Los Santos Adventures

By DrexhunterCross

34.7K 1K 518

Hey guys here's another chapter. Now i know it's out of the blue and it seems kind of odd. But have a read an... More

Los Santos (Ch.1)
Business (Ch.2)
A Job for Three (Ch.3)
Michael De Santa (Ch.4)
Jewellery Heist (Ch.6)
Race Spot (Ch.7)
Alexa (Ch.8)
Training (Ch.9)
Racing Off (Ch.10)
Lamar's Heist (Ch.11)
A New Player (Ch.12)
Choices We Make (Ch. 13)
Crew (Ch. 14)
Patching things up (Ch. 15)
Prison Break (Ch.16)
The Mess (Ch.17)
Military problems (Ch.18)
Business Plans (Ch.19)
Sandy Shores (Ch.20)

Preparation (Ch.5)

2K 76 19
By DrexhunterCross

Day 46

I had just woken up and was lying in bed. I yawned tired and feel someone clinging to my side and remember Emma from last night. She was at the race and wanted to catch a life to her place.

You spent most of the night... 'Talking' she was... constantly screaming.

Y/N: "I need something to drink."

Emma's arms squeeze around my side as she opens one of her eyes.

Emma: "That be great babe. What do you think?"

Juliet barely even awake merely nods and turns, taking a bit of the blanket.

Y/N: "Alright then ladies, I'll be back in a bit."

With that, you got out of bed and brought the girls a jug of water as you sat on the couch in the other room. You grabbed a cigarette from your jacket pocket and light it up.

As you pull your phone out. Reading a message, you got from Izzy earlier on.

Izzy: [Buddy, I've got some great news. Lester told me about the job you're going to pull. I'll be acting as your hacker. Tell me if you've got any ideas about the job. Also an amazing job with the race last night. Coming first place was fantastic. But coming first place, while it took the rest of those races a literal minute to arrive. Fucking shows something, guess you never lost your touch! Take the day off buddy. I'm getting you set up for your next race.]

I chuckled and send him a thank you and turn to the bedroom I've just walked out of hearing Emma walking out with only her underwear on.

Y/N: "Good morning, how do you feel?"

Emma yawns into her hand and falls onto the couch beside you snuggling up close.

Emma: "Exhausted, how do you have the energy this morning?"

I chuckled as she eyes my cigarette, then give it to her. She takes a puff and lays on the couch as her head lay on my lap.

Emma: "I mean... I don't have sex that good unless Juliet is involved and I'm talking just us."

I chuckle leaning into the couch.

Y/N: "I've been meaning to ask that, how exactly did you two start dating and doing this exactly. I'm still kind of confused by that?"

Emma rolls her shoulders and looks to the ceiling, taking another puff of the cigarette.

Emma: "It's kind of simple. We met each other at one of our Friend's parties a while back. She needed a place to stay and I need a roommate to help me with rent. She's been here for three years and we only started dating about two years ago. It was mutual you know, I liked her body and she was open to it. I mean, Julliet is bi-curious and I'm kind of happy with anything. So we thought, why not make it fun. You know."

I nod and she hands the cigarette, while my other hand rests on her stomach.

Y/N: "What about the whole dancing thing?"

Emma: "Just a job sweetie. The only one that pays better than most sadly, Emma was studying at a community college, got a bachelor's in accounting and everything. She's still trying to find a place to hire her."

I peered into her eyes as she cupped my face.

Y/N: "What about you?"

Emma: "Me... I always wanted to be a dancer. Not this kind mind you. But it just kind of happened. I lived in Los Santos for most of my life. I always wanted to be something you know. It's kind of odd, Julie says one day she's going to buy a nice big house and make a name for herself."

She giggles and l smile.

Emma: "Hopefully, I'll be there with her. What about you, you always wanted to be a mechanic or a racer?"

I took one long puff of the cigarette and place it on the ashtray. Then think about it.

Y/N: "Not really. I mean... I didn't know what I wanted to be anymore. But my folks always talked about making money and stuff like that. We weren't poor, not rich either though. Dad was plumber, Mom was a teacher, always working. But they always had time for me."

Emma: "Sounds like a happy home."

I nod and sigh, remembering those days.

Y/N: "Yeah they were... Dad took me on the job, every semester starting from grade six, taught me practically everything he knew. He thought I could at least use it if college was a bust. How I found racing was because of a friend of mine. Dad gave me his car old that nobody wanted. Fixed up the dents, changed a few things around. Later on... I got into a street race. I kind of found the racing to be more fun than working at the 24/7 store that my mom got me. So, I quit and got into racing... While my parent's thought I was going to work at the store-"

Emma: "While you were racing. A clever little boy."

I sighed and showed a cheeky smile on my face.

Y/N: "Made more cash in one race, than three weeks working at the store. But, got overconfident and rolled the car."

Emma: "Oh shit."

Y/N: "That's what I said... destroyed it. Mom and Dad figured it out and weren't too happy with me. But, my mom's brother in his save and grace, gave me his old bike so I could keep driving around instead of walking everywhere. Which lead me to become a mechanic."

Emma: "What? How?"

Y/N: "This thing broke down every two miles and is the reason I started as a mechanic instead of a plumber. Stupid, but it taught me how to look after my stuff. I got good at the job and enjoyed it, the pay wasn't bad either. Much better than the convenience store job. When I finally could afford it, I started racing again. Then I started to work my way up to a car."

Emma: "Which lead you to me~"

She sat up and sat on your lap, her legs open and her arms wrapped around my neck. Her head resting on my shoulder, as she cuddled up close to me, my hands holding her sides. As I caught the scent of her favorite perfume still on from the night before.

Y/N: "Juliet did that, we just found each other from then on~"

Emma: "I'll say~"

She snuggled closer and gave me a quick kiss on my lips. As she came up for air, she pushed my hair back and stared into my eyes.

Emma: "You're not that bad for a fuck buddy~"

Y/N: "Same to you~"

Juliet: "Good morning you two!"

We both turned facing Juliet who was tapping the wall as she watched the two of us.

Juliet: "Am I interrupting something!!"

I chuckled kind of worried and Emma sat up now.

Emma: "Are we jealous? Oh that's so cute baby~"

Juliet blushed and I chuckled, as Emma slides off my lap and walks over to her girlfriend. I watch the two talk and grab my stuff knowing I won't be here for a few days. Especially with the way those two are talking.

I grabbed my top and jeans. Quickly put them on and turn to the girls as they both calm down.

Y/N: "Well this has been fun ladies. But I've got to go. So I'll see you around."

Emma practically jumps into my arms planting a big kiss on my lips and when I turn to Juliet she merely looked the other way.

Emma: "Someone still upset."

Juliet: "Shut up!"

I chuckled and kissed her cheek then heading for the door. As I opened the door, Juliet.

Juliet: "See you around cowboy."

Y/N: "Same to you cowgirl."

[Time Skip]

It took me maybe a five-minute drive to my shop from the girl's place. I strolled into the shop. Already being greeted by my mechanics Greg and a few others. Greeting you back, however as you walked into the shop, you saw a young man working on a car. He's was about 18 or so.

I turned to Greg, my second command in the shop. A person who was double your age and truly deserved the title of the manger.

Greg: "Boss how did the race last night go?"

Y/N: "Good, came in first place again."

At that moment I see a mechanic screaming at the kids as he quickly says sorry. I turned to Greg, already folding my arms then look to him.

Y/N: "Who's the kid?"

Greg: "Kids name is Dale. He's looking for a job and said he wanted to become a mechanic. So I offered him a job, I mean. If that's alright with you of course?"

I nodded, walking up to the young man. He seemed more Spanish in origin and if nothing else. He seemed more tanned skin like me. Well, he seemed even of a darker decent than even me.

Dale: "Um hello sir. How can I help you?"

I turned to Greg. Who nods standing beside me now.

Greg: "Kid this is the manager of the store and is your boss."

Dale: "Sorry sir."

I nodded and looked at the work he was doing. He may be a beginner, but he's not half and from the looks of his hands. It seemed he's done something familiar before.

Y/N: "Take it easy... I'll be working in the store now and again. Greg and the other guys are your teachers. Prove to Greg here your capable mechanic. After all, we've got to start somewhere. Am I right Greg."

Greg: "Yeah, don't worry kid. You'll get there eventually."

Dale was constantly looking to the floor and I nod.

Y/N: "Look after him Greg and teach him to keep his head up. I need to prepare a few things upstairs."

With that I walked off, heading for the stairs and my room. Wanting to take a quick shower and change clothes. Even maybe get an hour or two of sleep. However, as I make my way to the stairs. I heard footsteps behind me and before I can even look back.

Someone screams out.


I spun around as something tackles me to the floor. I've locked my arms around the beast's head. About to choke it out. But when I heard the whimpering of the animal.

I looked down and found out it was Chop in my arms. I let go and the animal licks my face. I look up and see Franklin and Lamar walking into the shop.

Lamar: "See I told you it would be funny!"

Lamar breaks out laughing and I turn to Franklin, he's also holding back his laughter.

Franklin: "Sorry dude man it was kind of funny."

I pushed Chop off me and I turned to Lamar.

Lamar: "So what can I do you for motherfucker!"

Y/N: "Follow me. We'll talk upstairs."

We've all made our way up to my little room and as I shut the door behind me, then turned to them.

Y/N: "So you're ready to do this Lamar?"

Lamar: "Of course man, like you even need to ask."

Franklin: "Chill dude."

I turn to see Lamar agitated by that comment and shake my head as he turns to Franklin.

Lamar: "I'm chilled mother fucker. But, why the fuck is you living here. I mean seriously. This is just sad."

I spun around looking at my room, it was clean and well maintained. So... What's the problem?

You've moved the punching bag up here, so you can train. You got a proper bed this time around. Have all the cooking stuff to the side of the room, so you can cook in the evening. All you needed was a table. But this place was cramped, already and you have a table downstairs. So it didn't seem like much of a problem.

However, with all three of you in here, the small room was incredibly cramped now.

Y/N: "Yeah, well. I like it, and I don't need a big empty house. If I've got the space here."

Lamar: "You should be spending some cash, my nigga. Get yourself an apartment or some shit."

I yawn and leaning down to scratch

Y/N: "Don't need one... I'm putting some of my money in stocks and into buying an apartment, that I'm going to rent out soon enough."

Franklin: "Why?"

Y/N: "Easy money, and if I do it enough times, I don't need to do work anymore. It's clean money."

Franklin: "How you figure that out?"

Y/N: "When I was in prison. Well, I had this guy as my roommate. He was a big investor type. Worked for this gang and handled their accounts. He was making a killing. This guy told me what he did. But, he stole from the gang he worked for so... yeah."

Franklin: "You think you can make it work?"

Y/N: "Might take a while... But I'm not stealing from a gang. I'm using my money. Not that banks either, meaning. I don't have to repay anyone."

Franklin: "Sweet idea..."

Lamar: "Listen you little bitches. I'm here for one reason and one reason only. You said you can help me. So what job are we doing?"

I turn to Franklin, in my hazed state.

Y/N: "Did you tell him about my request?"

Franklin: "I did dog. But he only listened to only half of it. He drove us here saying he's going to make some hectic cash."

I groaned and scratched my chin feeling, feeling my beard was finally growing again. Starting to get longer.

Lamar: "So who are we hitting today?"

I shook my head.

Y/N: "I can't think right now... Give me ten minutes to shower and we'll grab something along the way to Vespucci beach, we'll talk there."

Lamar: "Really! Come on man!"

I pushed him aside and headed for my shower, quickly brushing my teeth and doing everything I can as fast as I can. When I'm finally done, I've dressed and put on some normal clothing. As I'm about to leave. I grab the switchblade I bought a few nights ago.

Then headed for the two of them as they waited for me downstairs.

Lamar: "Well thank you for making us wait sleeping beauty."

Franklin punched his side.

Franklin: "Shut the fuck up! We ready to go?"

I nod and jumped into the back of the van. After a ten-minute drive, we parked the car. Bringing Chop along. As I grabbed a cup of coffee to drink and grab a bag full of doughnut's we walk off. Walking past the gym on the beach and the tennis courts.

We finally stopped when we were under a gazebo. Thankfully, anyone that was nearby soon left, thanks to Lamar. I handed a doughnut to Franklin along with Lamar, they both took and I finally took a sip of my hot coffee, as we all sat at a table.

Y/N: "So Lamar... What do you think we're going to do?"

Lamar: "I thought we were going to do some jobs you know. Make some good cash you dig."

I nodded

Y/N: "You're not wrong. But I need to be honest with you Lamar. You're a loose cannon and that's not good for these types of jobs. "

This sent him off, as he gives you the finger.

Lamar: "Fuck you mother fucker! I handled myself fine on the previous job!"

Franklin: "Chill man... Just hear him out."

Lamar: "Fine, but you better be careful or my Apache blood rises to show homie."

I take a swig of my coffee. Then rest my arm on the table.

Y/N: "You think that makes you a tough guy? Or a badass... Just because you have their blood running in your veins? That's means nothing here."

Lamar: "What did you say!"

Y/N: "I'm saying..." I groaned and grabbed the bridge of my nose. Not wanting to start a fight here. "You know what, fuck it. This is not the time or the place for this. Lamar, you handled the previous job fine."

Lamar: "See!"

Y/N: "I said fine... Not great. The plan was to leave the place spotless. When we left, the place was a wreck. Everything was on the fucking floor. But, we're not getting to that one. You did your part. But, you were reckless picking a fight with that kid back then. Up until now. You've spent the money with no care in the world. I don't care how you did it. But that paints a red flag on your back and ours. People can use this against us if they found out."

Lamar: "Please, we were safe no one knew we were there."

Y/N: "Yeah... Because of me, better to be safe than sorry. For the past six weeks, I've been hearing some talk in my shop. I'm not going to pretend that you didn't make any noise around town. With you trying to bring someone in for a bounty hunter job. What was his name... D or something?"

Lamar jumps out of his seat stares me down.

Lamar: "It was a good idea!"

Y/N: "That's not the point. You've got nothing to show out of that adventure and the guy knows your face. He knows that you did it. You are reckless and a loose cannon. What do you want Lamar? To die like every gang banger around here?"

Lamar: "Don't go disrespecting the hood mother fucker!"

He leaned over pointing his finger in my face. But Franklin stood up stepping between us.

Franklin: "Chill dog... He's trying to help you."

Lamar pushes Franklin back and turns to me.

Lamar: "I don't need no help, I need money!"

Y/N: "Then you're getting nothing from me... Lamar, you are dangerous and could endanger everyone on a job."

Lamar: "You keep talking about me. But, why the fuck is Franklin here?"

I turn to Franklin. Who simply shrugged his shoulders and I nod.

Y/N: "He's silent, he's got a good head on shoulders. listens to my orders and act's on them without any sass or backchat. He also is a good driver and not bad in a fight either."

Lamar: "I am too!"

Y/N: "Lamar... You have no skills. But that doesn't mean I'm not going to help. I can train you to be a good shot and do a few jobs with me. But right now. I can't deal with this Lamar Davis. The gang banger, the cold-blooded killer, the guy who doesn't think ahead. I need a Lamar Davis who can be my wingman and handle bank a heist. Someone that I can rely on. I want to know if I get shot. Your coming to get me and right now. I can't tell where you stand."

Lamar: Why you! Why do I need to change for you!"

Y/N: "Because I don't need your death keeping me up at night. I need a Lamar Davis. Who can think, and be the best shooter or the best driver I need that day. If you don't want to be that guy. To still be living on the street and still making no cash. Fine... But if you want to do jobs with me. Then you've got to change. Am I clear?"

Lamar stared me down for a moment and walked off. Taking chop with him. I turned to Franklin who was shaking his head unimpressed.

Franklin: "That went well."

I nodded sitting back down in my seat and lit a cigarette.

Y/N: "Tell me about it... Listen, Franklin, I know you both are friends. But do you trust him?"

Franklin: "Shit man... Where is this coming from?"

I lean back into my chair and sigh.

Y/N: "Listen... I'm looking for loyalty. These kinds of jobs are dangerous and sometimes, people will stab you in the back. I've had two occasions when shit hits the fan and people start shooting or aim their gun at you. Lamar right now is one of those people, who could start a fight."

Franklin: "You would shoot him?"

Y/N: "Not me... But someone who's also on the job will. Lamar knows how to push buttons. He looks unprofessional and the thought on everyone's head is, 'When is this guy going to stab me in the back.'"

Franklin: "But he won't do that!"

I nod.

Y/N: "You know that. I know that but to others... He's a ticking time bomb. I don't need trained killers. I need people that are loyal and are willing to do their best. So if they can shoot, great. If they can out-drive the cops, great. Can they hack into a computer terminal? Amazing. Because I can give him a job, a station where he's needed. You're like that Franklin. That's why Michael hired you to be a driver. Just like he hired me to overview the escape route. Michael can tell that we are serious and won't fuck around. But, Lamar... It's a little difficult to tell, what is he going to do when the plan fails."

Franklin shook his head, then nodded.

Franklin: "Shit man... You're right. The number of times that guy has caused shit for me, and the amount of time I needed to save his raggedy-ass too much."

Y/N: "Yeah... He can be a gang banger and sell drugs or do whatever. But when he works with me. He's got be someone else, cause he's going to kill himself if he's not careful."

Franklin: "Fuck!"

Y/N: "Yeah. Anyway, have you heard of anything about Michael and the due date for this job?"

Franklin: "Not yet... But he said soon, why do you ask?"

Y/N: "Michael wants fast bikes. So I was planning on getting road bikes at first. But, when I saw the route we're going to take. I'm going to have to change to off-road bikes. I heard from a good friend of mine, that there's this group outside of Los Santos. It's a group of red necks attacking anyone who looks foreign and kills them if they don't listen."

Franklin: "I see where this is going. You want to clean up."

I nod.

Y/N: "Pretty much... Besides, immigrants don't have it easy here. Don't need to die just because of pigment in your skin."

Franklin: "Shit this might be the first time; I'll be happy to kill a mother fucker."

I nod, placing my finished cigarette in a trash can.

Y/N: "Good, I've got a truck and a trailer set up. My plan is they try to stop me. We kill them and take their shit. What you think."

Franklin: "Sound good to me."

[Time Skip]

It didn't take long to find out hillbilly border patrol, we were minding our own business passing the, getting close to the County side. When from behind Franklin spot's four people on bikes riding up to us.

Franklin: "They're here... What do we do?"

I chuckled pulling out my pistol, while I see Franklin going for his sawed-off shotgun. As the biker pulls up to Franklin's window. He had crooked teeth and showed no sign of police officers or anything like that.

He smelt and looked like a good for nothing.

Hillbilly: "Hey you! Speaky English? Passaportor, asshole!"

Franklin brought his window down, while I kept my eye on the rearview mirror his friends coming up behind. One was getting close to my side driving up pretty fast.

Franklin: "Yeah I speak English, mother fucker and guess what."

Franklin raises his shotgun and fires stopping the car, I kick the truck door open and the driver as the right moment as he races forward. His bike hits the truck door, he's thrown off his bike and flies over the edge of the valley hitting the rocks down below.

I've stepped out of the car aiming at the one who's going for a Mirco SMG

But I've already aimed and fired a bullet hitting his shoulder, he falls to the floor and then another goes through his skull. I hide behind the car as one of the driver's races past. But he tries to make a run for, Franklin pulls out his shotgun and fired.

Taking that guy down with no problem at all.

Franklin: "We good?"

I turned to the one guy I shot before. Quickly walking up to him and kicking his gun away. He lay motionless on the floor and I nodded.

Y/N: "We're good. Now come let's get this done."

Ten minutes or less and you've got four bikes on the trailer. Franklin was already in the driver's seat. Turning the car around so we can leave. While I kick the dead bodies over the side landing on their dead friend down below.

Y/N: "We are good."

I chuckled taking my seat beside Franklin. Handing him whatever I found on the bodies. Which was close to a $1 000 in total. I've handed him his cut.

Franklin: "Shit, who knew hillbillies were carrying this amount of cash?"

Y/N: "Yeah, but this is nothing compared to the stuff, we'll make later on."

Franklin: "Ain't that truth."

[Time Skip]

It was close to six o'clock in the evening.

Franklin and I had just brought the bikes to the store. I'll be looking the over tonight making sure, no problems were to arise on the job, with it only taking an hour or two. Along with some test driving in the morning.

I was also overlooking the plans Lester sent me.

The roads would lead to a problem. Thankfully there was an easier way to get out without the cops firing at you, there was a tunnel that is being worked on for train tracks.

Most of it is done and can lead you out of the city pretty easily. It will also allow you to meet up at the rendezvous point. So you'll need to focus on that. But you know how this line of work goes. In case things go bad. You'll need a backup plan to meet up later.

Which is what you are doing now.

However, as your taking mental notes of the pipes and roads that you'll have to take.

You hear a knock at the door, quickly pulling out your phone, you check who it is. Yet, you never got that far as the person speaks up on the other side.

???: "Hey... This Lamar... You know Lamar Davis. Come dude let me in please."

I pulled out my phone and it was him, alone and with no weapons in hand. I quickly walk over to the door and see him take a moment to sniff and speak up.

Lamar: "Listen, man, I'm... Well, I want to do right by you and see where this goes. A-and, and I mean it. I mean. Shit man look."

He lets his guard down and starts to talk. As he looks to the floor.

Lamar: "I'm... Struggling. I... I need help. No one ever believed in me like you did and I mean no one. Franklin thinks I'm an idiot. The 'Families' thinks I'm a little kid trying to prove something and- Shit man, I don't like to talk about my feelings dog, you feel me."

I nod and he nods.

Lamar: "I just... Don't want to be a joke anymore. OK, so... I'm going to do it. I'm going to be the guy that you need. Of course, if you're still willing to train me and help me is all."

I look at him and nod, letting him in.

Lamar: "Thanks, man..."

He walks in and I lock the door.

Y/N: "Take a seat."

He grabs one of the few chairs around the auto shop and sits. I grab a chair myself.

Y/N: "You're not going to like it... The change I mean. You know, you made this identity for yourself and you want to keep it. And you can. But not on the job. We clear?"

He nods.

Y/N: "OK, I can't explain everything now. We need to see, where you are right now and how useful you are this type of job."

Lamar: "OK... So, what are we going to do?"

I looked at him and thought about it for a moment.

Y/N: "Well... I need to learn, what you're good at and what you're not good at."

Lamar: "That's easy i-"

I held my hand up.

Y/N: "Not now... Not today. Tomorrow at nine o'clock. Go to the ammunition store down the road. Be there at nine or earlier, not later, never late. I'm going to put you through a test."

Lamar: "Ahh, test?"

Y/N: "Yup... Tomorrow we're going to test you on your target practice and your job is to beat me in shooting match."


Y/N's Bank Account
Cash: $6 000
Bank: $94 000
Stock Market $ 50 000
Owns: 1 Bike, 1 Car


Hey guys. 

If you finished this chapter well done. I personally want to tell you guys. I'm so happy to see readers, having a read of this book. I know it's not normal book. But i'm so thankful that you do read it.

So please leave a comment or a like.
And if you have a few suggestions. Don't be afraid to leave one, or if you feel i should mention someone. 

Also to...

I've heard your request and will mention the Packie mcReary later on in the book.

Until then. 

Stay awesome guys and i'll see you soon

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