Growing Up

By joshuabt94

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Incomplete story, I've never written anything as complex before still working on this. But it's just about th... More

Life, Growing Up Intro
School Years 2005 - 2011
Australia/ Eliza 2010 - 2014
Meeting Nyssa & Markets 2014 - 2015
New Job and Nia 2015 - 2018
Patty and Moving On 2018 - 2019

Being Alone 2019 Onward

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By joshuabt94

I was told by a few people about how Melbourne was the place for me, I didn't believe them at firstas I felt too safe, comfortable in where I was. My Mum, Dad, my boss Jen, Patty, all told me it was where I was supposed to be. After Patty has told me, I decided to take action and look for jobs and opportunities over there. 

My boss Jen, my amazing co worker Roxanne would help me a lot with my resume, I will always be grateful for their help and what they both did you assist me. 

I ended up with a lot of job offers and in that moment, I decided it was my time to move on. It happened within 3 weeks of the time I started.

I was too comfortable in work, I didn't want to leave, I had made such an impact on my regular guests day and to leave my boss Jen, who was like my mother, friend, family, I didn't admit but leaving her was so difficult, she had taught me so many things, not just at work, outside too. 

She took me in as her family, she always cared, she could see my pain and how I was feeling when in doubt, she never gave up on me even when we did argue at work a few times. But I love her always.
She taught me to be strong, how to deal with stress, showing me how to be a better person in management, how to deal with new situations at work, she was the one who helped create the new version of myself, I was always learning from her, both from her influence and guidance.

When I told her I was moving to Melbourne she was so happy for me, but I could see and know she was going to miss me. She calls me frequently nowadays to make sure I'm ok, to talk about work and life, it's always a good conversation.

The move was happening so fast I never really had much time to say goodbye to people, but Eliza was so hurt by me not making sure I came to her, I felt so guilty not trying to go to her. 

But in some ways I was leaving behind my life, for some reasons I wanted to, some not. I wish some of the people I know lived here with me in Melbourne, because it's not the place that makes the home, it's the people.

I knew that me and Patty weren't going to make it, I tried to make her comfortable before I left, we lived together so I tried to get all the big things out the house, tried to clean as much as I could before I left. Even when I broke the lease, I paid for all the costs involved, I chose to forfeit my bond to cover everything even having to pay some out of pocket to get the place advertised.

I protected her by ensuring her bond was never to be touched, so she was able to get all her money back, I had to accept a thank you, I never will receive. Instead I got the blame for stressing her out,  I tried to make her comfortable, even when I came to Melbourne, I purposely went out and looked for jobs for her, I did so much more than I felt like I had to. 

When I tell people, they said it's more than what people can ask for, but it feels like the norm to me, I just want to help however I can.

We did break up, she made me toxic, as I to her. But we were never meant to be, a relationship should never be like that. So now I choose to be single, alone, I feel like more of myself than ever before.

I have the ability to help people whenever or however now, with no guilt, no weight on my shoulders. I want to be an inspiration to people who feel they live with doubt, I try to always look for the best in people, even when they are evil.

If more people were to hold out their hand for one another, the world would be connected, instead all humanity does is push away, we don't embrace each other.

I always tell people, if I cut him, or her, or him, what colour blood comes out? Red.

We're all the same, it's the cover that's different, we shouldn't judge people based on the cover when deep down we're all the same. Sure we have different faults, mistakes we have made, but everyone makes mistakes til' they get to their full potential.

If only we helped people with their faults we wouldn't have so much hate.
Believe it or not I did ballet dancing for around 13 years! I met so many people whose lives have forever touched mine, it was a shame we all didn’t hang outside of the dance academy but that’s ok. There was one person whom I did go start to become close friends with, Kym Fearon.

I don’t know how it happened, we just started talking more at dance, she was older than I was but age doesn’t matter. We clicked so fast, you know that feeling when you just suddenly become friends with someone without even having to force it, those friendships last forever.

We started to have movie nights at her place, we went swimming, went to parties together, we bonded so much. But me being who I am, wears glasses but still blind to people's deep feelings, didn’t realise she had started to fall, I heard it from another person.

Now I mention the fact, I have been blind to so many people who liked me, I just couldn’t see that their feelings were more, sometimes I feel like I’ll miss my soulmate, cause I’m too blind to see it.
I did talk to her about it, I didn’t want to compromise our friendship, I never made any move on her, nor she did I. But we remained friends which I’m grateful for.

We had a party once, a short while later, she had started to date someone that we had met prior at a party. But she was too afraid to tell me, we did have a few drinks that night, then she had the courage to tell me.

She was scared it would affect us, as friends, she didn’t want anything to change. I just wanted the best for her. “As long as you're happy that’s all I’ve ever wanted for you, be happy with him” I told her. I did have a bit of a cry, I was just so overwhelmed with good feelings and crying with happiness is just how I sometimes convey my message.

I think she was at ease after that point, even though were both thousands of miles away from each other, I will always have her back, she is loved by me.

Everyone we know in life, the people we love, the ones we keep close to our hearts, they are like a secret superpower, they give us more strength when we are in this together.

We are stronger together.

The people I've met along my journey, have always meant a lot to me, they will forever love in my heart.

Chris and Suzette, they were my boss's at the Subiaco Markets. They taught me the value of honesty, even when it hurts its better to hurt with the truth than to make someone feel good with a lie.

My parents taught me the same lessons, parents give us so much in life, I now try to give them both guidance and advice on life, even if I am younger, that doesn't really matter, you can give good advice if you have the experience behind yourself. 

I do try to picture myself as a superman. Embody his ideals, even people, my friends call me supes, or on Facebook they will call me superman. 

I like to think it's because they see that I embody the right ideals of hope, help, heroism toward people. 

Lou always taught me the life lessons of dealing with pressure, how to come out on top of the negative situations with hope. He taught me a lot from his past, he was such a traditional person I love every aspect of him. 

Since coming to Melbourne, I’ve met so many people who have already added value to my life, my dear friend Ali, Lina, Brigid, Coco, Gwenlu, Rina, Olivia, Catalina and more. Each person has a uniqueness about them, a different story I’d love to learn, to relate to, to understand. They have already made an impact on me, it’s not about how many people you know, it’s the quality of those closest to you.

I hope that each of those people feels as if I have/tried to help them in some way or another. I’m so happy to give my time to each and every one of them, such beautiful people. I always wish good things for them and hope they achieve each and every one of their life goals.

When I met Lina, she was very tough, like she had been through things, we can relate to one another often in situations, she listens to me and understands my past.

Recently I’ve been listening to a lot of music, trying to find songs that relate to life, situations, people, everything. I post quotes on my instagram to show people hope, compassion, to spread love and I enforce it with music that relates.

Some people thought I might be feeling down, but actually I feel more myself doing it, I know it’s making a difference in people's day, they see the quote, hear the music, when they wake up and it just gives them the energy, happiness, strength to make it through their day. 

I tend to listen to a lot of music nowadays, I reminisce about the past a lot, my faults my mistakes I’ve made, they made me into who I am today, I wouldn’t change a thing… maybe..

Music makes me think of different times in my life, the people I’ve been with, the people I’ve lost, the people I can’t have anymore. It’s hard to let go and it’s easier said than done, I tell people to move on, I try to give them my help to move on, but the thing’s I live with, nothing can make it go away.
I’ve tried so hard to let go of the past that’s been weighing me down, but then I hear that song, smell that perfume, feel that feeling and I’m right back in that exact moment in which it happened.

There’s a song by Lifehouse, called Everything. I honestly cry when I hear that song by myself, it makes me think of what could have been. I know one day there will be someone who will inspire me enough to let go of it all, but I’m not sure when that will happen.

People can be so buried by their past mistakes, they worry about their responsibilities, they can lose sight of the present, the things that are happening right in front of their eyes. Those precious moments that once missed, can never be repeated.

We all need that one person in life who inspires the darkness out of us and there is a person for everybody out there.

Life has made me realize so many things, the magic of celebration on certain events has gone, I no longer look forward to anything except seeing people, Christmas, Birthdays, Public holidays, it all means nothing to me now.

Culture has broken everything, I am at fault myself, but Christmas for example, people just WANT things, I did too. But now I realize that life is more than having so many possessions, I want to bring back the old ways, where families have Christmas Dinner, sharing surprise gifts that come from the heart to people, not what people want. 

Sure you can surprise people with the things they want, but it doesn’t give that same feeling of a well thought surprise gift. Or a well written card, honestly, if everyone just gave me cards, that were filled with words from the heart, I’d protect them more than any other gift imaginable. 

I still have old cards from friends, lovers, family that I will never give up. Time to time I will read those messages, to see the impact that I’ve made on people, it gives me so much hope and strength. I really try to put as much effort into peoples cards as possible, that is my gift for people, my time, all of my thought and effort. Life is a gift as it is already, we don’t need to celebrate with physical gifts, think emotional, touching, thoughtful things that inspire us.

Celebrate every day with the people we love, life is too short to worry about getting something, when you already have the perfect gift that comes from within us all, LOVE.

One of my most memorable friends has only come into my life recently, Sam Jeffs.

We actually went to school together, I always remember him not in a negative way, he was in many of my classes, we spoke but it was nothing more than classmates back then.

Whilst I was in Australia he came out by himself in 2014, he stayed for awhile but I only met up with him once, we had a good laugh but at that time we didn't bond. It wasn't til 2019, when I was browsing through Instagram, that I'd realised he had come back to Perth with his partner.

I immediately texted him that we should meet up for lunch and hang out, it was good for both of us to have a friend we'd known each other for a long time and I am so blessed that we started to hang out. He immediately seemed more self assured of who he was, with his future wife, work and knowing where he wanted to be. We got along so well we became almost inseparable.

It surprised me, I never expected to grow close with him, but he taught me to laugh and see things on the brighter side, he was a tough guy on his exterior, but deep down he has such a caring loving soul.

He became a brother to me, I did whatever I could to help him in Perth, he needed some things for his place as I was going to be moving to Melbourne I gave him my bike, it was just perfect timing that he said he needed one and I had one to give.

He did so much for me in that short time, I miss him so much, we only had such a brief time in Perth, I wish it could have been longer. He messaged me out of the blue the other day, "Miss you bro, not the photo, I just miss you". He hit a nerve immediately.
The people we never expect to come into our life, change us for the better, without us knowing, we create relationships that are everlasting, people we would do anything for even though you only just met not long ago.

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