded.

'Who's your step brother?' He looked so nervous. I mean he wasn't scrawny or nerdy looking.

'Evan, he's one of the soccer guys.'

His eyes widened and he looked away. 'I hope you enjoy the school I've got studying to do.' He said gruffly.

Study? Classes haven't even begun.

Soon enough the bell went off and students entered the class, the a teacher in her late forties. I pulled out a text book and slipped my novel inside it so I could continue reading and tune her out. I noticed the curly haired boy seemed to have the same idea as me, being invisible. I read my book the entire lesson and in my next two classes. Afrikaans and Business Studies.

I eventually found the cafeteria, or food hall as this school decided to call it. I'd told Evan to walk Avalon to lunch, I'd rather it be me getting lost not her.

I spotted Evan and some other boys in soccer themed varsity jackets, Avalon was at their table too, she was chatting to a boy with light brown hair and gorgeous muscled arms. Yum. Zayn from the mall was there too but no one seemed to be talking to him.

Evan spotted me and waved me over, playfully shoving over one of his friends to make space for me next to him. What a gentleman.

As if.

'Hey Evan,' I sat next to him and lowered my voice to ask a question, 'Who's that talking to Avalon?'

'You know you're such an over protective big sister,' He chuckled and turned to them, 'Hey Liam!'

The boy looked up from talking to my little sister, they were uncomfortably close but not touching. 'Yes?' He asked with a kind smile.

'This is my other step sister, Reggie.' Evan nodded toward me.

He looked between us for a second taking in the twin factor just like everyone else at the table was. 'I'm Liam Peterson, sorry I didn't introduce myself before.' He seemed genuinely worried that I'd be offended.

'It's fine, I see you've met my sister.' I winked at Avalon making her blush.

Zayn seemed to notice me for the first time, 'Hey babe, didn't see ya there.'

'Don't call me babe, I have a name.'

Zayn glared at me while the boy next to me chuckled at his expense.

'Nice one, I'm Luke by the way and that idiot,' He pointed to a boy across the table who was facing away from me, 'is my twin brother Calum. People call us Cake sometimes.'

'Non identical twins I see, and, uh, Cake?' I raised an eyebrow.

'Yeah, combining our names.' He rolled his eyes as the bell went off.


'Nice meeting you Luke. Bye Evan, Liam.' I smiled at them and stood up but Liam gently held my arm.

'Sorry, Evan and I have Bio now, same class as you. Would you like us to show you where the class is?' Damn, this Liam guy is polite.

'Thanks Liam.' I smiled at him, it's impossible to not like the guy.

Evan on the other hand was chatting up a girl so I grabbed his ear and dragged his cursing ass along, following an amused Liam to the Biology classroom.

I sat in the back as usual although in this class there were two people at each of the long desks, curly from earlier was the only person without a partner so I was paired with him. He didn't say a single word to me the entire lesson.


As soon as my last lesson ended I headed to the parking lot to find my sibling but I got lost in this huge Friggin school. Stupid place had to have so many corridors.

A hand wrapped around my wait and pulled me behind a set of lockers, Zayn.

'Wha-' He cut me off as his lips connected with mine. They were chapped and forceful, his hands held my wrists above my head as he kissed me. I could feel Zayn's muscular chest against me, his soft hands and warmth. I have to admit the boy is hot but I barely even know him.

He pulled away and winked at my surprised face, I was a little breathless. Before I could say anything Zayn strolled off down the corridor.

What the hell just happened!?

"If a man says something silly, people say Isn't he silly? If a woman does something sill people say Aren't women silly?" -Doris Day

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