Lost in the Stone World

By cookieROCKS18

41.3K 1.6K 413

Since the time of the Stone World rising, [ f/n ] was unable to believe that something like this were to ever... More

*quick author's note!*
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
! Authors Note !
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21

Chapter 5

2.2K 97 13
By cookieROCKS18

When Tsukasa had left the cave, [ f/n ] had looked at what she was provided with. Taking a quick look around, she finds a sharp rock and uses it as a sharp knife to cut the lion's pelt apart to accommodate her body size. She quickly gets to work as she tears apart the pelt and makes a makeshift dress, cutting another strip to make a belt and hold everything together. When she was satisfied with the ability to move around freely, she smiles to herself before taking a few cautious steps outside of the cave.

The sounds of nature had filled the atmosphere, creating such a beautiful scenic sound as she continued to walk through the forest. [ f/n ] is amazed at the fully grown trees with hanging vines, fruit and even different animals. They started at her with a confused manner before running off who knows where. [ f/n ] couldn't help but smile at the peace and quiet as she allowed herself to continue wandering until she heard the sound of flowing water. She takes a couple more steps before looking down at the river in front of her and kneeling to drink from the river. After refreshing herself after so long, she pulls away with a content sigh as she wipes her lips. As she gazes at herself from the reflection of the water, she gently runs her fingers through her hair as she tries her best to take out some of the knots that she could see. But, from the corner of her eye, she saw a rock that was in the river itself. Squinting at the material, she reaches in and picks up the rock before inspecting the contents as she rubs her thumb over it.


She looks around and grabs another stray rock and aims before hitting the end of it. After hitting it several times, she held up the flint up closer as one side of the rock had a sharp edge to it. [ f/n ] looks around and smiles as she stuffs both rocks into her makeshift dress, looking around the river bed as she started to pick up some more flint. As she feels her dress shift from the sudden weight it was carrying, [ f/n ] had decided to go back to the cave. After climbing up the small hill, she notices a few sticks lying around nearby and soon decided to grab those as well before placing all of the materials on the ground.

"Hmm..rope..rope.." [ f/n ] slightly whispered to herself as she taps her chin and taking in her surroundings. She looks outside again, her eyes catching onto the sight of vines nearby. She smiles as she quickly goes over to it and tugs them off the tree and retreats back to her spot. Taking a seat, she sighs as she looks down at the vines she picked, rubbing the material between her fingers. She then picks up the flint that she had carved earlier before allowing the top of the vine to scrape along the flint, watching it as it starts to shred in all different directions.

"It's fitting how it looks like string cheese."

Acquired: Rope!

[ f/n ] laughs to herself as she continues this action, cutting the vine at a certain length and placing the flint down. She then turns to the thin strips of vines and starts to twist them together, almost watching itself braid in the process as she continued. Once reaching the end, she tied a knot and looked at the material once more before allowing a small smile to form on her lips. Taking the flint that she had carved, she started to hit the other side of the flint piece until she was able to get what looked like an arrowhead shape. [ f/n ] exhaled as she places the end of the flint at the end of a stick, wrapping it together with some rope and finally tightening the rope in place.

Acquired: Arrow!

Looking at the weapon in hand, she spins it between her fingers and catches it mid air. [ f/n ] smiles as she looks at it before putting it away and looking at her remaining materials. She takes the larger piece of flint that she picked up, grabbing a rock to sharpen the edge of it. After doing so, she grabs the larger sticks and cuts a hole near the end and placing the sharp flint inside. [ f/n ] then uses the rest of the rope she made and wraps it together, tying the rope tight enough so it wouldn't come undone.

Acquired: Knife!

"Alright, that should be good enough.."

[ f/n ] smiles at the progress she has made, looking down at the tools she was able to make so far. From the distance, she was able to hear some footsteps coming towards her direction so she turns towards the entrance of the cave before tucking away her tools from behind a couple of rocks. She notices the familiar figure again, Tsukasa walking into the cave while carrying a few materials in his hands. He walks up to her and gives her a bowl of berries, [ f/n ]'s eyes widening as she takes the bowl from him and allows himself to take a seat next to her.

"Welcome back, was the travel difficult?"

"No, it wasn't that bad. Are you alright with berries for now? I can catch some fish later for dinner."

"Yes, this can hold me for a while." [ f/n ] smiled at him for a moment before looking down at the raspberries that he had picked. Taking one and eating it, she could only hum and exhale through her nose with relief as she continued to eat. Tsukasa had observed her from the start and he could only smile at the cute interaction as he gathered some wood together to start a fire. After watching the sky shift colors, the sound of the fire cracks were heard as [ f/n ] turns to see and feel the warmth of the fire pit. Eating another berry, she turns to face Tsukasa as he eats his own share of berries as well.

"So..? What happened here..?" Tsukasa looks at her for a moment before facing her as well, adjusting the way he sat. He thinks for a moment before looking into her eyes, and watching her as she patiently waits for him to start.

"Well..let's start with.."

As the fire crackles, Tsukasa did his best to tell how the world came to be and how the stone husks were something that has been keeping them alive for decades. Tsukasa then explained the usage of nitric acid and how it was the main ingredient that helped free both of them together. [ f/n ] continued to listen, finishing her bowl of berries before placing the bowl down next to her. Soon after, Tsukasa then explains his motive on reviving the thriving youth and eliminating the other adults, in hopes that [ f/n ] would understand.

[ f/n ] hums as she breaks down the thought process in her head, Tsukasa observing her as he watches her tap her chin. [ f/n ] then looks up at him, giving him a small smile to which catches him off guard and causes him to blush just the slightest.

"I can see what your vision is. Despite having greedy grown ups ruling the communist system, it would be nice to live in a world without having that."

Tsukasa's eyes widened as he smiles, sitting up straighter as he scoots a bit closer to her. "Then--"

"However, those adults didn't do anything wrong..it would be like murdering them.." Tsukasa pauses as he continues to look at her, watching her rest her chin on her knees as she continued to speak.

"I'm not sure if I can fully follow you on that but if you need some help then I don't mind helping you out, Shishio-kun." She turns to look at him, allowing another smile to grace her lips as she hovers her hands by the fire to keep herself warm. Tsukasa could only sit back and observe, a sigh escaping his lips as he boldly reaches out and waves his hand against hers. [ f/n ]'s eyes widen as her cheeks flush with a pinkish hue as she quickly looks at him.

"You know, family names don't really matter in this world anymore. I would prefer if you call me 'Tsukasa'." He smiles at her as she quickly looks away with embarrassment, her hand still linked with his. [ f/n ] slightly pouts as she tries her best to defend herself, not being able to meet his eye at the moment.

"I-I know, but y'know--I was just being respectful.."

"Well..thank you for that, I appreciate it. How about we get some rest and find a spot to set our camp tomorrow?"

[ f/n ] finally looks at him before agreeing to his idea, releasing his hand before finding a comfortable spot by the fire. Tsukasa does the same as he uses his arm as a pillow and takes a quick glance at her before wishing her a good night. [ f/n ] looks over her shoulder and smiles and replies back before huddling herself in a ball and falling asleep for the first time in 3,700 years.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Just like what Tsukasa had mentioned, both he and [ f/n ] had left the cave to venture out and find a place to start their base. Tsukasa did majority of the lifting as [ f/n ] would observe their surroundings as they traveled towards a large mountain. Both [ f/n ] and Tsukasa look up the side of it as he nods with approval and making his way over.

"Are you sure this will be okay to start? I hope it's not too difficult to find if we happen to find other people.."

"Don't worry, it's not that far from the river nearby. If some people do get lost, then they could just follow that." Tsukasa reassures as he looks at the massive cave, placing the left over materials back on the ground. [ f/n ] looked at the river that was right behind the forest, Tsukasa approaching behind her and placing his hand on top of her head to catch her attention. As he was ruffling her hair, she whined as she tried to stop him from messing up her hair as she looked up at his direction with a pout. Tsukasa could only laugh as he moves to stand in front of her, leaving his hand on top of her head.

"I'll be right back, I'm going to get more supplies."

"Ah! While you're out, I'm going to venture and look around the area, okay?"

"Will you be alright on your own? I can go with you."

"Yes, I'll be fine! I'm not some weak girl, you know?" [ f/n ] smirks as she crosses her arms over her chest, Tsukasa looking down at her before he huffs. His hand that was placed on her head had shifted to caress her cheek, causing her to slightly jump from the sudden shift and look at him with embarrassment.

"I know you're super strong. I can't worry about you?"

[ f/n ] then breaks the eye contact and turns her head slightly to focus on something else. Tsukasa only smiles as he takes a step and kisses her forehead, making her return her gaze back towards the tall male.

"I should be back no later than sundown. Try to be back in the cave until then, alright?"

[ f/n ] nods as Tsukasa gently caresses her cheek once more. After he was satisfied by her nod, he grabbed some of his tools before leaving the cave and heading off further within the forest. [ f/n ] took a moment before she also grabbed her tools and made her way towards the river. After making a quick jog, she reached her destination and smiled at the new area that she had found. She sighed with content at the open area, the flat land with planted berry bushes and various rocks as well. [ f/n ] had decided to walk along side of the river, following it down the forest before entering another area with bamboo.

"Oh my gosh..this is perfect!"

[ f/n ] laughs as she approaches the bamboo, taking out her knife as she started to cut some of the bamboo roots from the ground. After taking a few, she stuffs them into her dress before going back and looking up at the tall trees. [ f/n ] sighs as she looks around until she finds the perfect branch and starting to place her stuff down.

"After making an arrow, I'm going to try and see if I can make a bow.." [ f/n ] whispers to herself before she climbs the tree and snatching the shaped branch. Taking her knife, she carefully cuts it out from the tree and sits along the branch that supported her weight. [ f/n ] hums to herself as she swings her feet back and forth as she uses rope to make the main string of the bow before adjusting it. After bending the branch just a bit, she was able to fit the other side of the string before easing the tension on the branch.

Acquired: Bow!

"There! Now I can start hunting down--"

"Chalk, wait! You can't!"

[ f/n ] turned to see a little girl running after a dog who was being chased by a larger wolf. But the dog soon returned to its owner and the wolf's eyes were now on the girl. She yelped as she held her dog close to her as she tried her best to run away but found herself cornered. [ f/n ] gasped as she looked down at her slightly unfinished bow before looking up at the situation at hand. The wolf was getting closer as its growl grew louder and drool was seeping from his mouth. The little girl started to cry as she turned her back slightly to protect the dog, the white animal crying as it was shaking in fear.

[ f/n ] nocked her arrow and took a deep breath before bringing the string and arrow back. She watched as the wolf was about to pounce, [ f/n ] exhaling from her breath as she releases the arrow and strikes the wolf right on its head. The wolf was silenced as it stops moving and drops dead in front of the little girl, opening her eyes once she felt no pain come to her.

"Are you alright?"

The little girl looks up from her corner, [ f/n ] walking up to her as soon as she was able to get down from the tree. It wasn't until [ f/n ] had noticed the girl was wearing a melon on her head with two holes on the front that made her stop in front of her. The girl gasped with amazement as [ f/n ] kneeled in front of her, giving her a friendly smile and causing the girl to blush.

"Ye-Yes! Thank you so much for saving me and Chalk!"

The said animal barked with glee as Chalk was placed on the ground and went to lean its front paws on [ f/n ]'s knee. [ f/n ] laughs as she pets the dog, looking at the little girl before asking her name.

"What's your name?"

"My name is Suika! And this is my friend, Chalk!" Chalk barked again as it leaned into [ f/n ]'s touch, wagging its tail with excitement. [ f/n ] continued to giggle as Suika admired her beauty (despite having the 'eye disease') and listened to her laugh.

"What's your name?"

[ f/n ] looked at her once she averted her question back to her, causing her to stop petting Chalk. [ f/n ] gazed at her skin and had noticed that there weren't any black lines that indicated she was revived from the miracle water Tsukasa was talking about.

'They don't seem to be from our time..so maybe these are first generation humans..? It might be safe to come up with an alias for now.."

"My name? You can call me..Sensei." [ f/n ] smiled as she looks at Suika who only smiles in return. Suika calls out to Chalk as she notices the sun was starting to go down and had decided to return back to her village. As she held Chalk in her hands, she was about to turn and leave before turning back around and calling out to [ f/n ] once more.

"Will I be seeing you again, Sensei?"

[ f/n ] blinked for a moment before she looked around at her surroundings, noticing all of the materials that could possibly be used. [ f/n ] hums as she looks down at Suika and nods her head to accomadate with her question.

"I might be building a secret base here..so in case you want to see me, I'll be here."

"Okay! See you again, Sensei!" Suika calls out as she runs back into the forest, Chalk following right behind her. [ f/n ] waves until she was out of view, looking up at the sky as it was shifting colors once more. She inhales before exhaling loudly, taking in her surroundings once more. [ f/n ] smiles before taking her belongings and followed the river back up towards her base, but not before placing her arrow down into the ground on where she last stood.

Acquired: Secret Base!

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