Strangers || j.h.

By rowdysgirlxo

386K 3.6K 1.9K

"What we feel started way before we ever touched..." -cover created by @mahgahdahling More

chapter one
chapter two
chapter three
chapter four
chapter five
chapter six
chapter seven
chapter eight
chapter nine
chapter ten
chapter eleven
chapter twelve
chapter thirteen
chapter fourteen
chapter fifteen
chapter seventeen
chapter eighteen
chapter nineteen
chapter twenty
chapter twenty-one
chapter twenty-two
chapter twenty-three
chapter twenty-four
chapter twenty-five
chapter twenty-six
chapter twenty-seven
chapter twenty-eight
chapter twenty-nine
chapter thirty
chapter thirty-one

chapter sixteen

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By rowdysgirlxo

We'd been playing for about an hour and we were tied 3-3. Trevor was dominating the ice with two goals and an assist for our team. Meanwhile, Alex really pulled through for Jack's team with a little help from Pat and Vlasic. Jack had two assists but couldn't seem to find the back of the net.

"Lines!" I yelled from the bench and Marley skated over immediately, as she was really getting embarrassed.

"I hate you for this. I look like a tool in front of my boyfriend and his entire hockey team." She said, plopping on the bench as I swung my leg over the boards with Trevor.

"You love me." I grinned, skating off.

"Luke!" Trevor yelled, tapping the ice to signal a pass.

Trevor took the bass and tried for a break but Jack poked it away and was skating toward Spencer. He passed off to Brady who took it around the back and passed to Liam. Liam deked Case with ease and skated up to Spencer, tapping one in on his left side while skating to his right.

"Ayyy!" The boys rejoiced and hugged it out.

"One handed tuck." Liam said to me as he passed. "You can thank your boy for that."

Back to center ice we faced off again and Trevor and Jack got a little aggressive with each other this time, and boy was it was hot. Jack ended up winning the face off and I know I should have been pissed but again, hot. He passed to Pat who took a slap shot that Spencer ate.

"Lines." I said and Trevor, Luke, Quinny, Case and I skated off to let Marley, Matt, Danny, Ryder and John hop on.

Jack decided to mimic my actions as Marshall, Vlasic, Owen, Cole, and Dom went to face off in our defensive zone. Danny and Cole took the face off and Danny came out on top, sending the puck down the ice to Cam's stick side. Cam tried to pass to Owen but Marley intercepted and screamed as she noticed Cole and Dom coming at her. She skated around the back of the net and took a wrister from about three feet from Cam. Much to everyone's surprise, especially Cam, it went in.

"Holy shit!" I yelled, jumping the boards and skating over to her.

"Woah woah woah, too many players on the ice." Jack said.

"Bite me Hughes, my best friend just scored her first goal." I smiled, tackling her.

"I don't know what's worse, the fact that I got scored on by a girl or the fact that it was Marley." Cam said.

"Marley." Everyone said in unison.

"Wow thanks guys." Marley smiled.

We decided to trade lines again and Jack and I faced off, he beat me out with ease and smiled in my face while doing so. He skated off to try and catch up to Alex who passed to him and Jack hit a beautiful one timer from the left side.

"Let's go baby!!" He rejoiced, fist bumping Liam.

We went back to center ice and Jack and I stared into each others eyes as we hovered over the puck.

"You know, I'm only one goal away from sweet redemption." He grinned.

"And I'm two away from making you cry." I smirked.

"That's a lot of talk from a girl with no points this game. Trevor's back must be hurting." He teased.

"I'd imagine your mouth is from all the flapping it's been doing." I snipped.

Three stick taps and I came out the victor of this face-off . Jack looked at me with a sarcastic smile before following Quinn down the ice in attempts to knock the puck loose. Quinn passed to Luke who passed to Trevor who took a shot that Cam deflected right in front of me. I flicked the puck up over his pads and hit the back of the net with a satisfying swish.

"Atta girl!" Case yelled as he attacked me.

"All tied up now Hughesy," I grinned. "Getting nervous?"

"Not even a little." Jack said.

"Lies. Again." Cam said, making us all laugh.

"Change it up." I said to Trevor and Case as we swapped lines again.

Marley was doing really well defensively for a girl that's never played real hockey, and offensively. Vlasic and Owen were speeding down the ice trying to catch up to Brady.

"Vlasic doesn't have the speed to be going head to head with the twins. We gotta get em out of there or we're gonna lose this game." Trevor said.

"I believe in him." I said.

"Peyton, it's a risky move." Luke said. "Your brothers have speed like I've never seen."

"I know, but they don't have the breaks that match." I said.

Brady passed off to Liam before he collided with the boards.

"See, no breaks." I said.

Liam attempted to take a shot that Spencer deflected to Ryder who passed back into the neutral zone to John.

"Lines!" I yelled as most of my guys were passing the bench and as my feet hit the ice the puck hit my stick.

I skated up the left side with Jack attempting to defend me.

"That's cute." I grinned before I passed on his right side to Luke.

"Fuck." He muttered, breaking off to try and get the puck.

Luke passed to Quinn who took a shot that Cam passed off to Alex. Alex was trying to break out of the zone when Case poked the puck away from him to me. I passed up to Trevor who took it bar down, clinching the win.

"Yes!" I shouted, jumping on Trevor.

"MVP! MVP! MVP!" Case chanted as he hugged him.

"A light hat trick." I laughed.

"Bet you're regretting choosing Rowdy now." Trevor joked winking at me.

I smacked him playfully to which he responded by sticking his tongue out at me and skating off. Jack soon skated up to me.

"Well, well, well Rowdy. That's a 3-0 record for me." I grinned.

"Yeah yeah." He smiled.

"You know what I just realized?" Marley said as we skated up to the bench. "I scored my first goal on an NTDP goalie."

"Hell yeah you did." I grinned, fist bumping her.

"And essentially, you all lost to a washed up college hockey player, two girls, and a sixteen year old." Quinn teased Jack.

"And half my team." Jack retaliated.

"Yeah and how many times have you lost to your girlfriend, Jack?" Luke teased.

"Okay, okay. It was all in good fun and that's what matters." I chuckled.

"I'd call this a pretty successful Friday night." Trevor smiled.

"Well the night is still young." Brady said.

"What's next?" Luke asked.

"Oh no." Alex said. "We hang out with the 16s one time and now they think they're part of the crew."

Liam threw his glove at Alex making us laugh.

"Back to our place. Pizza and video games." I giggled.

"Sounds good." The boys agreed and began taking off their skates.

Jack and I walked out of the rink hand in hand while the other guys made small talk and jokes to each other.

"I don't get it. You're a great hockey player, so how do I keep beating you? Are you letting me win?" I said.

"Me? Let anyone win? Do you know me at all?" He laughed. "I just keep getting distracted." He said, smiling at me.

"Well aren't you just a big mushy love bug." I laughed, leaning into him.

Once we'd all arrived back at my house we ordered pizza and were sitting around my kitchen island all taking part in separate conversations.

"Peyton?" My dad's voice called out from the foyer.

"Hey dad!" Brady, Liam, and I yelled in unison.

My dad walked into the kitchen with his keys in his hand and smile on his face.

"Oh shit." Jack said under his breath.

"I didn't realize you were having guests over tonight." He said.

"Last minute thing." I smiled.

"Peyton just gave Jack the work in hockey." Brady smiled.

"Oh did she now?" My dad laughed.

"Well, I guess I should introduce you guys. Uh guys, this is my dad. Dad these are the guys. That's Spencer Knight, Cameron Rowe, Danny Weight-"

"No need, I know all of them enough from scouting. Save your breath peanut." My dad said.

Jack stood up and walked around the counter, over to my dad. "Pleasure to meet you sir, my names Jack Hughes."

"I know. You're quite the player boy, Red Wings have been talking about you." My dad said. "And please, call me Rob, all of you."

"Dad, you know Quinn and Luke right? Jack's brothers, Luke plays with the twins."

"And Quinn's a Canuck." My dad smiled, shaking his hand. "Congrats kid, seventh overall thats a big deal."

"Thank you Rob." Quinn said.

"All of you show a lot of promise. I know my team has been looking at a handful of you for quite sometime so I can only imagine who else is looking." My dad said to the boys. "Which one of you is Trevor Zegras?"

"Oh, that'd be me." Trevor stood up, shaking his hand.

"Heard a lot about you too, not just from my daughter but my GM. We need a center ya know?" My dad grinned.

"I do know that, sir. Uh, Rob." Trevor stammered.

"Oh, so that's why you're friends with my daughter?" My dad said sternly as we watched Trevor squander. "I'm kidding, not even an NHL contract is worth spending fifteen minutes with Peyton." My dad winked at me making the boys laugh.

"Okay dad, thanks for stopping by." I smiled.

"Well, I'll be upstairs if you need me. Nice meeting you all, can't wait to see what the future holds for you." My dad said. "And Jack, you should come by for dinner some time. It'd be nice to get to know my daughter's boyfriend."

"Yes sir, I would love that." Jack smiled.

My dad did one last wave as the boys all said bye and I watched the color return to Jack's face.

"Holy shit, I don't think I took a breath through that whole conversation." He said, making the boys laugh.

"So, you guys think I'd look good in a Wings sweater?" Trevor asked earning scoffs from the rest of us.

When the pizzas arrived we all headed down to the basement and the boys began to play air hockey or Xbox. I pulled out my phone for the first time in hours and was checking social media when Trevor came over and sat by me.

"Hey." He smiled.

"Hi T."

"Look, I don't know if it's been weird for you lately or if it's been uncomfortable between us but I really hope it's not because I really like being friends with you Peyton. I think we could be really close." Trevor said.

"No, no weirdness here. Why has it been for you?"

"No, I just noticed your face when Alex made that joke in the cafeteria the other day and I wanted to be sure."

"Oh, I just didn't want him making jokes if you weren't over it yet." I said.

"You used to leaving a trail of broken hearts behind you?" He teased.

"Shut up." I laughed shoving him.

"So we good?" He asked.

"Always." I smiled, hugging him. "Love you T."

"Love you too." He said.

best and biggest pain in my ass
Tagged: trevorzegras
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jackhughes_: Dusters
peytoncane: jackhughes_ *coughs* 3-0 *coughes
liamcane56: jackhughes_ We'll get em next time

jackhughes_: Cutie on the left tho

jackhughes_: And the right ;)

casemccarthy: Are they challenging us to a rematch?

quinnhughes: They don't want the smoke again

_alexturcotte: Rowdy's boys are hungry for vengeance

dannyweight_: Next Friday night let's run it again

trevorzegras: Damn I'm fine as hell. Ladies hmu

marshallwarren_: I guess you're papi material

bcane_puck: Uh what?? ^^

trevorzegras: Oh shit, love you by the way
peytoncane: "by the way" fake ass

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