My One True Love, Paul McCart...

By AmandaSchaefer709

4.7K 79 9

Wendy Jefferson has been dating her boyfriend, Tyler Hartman for 5 months. One day, Wendy meets Paul McCartne... More

Chapter 2 - The Beatles Concert
Chapter 3 - Wendy Meets Paul
Chapter 4 - The Date
Chapter 5 - Changes In Wendy
Chapter 6 - Tyler Finds Out
Chapter 7 - Together At Last
Chapter 8 - A Taste Of Poison
Chapter 9 - Comatose
Chapter 10 - Hospital Proposal
Chapter 11 - Reunion
Chapter 12 - The Wedding
Chapter 13 (Finale) - Honeymoon

Chapter 1 - Wendy

655 7 2
By AmandaSchaefer709

Meet Wendy Jefferson. She's 20 years old and has a boyfriend named Tyler Hartman. They've been dating for 5 months and he's a gentleman. Although, he can be a little clingy sometimes, she loves him either way.

In her family, She lives with her mom, Francine, her dad, Steve, and her older brother, Kyle. They're huge fans of The Beatles. Every day, Wendy listens to their music whenever she has free time in her house. Sometimes, she and her family do some karaoke to their songs. They enjoy it.

Whenever Wendy goes out, she likes to spend time with her best friend, Dana Potts. They've known each other since they were little and she's been like a sister to Wendy. Dana's not the biggest Beatles fan, but she likes them. The band she goes the craziest for is The Rolling Stones. Wendy, not so much, even though they're a good group.

For this particular day, Wendy is spending time with Tyler. They have a date later tonight and they're going to see The Beatles perform. Wendy is very excited to see them. She's never been to one of their shows, so this is her first time going. "So, are you excited for the concert tonight, babe?" Tyler asked. "Yes, yes, YES!!! I've always wanted to see them live!" Said Wendy while jumping up and down and clapping her hands. "Their show starts at 6:00, so I'll pick you up around 5:30 sharp." Said Tyler. "Sounds like a plan." Wendy said.

As the happy couple continues their stroll, they run into Dana, who's walking her dog, Lily. "Hi, Wendy! Hi, Tyler!" She said. "Hi, Dana! Hello, Lily!" Said Wendy as she bends down and scratches Lily behind her ears. Lily licks Wendy's face and eventually lays on her back. "Looks like Lily wants you to give her a belly rub." Said Dana. Wendy smiles and rubs Lily's belly.

"So, Dana, are you going to watch The Beatles perform tonight?" Asked Tyler. "Not really. They're very talented and all, but I'm not too keen on their music." Dana said. "Okay, but you don't know what you're missing." Wendy said. Dana shrugs her shoulders. "Either way, I'd still like to hear about how it went." She said.

Wendy says her goodbyes to Dana and continues on her walk with Tyler. Once they reach Wendy's house, Tyler gives her a quick kiss on her cheek. "See you tonight, my little flower." He said. "You know it, sugar!" Said Wendy as she winks at her boyfriend. Tyler makes his way back to his house as Wendy enters her home.

"Welcome home, Wendy!" Said Francine. "How was your day out with Tyler?" Asked Steve. "It was great! He's picking me up later tonight since we're gonna see The Beatles perform!" Wendy said excitedly. "Awesome, sis! Take me with you!" Said Kyle. Wendy giggles at her big brother. "Oh, Kyle! We'll go together as a family someday! I promise." She said.

Wendy retreats to her room and pulls out The Beatles' Please Please Me record. She has a record player in the corner of her room. So she takes out the record, puts it on the player, and puts the needle on the record. Once the music starts playing, she kicks back onto her bed and bobs her head to the beat. When the song Twist and Shout started playing, she got up and started dancing her butt off. By the time she finished the record, the doorbell rings.

"That must be Tyler!" She said. From downstairs, Francine opens the door and there stood Tyler. "Hello, Tyler! How are you this evening?" Francine asked. "Just great, Mrs Jefferson. Is Wendy ready?" Asked Tyler. "She should be. Please, come in while I go get her. Said Francine. She goes upstairs to Wendy's room and knocks on her door.

"Come in!" Said Wendy. Her mom enters the room. "Oh! Hi, Mom. I was just fixing my hair." Wendy said. "Okay. I just wanted to tell you that Tyler is here." Francine said. "Tell him I'll be down in a minute." Said Wendy. Her mom nods before going back downstairs. A minute later, Wendy sees Tyler standing near the front door. "Ty!" She said with a smile. Tyler holds out his arms for Wendy and she wraps him into a hug.

"Ready to go, my strawberry shortcake?" Tyler asked. "Oh yeah! I can't wait see The Beatles in person!" Wendy said excitedly. She and Tyler say a quick goodbye to Francine and make their way out the door for The Beatles concert.

Paul may not have been in this chapter. But in the next one, he will be. Stay tuned to find out what happens next. ~ Amanda

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