Multiverse Of Midoriya Izuku

By NatashaHannan

563K 8.4K 4.8K

Class 1-A, heroes, Kota, Eri, Mirio and Midoriya Inko appeared in the room where WE show them the worlds wher... More

Oc Characters
Infected (1)
Infected (2)
Female Deku
Please Read This
Hopeless Dream (1)
Hopeless Dream (2)
Hopeless Dream (3)
Not A Chapter
Meet Little One (1)
Meet Little One (2)
Meet Little One (3)
Infected Virus (1)
Not A Chapter
Infected Virus (2)
Infected Virus (3)
Infected Virus (4)
Infected Virus (5)
Infected Virus (6)
Infected Virus (7)
Race Start!
Meet Two Gods
Singer AU (1)
Not A Chapter
Singer AU (2)
Dragon Hero AU (1)
Dragon Hero AU (2)
Dragon Hero AU (3)
Dragon Hero AU (4)
Birth & Continued
Villain Deku AU
Female Singer AU (1)
Female Singer AU (2)
Not A Chapter
Female Singer AU (3)
Left 4 Dead
Bet And Next Alternative Universe
Villain Singer AU (1)
Villain Singer AU (2)
Villain Singer AU (3)
Villain Singer AU (4)
Sleep & Reminder
Undertale AU (1)
Undertale AU (2)
Not A Chapter
Rec (Spanish Horror Movie) Part 1
Rec Part 3
Happy Halloween!
Infected Virus (8)
I.V (9) & Explaining
I.V (Final)
Gods Abilities
Meet Neko Izuku!
Thomas Sanders AU
Pokemon AU
The Bells Of Notre Dame
Meet Other Selves
Quirkless Singer AU
Vigilante AU: Curse Mark
Guess Who's Back?
Hellfire (1)
Hellfire (2)
Next Guest
Meet Villain Deku
Rush Hour 3 (1)
Rush Hour 3 (2)
Rapper And Singer (1)
Rapper And Singer (2) ft. Explanation
Rapper And Singer (3)
Rapper And Singer (4) Ft. Announcement
It's Been Awhile!

Rec Part 2

3.1K 65 88
By NatashaHannan

The man gasped in realization, hands stretches out to faced Angela who's looking at him before walked toward him.

"Midoriya," he said with tone of hope. "There might be a way out!"

"What did he say?"

"There's a way out?" Todoroki questioned curiously before his eyes wide. "Oh..."

"What?" Kaminari breathes when lida, Yaoyorozu and the smart students are also shared the same thoughts as him.


"It is possible..."

"What?" Mina huffed, frustrated that no one telling them about their thoughts.

"I see," Midnight hummed, rubbing her chin. "It might work."


Zero slightly smirked, mentally impressed that they figured it out.

The man rushed to the dentist's room and patted Manu urgently. "Listen!" He said. "Listen, there's an underground storage area in the workshop that has a drain cover that joins up with the sewers!"

"Oh!" Now the slow ones understand and their hope slowly grow.

"Meaning they can get out of here!"

"Thank heavens!"

"Don't cheer too early," Phoenix speak. "Remember, they are outnumbered and the others could be infected by now."

"Then we can only hope that they'll managed to escape," said Kirishima firmly.

When Manu staring at him blankly then the doctor inside, the man seized his shoulders to stand in front of him.

"Can you hear me?!"

Manu looked at him again and this time, he gain his full attention. Again despites the camera shows them, Angela went up behind them and watched quietly.

"In the workshop, there's a basement-" Now Manu gained hopeful look as well as Midoriya and Angela. "Are you sure?!" The fireman asked, making sure he's not hearing things.

"Oh, the basement!" Kaminari is the last person to figure it out and slapped his forehead lightly.

"Took you awhile to find out," Mina teases earning an embarrassed grin.

"Yes! We can escape through there," he explained as he confirmed it to him. "The problem is the reinforced door."

"How the hell will we open it?!" He asked, shrugging off the man's hands.

"With the key!" The 40s man replied. "The intern is in charge and he has all the keys!"

"Meaning the keys is in the intern's room!" Death Arms breathes loudly.

"But what happen to him?" Inko questioned. "Is he with the others?"

"You already saw him," Zero hums. "The intern is the man with glasses." Their hearts dropped when they remember the man Manu kicked from the shutter; he's infected.

"Where?" Manu asked hurriedly.

"In his apartment!"

Right after he answered, the arm broke the glass from inside and grabbed his head.

Everyone jumped in their seats, screaming or yelling at the sound of loud glass broke.

"Castillo!" Midoriya yelled, grabbing his waving arm and tried to get the man away from the infected doctor with Angela holding the camera.

The screen is shaking, Manu is helping the cameraman but blood dripped from the head and forehead as the doctor devoured the man.

The glass door is now broken with them shattered and all over the ground, the doctor's teeth hungrily tear off the skin to show the red raw meat.

Mirio and Mandalay hurriedly covering the children's eyes while Zero turned the bandaged boy around to pressed his face against his chest, running his fingers over the dark green hair.

Midnight yelped, covering her mouth with both of her hands with her eyes widened at the sight of it.

The rest of them are stunned.

The doctor is devouring the man right in front of them and didn't stop there as they saw the doctor's eyes are black; hunger, bloodthirsty and aggressive.

The same as the little girl's eyes.

His arms didn't budge nor no sign of letting him go with Castillo screaming in pain.

Midoriya tried to let the hand go as Manu pulling the arm but failed as he gritted his teeth, pain and terror shows in his eyes for split moment.

"Let's go! Let's go!" Manu cried as he backed away and Angela grabbed Midoriya to pulled away from bleeding man.

"They can't just leave him!"

"Dude! You can't just leave the man alone!" Sero exclaims.

"And let the man devoured them when he's already infected?" Genocide quirked his right eyebrow making everyone silent at his remarks.

"Midoriya, we need to go!" She sobs.

"No! No!" The cameraman shook his head, trying to shrug off her hand.

"He's been bitten!" She said. "He's been bitten! We need to go now!"

Within that, Midoriya almost sobbed as he let go and glanced at the wailing man with guilty eyes before run with them.

Leaving the echo scream of pain behind them.

"Is there any cure?" Uraraka asked desperately at the creator god.

"No," Zero shook his head.


"What you see are movies," Pacifist softly said to her. "You can't save everyone like those movies does. Not even pro heroes can."

"Like Zero said," Phoenix frowns sadly. "This is the reality and you need to accept it."

Uraraka sniffed, mumbled sorry to her and let her girl friends to comforted her.

"Hurry!" Midoriya unlocked the lock with Manu turned the doorknob before swing the door open and get out of the room.

Midoriya panted heavily, leaned against the support before taking the camera from her.

Manu quickly closed the door while he inspected the floors from above and below, revealing a woman laying but at the same time leaning against the wall and floor.

Puddle of blood is everywhere.

They bowed, praying for the woman who's dead after been devoured by the infected. Even Bakugo.

"It's too quiet," lida noted grimly.

"Let's just hope for their safety," Shinsou gulped. "They will be all right."

"They're not there," Manu panting before an echo strange roar coming from the top causing them to looked up.

Keep themselves quiet for few moments after seeing the infected didn't run toward them, Angela swallowed the saliva in her mouth before looked at the fireman.

"Manu, we have to find the way out," she told him. "We need the storage key."

"Yeah but... how?" He huffed silently, sweats dripping from his head. "The intern has the key but we don't know where he lives!"

"You check the lists earlier before all of this happen," Midoriya remind him. "You need to remember!"


"Lists is where everyone lives inside their apartments," Zero replied.

"I...I-I can't remember!"

Angela looked at the cameraman.


"I-I don't remember either," the grenette grimaced.

The reporter looked at Manu again.

"Manu think," she pleaded. "I'm sure you can remember." The fireman put his hand on his head, trying to think deeply.

Manu gritted his teeth and looked at her in defeat. "I can't remember!" He exclaims. "Think, Manu!" She pleaded once more causing him to sobbed, hit the back of his head on the door from behind.

Then she gasped. "Guilem!"

"Guilem? That's the man with glasses's name right?" Toshinori asked, making sure of it.

"It has to be," Naomasa said.

"The mailboxes!" She said to them after remember Guilem is the intern during the interview with him. "He's called Gui-"

A sudden strange roar can be heard from Angela's side, the camera swing to see a chinese man with blood stain on the white tank top coming from his neck.

"Angela!" Everyone yelled.

"Angela-san look out!" Eri cried.

"Angela!" Midoriya grabbed her to hid behind his back and Manu let the infected man tackles him but hold back before slammed him against another wooden door behind him.

Without wasting time, he punched his face to silence him and you can hear Angela sobbing at the crisis she's about to experience.

"Angela," Midoriya's voice is full of concern and worry. "Are you okay?"

"I-I'm okay."

They sighed with relief, happy that Midoriya and Manu saved her.

Manu seized his face, carefully not to let his fingers near the bloody mouth and-


With loud yell, he twisted the head around the neck of chinese man before quickly let go and let the body slumped against the floor.

They winced or almost puked at how loud the crack sound coming from the neck.

"That's gonna hurt... a lot."

Some are mumbled in agreedment.

"I didn't know it can caused death."

"I thought all of you know about that?" Phoenix blinked earning their sheepish faces.


"You don't know," Zero deadpanned, wondering if there's something wrong with their world.

He narrowed his eyes after caught one or two looked away while sweating.

Aizawa and few heroes mentally facepalm at this. Nedzu is smiling which make them shivers, doesn't want to know what he's thinking.

Manu panted before gestured them to go down. "Quick! Downstairs!" He let Angela and Midoriya goes down with him behind.

"Hurry Angela!"

"I am!" She panted.

Once they reached to the ground floor, she almost tripped but balanced herself to the mailboxes right in front of her eyes beside the sealed entrance.

A faint but clear sirens are outside.

Camera looked at the side to reveal a woman with hand been cuffed. Her neck been tear, bitten and ripped from both sides. Blood is dripping slowly from the deep wounds.

Due to the blood loss, the woman looked very pale and already smell like a dead rat.

Zero snapped his fingers when few people rushed to the toilets with their hands on their mouths.

He grumbles, remind himself to clean them up later.

"Come on come on," she muttered quietly before Manu stumbled to join her with Midoriya recording from behind.

Checking every mailboxes, Manu hit the jackpot when he brightened up.

"Got it! Guilem Marimón," he read it out loud to them. "Third floor n°2! Let's go!"

When they're about to run up, the yelped to see the dead woman rising to her feet and staring at them with hunger and aggressive.

"Shit! Shit shit shit!" Hizashi cussed quietly, heart beating fast.

"She's waking up!" Uraraka whimpers, hand gripped tightly on Tsuyu's left sleeve.

They hurriedly backed away. Midoriya gulped before glanced at them. "She's cuffed," he muttered. "We can get by."

"We have to go upstairs," Manu seems to resolved for moment with determined glint in his eyes. "Ready?" He asked.

They nodded.

They slowly inched closer before make a run for it. "Go!" Manu cried, letting Angela goes first. "Go now!"

At the same time, the woman roared and trying to grabbed them.

"Don't get bitten! Don't get bitten!" lida prayed quietly. "Come on Midoriya!" Todoroki mumbled.

"Gogogogogo..!" Kamui makes a frustrated sound, struggles to escape from Mt. Lady's tight embrace.

"Would you...! L-Let go!"

"N-No!" She whimpers.

As Midoriya goes upstairs, the woman climbed and seized to grabbed him but her head got hit by the camera.

Manu joined but got caught by her hand making a choke sounds.

"Manu!" He cried.

"Go! Don't stop!" He cried back.

Gritting his teeth, he continued to run upstairs and the camera shows Manu managed to escape before almost fell but regain his balance.

They sighed again, relieved that Manu is not getting bitten.

Midoriya panted through his nose, breathing heavily and the screen show the chinese man still slumping on the floor.

Rising the camera, Angela is closely in front of him and forced their bodies to push further.

Reaching to first floor, a girl with black messy long hair, black and gray shirt with shorts is seems to be screaming with blood drying on her lower mouth and chin.




Genocide winced darkly, rubbing his poor ears at the loud shouts he's getting from them.

Phoenix grinned, handed him the cottons as he swiftly take one, ripped into two and stuff into his ears.

"Want some?" She snickered boldly, aware of the death glare she got from him.

Ignoring how he gained looks, the dark god crossed his arms and continued watching.

Not before flicked her forehead.

Phoenix still grinning, raised her hand to rubbed her now reddened forehead. "Worth it!" She hummed.

The infected girl is attacking Angela, attempting to devour her as the reporter defense herself desperately.

"Angela-san!" Eri cried, worried for a woman. "Don't worry Eri," reassured Mirio. "Manu-san and Midoriya are protecting her."

"Yeah!" Kota appeared by her side, grinned at her. "Because he's Deku!" He cheered making her smiles shyly.


Manu came up behind the girl, holding the black rope in his hands. "Be careful Angela!" He said, put his other arm around her neck and wrap the rope around as well.

Struggling as his body is draining small strength, Angela fell on the ground and crawled away in panic breaths after escaping from the bloodied hands.

Grunting, Manu looked at the cameraman with pleading eyes as his arms fully around the girl's neck as she trashed violently against him.

"Midoriya, help me!" He cried at him.

"I'm coming!" He placed the camera down and run up to them.

"Oh man..." Kirishima sighed loudly with sweat drips from his head. "I really want to know what happen."

"You don't want to know," Zero said.

The screen shows their legs, groans and grunts can be heard. The girl's legs are shaking wildly as if struggling to escape or trying to bit the hands near her.

Small bloods spurted on the floor near the screen, the legs are now limp with two men panting exhaustedly.

"Wait... ok." Manu's voice is tired and a bit of relief. Probably at the girl who's now limp. "Drop her."

When the girl's body fell on the ground, the screen shows the girl facing it.

They flinched.

Their hearts beating fast and loud that everyone can hear it. Her face is full of ugly brown vein around her face, fully black eyes filled with lifeless, hunger and blank.

Black oily messy hair covering her face almost completely and mouth is covering with drying blood to her chin.

Three kids buried their faces on someone near them. Mirio patted her back, Mandalay hugged him and Zero patted his little chosen's head.

They silently heard Angela's sobbing so loud that they don't know what happen since the girl's body prevent them from almost seeing.

"I got bitten!" She cried.

"No, you didn't!" Manu disagreed.

"You didn't get bitten Angela!" Midoriya's voice is reassuring her. "We saw it. I saw it. You didn't."

"Calm down Angela-san," Ingenium soothes. "When they said you didn't get bitten then you didn't."

"Angela is stressing everything around her," Phoenix explains. "Encountered with infected person, she's traumatized and started to panic."

"Let's go upstairs," Manu remind them. "Midoriya, help."

"Come on, get up."

Then she yelled. "I got bitten!"

"You did not Angela!" Manu's voice snapped. "I saw it! You didn't!"

The sound of faint boots.

"We need to go! Now!"

"I need to get my camera!"

"Hurry up!"


The screen wavered a bit as Midoriya carried his camera a bit clumsily and joined them.

With newfound speed, they almost near the certain floor where the intern lived in.

"Hurry! G-"

Then the lights from apartment goes blackout.

Everyone startled or flinched and grow even more worry for the survivors as they kept their mouths shut.

They can only see darkness with the faintest light from the window.

"Shit!" Manu cursed loudly. "Shit!"

"The lights!" Angela cried.

"Where's the switch?!"

"On the wall!"

"I can't find it!"

Their hearts beating fast. They couldn't have a hearts to speak up due to the dread they feeling of.

"...Maybe I should let them watch more like this one."

"Mou Zero!"

"I can't help myself!"

"Hah! Your old sadistic self is back!"

"Zip it or else."

"Or else what?"

"Or I will tell everyone about your secret." That wiped the smirk off of the dark god's face.

"...Don't you dare," Genocide glared at the creator god who's now smirked widely which is rare since he doesn't show it often to others.

"I do dared," Zero purred, noticing Shiro's blushing and Phoenix sweatdropped.

"Fuck you!"

"I rather had Shiro fuck me as well as I do to him," he said flatly making the kind god squeak like a mouse and covering his red face.

Phoenix drooled at his remarks.

"I did not meant that!" Surprisingly, Genocide is blushing and glaring at the creator god darkly.

That bastard did it on purpose!

As if reading his mind, Zero smirked.

Kuro growled angrily.

Poor little Izuku, he blinked when his ears been covered by Zero and stared confusedly.

Everyone are watching; some are blushing, some are drooling like Phoenix does, some are pretend their conversation didn't exist and the guardians are protecting the children's innocent.

At least the tension is dimmed.

Thanks to them.

"Midoriya, the spotlight!" Angela begged desperately. "Turn it on!"

"I'm trying!" He snaps.


As soon as he turn on the spotlight, a chinese woman covering in blood appeared before him where she's pressing against the corner before dashed toward him with horrified strange scream.

Everyone screamed or yelped at her sudden appearance and few are fell on the ground while dragging the chairs.

"Izuku!" Inko cried loudly.

"Midoriya!" Todoroki and lida yells.

"Deku-kun!" Uraraka also cried.

Her face came closer to the screen, attempting to devour him and her mouth is drooling with blood mix of saliva.

At the split moment, hand appears to clutched her shoulder and other on her forehead as Angela appeared from behind to dragged the chinese woman away from the cameraman while screaming.

"Move! Midoriya move!"

The grenette choked, almost fell if it wasn't for the wall next to him with Angela holding the woman down in front of the screen.

"Oh my...!" Aoyama breathes scaredly, pressed his hand on his chest where his heart beating.

Inko sobbed with relief that her son is safe from becoming one of them. "Oh thank goodness!"

Manu appeared to help Angela and grabbed her, preventing the infected woman from getting Midoriya.

"Midoriya come on!"

"C-coming!" He wheezed, quickly joined Angela as Manu headlock the woman.

"Fuck! Where do you think you're going?!" Manu cursed loudly, holding the escaping infected woman from getting closer to his companions.

"Come any closer to him," Todoroki growled. "I will freeze you!"

"Dude! You need to calm down!"

He glanced at them. "Go upstairs! Hurry!" He yelled at them.

The woman immediately target him, trying to devour him instead but Manu push her down to the floor and slammed his boot on her chest.

The woman shrieked and scream at the same time, trashing wildly.

"That's what you get for trying to bit Midoriya!" Ojiro growls a bit.

Aizawa and Toshinori nodded, their protective instinct are already level up and they barely hold themselves from sprinting at Zero and demanded to take them to the certain world.

Hizashi also protective and happy that he joined his best friend and number one hero in Dad Squad!

"Shit!" Manu snarled, struggling to hold her down. "Angela! The mallet!" He pointed at the mallet he dropped as the reporter hurried climbed down and handed him the mallet.

Manu hold the mallet tightly as Midoriya and Angela goes upstairs. "Go! Go upstairs quickly!"

"Wait!" Hagakure speak. "What about Manu-san? They can't just leave him!"

"Don't worry," Phoenix reassured her. "He'll join them later."

While they reached to the floor, Manu is roaring with his might and loud slam can be heard as he bring the mallet down at the chinese woman.

Angela gasped in relief, slamming the door as they've finally made it.

"It's here!" She panted before a familiar strange scream can be heard from above causing her to looked up.

"Are they coming?!" Hagakure gasps.

"They need to hurry then!"

"Midoriya!" Toshinori breathes.

Hearing the loud footsteps, Manu appeared with blood appearance on his clothes and face. as he run to joined them. "Move, you two!" He yells. "Move!"

"See? I told you."

Hagakure sighed in relief.

Backing away from the door, Manu scream and slammed the mallet on the door causing it to wide open.

Panting heavily, he gestured them to goes inside. "Go," he coughs at the sore throat he's getting. "Go! I'll wait here."


"NO! DON'T STAY THERE!" Mandalay objects. "GO WITH THEM!"


"What? But Manu-!" He protests.

"I'll be fine!" The fireman reassured him with slight grin. "Just go and find the keys!"

"...We will be back," he said firmly. "We will be back!" Then he went inside, searching the room with Angela.

"Manu-san better be alive when they get back," Yaoyorozu said worriedly.

She growled at the doors been locked everytime she turned the doorknob before hurriedly went to another room.

"I'll go there," he said to her, run to the living room where the tv still on with unfinish food and drink on the standing tray.

"Where are they?" He panted heavily as Angela went inside and looked at the cupboard. "Look in the drawers!"

"There has to be a keys!"

"Come on! Come on!"

"If there's no keys, I swear..!"

"Shit! Where the hell are they?"

She slid between the tv and the dining table to looked inside the big cupboard.

"We have to get out of here!" She cried, slowly frustrated at no sign of any keys. Midoriya also helped by looking at another cupboard and saw another. "Here, here!" He called out to her.

"Found any?!"


"Shit! Where are they!" She growls.

"It's like a maze!"

"Come on guys! Don't give up!"

Yelping, she find nothing and throw the small pillow from the couch due to her growing frustrated and stressed. "Shit!"

Angela panted, running to the hallway with him in front, keeping the light on the path.

"The keys..." then she realized that she had search the same cupboard before before growling again. "Where are...!"

"Just how big is it?! I thought it's an apartment! Not a house!"

"It is an apartment."

Entering to the kitchen, Midoriya about to search when Angela hit the camera with her head, yelping.

Then the sound went still.

Everyone watched quietly as the screen after Angela and went to the office where the keys could be in there.

Perking their ears, the sound slowly coming back as Midoriya and Angela searching again desperately.


"It c-"

"The ke-"

Crossing their fingers, they hoped the survivors found the keys.

Angela panted, pull the cupboard and sighed in relief. "The keys!" She almost sobbed when she almost lost hope. "We found it!"

Midoriya placing the camera on the table as she throw everything inside the cupboard on the table.

Joining her, they completely anxious at how many keys the intern have. "Which ones are they?" She asked as they fiddling the chain keys.

"So many keys!" Death Arms gawked.

"How are they supposed to know which one?" Backdraft said.

"Which ones are they?!" She asked again, fiddling them.

"I don't know!" He replied. "Just grab them all! Let's go!"

He lifted the camera as Angela takes every keys as possible and run to the front door.

As soon as they goes outside, there's no sign of Manu. "Where is he?" She then yelled. "Manu!"

She looked down before backed away with scream and what's when it's all goes down.

"What?! What?!"

"Where's Manu-san?!"

Screaming strangely and hint of demonic, the screen shows the tall policeman is shaking the wooden staircase with the rest of the infected on each floors.

Then Manu appeared with bloody appearance and black eyes full of hunger, shrieking at them.

They gasped in horror and fear. Everyone have been infected including Manu who's now one of them.

At the sight of the horrifying view, they begin to panic and couldn't stopped themselves from screaming or yelling at the two survivors.





"MIDORIYA!" Aizawa yelled, eyes widened with fear for once - which is rare - and afraid for his student's safety.

"DEKU!" Eri and Kota cried.

Midoriya hurriedly lifted his camera when the policeman is running toward them.

"GO UPSTAIRS! HURRY!" He shouts aloud as the screen swing to show Angela's back as they run as fast as they could.

"Go to the penthouse!" He shouted. "The key must be in the bunch!"

Reaching at the dead end by the locked door, Angela hurriedly tried any keys but didn't fit.

The screen swing again to show the infected coming closer.

"Hurry Angela!" He pleaded.

"I am trying!"





"Which one is it?!" She mumbled, trying one after another but did not fit any. "Come on! Come on!"

Midoriya swing the camera and the infected policeman is nearing them!

"ANGELA!" He shouted.

Everyone started to panicked.




"NOOO!" Inko cried.


"I CAN'T WATCH!" Mina covered her eyes, not wanting to see her friend been devoured.

As if it's answering his pleading, Angela managed to find the right key and unlocked the door.

"THIS ONE!" She cried before swing the door open and letting themselves get inside.

Before the infected could gaining on them, Midoriya slammed the door closed and the flashlight goes blackout.

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