A Bullet is the Key.

By haleycomet246

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It was supposed to be simple... Except there is always the calm before the storm and in this case.. the silen... More

Chapter 1
A Bullet is the Key
Chapter 2
A Bullet is the Key
Chapter 3
The Bullet is the Key
Chapter 4
A bullet is the key
A bullet is the Key
Chapter 6
A bullet is the Key
Chapter 7
A Bullet is the Key
Chapter 8
A Bullet is the Key
Chapter 9
A Bullet is the Key
Chapter 10
A Bullet is the Key
Chapter 11
A Bullet is the Key
Chapter 12
A Bullet is the Key
Chapter 13
A Bullet is the Key
Chapter 14
A Bullet is the Key
Chapter 15
A Bullet is the Key
Final Chapter
A Bullet is the Key

Chapter 5

56 2 0
By haleycomet246

Chapter 5

Two weeks later; Monday February 28

I stared at the school before me, the snow falling down in a white glittering veil around me one of our last snows hopefully before spring came since the older snow was melting as we speak. Wrapped tightly in warm clothes I wore, I made my way toward the double doors before me, looking left and right I slipped into the abandoned senior hallway. The doors squeaked open as I pressed on them, slipping inside I made sure no one saw me enter the hallway. My boots echoed on the tile, the faint smell of cleaner clung to the stale air around me; stepping forward I made my way to my old locker. Locker 18 stared back at me in shiny dented metal, tilting my head to the side I made a curious face as to why there was a dent when supposedly no one was near my locker. Reaching forward I twisted the familiar number combination into the dial 5, 10, 15, I know how original. The locker clicked open, the sound echoing off the walls around me. Pulling slowly afraid to see what may lie on the other side of the locker, the moment I pulled it wide open, my eyes opened wide as well.

All my books and supplies sat in the locker, dust covered them but there were also a substance on some of the upper books and wall. Looking closely at the still linger books it made me wonder if what everyone had been saying was true because it seemed it was not because here my books were. Holding the door open I felt something hard and unusual under my thumb that held the door open, looking from my books to the locker door my eyes went even wider. Because clinging to the vent thing in the locker door was a note but that wasn't what made my eyes go wide, it was the dried blood that seeped into the locker and clung to the letter. Reaching hesitantly outwards I grabbed the note and pulled it from the blood. How did that get there? I thought no one was by my locker when the shots were fired but someone must have been here... and that's when my thoughts stopped.

Because in that moment I knew how the blood would of gotten there and the thought was not a pleasant one, because for the blood to somehow manage to get into the vent of the locker only meant one thing. Someone would have had to have been leaning against my locker with their head down and facing the doors of the school, and that person would have to have a head would. The blood that lay on the note was none other than Ryder Jameston. I guess he could have been facing away from the doors but after seeing the scar I knew that he had been facing the doors not away.

It finally clicked why Ryder was inside the school; he was waiting at my locker. With shaky hands I tucked the note into my jacket pocket and shut my locker door and gave the lock a quick twist before I turned away from the locker. Just as I turned to head back to the main door I saw something strange at the end of the hall where the green house was, there was a light shining from under the door. With slow steps I made my way toward it, the dark hallway leaving no imagination to what could happen to me at this moment. I thought this hall way closed? The darkness was sliced by thin lines of light that came in from the windows, reflecting the snow falling on the ground outside. My footsteps echoed in the hallway, the eerie feeling crept up my spin and made the hair on the back of my neck stand up. The moment I almost reached the room the main doors opened and a figure walked in, a hood over their head.


Unknown number 1: get out of there now!

I looked at the figure in front of me and saw they didn't have a phone out, then who had sent me this warning, as I made my way toward the main door the figure threw off their hood to reveal...

Tori Kingsley? Why was Richards's stepsister standing before me in the hallway that was only for seniors seeing as she was only in her second year of college here?

"Tori" I said slowly a confused tone to my voice, I must have startled her because she jumped with fright a nervous look passed across her face before she smiled at me. Her smile was weird though it almost looked sinister and evil, though her eyes gave nothing away.

"Emma, what are you doing in here?" did she really just ask me why I was here when the question should have been why was she in here. Was she around when the shooting happened? No one mentioned her though.

"I was seeing if I could get my lucky pen out of my locker." I told her, the lie slipping off my tongue without hesitation. She looked at me with a raised eyebrow as if to test what I just said. I began to walk toward her as I got closer to here I saw here move her arm behind her.

"That's cool," she said with a shrug, taking her arm from behind her she placed them in her jacket pocket.

"I am sorry about Richard must have been hard since he was your brother." The moment I said his name a flash of anger lit up her eyes before it vanished.

"It was terrible I tell you, we had no idea he would do that. See his dad was away on business then and had no idea Richard got his gun."

"That is terrible, where were you during the shooting?" I asked her, my eyes trained on her for any slight movement and then that's when I caught it the slight twitch of her lip and the way she moved her feet in a shuffle.

"I was outside waiting for Richard" was her reply.

"So I heard Ryder got beat up by Bobby. Oh how was your date with Bobby anyways?" she squealed the last part a squeal similar to that of Chrissie's, but I don't remember them hanging out since she was 23 and Tori was 20.

"He shouldn't of beat him up, and it was awful to be honest." I knew the moment that the words slipped from my lips that I shouldn't of said the date was awful.

"Why was it awful Emmabell?" her voice had a sharp edge to it, "Was it because it wasn't your precious maniac, murdering, cheating asshole you love?"

My breath caught in my throat, how the hell? I thought.

"It was weird to go on a date with Bobby when he is a cocky son of a monkey. Do not say anything about Ryder you have no right to say anything about him and call him that!" my voice rising. Her eyes went wide before they slipped into a sneer, I always thought she was nice and such but now she is just creepy.

"Bobby is not weird he is better than that loser you want."


I looked at my phone as she glared at me, "Unknown number 1: Get out of there as fast as you can!"

"Bobby is weird, I do not like him that way and I do not love him, he is the asshole."

Her eyes flashed with anger, I saw her clench her fists inside her sweater.

"Oh really now and how would you know?"

"You have no idea what is going on. My date was awful because he talked about himself then takes me to a high-end restaurant and orders me a salad- a salad- why the hell would he think I would eat only a salad. The movie he picked was bad enough after."

"So you cannot be with Ryder!" she screamed flinging her hands in the air in the process, I watched as her sweater sleeves fell down and I caught the faint line of a scar on her arm. A scar that had not been inflicted by self-harm but a scar that had been made due to self-defense from someone who was harming her or from someone fighting back against her.

"Tell me why I cannot be with him!" I yelled even louder.

"Because he is an asshole and you know it, plus Chrissie told you not to be around him anyways." She huffed out as she crossed her arms. I looked at her with wide eyes, who the hell is this?

"I swear I have no idea what is wrong with you truthfully."

"I am just upset that you're tripping over this boy who doesn't care about you and can ruin you when there is this boy who loves you and can be so much more if you just give in."

Shaking my head at her I made my way past her and out into the falling snow, the white covering more things around me. The snow wasn't that heavy which I was glad it only left light patches here and there. Tori was definitely acting weird though because even though we may not see eye to eye on things she was never ever that aggressive towards me anyway. She seemed off like something was eating at her and causing her to act completely unlike her in every way, though it could only be me feeling this way. She never seemed to show any sign of having a thing for Ryder though I could be mistaken and she could be infatuated with him to some degree. All these thoughts were interrupted though by the sound of my phone going off as I exited the building.


Jace: Ryder needs you meet us by football field.

Me: on my way

I turned toward the football field and began walking toward the boy who stole my heart; I wrapped my jacket around me tighter. You could hear the crunch of my uggs on the snow-covered ground; the silent wind whistled a silent tune through the trees. As I got closer to the football field I saw two figures hunched together at the bottom of the bleachers before me. The weather was still quit chilly as the snow seemed to finally melt away leaving a path for spring to blossom bringing with it flowers as well as warmer weather taking away the chill. Spring was peaceful and full of joy as the snow vanished and flowers filled its place though it also brought warm spring filled showers to the earth bringing new life and beginning.

Walking toward them I saw Ryder's black jacket and Jace's bright neon blue, I swear that boy had a style all his own. They didn't hear me as I walked up to them; they looked like they were deep in thought before me. I slowly walked down the steps and continued until I was right behind them and sat on the cold bench, they both turned to face my but Ryder turned back around to face the front.

"Hey Emma" Jace said with a smile on his face.

"Hi Jay" I replied back.

It was silent after that, until Jace got up and smacked Ryder upside the backside of his head before he walked off.

"Hi, Ryder" I said before sliding down to sit beside him.

"Hey beautiful"

"Are you okay? You have been avoiding me for two weeks Ry." I told him as I stared out to the field before us.

"I am sorry, just been dealing with things" he said slowly, his hands clenched into fists his knuckles turning white. Reaching slowly I grabbed his hand in mine and worked his fist open to interlace our fingers; I was surprised when he squeezed my hand back.

"You want to talk about it?" I asked him softly.

"Not really, but will you come with me to the doctors today?" I turned to look at him, his face still looking away from me, I moved closer so I could lay my head on his shoulder.

"Of course I will, I have to go there also to get my stitches removed."

"I'll come in with you as well to hold your hand." He said softly as he put his head on top of mine, this moment was perfect but all things good have to come to an end because a chill ran up my spin from the cold.

"Let's get you inside Bells"

He stood up and I lost my warmth until he pulled me up with him and wrapped his arm around my shoulders to pull me closer. I shivered at the contact, and a deep chuckle left his lips as he pulled me along with him to our classroom.


I pulled my phone out of my jacket pocket and saw a text from the unknown number.

Unknown number 1: I would ask the doctor about the head wounds he saw that day.

Locking the phone I put it back in my pocket, before we made it to the crowded hallways Ryder let go of my shoulder and stepped away. I was disappointed that he let go. Turning around so I face him as he stood before me his hands now shoved in his pockets.

"Ryder, you don't have to be like that." I told him softly while I stepped towards him more, he didn't move just looked at me through his shades.

"Chrissie will be here soon and so will your boyfriend," he said quickly.

"Bobby isn't my boyfriend and Chrissie is well... Chrissie." I told him softly, he took a shaky hand from his pocket and ran it through his hair, a nervous habit he has.

"You went on a date with him and well... he said some things to me that day Bell."

"What did he say?" I asked him as looked at him with a raised eyebrow, while I wrapped my arms around my stomach, I watched him sigh and put his hand back in his pocket.

"He said that you were his and that I needed to stay away from you, that you love him."

"What!?" I screeched. "I do not love him Ryder, and I am not his"

Ryder looked at me; damn how I hated those shades so much right now because I had no freaking clue what he was feeling at this moment.

"I should have known that what he said wasn't accurate, but he just seemed so convincing." He told me quietly, you could hear the pain in his voice.

"Ry, I do not like or love Bobby in that way and I am not his. Is that why you didn't fight back?"


Taking another step closer so I was toe to toe with Ryder, I looked up at him since he was so tall compared to me, and I shot him a small smile.

"You didn't want to hurt me." It was a statement and I did not expect a reply from him, but he gave me a nod of his head to confirm that what I had said had been correct.

"Ryder, you could have beaten him, everyone knows you could have." Reaching out I wrapped my arms around his stomach and hugged him tight, the moment my hands touched against his back I felt his arms circle me and hug me tightly. I felt him press his face into my hair and take a deep breath as if he thought he was dreaming and I wouldn't be there when he woke up. I chuckled softly at his cuteness.

"You got hurt though and I don't like seeing you hurt." I mumbled into his chest.

"I'm sorry" I heard him whisper into my hair as he kissed it lightly, that same small smile made stayed on my face. "Next time someone wants to fight me ill make sure I don't let them get a hit on me and you know I can handle myself cara," he said with a chuckle. Pulling backwards I looked up into his face, our smiles reflecting each other's, I didn't pull fully away from his hug.

"Well now look who is getting all cocky"

He just smirked down at me; the moment was broken once again by the loud Bring... he dropped his hands from my waist and took a small step away, before he could step all the way back I leaned up on my tippy toes and kissed his cheek.

"I'll see you in a few, meet me at my car" I told him as I walked away leaving behind a blushing red Ryder in the snow.

Me to unknown number1: Okay, is there a reason I should do this?


Unknown number 1: Just ask it'll be okay.

I just shook my head as I walked toward my lecture room, room 102 math, I hated math. Walking in I noticed that no one was here yet so I made my way to the middle of the room and the middle row and sat down. Pulling out my notebook I began to doodle on the edges. I heard footsteps and voices come into the room but didn't bother to look up until I heard the professor come in, Professor Langer. He was an older man, balding slightly he had a warm smile seeing as he was only in his early 60's, and he was also a round old soul.

"Today class we are going to go over solving equations" The professor said before he turned around and began to write problems on the board. I began taping the end of my pencil on the edge of the desk while I waited for him to turn around so I could write down and work out the problems.


I pulled out my phone slowly and placed it on my lap while the teacher talked more and more.

Sydney: how is math?

Me: Boring as heck how is your English class?

Sydney: same old same old.

Me: To funny, right now I am currently learning about equations.

Sydney: oh so not fun. I needed to tell you something I just remembered.

Me: Yea.

Sydney: The shooting ever wonder why Torrance and Emily left.

Me: Yeah I do.

Sydney: they were blackmailed because of something they saw that day; I talked to Emily a few days ago. She told me she had to leave or else, but didn't go into more detail than that. Something is going on Emma.

Me: Weird, but that would make sense. Hey isn't it a little weird Richard wasn't given a funeral?

Sydney: yeah it was. Got to go lol professor Mitchell's walking around.

Me: Hey Ryder. How you doing handsome?


Ryder <3: Well if isn't my beautiful Bell.

Ryder<3: I am so bored in my business class.

Me: You could come do my math class.

Ryder<3: nope. I am good right where I am thanks lol.

I noticed Professor Langer move away from the board so I began to copy down the five problems he had written on there, I could feel my phone vibrate on my lap. I watched the professor sit down at his desk and begin to type away at his computer, after writing down the problems I went back to my phone.

Ryder<3: So how did you get my number?

Ryder<3: you could be some weird stalker who is pretending to be my Bell.

Me: I am not a stalker you goofball, I got it from Jace.

Ryder<3: Hmm I do not know if I believe you, tell me something only Bell would know. ;p

I just rolled my eyes at his goofy behavior; before I went to text him back I started on the first problem on the paper 2x+10-5x=40.

Me: when you were fifteen you fell out of a tree while you were getting my kite untangled from the branches, I had to kiss your cheek before you would go to the hospital.

Ryder<3: That is so not true; you so wanted to kiss my cheek.

Me: Don't get cocky on me boy.

Me: I'll see you in a little.

Ryder<3: Of course.

Math seemed to drag on forever and ever; I was so waiting for this day to be over. I mean it isn't bad I only have one class a day though on some days I'll have two or three. The end of my pencil tapped away at the desk, it soon began to beat at the same time the clock ticked away in seconds. I had done two of the five problems I had these problems left to do: 6x +15=3x+8, 2x-6=5x+18, and 3x-24=3(x+8). As I slipped my hand into my pocket I felt something crunch under my fingers, the edge of paper, it was the letter. Slowly I brought the letter out of my pocket; I placed it on the desk and just starred at it. You could see spots of dried blood on the corners as well as splattering the backside of the note, as the drops seemed to smear and seep through the paper. The thought of it being fresh all those months ago haunted my thoughts and made me a little queasy knowing this was Ryder's blood that I was currently barely touching. Flipping it over, I saw my name in elegant cursive penmanship and only one person I knew wrote this smoothly in cursive, Ryder. Taking a deep breath I unfolded the note and began to read the words that were written from that day. Looking at it closely I noticed that the old blood smudged some of the words making them illegible to read.

Dear My Beautiful Bell,

It has been awhile since I have talked to you as your friend, well more than that we were best friends for so many years. I got the courage to talk to you today, though I was hoping you would walk through the doors straight in front of me and see me here. This letter is what I want to talk to you about, it will be funny if you get here and I wrote this pointless note to yo Jace told me to man up and talk to you. The hallway is silent right now not many students are lingering in the hallway, a few people you know are here. Glad Chrissie isn't here because I am leaning against your locker. My eyes are trained on the doors waiting for you to come in, you are always early on spirit day, did you know that every spirit day I keep u our tra tion, they look at me weird in here. Well you should be here by now; Richard just came in with or behind him, seems a little weird though. I am leaning against your locker my head down writing you this. Well all I want to do is tell you... I ov ou.


My heart stopped because there was the answer to why the scar was on his left side and not on his right side, my theory was correct he was at my locker. He must have slipped the note in before he was shot; his left side would still be facing the doors. It made sense why he only had temporary blindness and wasn't dead. Wait Ryder said someone came in with Richard, who could that be? The end of the note though you could not read all of the letters, you could tell that Ryder Jameston was telling me he loves me.

I folded the note and put it back into my pocket to keep just as the bell rang for the end of class, getting up I grabbed my stuff and headed out. As I made my way out of class I stopped for a moment to lean against the lockers and think. Did Ryder think I got his note? Does he think I rejected his love? Maybe that is why he thought I loved Bobby and believed what was said, because he thought I didn't love him and return his feelings. A silly smile played on my lips as I shook my head, I did love Ryder. Pulling out my phone I decided to text Ryder.


Me: Ry, did you write me a note?

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