Lover Boy | mrfreshasian x Re...

By ActuallyReady

28.8K 739 341

"I saw him." Being crowded with young fans screaming. I couldn't help but laugh. And then we turned to me, ey... More

The Start of it all
The Hotel
Important Info about Story
The Meeting
Just me and you (and maybe some friends)
I want to get to know you sweetheart, even the dark
Let me In, I wont let you go
Its Time to get Serious
Another day with You
"Its been awhile since ive looked like this."
Its time to boost your career
The people that nearly tore us apart
Ill see you some other time
Shoot Your Shot
Why Harley Why?
"Theres another hottie in town."
"Harley Campbell, your a selfish man."
"i might just steal your bitch."
Im coming for you, Harley
"Hit me with your best shot." (RATED R)
"Long time no see, Campbell."
"Ardendale, your going to Sydney."
We are both Hopeless Romantics
Your obsessed with Harley, but not with me
Dancing with someone else (RATED R)
"Only Time Shall Come."
When the 2 Lover Boys Join Sides
You can break my heart a million times, but it was always yours to break.
The Bullet Fired (EMOTIONAL 😢)
"Forever and always, my love." (DEEP CONVOS 🧐)
Death is near, closer then you think (EMOTIONAL 😓👋)
On My Knees, With a Ring (🥰)
The Two Positive Lines
The Mini Versions of Us
One v Oneing with Daddy
The Campbell Family Wholesomeness
The Boy & Girl in Bed Talk (RATED R but 🤣)
🎄Christmas Special with the Family 🎄
The End of it All (emotional😭)
Information Regarding Future Stories

"You are now associated with us."

579 19 13
By ActuallyReady

Harley's POV
Streaming was so exhausting yesterday. Trio scrims are so fucking demanding, especially when there's money on the line. But I didn't really care because Y/N was ignoring me. I knew she wasn't 'busy' because she was at dance that day for only 2 hours. What had I done? Am I being stupid again? Christ, Fresh don't fucking screw this up!

I glance over at the alarm clock on my nightstand and it reads 10:00 AM. Which is actually quite early for me. But I wasn't as tired as I usually was since I went to bed a little earlier.

I roll my way out of bed and into the bathroom. I stare at the mirror for awhile just staring at myself.

Am I fucked? Why am I so clueless? How do you talk to women?

I itch my eyes a little but I start to brush my teeth still pondering about Y/N.

After I was done getting dressed and brushing my teeth I decided to text Y/N

Harley- Hey you up? Can we please talk?

I just sit on the messaging app just waiting. But I finally see the little bubble with the typing dots.

Y/N- Yea, and sure I guess..

Harley- Whats wrong? You were ignoring my texts all day yesterday.

Y/N- You don't realize it do you?

Harley- I don't, I really don't. But I want to know so I can fix it.

Y/N- Twitter.

I stare at the screen confused. What'd she mean by Twitter? Did I tweet something strange? I open Twitter and I scroll down but I don't see anything offensive.

Harley- I haven't tweeted anything offensive.

Y/N- You still don't see? Harley...

I'm still scrolling but then it hits me..
I look at my liked tweets and I instantly regret EVERYTHING. Harley I fucking swear your the most shittiest person alive.

Harley- Oh my god I'm so sorry Sweetheart. I don't know what came ahold of me..

Y/N- I don't know how to respond.

I was beyond shocked and hurt at the same time. My sweet pea was faithful even when she's wearing almost nothing while dancing nearly everyday. While I sit on my ass and I still fuck up. She said that she doesn't even know how to respond.

Harley- you don't have to respond to me if you don't want to. I'm so sorry, I never meant for this situation to happen. I understand that it is somewhat being unfaithful and im SO SORRY.

Y/N- Let's take this slow.

Then she left me on read for literally forever. I unlike them but it doesn't make me feel any better. I'm not sure what to do now. It's not even 11 AM yet but I don't feel like streaming at the moment.

Lannan told me to take things easy with myself with the fact I had a girlfriend and I was over working myself at such a young age.

I decide to head outside for some fresh air. Maybe I should start going to the gym with Marcus.. if my girlfriend was so fit then should I be? For a guy that works all day, I'm really stupid.

I grab back my phone back off my bed. I hop back onto my feet taking my shoes by the hand.

I quickly slip them on as I jog to the door to get my keys. I open the door closing it behind me as I lock it.

I walk down the hallway giving small smiles to the folks that lived in the building. The elevator was just closing but an old woman stopped it for me since she was inside.

I slipped inside and the woman immediately started talking to me.

"Hey sonny. Whatcha doing this Monday?" She asked.

"Oh, just taking a walk. I just need to relax a little."

"Stress aye? You in school sonny?"

"Nope, I dropped out." The lady's face looked confused and a little judgmental but I was used to it.

"What do you do now?" She asked curiously.

"I'm a gamer and a content creator."

Her face scrunched up a little looking even more confused.

"A gamer and a content creator? What does that mean?"

"I play games to an audience everyday and I create content using games."

"That's actually really cool! Good job sonny. Not enough people follow there dreams like you." She gave me a pat on the back. The elevator door opened abruptly.

"Have a good day Ma'am!" I called out walking out of the elevator.

"You too Sonny! Make today count!" She called back. But as soon as she was there, the elevator doors closed. I watched as the glass elevator doors whipped back up.

I put a smile on the face just from those lady's kind words. I walked out of the lobby and onto the streets of Sydney.

I saw people walking down the streets drinking their coffee and shops opening.

I saw a family walk by with a child in the fathers arms. The kid was being playfully thrown around in the fathers arm as the mother was laughing. Holding onto the fathers shoulder.

Damn. I never got that childhood.. what would've happened if my parents were still together.. happy. I want to be a good parent if I would ever have the chance. Maybe one day somebody will give me the honor of fulfilling my child's life. Even thinking about it makes me feel even more depressed. My girlfriend is ignoring me and now my childhood is coming back to haunt me.

Y/N'S POV (10:00 am in America)

I had woken up an hour ago. But waking up early didn't mean I could be lazy. I didn't have dance today so I was doing more summer reading homework.

My phone started ringing and I thought it was Harley calling again so I didn't think much of it. I left my phone on my desk like usual until the voice message started playing.

"Hello. This is Kaplins Management for Dance. We are calling for Y/N. We are calling to congratulate her on her performance at the auditions and we are proud to give her a spot on our management program. Please call us back when you are available."

I ran over to the phone after sitting in silence for awhile. I call back as fast as my fingers can take me.

"Hello?" I say into the phone.

"Hello! Kaplins Management for Dance speaking. How may I help you?"

"I'm calling because I just got a voicemail that said I'm accepted!"

"Oh I'm guessing your Y/N?"


"Ok, give me a second Y/N. I need to check your information before we proceed." The way the person spoke made me extremely anxious. Before we proceed. Sounds like I'm having surgery. "Ok we are going to need information that matches up with your documents that you filled out at the Expo."

"Ok.." I gave her all my information. I heard her typing since I was going so quick. I only speak that quick when I'm anxious and this person was used to it by now.

"Ok thank you, seems like everything matches up. But since you just got accepted.. we are going to need you to set up a private conference with our ambassadors and lawyers." I heard papers shuffling and that's when I really started getting nervous. I went silent for a moment. "Y/N? Are you there?"

"Yes, and id be glad too. Am I going with my parents for the first time?"

"No you won't. It's private. It's the dancers perspective that is always more important then the parents beliefs for there children." I grinned at the fact that they believed in me more then they did my parents. Maybe this would work out better then I thought it would.

"Oh ok! What time would work?"

"Only available date is today at 1:00 pm or next week at 4:00 pm." The times were stretched out but I knew I had to take the chance while I had it under my grasp.

"1:00 today then."

"Good choice. We will send you the address and the numbers of our staff. We will be in touch."

"Thank you!" I stammer still unsure about what's happening.

"Of course. We can't wait to see you." Then the person hung up.

12:40 PM

"Mom, I got accepted into Kaplin.."

"You did?" She was even more shocked then me. I gave her a nod as she came over and hugged me. I didn't hug her back. I just stood there emotionless.

"Can you drive me to the place?" I said flatly.

"Of course! Oh god what time do you have to be there?"


"We better dash! Do you need me to be there?"


"Oh ok.." she gets up from her seat and runs to her purse grabbing the keys.

We run out to the car where I sat for 20 minutes listening to my mom babble on and on and on.


I saw the huge sign of the massive building downtown Chicago. Good thing there main quarters were in Chicago since I didn't want to travel.

The lobby was so COOL!

The blocks made everything pop with color! Now I was beyond excited!! There was a man at the front desk as me and mom went up to him.

"Hello! How may I help you folks?" He asked pushing his glasses up.

"We are here for a meeting."

"What's the name Ma'am?" He looked at me instead of my mom.


"Oh! Your a new client! Congratulations, can't wait for you to meet the crew!" He shook my hand as he reached under the massive desk. He came back up a few seconds later with a little gift basket. The basket was full on candy with a stuffed animal and plenty of products I could use for dance.

"Wow!" I was full on shocked at the hospitality. "I don't have words.." I started stammering again and the guy looked like he was used to it as well.

"Hey! You don't have to have words. We have the power of dance on our side!" We exchanged laughs as my mom pretended to know what's going on. "Anywho, I'll call someone down to get you to the meeting room. Have fun! Ok I'll hold on to your basket for now. You can sit in the lobby until they get down here."

I gave back the basket as he set it back down under the desk. Once we sat down he was on the phone calling someone.

Moments later, a lady came down the stairs holding a clipboard walked up to him.


I got up and wiped my hand sweat onto my capris. I tried to walk up to them professionally but they were super chill.

"Oh Hi!! I'm Melissa!" She shook my hand and I shook it back.

"Hey! I'm Y/N!"

"I've heard much about you, we are very glad we have such a young recruit!" She beamed.


"Of course! Here, we can't be late." She started walking back up the stairs and I followed behind. She was faster then me even when wearing heels.

The building was massive! The hallways were so calm and casual. The employees were so nice! Waving at me as they walk by with their afternoon lunch.

Melissa led me to a room closer into the back. But before she opened the door, she turned to me.

"Remember, they aren't here to drill you. They are here to talk and negotiate." She gave me a reassuring nod as she opened the door. "Mr. Kaplin, Mrs. Hoover, Mr. Tate.. Good afternoon.

"Good afternoon to you too, Melissa." They all said.

"Hi! You must be Y/N." Mr. Kaplin got up and shook my hand firmly. "Welcome to our offices."

"Thank you, it's such an honor." I said as Mrs. Hoover motioned me to sit down next to her at the sofa area.

"The pleasure is ours." Mr. Kaplin said leaning back a little. "We have a lot to go over today.. so Whitney said that you are a very energetic vibes dancer."

"Yes I am. I don't do ballet at all. Maybe for a year but it's too gentle for me." I took a sip of the water on the table.

"That's what Abram thought too." Kaplin picked up the forms that I submitted and brushed through them. "By the way, we aren't boring, call me Daniel."

"Oh and call me Melonie." Mrs. Hoover commented.

"Don't forget me Alex." Mr. Tate added on.

"Woah. I've never called someone up here by their first name."

"Then let this be your first. We have so much to got though. So.. let's talk legal business.." I gulped since I know close to nothing about finances but Melonie was their to help. "We are going to find you a dance role as quick as possible. But to do that we need to just inform you about some things."

I take a deep breath as I hear what he's about to say next.

"We are going to be taking 20% of all earnings from dance gigs alone. So earnings from sponsorships and brand deals won't be counted.. for now." He paused for a second before he continued. "But once you are a month into the contract, it will drop to 5%. But we will also take 5% on deals. But as the months and even years go on.. if you stay with us.. the percentages will drop."

Mrs. Hoover stepped up for me.

"13% for now on gigs."



"15%" Daniel pursed his lips.

"11% and you have yourself a deal." Melonie said standing up.

"Fine 11%." Melonie sat back down as Daniel kept going.

"And since you are now part of our management. Publicity is gonna start pouring in.. speaking of that.. You are already floating around the internet. With a Harley Campbell I presume?" Alex said looking back at me.

"Yes. I'm not his cousin. I'm his girlfriend."

"Why so casual?" Melonie said sipping at some wine on the table.

"He's been doing sus shit on Twitter." I blurted out. "Oh my god I'm so sorry that came out of my mouth."

"Eh your fine. You should see Daniel on a rough night." Alex laughed nudging Daniel.

"Alex, we can talk about this later!" Daniel scoffed turning back to me.

"We could shut it down if it makes things bad. We don't want the public to ruin you and us..."

"No no no. It's just that I want to focus on my career but the public is gonna spread rumors anyway.." I try to slow everything down but Daniel is still rambling about publicity.

"Well, we respect you decision but when it gets tough.. you can call us and we will have it taken care of hopefully. But.. since you are associated here now, your going to have to switch all your social medias to public."

"Oh." Is all I could choke out.

"I know it's going to be hard but trust me. Dance teams want people that are active on social media for their fans. It's really important we hype you up so that the public doesn't think your a random wannabe." Melonie tried to reason with me.

"Of course, I get it. It's for my own good. My only concern is that when people find out me and Harley are dating. They are going to call me a gold digger because they're going to think he landed me this." I groan as I lean back.

"That's completely reasonable but I think it's time you actually talk to him about this so we can get you up and running in less then a week." Alex suggested

"That sounds good! I'll see what I can do. But I have another problem..." I started squirming in my chair uncomfortably.

"What is it?" Daniel asked sipping his wine.

"I want to get emancipated." I spat out quickly. Daniel stopped cold in his tracks and sat down his wine.

"Ok.. wow didn't know we were already talking about  this but. Can I ask why?"

"She's just so controlling, she steals literally everything from me. Even sent me to a dance studio that has a toxic and unhealthy environment behind the scenes. I swear it's my entire family that's doing this fucking bullshit. I want to be fre-"

"Hold on-" I stopped ranting about them and looked at Daniel. "Listen, Y/N your birthday is in May correct?"


"This sounds rather harsh but can't you wait until your 18?" Daniel suggested again.

"I can't wait, Daniel! This needs to happen now! Emancipation takes 4-6 months. And with this power you have, we could get me out of that situation."

"But please-"


He looked up at me as I was standing up.

"Daniel, my parents aren't going to let me go down the path you want me to go through. They like me being a normal person. But I want to be out there. So please.. consider the benefit of both of us." I pleaded.

"Ok.. we will see what we can do. How am I going to convince your parents?" Daniel strokes his chin looking at his wine on the table.

"Fine print." Melonies face lit up.

"Is that illegal?" I stammered again.

"Y/N it's fine print. It's on the paper. They might not see it. But it's our best bet."

"Alright. We have so much to do.." I sit back down l, collapsing on the soft couch.

"You shouldn't worry about anything. We are here for a reason. Just focus on dance and school at the moment. We will take care of the rest." Alex reassured, flipping through papers.

"Thank you guys. Really." I give a smile to all of them as they give me one back.

"We should really be thanking you. We will get details on the emancipation and teams as soon as possible. But for now.. your job is to blow up on social media."

"How do I do that?"

"Post stuff, tweet stuff, and I know this sounds incredibly cruel but.. you have a famous boyfriend at your disposal. You could just announce your relationship to the world." Alex suggested giving me a shrug.

"Using my boyfriend?! What will people think when they find out." I start having weird daydreams that involve people blasting me on Twitter again.

"If he loves you, he will know his purpose in your life."

"Which is?"

"To love you and be the creamer to your coffee. And to encourage you to pursue your dream." Alex sipped his wine as well. "Id say this is a win for all of us."

"I guess.. what do I post though Alex?"

"Well, just aesthetically pleasing photos with small dances on the second slide on Instagram. And maybe some quirky tweets. Oooh! You should make a TIKTOK!" Alex started drawing little pictures in the air.

Still confused but at least I knew what the idea was. But their was a question I was dying to know. "So what about bikini pics?"

"Well, they usually attract more attention so every one now and then is fine. Just don't turn into one of those screwy Instagram whores with their Patreon in their bio."

"Got it." I said adding it to my notes on my phone.

"Uh Daniel. Business meeting in 10!" Melonie screeched running out of the room. We all watched as she jumped to her feet and ran. But she peeked back inside doing a little wave till she continued running.

"She's a bugger." Daniel laughed patting Alex on the back. "We will be in touch. You have our business numbers if you need anything." We all walked out of the meeting room as I shook hands with the both of them.

I saw them walking down the hallway disappearing into the endless hallway. I walked the other way to go back down to the lobby.

"Hey! How'd it go?" The front desk guy asked.


"Damn, I see you! I have so much to do right now but here's your basket." He reaches back down and set the basket onto the ledge of the desk. "Have a great day!"

"You too!" I say taking the basket by the hand as I walk onto the street waiting for my mom. I look at my phone and the time is 2:00. 

I decide to call Harley while I was outside. I look for a spot to sit and I find a small bench really close to the small park nearby.

I find him in my contacts and I click call


I wake up to someone calling me. Holy fuck I literally went to bed like an hour ago. Can this person just fuck of-

Shit shit shit, Y/N is calling.

I pick up and there's silence at the other end for a moment.

"Hello?" I say in my raspy ass voice.

"Harley.. I'm sorry I woke you up." Y/N sweet voice tinged throughout the phone and into my ears.

"No no no, it's alright. Listen I'm-" I begin to say but she cuts me off.

"No. Look." She pauses for a second and I'm dreading the next sentences. Is she breaking up with me? "I'm really sorry."

"Why are you sorry Sweetheart?" I ask genuinely confused.

"I overreacted. I should've thought it through before I acted immature."

"This is my fault, honestly. I shouldn't have done what I did and I'm so so so sorry. I don't deserve you." I choked out.

"But you do. It's the exact opposite actually. Your too good for me, cutie."

"Fuck, I wish you were here. So I can prove to you, I don't deserve you. But then again we'd be doing different things."

I heard small giggles before she started speaking again. "Yea Yea Yea. I do too. I'm still really sorry."

"And I'm sorry too." I had a sigh of relief that the conflict was finally over.

"But.. I have good news.." she begins. "I got accepted into Kaplins Management for Dance!!"

"Congratulations Sweetheart!" I tried to sound as cheerful as I could but it was so difficult to spit out.

"Thanks! We went over deals and stuff but I need to take more eye catching photos.. and I think it's time we announce our relationship.."

Everything was being thrown at me and I was silence for awhile recollecting my thoughts. "Before we tell the world about us.. what do you mean by eye catching photos?"

"I mean photos that make 45 year old men kind of horny."

I scrunched you my face thinking about someone doing something looking at my girlfriends photos.

"Are you ok with that?" She asked politely. "If you don't want me too, I won't."

"Do it. If management wants it then do it. I would sound so possessive if I said you couldn't."

"Are you sure, love?"

"Positive. But moving on to the relation announcement?" I bring up.

"Since I have to go public on my accounts I think it's time we share with the world before they get to us."

"Ok love. I've been ready for a long time." I nod to myself.

"I think im ready too." She said firmly and clearly.

"I can't wait to show the world you." I blurt out.

"I can't wait to tell the world I'm yours." She blurts back at me. "I know you probably just went to bed. We will announce it tomorrow."

"Ok. Have a nice day Sweetheart!" I grinned.

"Have a nice sleep, love!" Then she hung up. I went to bed that night feeling more relieved then I had been in the last two days.

AUTHORS NOTE- Yoo we at 3991 words on this chapter. I grinned so hard to get this chapter out in two days! Hope you guys are liking it so far


TEASER- a new threat challenges Harley and even maybe his girlfriend

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