My Human

By Yesenia1una

253K 12.2K 1.4K

Woken in a world ravaged by war, the planet is deteriorating quickly and Aeris is a lone survivor. Her one h... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35 Deep Inside of You
Chapter 36 Bound for the Floor
Chapter 37 High and Dry
Chapter 38 The Pretender
Chapter 39 Trouble

Chapter 19

6.4K 332 104
By Yesenia1una

Xan looked like someone had punched him in the stomach.

"You're mad at me," he stated, as if saying it out loud would provide him clarification.

"Spare me," I hissed seething with rage as I started to walk passed him.  I couldn't even look at him without his words ringing in my head.

He reached for my hand, aglow with an azure light.  "It's not what you think," he plead, but I pulled away.

"Don't touch me," I sneered.

"You don't understand, Aeris," he said firmly, almost desperate for me to listen.

"I don't have to be your problem anymore, Xan. I don't want to be a burden. I'll find my own place, just like Teo said."

I saw the flash of green in Xan's intense eyes. "It's not like that."

"It is. I heard you and Neron," I said, the emotions overflowing. Why did this bother me? Maybe it was just the idea of being treated so inferior but coming from Xan it just hurt even more.

"Don't let my existence stop you from living your perfect Torian life," I said, pushing past him and exiting the room.  I didn't look back. There was no point, I would have to matter for my words to mean anything but I knew now that I didn't.

Outside the door I took a deep breath, hoping to calm my nerves. This was so surreal. I had no past and no memories and my future was unknown.  Did I stay here?  I couldn't stay with Xan...not now.

"You okay?" Teo asked, standing nearby.  "I didn't want to go far. I wanted to make sure you were alright."

I nodded. "Im fine."

Teo nodded, but he seemed concerned.

"We are making a stop," he began. "The Ceres we saved from Deek are being dropped off on Naraq. It's sort of a safe haven for all beings. Might be a good place for you to see. The whole universe isn't dangerous."

I nodded as we walked toward the main control area. Inside we found Neron, Trish, Tierian and Ryuna. This was the family that Teo had spoken of. They all grinned happily as we walked inside, except Neron who seemed a little grumpy.

"Are you ready to see Naraq?" Trish asked excitedly.

"It's quite a place," Ryuna chimed in. "The gravitational pull of the main planet has pulled several asteroids into the orbit. They function like floating islands, many of which are capable of habitation."

"It's a refuge of sorts," Tierian added. "Many of our people have collected on Naraq seeking the peaceful life and sanctuary it offers."

Looking through the large windows ahead, I saw the planet they spoke of approaching in the distance. It was as they said, a medium sized planet that had golden oceans and green land masses. Floating majestically around it were several asteroids varying in size that truly did resemble floating islands.

"Wow," I murmured as we drew closer.

Teo grinned at my reaction. "There's a collection of different beings there. You won't have to worry about being accepted, as the general motto is 'acceptance for all'."

Neron huffed. "Yeah but will your handler be alright with you doing something outside of his will?" Clearly whatever words they had earlier were still lingering over his mood.

"Xan's not my handler," I grumbled. "I'll do what I want."

Neron arched a curious and amused eyebrow as Xan joined all of us.

"That's right," he said quietly.  "She is free to do whatever she wants."

Neron smirked, as if he sensed the tension between us.  "So you're not going to drag her off to Meru now?"

Xan gritted his teeth as he shot Neron a slightly annoyed glance. "If that's not what she wants, than no."

It was an obvious change of tune, though I wasn't sure why. I wasn't going to spend anymore energy worrying about it. I needed to focus on my future. I couldn't depend on him to take care of me. I needed to take care of myself.

"Great," Teo chimed in happily. "Guess you don't have to hang around here any longer. I'm sure you've got some important GIU business to take care of."

Xan's jaw remained clenched. I was starting to think he didn't like Teo very much. He flashed a challenging glare at Teo with a slight glint of red in his eyes.

"I will escort her until I have ascertained her safety," he looked at me with a softer expression and the red in his eyes dissipated. "Or until she asks me to leave."

He looked right into my eyes when he said it, as if it was meant only for me.  It gave me chills. I knew I should have told him to go.  I should have taken this opportunity and told him I was ready for him to leave. But those silver eyes penetrated into my soul in such a way that I froze.  I couldn't ask him to leave; not yet, not even through the fury of my anger.

I felt my cheeks burn as I adverted my gaze.

"Does that means you have accepted my offer?" Neron asked excitedly.

Xan sighed as Trish looked at Neron questioning you.

"What offer?"

Xan crossed his arms and looked at her with a tired expression.  "Neron wants me to accompany you as well.   He thinks we are both after the same thing."

"And what's that?" Trish inquired.

"Justice," Neron said plainly.  "Xan's mission is to find out what happened to the ancient planet and we need to find who was responsible for its destruction as well."

Trish looked at him confused.  "Why would we want to get ourselves wrapped up in that?"

Neron looked at her with a fiery passion in his eyes.  "Isn't that what we stand for? To save those who need help?  If we don't figure it out soon, another planet will lay wake in this evil's destruction."

Trish bit her lip.  "You're right," she replied, looking at the others who nodded in agreement.

Neron's attention returned to Xan. "So then?" He asked with a grin, as if he already knew the answer.

Xan hesitated before reluctantly nodding. "But just for now," he added quickly.  "Should Aeris decide otherwise I will depart."

Neron chuckled gleefully before returning his eyes back to the control panel.  "Then get ready! We are about to land!"

The ship's thrust changed and we slowed down, entering the atmosphere of the planet. The ship was careful to maneuver between asteroids. My eyes looked in wonder, fascinated by the floating islands. They held different organisms in each one. Some had tropical looking plants surrounding watering holes.   Others had a rockier surface, with cliffs of layered red clay. 

Our ship descended and landed one of the asteroids covered in golden sand with a large oasis nearby.  A water fall seemed to trickle down from the sky, falling from one of the islands above.  I pressed against the window, taking in a closer look of the magical sky waterfall.

"You can thank the Naraq Roxans for that," Teo chuckled nearby.

"Why would Roxans leave their planet to come here? What do they need refuge from?" I asked.

"Sanctuary isn't always just about escaping ethnic persecution," Ryuna answered, placing a hand on my shoulder. "Any being can have something they're running away from or looking to start over from. That's what draws beings to Naraq."

It felt like that was meant for me. Was I running away? Or was I just simply looking for something to run towards?

"Mask up, kid," Neron urged. "This isn't an Earthling favorable environment."

I nodded, putting my mask on my face. It had been nice not depending on it so much.

Xan appeared next to me and held out an open palm.  In the center was a dropper full of a silver liquid.  I looked at him questioningly.

"This was what I was getting you before you were stolen away," he said quietly.  "It only takes one drop to form a lens around your cornea that will make your eyes appear silver". His silver eyes pierced into me as he explained. My eyes would look like his, like a Torian. "It will help you blend in."

I still wanted to be mad at him. His words had hurt so much and they couldn't be forgiven that simply. But these mannerisms he was again displaying, that's who I had thought he was. He was so confusing. There was no black and white with him, only gray; foggy, confusing gray.

"She doesn't need to hide who she is," Teo huffed, seeing what Xan was offering.

Xan's face darkened at Teo's invasion. "It is not safe for her true origins to be known," he growled.

"So you'll have her hide everything about herself forever?" Teo retorted, stepping closer so he and Xan were only inches from each other. Their body language spoke of a developing fist fight.

"What kind of life is she suppose to have, changing her looks and trying to look like a Torian. Is she suppose to pretend forever?"

Xan's eyes flashed red again. "I'm trying to keep her alive! Are you really that naive? She is not simply a refugee. She is a high priced exotic organism that is not safe so long as people like Alano are looking for her. If you dare to be so careless with her, you might as well sign her death warrant yourself."

Teo merely glared at Xan, his words silencing him. I stood there dumbfounded, looking at the drops he had given me. I hadn't really thought about any of it. Would I have to hide myself forever? Would I ever be more than a near extinct species?

"That's enough, boys," Neron said putting his arms around both Xan and Teo. "You're not accomplishing anything besides scaring the earthling."

"I'm fine," I squeaked miserably. Nobody believed me. I didn't even believe me.

They both looked at me and I froze. Xan's eyes returned to normal as the anger melted from him.

"Don't be afraid, Aeris. I won't let anyone take you."

I felt my heart clench. I really wanted to believe him, I just couldn't be sure about him.

"We won't let anyone take you," Teo corrected.

Neron just shook his head.

"Enough already, geez!" Trish exclaimed. "I wasn't aware that we were filming a galactic soap opera. Both of you put your big boy pants on and calm down, we have actual business to take care of and we don't have time for your macho insecurity contest."

They both stood there like reprimanded children, knowing she was right.

Trish turned her attention to me. "As much as I hate admitting this, Xan's probably right. Until things... calm down a little, it's best to not let anyone know who you are. Give the drops a try before we exit the ship."

I nodded, feeling less pressure from her assertion.

"Get yourselves together," she demanded. "We have to get these Ceres to a safe home and then I'll be ready for the next episode of As Our Hearts Orbit," Trish mocked with Ryuna and Tierian giggling at her words. 

"I do love a good duel though," she added.  "Plus, it seems like Xan's on thin ice and our girl can kick him to the curb at any minute."

Xan just rolled his eyes and Teo smiled awkwardly.

Trish flashed us all a mischievous grin as she headed for the door.

"I'm gonna need some popcorn."

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