Always || Daryl Dixon

By KylieeePalmer

19.8K 415 40

When civilisation has been destroyed and the once dead are now roaming the earth, there's only one thing that... More



956 14 0
By KylieeePalmer

It's been a few days since Andrea shot Daryl, since I thought he was dead and since we admitted to having feelings for each other, but it's also been a few days since Daryl so much as spared me a glance, he's been avoiding me and I know it, he isn't very subtle no matter how much he thinks he is.

"Hey Lyla! I need to speak to you!" Glenn's rushed voice made me jump out of my thoughts as he appeared behind me fumbling with his fingers and looking around at the rest of the camp who wasn't paying any attention to us.

"Uh, okay? What's up?" I asked as I stood up beside him.

"Not here, come on." He whispered as he started to walk away towards the barn, with a mental shrug of the shoulders I followed in his footsteps.

Once we were a few feet away from the barn he stopped and started to pace backwards and forewords mumbling to himself.

"Glenn? What's going on?" I asked getting worried about his weird behaviour.

"Listen, what I'm about to tell you has to stay between us, just for now. Just until I figure out what to do. God she's gunna be mad, so mad." He rushed on looking at me with a sense of pleading in his eyes while struggling to catch his breath.

"Hey, listen, chill your shit, okay?" I said placing my hands on his shoulders forcing him to stay still. "What's going on? And who's gunna be mad?" I asked slowly.

"Maggie, she's gunna hate me for telling you this, but, uh, there's uh, walkers in the, uh, barn." He muttered pointing over his shoulder at the faded red building behind him.

"What? How many? Why?" A thousand questions rushed through my mind as I slowly approached the chained doors of the barn. The fact that they were chained almost screamed that there was something in there Hershel didn't want getting out. Always missing the details, damn.

Slowly placing my hands on either side of the small gap between the two doors I peered in catching a glimpse of what had to be a dozen walkers before a rotting hand flung out causing my to scream and throw myself backwards, the fingers clawing at the doors trying to break free, excited over the prospect of their next meal.

"What the shit?" I whispered to myself as I tried to calm my rapid heartbeat. "Why are they in there?" I asked turning to Glenn who looked just as terrified as I felt, and probably looked.

"It's Hershel, he thinks that there's a cure. That their just sick people, their his family and his neighbours. He still sees them as people." He explained as he looked over my shoulder suddenly quieting down.

"What?" I asked in confusion looking over my shoulder to see Maggie walking over and may I say she looked super pissed, but then again so am I. "Does she know?" I asked quietly turning back around to face Glenn. 

"Yeah, she's the one who showed me." He muttered as he nodded his head.

"Glenn! I told you to stay away from the barn! Daddy will go mad if he knew!" Maggie started to yell as she got closer.

"I know, I'm sor-" Glenn started before I cut him off.

"Hey! Wanna lower your voice at all?" I hissed at Maggie as the sounds of the dead inside the barn got louder as they heard her voice.

She turned to glare at me, I knew she was mad. Mad that Glenn told me, mad that I knew, mad that she knew what was coming next.

"Either you tell them, or I will." I said gesture the group that was bustling around the farm without knowing that their lives were being put in danger from the exact same man that was letting them stay. "You've got till dinner." I muttered my last words before turning and stomping off, pissed is an understatement.


It's been around an hour I'd say, maybe, since I spoke to Glenn about the walkers in the barn. I'm currently sitting on top of Dale's RV looking out over the empty fields that sit around the farm.

"Lyla? I thought you were with Glenn." Dales surprised voice sounded as he climbed the ladder onto the RV.

"Yeah, I was." I sighed looking down at my hands. "If you knew something, something that could change everything we have here. Would you tell them? Everyone else I mean." I asked as I looked up to the older man hoping for some wisdom.

"He told you, about the barn?" He somewhat asked as he looked away from me.

"You knew?" I asked shocked as I stood up. "Why haven't you said anything?"

Sighing he took my seat on the old deckchair we had up here for those who was on watch.

"He came to me this morning, I've spoken to Hershel about it. He doesn't think it's a problem." He said wiping the sweat from his forehead on a rag which he pulled from his pocket.

"Not a problem? If they get out they could kill us all, how is that not a problem." I whisper yelled at him trying to avoid anyone else hearing our conversation.

"He see's them as sick people, Lyla! It's his land, who are we to tell him what he can or can't do." He shrugged.

"I'm sorry? Are you serious right now?" I asked in disbelieve that he was just going to let them carry on. "I'm telling everyone, I've given Glenn the chance but if he doesn't I will. I'm not living with those things." I hissed as I made my way down the ladder and away from the RV.

As I got a few feet away I was suddenly tackled to the floor by two small bodies, giggling erupted from the bodies which caused me to laugh aswell.

"Well hey guys! A simple hello would've done." I laughed as I got up pulling Carl and Sophia with me.

"Lyla! Can you play with us please! Mum keeps making me do school work even though there is no school." Carl said with a pout looking to Sophia for help.

"Pleeeaasse Lyla!" She dragged out as she looked at me with her puppy dog eyes.

Sighing in defeat I nodded my head both of them cheering as they grabbed one of my hands each and took off running to a laid down log that was used as a seat.


As the sun was setting we were gathered around the fire eating what I think was squirrel that Merle had caught since Daryl was still out of action.

"Lyla!" Looking around for who called me I noticed Glenn gesturing for me to follow him as he stood off to the side of the group. Confused I got up and walked over to him.

"Have you told them?" I wondered, but he couldn't have done. Shane wouldn't have sat there quietly if he knew something like this was going on under our noses.

"No, uh, I need a bit of time. Maggie said she's going to talk to Hershel, see if she can get him to understand that their dangerous. I gave her till morning, please Lyla, just till morning and if he still doesn't understand I'll tell everyone then. Please." He almost begged looking into my eyes.

Sighing I nodded. "You tell them in the morning Glenn, this is serious." I said looking back over at the group who were smiling and laughing unaware of what was to come.


Bit of a shorter chapter, it's been a while since I updated and just wanted to get something done :)

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