Unavailable {S.S}

By Sabrina030_

117K 2.8K 1.4K

{Book 1} Daniella Valentine, ironically enough, never had much luck in the love department, until she meets a... More

Book 2


3.9K 116 100
By Sabrina030_


Last night Miss Bourgeois emailed all of us to inform us that our building would be closed due to a severe snowstorm heading our way. I was beyond relieved to know that I could sleep in and have the day to just relax and run a few errands so that on the weekend I wouldn't have to go anywhere. It was nearing eleven o'clock at night as I scrolled through different channels on the television. I stumble upon the first Captain America movie as I sink back into my couch, pulling a blanket over my body as I raised the volume.

My heart sank when I reached the scene where Steve was getting beaten up in the alley. I had seen this movie more times than I can remember but never did I realize that the man who just entered the scene was the actor I kept bumping into. How could I have been so blind? Sebastian Stan was Bucky Barnes and vice versa. How did I not pick that up?

I pause the TV and run to my kitchen island where I spot my laptop. I quickly grab it and dive onto the couch, opening up my laptop and longing in. I open up google and type in Sebastian's name. A list of all the movies and shows he's been in pops up as I click on each one. I mentally face palm myself as I come to the realization that Sebastian was in fact the actor who played Bucky Barnes, a character I've seen on my TV screen multiple times.

"I can't believe it", I whisper to myself as I close my laptop and place it on my coffee table. I un-pause the movie and eventually fall asleep to the sound of Bucky Barnes speaking.


It was Friday morning and I had slept in like I had planned—thankfully. I put on a pair of grey sweat pants and an oversized, warm sweater with a pair of fluffy socks as I walk down my stairs to put on my jacket, boots, hat and gloves. You might be thinking that going out during a snowstorm is not a very bright thing to do, but the streets are empty and so would the stores be, so it was the perfect opportunity to get all of my errands done and not have to rush or feel overwhelmed.

I get into my car and turn on the heater, sitting there for a few minutes until I feel the heat move throughout my car. I pull out of my driveway and turn down the street to get to the supermarket. I pull into the driveway and park close to the front doors of the store as I lock my car, walking inside the supermarket. I grab a carriage and head to the first aisle, placing a few dairy products in my cart. I turn into the coffee section and analyze my options as someone bumps into my carriage, my body staggering back a few steps. I look up ready to reprimand the person but stop myself from doing so. "You?! Okay, now you're seriously stalking me", I exclaim as I place my hands on my hips. "Daniella?"

"Mmh", I respond as I lean on the bar of my carriage. "I swear I'm not stalking you. We just keep coincidently bumping into each other and I don't know why!", he stammers as he puts his hands up in defence. I shake my head and grab my coffee bags and put them in my cart as I move around Sebastian to grab a bag of coffee filters. "What are you doing shopping during a snowstorm?", he asks me as he pushes his carriage next to mine. I raise my eyebrows at him as I continue moving down the aisle, "I could ask you the same question, Mr. Stan"

"Mr. Stan?"

"What? I like nicknames", I shrug as we turn into the next aisle; the snack aisle. "Okay Miss..."


"Your last name is Valentine? Seriously?", he says in shock as he stops to look at me. "Yes, seriously. Is there a problem with that?"

"No! Not at all. That's so cool—I mean you have a very beautiful name", he tells me as he grabs two baguettes and places them in his carriage. "Woah there Mr. Stan, you have a fiancé!", I taunt him as his eyes widen. "I didn't mean it in that way. I just find your name beautiful"

"Seb, I'm teasing you"

"Seb? So we've upgraded to shortening our names? Okay, Dani", he laughs as we make our way to the drink aisle. "So where's the future Miss. Stan?", I ask him. I don't know why I asked him that and I immediately regretted it the moment those words left my mouth. I could care less about her and how she was going to marry Sebastian in less than two months, but being me, I had to ask.

"She's at home getting the final details for the wedding done", he smiles. "Are you nervous? For the big day, I mean", I ask him as we head to the cash register. He started placing his items on the conveyer belt as I waited for my turn. "A little, yeah. As long as she's happy"

My eyebrows raise in curiosity and confusion as I look up at him, "Shouldn't you be happy too? You're getting married too, Sebastian"

"I should get going, wouldn't want the future bride to wait", he says suddenly as he packs up his items in his bag and takes off. "Sebastian? Sebastian, wait!", but he was already gone. I huff in annoyance as I pay the cashier and pack my bags. Running outside to try and catch up to him. I see him getting into his car as I try and get his attention. Finding my attempts to be useless I open my trunk and place my bags inside. I open my car door and turn on the ignition, but it won't start. I try again as I turn my key but as soon as I hear the engine, it stops. "Oh my god! Not today, please not today!", I yell as I bang my head on my steering wheel. I hear a car pull up next to me and see Sebastian getting out, running over to my car. "Car trouble?", he says as he rubs his hands together to generate heat. I sniffle as I felt my nose start to run, my fingers numb. "Yeah", I say in a trembling voice. The weather had gotten colder from the last time I was outside and having a car that didn't work wasn't ideal right now. "Here let me see if I can help", he motions for me to get out of the car and I do so as he takes a seat in my car. He then gets up and opens the hood of the car to inspect it. "I'm pretty sure you blew out your engine"

"No! This can't be happening right now, I have more errands to run and I have work on Monday!", I say as I walk back and forth. Sebastian comes up to me and places his hands on my shoulders to get me to stop fidgeting, "Daniella! Dani! Stop. You can come with me, I don't mind driving you around. As for your car, we'll call a towing company and they'll bring it to the mechanic, I'm sure they'll be able to get it done by Monday, okay?"

"I can't ask you to do that. You have to get home to Kara. And what would the paparazzi think if they saw you with another girl who wasn't your fiancé?. I can call a cab or take the bus, it's fine", I tell him as I grab my groceries out of my trunk and lock my car, starting to walk towards the bus stop. "Daniella Valentine you are crazy"

"I've been called worse", I yell back as he gets into his car. I hear him pull up next to me as I continue walking and he continues to drive next to me slowly. "Get in the car, Dani"

"I'm good"

"You're going to freeze out there. Get in the car", he says as he leans down to see me through the window. "You know you look like you're trying to kidnap me"

"I will if you don't get in the car"

"Nope! I'm fantastic outside", I hum as I continue to walk. With luck always being on my side, a patch of black ice and my foot came in contact as my grocery bags are dropped by my side, my body hitting the ice cold ground. I yelp as my knee hits the hard ice instantly. I bite my lip to hold in my screams as I sit up. I hear Sebastian stop the car as he runs over to me, kneeling down to my level. "Dani! Are you okay?"

"I hurt my knee", I pout as I hold my knee in my glove covered hands. "Seb, quick! Take a picture"

"A picture? What—why would I take a picture of you on the floor?You're hurt, Dani", he says confused. "I slipped on a patch of black ice in the parking lot of a supermarket"

"And?", he says, still confused. "Oh Sebastian, gullible Sebastian. I can sue the company for not putting salt on their property", I smile as I give him a thumbs up. He shakes his head as a small smile appears on his face, "You're insane, Daniella Valentine"

He lends me his hand as he helps me up, bringing my limping, cold self into his car, as he grabs my grocery bags on the floor. "If you weren't so stubborn and got in the car like I told you to, you would've never fallen", he says matter-of-factly as he pulls out of the driveway. I click my tongue against my palette as I give him a dirty look, "I could've fallen getting into your car, you never know"

"You're something else, Dani"

"What's that supposed to mean?!", I exclaim as I turn in the passenger seat to look at him. "It's a compliment Daniella"

"Oh, sorry I'm not used to being complimented by a person of the opposite sex", I say as I look out the window. I hear Sebastian laugh next to me as a small smile flashes on my face. "So where do you have to go next?", he asks me. "Just bring me back home. My knee hurts too much"

"You should ice it when you get home, it's most probably going to bruise", he tells me as I give him the directions to my house. "I'm too scared to even see what my knee is going to look like tomorrow morning. I can barely move it now, can you imagine how I'm going to be tomorrow?"

"Rest as much as possible", he says softly as he sends me a small smile. Right then and there my heart melted. He had no right to look this good in my presence. He pulls into my driveway as he grabs my grocery bags. I limp up my stairs, wincing as I went up each step. "That's going to hurt so bad tomorrow", he comments as he grimaces. I glare at him as I open my front door, "Gee, thanks".

"Welcome to my humble abode", I say dramatically as I extend my arms out. He walks into my house with my grocery bags and sets them down on my kitchen stools as he looks around my house impressed. "You have a very beautiful home. Do you live alone?"

"Why? Are you planning on breaking into my house?", I joke as I close my front door. He shakes his head and scoffs as he walks around, occasionally looking at the picture frames that adorned my coffee table and walls. "Is this your sister?", he says as he points towards a picture of Jessica and I. I smile as I stand next to him. "Yeah, that's my little sister, Jessica"

"Who's the guy next to her?"

"That's her fiancé, Devon", I say as I sit down on my couch. He continues to analyze all of my picture frames before turning to look at me, confused. "I don't mean to be nosy but I can't help but notice that you have no pictures of your parents", he says innocently as he sits down next to me. "It's a long story but I don't have a very strong relationship with them". He answered with a simple "Oh" as he gave me a sad look. He pats my leg and gets up, heading towards my front door. "I should head out. Wouldn't want Kara to worry"

My heart sank. I was having such a good time with Sebastian that I had completely forgot about Kara. My mood went from being happy and joyful—something I haven't been in quite a few days since the whole incident happened with my mom—to being sad and disappointed. "Oh, right. Thank you for bringing me home", I smile, trying my best to mask my sadness. "No need to thank me. Don't forget to ice that knee, okay?", he says, a little laugh escaping his beautiful lips. "Okay".

He begins to walk towards his car but stops abruptly and turns around to face me. "I almost forgot, here's my phone number, in case you need anything and I'll call a tow truck to get your car", he says as he hands me a small paper with black ink on it. I hide my shock and quickly write in his number in my phone, sending him a quick text so he can save my number in his phone. "Thank you".

"Bye, Daniella", he smiles as he gets into his car. I smile at him as he pulls out of my driveway, waving as his car soon disappears in the snow. My smile quickly fades as my heart feels a sense of loneliness again. My newfound happiness was both temporary and short-lived. "Bye, Sebastian", I whisper as I shut my front door.

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