MOCKINGBIRD | Spencer Reid ✔️

By emxsal

1.3M 40.3K 35K

❝ YOU KNOW, YOU'RE RUDE. ❞ ❝ WOW, YOU'RE LIKE A DETECTIVE OR SOMETHING. ❞ Scout Wiley has two sides. The... More

― the introduction
― the prologue
book one ― act one
⠀⠀⠀ one
⠀⠀⠀ two
⠀⠀⠀ three
⠀⠀⠀ four
⠀⠀⠀ five
⠀⠀⠀ six
⠀⠀⠀ seven
⠀⠀⠀ eight
⠀⠀⠀ nine
⠀⠀⠀ ten
⠀⠀⠀ eleven
⠀⠀⠀ twelve
⠀⠀⠀ thirteen
⠀⠀⠀ fourteen
⠀⠀⠀ fifteen
⠀⠀⠀ sixteen
⠀⠀⠀ seventeen
⠀⠀⠀ eighteen
⠀⠀⠀ nineteen
⠀⠀⠀ twenty
book one ― act two
⠀⠀⠀ twenty one
⠀⠀⠀ twenty two
⠀⠀⠀ twenty three
⠀⠀⠀ twenty four
⠀⠀⠀ twenty five
⠀⠀⠀ twenty seven
⠀⠀⠀ twenty eight
⠀⠀⠀ twenty nine
⠀⠀⠀ thirty
⠀⠀⠀ thirty one
⠀⠀⠀ thirty two
⠀⠀⠀ thirty three
⠀⠀⠀ thirty four
⠀⠀⠀ thirty five
⠀⠀⠀ thirty six
⠀⠀⠀ thirty seven
⠀⠀⠀ thirty eight
⠀⠀⠀ thirty nine
⠀⠀⠀ forty
book one ― act three
⠀⠀⠀ forty one
⠀⠀⠀ forty two
⠀⠀⠀ forty three
⠀⠀⠀ forty four
⠀⠀⠀ forty five
⠀⠀⠀ forty six
⠀⠀⠀ forty seven
⠀⠀⠀ forty eight
⠀⠀⠀ forty nine
⠀⠀⠀ fifty
⠀⠀⠀ fifty one
⠀⠀⠀ fifty two
⠀⠀⠀ fifty three
⠀⠀⠀ fifty four
⠀⠀⠀ fifty five
⠀⠀⠀ fifty six
⠀⠀⠀ fifty seven
⠀⠀⠀ fifty eight
⠀⠀⠀ fifty nine
⠀⠀⠀ sixty
― the epilogue
― the sequel

⠀⠀⠀ twenty six

15.1K 533 821
By emxsal


SCOUT GLANCED AT the buzzing phone that rest on the kitchen counter.

She had gotten another text from Spencer. It was the fourth message of the day and she still hadn't responded.

Or rather, she didn't want to.

Picking up her phone, she opened it to reveal the three of messages he had sent her sporadically throughout the day. Man, this guy has no shame. I never would've pegged him as the confident and clingy type.

6:36 AM
Hey, I'm boarding my flight now. I should be back in Virginia in a couple hours.

1:49 PM
My flight just landed and I'm back in town. Jet lag isn't hitting me too hard.

4:20 PM
Do you want to go out today? I'll take you up on that offer for pizza if you're not too busy :)

5:53 PM
We don't have to eat pizza if you're not in the mood. Maybe pasta? I know a few good places to eat.

"He's a genius but he's so clueless. Why can't he just get a hint?" Scout sighed and placed her head into her hands as defeat.

The sound of Harper Wiley wheeling herself into the room made her shoulders slump even further, "What are you talking about?"

"Nothing." She muttered with a sigh.

"This better not be a boyfriend, because if Xander knew then he wouldn't like that."

"He doesn't like a lot of things."

"Scout. I'm being serious, this is not the time to play your little games."

"Oh, yes. Because heaven forbid that I might actually have feelings for someone or that it would even be possible that someone could like me back."

"I don't care about all those details. You just have to worry about your mission, we owe Xander far too much."

Scout scowled, "No, I don't owe him anything. Dad was the one that owed him. Not me. And he's gone and he left us with this mess to clean up. I'm tired of it."

"Well - we don't have a choice, now do we?"

Scout stayed silent, not bothering to look her mother in the eyes.

"Just, get rid of your boyfriend and then you can deal with more important things. What about that doctor that Xander wanted you to get close to? the You should focus on that instead."

She bit her bottoms lip, her mother didn't know that the person she was texting and Doctor Spencer Reid were the same person. Maybe that would be best. If they knew she actually developed some kind of feelings for him, then the whole mission would fall. Scout would be taken about out of the BAU and be placed somewhere else. Spencer would find out what she was doing, that she shot him.

No, Scout couldn't let that happen. He couldn't find out. She would rather die.

"You say it like it's easy." She exclaimed and got up from her spot.

Harper followed behind her, "It is. Maybe if you tried and stopped dressing like a boy and showed some skin. I'm sure this whole ordeal would be done with if you put in the effort."

"You want me to dress like a slut? Great advice, Mom. That's just what I wanted to hear."

"I'm just saying," Harper raised her hands defensively. "It is possible for you. I saw the clothes you took to your last case."

Scout scoffed, "That was an undercover mission! The FBI gave me those clothes so I could fit my persona, I didn't choose it. And I sure as hell wasn't comfortable wearing it."

"But you were undercover with that doctor. Did he like it?"

A blush painted itself across Scout's cheeks when she remembered the noticeable boner Spencer had when she was dancing on the pole.

"Does it matter?"

"You're avoiding my question, I guess that means I'm right. After all, I always am. So that's your solution, it's as simple as that."

"You're insufferable, you know that."

Harper smirked, "Yes, I know. But I also know that if you didn't have me around to get you back into line then Xander would have killed you a long time ago."

"That doesn't sound so bad."

"Hush, now. I don't like it when you joke around like that."

Scout rolled her eyes and snatched her phone from off the counter. She didn't know what she was going to do about Spencer anymore. If she got close to him, then she would be completing her mission. And who knew what was the endgame of that? Maybe Xander would have her kill him next?

And if she avoided Spencer, then Xander would kill her. Or hurt her mother. Either way, someone would get the bad end of the deal. To be or not to be.

"And," Harper spoke after her. "Get rid of that little boyfriend of yours. Block him. Avoid him. I don't care. Your feelings for this guys shouldn't be more important that our safety."

"And if I can't? What if I can't get over him?"

"I don't know, Scout. Sleep with him, for all I care. Just get him gone before Xander finds out."

Scout's hands turned to fists without realizing. The thought of using Spencer like that made her insides bubble in two different ways. First, it would be wrong. She would just be using him. And second, it would also be right. She would be completing her mission and get Spencer to trust her.

Maybe it would just be best to avoid Spencer. And pretend she didn't feel the way she did for him. And even pretend that she wasn't doing a top secret terrorist mission, that she was just another random girl working for the BAU.

Two hours later, Scout stood outside Spencer's apartment door with an almost finished bottle of vodka. She looked disheveled and extremely intoxicated.

"Sp- Spence! C'mon! Open up - please, doctor! I need you." She banged on his door.

After her small argument with her mother, Scout decided to go for a run to clear her mind. And she stopped when she passed by a liquor store and grabbed the strongest drink she could handle. Devouring the vodka, her body led her to Spencer's apartment with a mind racing a hundred miles per second and with a certain choice words she wanted to tell him.

"Reid- R- Reid. Hurry up! I needs a doctor, like right now!" She banged once more, impatiently. "Spencer, Sp-"

The door propped open, revealing the tall agent in casual clothes and a look of concern on his face.

"Scout? Are you okay?" He opened the door entirely to let her in.

"I am now that," She hiccuped. "Now, that you're here."

The brown haired girl walked in, stroking his arm and sent a flirty smile his way. She staggered in, almost tripping on her own feet.

Spencer closed the door behind her and smelled the strong scent of alcoholism her. His eyes flickered to the large glass bottle in her hand. "Are you -"

"Shush!" She pressed a finger on his lips. Spencer was a good foot taller that she was, so Scout struggled to reach him. "Don't talk. You talk too much."

"You're inebriated, aren't you?"

"I have no fucking idea what you mean." She took a swing of the bottle. "You always use such big words. It's like you want everyone to see how smart you are."

The small girl giggled and ran to the kitchen, "Oh! Do you have any Coca-Cola? We can make a Jack and Coke, I fucking love those!"

"No," Spencer cleared his throat. "I don't have anything besides water. Which we should probably get you to drink now."

"Aw, you're no fun. C'mon, let's get wasted! It'll be fun." Scout pouted and grabbed his hand.

"You're already wasted."

"Then you should drink some too!"

"No, thank you."

Scout pouted again and sat down on the sofa where Spencer had earlier sat, watching Star Trek. She took another drink from the bottle before hiccuping against and let out a giggle.

"Scout," He sighed and sat next to her, "What are you doing? Why are you drunk?"

"Cause it's fun."

"Is this why you never texted me back?"

"Nope, I was avoiding you." She teased.

Spencer's eyebrows furrowed, "Why were you avoiding me? Did I do something wrong?"

"Hey!" She grabbed at the remote control, "Guess who I am?" Scout pretend to click the remote and mute him, "I'm Adam Sandler!"


"I'm Adam Sandler! You know, from Click. That was a fucking great movie. It was just - so existential, and wicked. That movies got me, you know."

Spencer sighed, she was too drunk. But why she was drunk? He didn't know why.

"Oh, oh, oh! What about this?" Scout jumped up as gracefully as she could and pretended she was strumming a guitar. She lifted her hand and put down her two middle and ring finger, scrunching her face.

"A guitarist that looks constipated?"

"No! School or Rock, jeez. No one ever remembers that movie!" She pouted once more.

Spencer chuckled. His fellow teammate was the attention seeker when drunk and loved to whine and reference movies. She was certainly entertaining.

"Scout?" He asked and she looked up at him, "What are you doing here?"

"O, I was here for a reason. But I think I forgot. Hold on." She stood there for a second before a mischievous smile flickered on her lips.

"You remembered?"

"Yep! And do you wanna know why?"

Spencer nodded.

"Well, I'm not gonna tell you. You're gonna have to figure it out, doctor. Because I ain't telling you." She giggled and sat back down, close enough that the smell of vodka was radiating.

Spencer shifted further away from the girl, "Um, because you felt bad that you never responded to my texts?"

"Nope, strike one!" Scout giggled.

"You came here because," He paused. "You thought I would have more drinks for you."

"Strike two." Her voice softened to a whine as she impatiently waited for him to get the answer right.

"Well then, I don't know."

"Then guess!"

"Because you didn't want to be alone."

Scout smiled mischievous again and perked herself on her knees so that she was the same height as him on the couch, "Strike three, doc. You're out."


"And you wanna know what?" Scout leaned closer, a distance that made him uncomfortable but also extremely nervous. She pushed herself so that she was next to his neck. Spencer could feel her hot breath tickle against his skin.

"What?" He shivered.

But the girl didn't respond, instead her lips made contact with his neck. Spencer's eyes widened but quickly closed as the feeling felt too good. She straddled his lap, not stopping from kissing and sucking his skin. And Spencer's hands naturally made their way to her waist, grabbing her small body and pressing it against his.

Scout's hands played with his hair, slightly tugging at the soft brown curls. A small groan escaped Spencer's mouth as she shifted in his lap and grazed against his hardened cock. She smiled at his reaction and grinded into him further, switching to the other side of his neck.

"Scout." He moaned, his grip on her hips leading the motion between the two as they moved in sync.

Spencer's body felt like it was exploding for sensations that he hadn't felt in a long time. And the feeling of her rocking against him was turning his mind to mud. Instead of being able to focus on anything else, he focused on the pressure she was pushing against him and the two soft mounds of flesh that were between their clothes.

She felt her insides throb from anticipation. Her kisses led from the nook of his collarbone and all the way up to the vein of his neck, sometimes softly nibbling at the skin which cause him to moan even louder.

Scout made her way up until her lips were shoved his and were ready to attack the same way she had done to his neck. But Spencer's eyes suddenly snapped opened when he smelled the strong scent of alcohol in her breath.

"Stop." He said just above a whisper, froze in the position he was in.


"Scout, stop. Get off." He pushed the girl off of his lap and to the side of the sofa.

Spencer immediately got up and faced away from her. And she peered up at him, confusion written all across her face. No longer did her fingers lace themselves with his hair and her lips were throbbing and red.

"Spencer?" She whispered.

He ran his finger through his hair before making an audible sigh, "You should - you should spend the night here. You're drunk and it's not safe for you to go out now. I'll take the sofa. You can take my room."

Scout felt as though she had been stabbed in her gut and quickly composed herself, "Like hell I am."

She got up from the sofa but immediately tripped over herself, landing on hands and knees.

"Scout!" He exclaimed as he walked over to her and tried to help her up.

"Don't!" She stopped him, "Don't you dare touch me."

Scout picked herself back up, sending him a harsh glare. The tall man's face was riddled with concern but she didn't care. All she could focus on was the look of fear and disgusted gave her when he pushed her off him.

"Scout, please. Just - spend the night here. It's not safe." He pleaded with her.

"Leave me alone." She walked to the door before sending him another glare. "And fuck you, Spencer."

And slammed the door shut behind her.

Spencer leaned against the nearest wall before turning around and punching it with all his strength. His knuckles throbbed from the pain and small red bruises stared to form.

But he didn't care.

"Idiot." He mumbled to himself before falling to the floor with his back pressed to the wall and hiding his face in his hands.

Outside, Scout ran out of the building until she reached the cold air from the street. Small tears started to form at the corner of her eyes but she didn't dare let them fall.

She immediately tried to pick herself back together, fixing her disheveled clothes and hair. For while she went to Spencer's apartment drunk to admit she had been the one to shoot him and that she was being forced to against her will by Xander, her entire body sobered when she saw him.

For while Spencer may have thought that she had tried to kiss him because she was drunk, Scout Wiley had wanted to kiss him long before she had drank any liquor.

"Idiot." She mumbled to herself before walking back home in the cold winter air of Virginia.

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They got frisky! But didn't kiss, so close and yet so far! And Spencer stopped them cause he thought he was just drunk. And Scout's angry cause Spencer brushed her off.
I wonder what's gonna happen next.

a special thanks to readers who comment:

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