My One True Love, Paul McCart...

By AmandaSchaefer709

4.7K 79 9

Wendy Jefferson has been dating her boyfriend, Tyler Hartman for 5 months. One day, Wendy meets Paul McCartne... More

Chapter 1 - Wendy
Chapter 2 - The Beatles Concert
Chapter 4 - The Date
Chapter 5 - Changes In Wendy
Chapter 6 - Tyler Finds Out
Chapter 7 - Together At Last
Chapter 8 - A Taste Of Poison
Chapter 9 - Comatose
Chapter 10 - Hospital Proposal
Chapter 11 - Reunion
Chapter 12 - The Wedding
Chapter 13 (Finale) - Honeymoon

Chapter 3 - Wendy Meets Paul

407 5 0
By AmandaSchaefer709

Wendy goes for a jog when she wakes up the next morning. She passes Dana's house while she's jogging and decides to say hello to her. So she walks to her door and knocks. Her mom, Mary Anne answers the door. "Oh! Good morning, Wendy!" She said. "Hi, Mrs Potts! Is Dana here?" Asked Wendy. "Yes she is. She's feeding Lily at the moment. But, do come in." Said Mary Anne. Wendy enters the house and sees Dana's dad, William.

"Hi, Mr. Potts!" She said. "Ah, Wendy! How are you this morning?" Asked William. "I'm good. I was going for my morning jog and I decided to stop by after I ran past here." Wendy said. "How thoughtful. Dana should be out any minute." William said. Not a minute too soon, Lily comes running into the room and jumps on Wendy while licking her face. "Hi, Lily! How are you, girl?" She asked. Lily barks in response.

Dana enters the room shortly thereafter. "Wendy, hi!" She said. "Hey, Dana!" Said Wendy. "What brings you here?" Dana asked. "I passed your house during my morning jog and decided to drop in." Wendy said. "I'm glad you did. Lily missed you." Said Dana. "I had a feeling she did." Said Wendy. She gives Lily a pat on the head. For the next few minutes, Wendy takes some time to hang out with Dana at her house. Later, she says her goodbyes to the Potts family and continues her morning jog.

While she continues jogging, she literally runs into a man and falls to the ground. "Oh my god, I'm so sorry!" She said. "No worries, love. It was mostly my fault. I wasn't paying attention to what was behind me." Said the man. He holds out his hand for Wendy and helps her up.

Wendy is suddenly stunned by who she ran into. "You're... you're Paul McCartney!" She said excitedly but keeping her cool. "That's right!" Said Paul. "You're my favorite! I loved your performance last night!" Wendy said. "Thank you, love." Paul said. Almost instantly, something sparked into his mind. He immediately stares at Wendy with a lovestruck expression. "Um, Paul? Are you okay?" Asked Wendy. "Oh, yes! I'm fine. It's just that you look familiar." Said Paul.

"I do?" Wendy asked confusingly. It suddenly occurred to Paul that Wendy was the girl he winked at during the concert. "Now I know where I saw you before! You're the girl I winked at last night! I've been looking for you everywhere!" He said. "Oh yeah! I remember now! You even smiled at me!" Said Wendy.

Paul nods. "I never caught your name though." He said. "My name is Wendy. Wendy Jefferson." Wendy introduces herself. "Wendy. The most beautiful name I've ever heard." Paul said. He holds out his hand for Wendy and she takes it. To her surprise, Paul lifts her hand to his lips and kisses it. Wendy could feel a tingly feeling in her body. "Wow! Tyler has never done that to me before!" She said in her head.

"Again, I'm very sorry I ran into you like that. I was going for my morning jog and I didn't look where I was going." Wendy said. "Honestly, love, it's fine. Believe it or not, I'm kinda glad you ran into me." Said Paul. "Really?" Asked Wendy with her eyebrows raised. "Yes. It's not every day a beautiful bird like you literally runs into me." Paul said. Wendy felt her cheeks turning red. "I... I should be going now. It was nice meeting you, Paul." She said.

Before Wendy had a chance to leave, Paul grabs her hand. "Wendy, wait! I wanna see you again!" He said. "You do?" Asked Wendy. "Yes I do. Can I have your number?" Asked Paul. "Sure." Said Wendy. She pulls out a pen and an index card to write down her phone number. She gives it to Paul afterwards. He then writes down his number and gives it to Wendy. "Thanks, love." Said Paul. "Anytime, Paul. See you soon." Wendy said.

Paul grabs her hand again before she could leave. "One more thing! I wanna take you out later tonight! Will you let me?" He asked. Wendy wasn't too sure about going out with Paul since she just met him. "Uh..." She said unsure. "We just met, I totally get that. I want some time to get to know you better." Paul said.

Wendy's mind was racing with questions. "Tyler's dates were romantic. I'll bet going out with Paul will be twice as romantic. Should I go out with Paul? Should I stick with Tyler?" She wondered to herself. "Wendy? Are you okay?" Asked Paul. Wendy snaps out of her thoughts. "Sorry, Paul. I zoned out." She said. "No problem. So, can I take you out?" Paul asked. "Yes. I'd love to go out with you." Said Wendy.

"Wonderful! I'll need your address though." Said Paul. He hands Wendy the card with her phone number and she writes down her address. She gives it back afterwards. "Anything else you wanna ask me?" She asked. "No, that's everything. Although, there's one more thing I'd like to do." Said Paul. "What's that?" Wendy asked.

Paul walks closer to Wendy, places his hands on her hips, and kisses her forehead. Wendy's eyes widen. At the same time, she couldn't help but smile. "That was so... sweet!" She said. Paul was lost in thought smiling at her. They end up locking eyes. A minute later, Wendy breaks the silence. "I'll see you tonight, Paul." She said. "I look forward to it." Paul said.

Wendy waves goodbye to Paul and continues on her jog. Moments later, she makes her way home, enters her house, and lets out a swoon with her hands on her chest. Kyle enters the room. "You look happy. What happened out there?" He asked. "I ran into Paul McCartney while I was jogging!" Said Wendy excitedly. "Literally?!" Asked Kyle in shock. "Yep! And he asked me out tonight!" Wendy said.

"What?! The two of you just met and he's already flirting with you?!" Kyle asked. "Come on, Kyle! You have to admit, he's cute! He's got the most adorable eyes!" Said Wendy. "What about Tyler?" Asked Kyle. "He's cute too but... not as cute as Paul! Good golly he's so charming!" Wendy said. She lets out another swoon.

A little while later, Wendy gets herself ready for her date with Paul. She's never been this excited for a date before. Not even with Tyler. Wendy looks through her closet and picks out her favorite red dress along with black high heels. She even ties her hair into a bun. The last thing she did was apply some eye shadow and blush. She puts some lip balm on to make her lips smooth, just in case she and Paul go into a liplock. After she's all ready, she sits in her room and waits for Paul to arrive.

Wendy's dress:

Wendy's shoes:

Wendy's hairstyle:

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