[Completed] Legend of the Fiv...

By ImperialSun

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The Knights of Prophecy must journey to a place few have ever gone in order to gain the strength necessary to... More

Prologue: The Lost Bunny
Episode 1: Axis Mundi
Episode 2: Omen
Episode 3: Ancient Evil
Episode 4: Flames of Emotions
Episode 5: Coming Together
Episode 6: The Gun Knight's Trials
Episode 7: Resonance of Guilt
Episode 8: A Familiar Smile
Episode 9: Historic Rivalry
Episode 10: Successor
Episode 11: Rift of the Knights
Episode 12: Blue Skies
Episode 13: Guardian Angel Within
Episode 14: Someone to Talk to
Episode 15: Coping
Episode 16: When life gives you Bananas
Episode 17: The Meaning of 'Wind'
Episode 18: The Kinds of Mana
Episode 19: Sparring Knights
Special: Tetsu Turns Three
Episode 20: History
Episode 21: Aventine's Secret Arts
Episode 22: Finding the Gap in the 'Wind'
Episode 23: The Rabbit Pillar
Episode 24: Weak
Special: Tiger and Bunny
Episode 25: Flickering Star
Episode 26: The Lost Sheep
Episode 27: The One Missing
Special: Eii Turns Eight
Episode 28: Finding a Cure
Episode 29: Fears of a Prince
Episode 30: A Knight's Shield
Episode 31: Yuko's Determination
Episode 32: Trial of a Knight
Episode 33: Flower of Memory
Episode 34: Standing Shoulder to Shoulder
Episode 35: The Encroaching Darkness
Episode 36: Hidden Power
Episode 37: Daring Escape
Episode 38: Icy Comet
Episode 39: Concentration
Episode 40: Aventine's Trial
Episode 41: Lost Power
Episode 42: Heaven and Earth, Sun and Moon
Episode 43: Meeting of the 'Spirit Kings'
Episode 44: Clash of Kings
Special: Happy Birthday, My Pegasus!
Episode 45: Strong Spirit
Episode 46: The Knight of Roses
Episode 47: Journey to Higher Power
Episode 48: Feelings
Special: Setty Turns Seven
Intermission: The Unknown
Special: Precious White Rose
Episode 49: Alma's Secret
Episode 50: Trial over the Black Tower
Episode 51: Techniques and Tricks
Episode 52: Depths of the Heart
Episode 53: Diamond Blades
Episode 54: Aura
Episode 55: Core of Temptation
Episode 56: Balance of Energies
Special: Hyo turns Seven
Episode 57: Moon vs. Sun
Episode 58: Further Memories
Episode 59: Father's Twin
Episode 60: Missing Rabbit
Episode 61: A Parent's Regrets
Episode 62: Secret Plans
Special: Hideo Turns Eight
Episode 63: Visitors
Special: Serrano Turns Three
Episode 64: Farewell For Now
Episode 65: Mysteries of our Fathers
Episode 66: Underlying Truth
Episode 67: Fatigue
Episode 68: The Red-haired Boy
Episode 69: Tears
Episode 70: The Fox Mask
Episode 71: Final Trials
Episode 72: Diamond Sword versus Heart Shield
Episode 73: Battles of Dragons
Episode 74: Burning Heart
Episode 75: Zen Mode
Episode 76: Wuji
Episode 77: Never Surrender
Episode 78: Prey vs. Predator
Episode 79: Warmth
Episode 80: Life's Choices
Episode 81: Purpose of Life
Episode 82: Family of Foxes
Episode 83: Family Secret
Episode 84: Dragon Demons
Episode 85: Research
Episode 86: The Lion King Versus The Monkey King
Episode 87: The Lightning King vs The Monkey King
Episode 88: The Lightning King's Last Stand
Episode 89: Storm Clouds
Episode 90: The Third Dimensional Beast
Episode 91: Staring into the Eyes of Oblivion
Episode 92: Family Reunion
Episode 93: Song of Divine Wrath
Epilogue: Living Experience

Special: Twin Cubs

112 22 49
By ImperialSun


[Ten years before the events of the main story]

"Hey, Dan, Silas" Mama said as she poked her head in. "Ready for your first day of first grade and kindergarten?"

I smiled and nodded. "Y-yeah!"

She giggled and ran over to hug my little brother and me. "Aww! I can't believe that you're already a first grader and kindergartener! It feels as if it were just yesterday when your Papa and me were changing your diapers and singing you lullabies."

"Sy, is so-something wro-wrong?" I asked.

"Yeah, you've been awfully silent," Mama said. "Are you feeling okay?"

His little hands shook. "I... I want to stay here with Mama and Papa!" he blurted out.

Mama caressed his face. "I see, you're nervous, aren't you?"

Sy closed his eyes. "I don't wanna go!"

"It's n-not th-that scary once you get used to it," I said, grabbing a hold of one of his trembling hands.

He opened his eyes and stared at me. "It's not?"

"We-well, fir-first day is..."

My little brother grumbled. "I want to stay..."

Mama sighed and patted him on the back. "Your big brothers and sister will be there to help you. Plus, I already talked to your teacher. She's a nice lady. I'm sure that your peers will also be nice kids. Also, didn't you say last week that you wanted to make a lot of friends?"

"Friends?" Sy asked, looking up at her.

She nodded her head, "There's a lot of kids there you can befriend, but you won't get a chance to do so if you stay here."

I smiled. "Let's go and make a lot of buddies, Sy!"

Sy stared at me as if in shock.

"Hmm? S-something wrong?"

"You didn't stutter."

I gasped. He was right... "G-guess it comes and g-goes." I hoped that one day I could get rid of it. I hadn't told Sy this, but the kids at school made fun of me because of it, more so the older ones. Nor did I wish to tell him. If I did, he would've just been more adamant about staying.

"Ready to go!" a voice called out. My big sis walked into the room, a big smile on her face. She already had on her uniform and pink backpack. "Are my little brothers ready?"

"I am, b-but Sy isn't."

Mama stood up to her full height. "He's nervous."

"Aww. Sy, there's nothing to be nervous about. I'm sure that the other kids will love to have you around," Kiara said, walking over to him.

"If you say so..." he said, keeping his head down.

This was bad; nothing seemed to be getting to him. If Sy continued like this, he would probably stay quiet and miss his chance to make friends.

I gasped and ran over to my bed.

"Dan, what are you doing?" Mama asked.

I smiled as I pulled out a tin box. It had my most precious possession, my Spirit Cards! They were part of a game. I didn't really know how to play it all that well, but they were nice to look at. Maybe one day, when older, I would be able to use them as they're meant to be. According to Papa, the best user of these cards was called the 'Spirit King'. Hopefully, one day, I could also hold that title.

"Your cards?" Kiara asked, looking over my shoulder.

I opened them and took out the card on top. It had the image of twin lion cubs.

I ran over to Sy and held out the card to him.

"Your card?" Sy asked.

"Y-yeah, you can ho-hold on to it, as a goo-good luck charm."

Sy's hand shook as he reached out for it. His lips curled up as soon as he saw the cubs.

"Look, it's just like you," Mama said, ruffling our hair.

Sy giggled.

"What's going on?" a voice called out. Big brother walked inside. He too had on his school uniform.

"Sy doesn't want to go to school. He's scared," Kiara responded.

"Scared? Well, there are a lot of people there that sometimes one feels like they're going to be trampled over," he muttered.

"Hide!" Mama snapped.

Big brother bit his lip. "Did I say that? I mean, it's fun!" he said, clumsily raising a hand into the air.

"Dummy," Kiara said, shaking her head at him.

"I'll go," Sy said as he ran over to his bed to grab his backpack. His was the green version of my red one.

Mine had the image of a red warrior dressed completely in spandex and donning a red helmet with flames coming out of the sides of his face like a mane. He was the Flaming Lion Guardian, the main character of my favorite show. I wanted to be just like him, a superhero, defending the weak!

Meanwhile, Sy's backpack had the Tempest Tiger Guardian, the brains of the group of five. He had gotten the Lion Guardian and the other three out of tricky situations multiple times.

"That's a cute bag," Mama said, smiling. "Did your Papa help you pick it out?"

"Dan did," he answered, laughing.

"I see then Dan has good taste."

I blushed. "T-thanks."

"Let's go now, before we're late," Hideo said, rushing off.

"He must really love school," Sy said.

Kiara laughed. "If only that were the case."

Sy and I stared at her in confusion.


Papa drove the four of us to school. The place was located in the center district of Tengu City, the capital of the plot of land Papa ruled over.

"Have a nice day! Call me once you're out, okay?" Papa yelled.

"Okay!" Hideo yelled as he ran off.

"Come, you two," Kiara said, holding our hands. "Stick close to me. Especially you, Sy."

"Okay," he said. His golden eyes glanced at the large crowd of students. He gulped. "Big bro was right..."

"I heard it's even worse when one gets to college," Kiara said.

She and the two of us gulped.

Big sis narrowed her eyes. "Hope that Hide doesn't get lost like he did last year."

"Yeah..." He had been late to his first day of second grade because of it. The teacher had called Mama and Papa to tell them about it. Mama was a mess that day.

The police even got involved... Guess that's what happens when the heir goes missing...


Kiara and I escorted Sy over to his class. Standing by the doorway, greeting the incoming students, was a purple haired lady dressed in a black dress.

"Hey, Mrs. Shinomiya," Kiara said, waving at her.

She beamed as soon as she saw us. "Kiara! Dan! How nice of you to visit. Though, shouldn't you be heading to your classes? They're about to start in five minutes."

"We're going to head there in a bit, but we got someone we would like you to meet."

Kiara and I glanced around. "Sy?" she asked as we saw no sign of him. She stared at her hand. "Oh, no. When did he let go of me?"

"I'm here," a voice called out. Hiding behind the door was Sy.

"Hmm, who are you, little one?" Mrs. Shinomiya asked, kneeling until she was at his eye level.

"He's our little brother, Sy," Kiara responded. She walked over to him and sighed. "Sy, didn't I say not to let go of me? You almost gave me a heart attack, thinking I had lost you."

"Sorry," he mumbled as he retreated behind the door again.

Mrs. Shinomiya chuckled. "My, aren't you a shy one." She held out her hand toward him. "I'm Dolores Shinomiya, I'm going to be your teacher."

"My teacher?" he asked, poking his head back out.

"Yeah, they teach us stuff. Mrs. Shino here taught me my ABCs!" Kiara exclaimed.

"S-same!" I added. "She had also helped me when the other kids were making fun of me. Out of all the adults here, she's the one I trust the most.


"The letters. Come on inside, and I'll show them to you."

He gulped and slowly emerged from behind the door.

Mrs. Shinomiya took his hand. "There's nothing to be afraid of, little one."

Sy smiled.

The bell suddenly rung.

"Drats! That's the three-minute warning bell! Let's go, Dan! I still got to show you to your class."

Mrs. Shinomiya giggled. "You're such a good kid, Ki."

Kiara blushed. "Not really. I just want my little siblings to be happy."

My former-teacher shifted her violet eyes to me. "Dan, I know that I'm no longer your teacher, but if there's anything you need help with, feel free to come speak to me, okay?"

I nodded.

"Say, who is your teacher this year?"

"Mine is Mr. Rae, think Dan's is Mr. Bazhin," Kiara said.

She smiled. "Then you're in good hands."

I let out a sigh. I was glad to hear that. I had heard that not all teachers were as nice as Mrs. Shinomiya.

"Bye, Dan," Sy said, waving. He was trembling again.

I stepped forward and gave him a hug. "Y-you'll be fine. Hide, Ki, and me will be back to pick you up during lunch. So, just hang on."

He nodded as I let go of him. "I'll try."

Mrs. Shinomiya patted his head. "I'll help you out. Say, where is that Hide?" she asked as she turned around.

"He went running to his class," Sy responded as he followed her in.

"I see. I hope that he doesn't cause too much trouble this year. That child was the hardest one for me to deal with."

I glanced at Ki. "I-is big brother troublesome?"

Ki snickered. "That's an understatement." She strode forward. "Come, let's get you to class. I'm going to go see if Hide made it."

"W-won't you be late?" I asked.

"That's fine. I'm usually late anyway," she said, snickering. "Plus, getting you three safely to class is my job."

I laughed. "I-it's almost as if y-you're the older one."

Ki laughed. "Well, Hide has his head in the clouds."

"Hmmm... Y-you do too."

Her face reddened. "Yeah... Mrs. Shino said the same thing back when I was in her class. Hmm, wonder who Hide got as a teacher. Hope he's a good one."

"M-me too."

"Kiara! Dan!" Hideo yelled, running over to us.

"What are you doing here, Hide? Your class is on the opposite wing of the building," Kiara said, narrowing her eyes at him.

Big brother's face flushed a little. "It is? Hmm, well that explains why I couldn't find it."

Kiara grumbled. "Help me get Dan to his class, then I'll help you with yours."

He smiled and grabbed a hold of my hand. "Okay! Let's go, Dan! You're going to love Mr. Bazhin's class!"

I smiled back.

**Dedicated to my little angel. May you rest in peace**

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