My Enduring Existence

By Halcyonic

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(BOOK 1: Exist) "My biggest biggest secret is my existence." I swallowed the lump in my t... More

My Enduring Existence
Chapter 1: Sketchy Start
Chapter 2: The Lying Truth
Chapter 3: The Start of Pleasant Surprises
Chapter 4: Caught and Saved (Part 1)
Chapter 5: Caught and Saved (Part 2)
Chapter 6: Date, Feelings & Confusion
Chapter 7: Better said than Done
Chapter 8: Chasing the Rush
Chapter 9: Birthday Specials
Chapter 10: Not This way
Chapter 11: Rebounding Relations
Chapter 12: Bitter-Sweet Sleepover
Chapter 13: He's a jerk
Chapter 14: Promises are meant to be Broken
Chapter 15: Mutual Feelings
Chapter 16: Action speaks louder than words
Chapter 17: Freedom Temporarily
Chapter 18: Dalliot Progress
Chapter 19: The Catch
Chapter 20: For Nothing
Chapter 21: More Secrets To Know
Chapter 22: As Together
Chapter 24: The Enduring Experience (Part 2)
Chapter 25: The Final Goodbye
Chapter 26: Metal Clatting Against Skin
Chapter 27: Inside The Locked Caves
Chapter 28: Barking up the wrong tree
Chapter 29: Knocked Up
Chapter 30: Hidden Confessions
Chapter 31: Finally Home
Chapter 32: Decisions at Lunch
Chapter 33: From Now Until Forever
:: Epilogue ::

Chapter 23: The Enduring Experience (Part 1)

211 6 4
By Halcyonic

The loud and screeching noise of the drill was like scratching chalk on the chalk board, painfully slow and the worst part was, it had been going on since the last half an hour and it was still there. I was ducking under Andy's bed, their room locked but still I had a fear of someone breaking in. My Dad is finally getting rid of that wooden piece above my bed which bumped my head every time I wake up, thankfully the momentum has decreased and I get to be more careful now. Doesn't still hides the fact that it haunts my sleep too that when I'll wake up, this is just another thing I have to be careful about. The book in my hands is phenomenal. I have decided for a change and opted for a more paranormal fiction series. "One Of The Five" or "The Gatekeepers". And I'm not regretting my decision at all, this is so different from anything I've read before. And it's the only thing distracting me from that drilling noise. Speaking of it, the drill can't be used to remove a piece of wood?

Finishing the chapter, I closed the book and felt one of the wood planks above me hit my knee, which was slightly lifted in the air.

Groaning in pain I pulled my head a bit out of the darkness and shouted to Andy, "Stop doing that, it's hurting me." He, being my annoying brother just mimicked me and did it again, only this time I have laid my knee; legs straight lying on the wooden floor. I felt the bed bump down again and I bet it only missed me by two centimeters when Andy ran out of the room, followed by Blair and Meredith walking gracefully beheind them. I chuckled at her by myself and waited in anticipation for the work to be done.

"It's done Evelyn, you can come out." I heard Andy's voice emrging through the doorway and I looked at him confused.

I still needed to be sure if the people have left the house, for me to finlly come out of hiding. "Are they gone yet?" Andy's head nodded in agreement and I carefully peeked my head out first then crawled my body backwards until my torso was freed from the shade of the bed. I flipped myself and rose my hips too, only for my butt to hit the wooden plank of the bed. I dopped my body and groaned in pain. It was awfully hurting and Andy was just laughing his head off in the doorway. I scowled at him and slid myself out again very carefully and slowly.

"Hey Mom, is it done?" I had my one hand on my right butt and the other clutching the kitchen shelf.

She looked up at me and examined my face. "What happened?" Mothers. I sighed and dropped myself on a chair but immediately stood up and winced in pain.

"My butt got hit on the wooden plank of Andy's bed." I muttered the words out and started rubbing the sore spot lightly. Mom made a painful expression then went over to the refrigerator and took out a cold peas packet from the freezer and handed it to me.

"You're room's wooden piece is cut off and put this-" motioning to the peas packet in my hands, "-on the spot for a while, it'll be better by tomorrow morning, hopefully." Her look wasn't convinced but then I remembered something.

"But we have the day out today." I whined and Mom chuckled lightly at me. She patted my cheek and walked over to the stove.

"I guess then you'll just have to re-schedule it-"

I didn't let her finish, "-NO!" Her head whipped towards me, quizically. "I-uh-I mean it's won't let me do it any other day, I know it!" I huffed loudly and Mom just shrugged.


"The room's pretty good, what's changed?" I was gawking at my room. The lamp that was usually placed on the bedside table was no longer there and there was no use of it even. The room shimmered a bright yellow and white light from two corners of the room, sub-merging together and adding a very bright and fresh glow to the room. The wooden piece was no longer there and surprisingly, the bed area felt more spacious now, even if that wooden piece wasn't so big after all.

"Everything." I mumbled to Elliot and stepped inside my room, finally being able to call it one, apart from the attic. Elliot and Dan pushed past me and in to the bedroom. Suddenly, I felt guilty, our family is having financial problems and I forced them to do this. Most importantly, I should be the one doing this to people's home to get a good wage for survival. This is sure not an example of "Survival of the Fittest".

"I think we should give Evelyn some time to dress herself up!" Elliot winked at me. I shook my head in dismay.

"Yeah, Thank you for that but I'm very much comfortable in what I'm wearing." I went to sit on my bed and hissed in pain. Slowly adjusting my butt to the soft mattress beneath me, I bounced myself on it carefully to see if I still get my head slam in the roof but just like expected but nothing came. Although, I still get headaches when I wake up, I got used to it and now it has become a part of the routine.

Elliot roamed her gaze on my clothes with distaste and disgust, making me feel uncomfortable and I ducked my knees under my chin.

"This-" She pointed to my attire, "- is what you're going to wear to meet Mason?" I nodded my head simple and she sighed. "If I were you I'd dress myself up in something-"

I cut her off; "Flashy, slutty, revealing?" Dan was stiffling a laugh behind Elliot and she just ducked her head down.

"The words I was going for were 'presentable'." She retorted and Dan chuckled a bit then he started shifting his feet around awkwardly.

"So let's go, babe?" Elliot smiled at him and nodded. They both walked out of my room with Dan's arm draped around Elliot's waist.

I roamed around my room, getting used to such extreme light flaming the walls and other stuff in my room. I waltzed around the room until I came to my small cupboard and stood infront of it for a long while thinking on what to wear today. The weather was a bit chilly today, just because it was raining slightly so I decided to opt for a better and comfortable change. I took out a brown knitted sweater; 'who cares?' written in front. I assembled it with my short line of jeans laid on my bed and matched the sweater with all of the jeans for a perfect combination. The final choice was black skinny jeans so I went for it.

After taking a shower, I moistuirized the lotion all over my body and wore the clothes laid on the bed. Glancing at the mirror, I hesitantly took out a lip gloss, battling in-between wearing it or not. Before my mind could've changed, I put the lightest shade of pink gloss on my lips and combed my hair. Taking a hair band with me, I rushed downstairs and to the car, seeing as Dan and Elliot were already waiting for me.

"Shoes?" Elliot glanced at me confusedly and I glance at my feet the same way. Groaning I did another quick route to the house and back in the car.


"The old town?" Dan glanced at me in the back view mirror and grinned widely.

"Elliot wanted to..." He trailed off and Eliot turned her head to me ninety degrees.

"Hope you don't mind." I shook my head. I was fine with it, it was peaceful and great for a walk although I did not expect this from Elliot. A place filled with old people and old traditiong would convince Elliot to visit it the second time in her full conscience; was somehow impossible but really appealing.

We walked out of the car and to my force of habbit, I ducked my head down and focused on watching my feet making the patterns of walking in a pattern that I don't even know if my mind was able to give orders to. It's a custom, to walk like a lady with high class dignity. Sometimes, I wonder if doing things so impressive and classy doesn't make people notice you, although it does make them grow fonder of. But if you try to do something different and really clumsy, people take notice of it. I bet the whole of the town never even thought of a possibility of an existing girl, hiding behind the world's eyes. But then again, this is something only my Dad had the guts to do even the price of it might be unpardonable and death sentence in jail. The thought made my heart beat faster and sinking more low in self-esteem.

Carefully, I lifted my head up to notice that Dan and Elliot weren't in my sight anymore. The cheek of that couple! I thought as I started walking again. I will call them later on and see where they are, maybe for now they tried to get some time alone, without me. Who can blame them? They hardly get some time alone in the house and they rarely go out.

Soon enough my nostrils flared at the familiar smell, making my eyes closed with the fragrance and my feet stopping dead in my tracks. I looked behind my shoulder to see the same flower shop I visited the other day. The same old man sitting in the same chair, doing the exact same thing. Reading a newspaper. The old lady was now just sweeping the dirt off from the flowers with a napkin. I slowly walked over there, my footsteps hesitant and weak, trying to make sense if going there was a good idea or not.

"Good day." I mumbled as I aproached the old lady. I still remember that the old guy had some problem hearing so I didn't bother disturbing him or my intentions.

The lady looked up at me and smiled, still as shock to see a young girl wandering in her shop.

"What can I do for you?" Hmm. That part wasn't though by me. I stood there looking around until my sight was caught by the same flowers that I was obssessed with.

"I cam here the other day to get those..." I trailed off pointing at the jasmine flowers. The lady craned her neck side-wards and realisation hit her almost too immediately. Maybe because it was for the fact that people come here less often so it'll be easy to remember customers that came here a few days ago.

"You didn't take it." The old lay said simply and shrugged. I opened my mouth a bit in astonishment. So she thinks it's my fault that I can't wait here all day to buy a bouquet of flowers.

"I replaced it when you started taking too long." I stood firmly on the ground but her un-welcomed eyes made my head duck down again. This is why I'm the most awkwards human being ever. The old lady chuckled and I looked at her, frowning slighlty.

"And you think it's my fault dear?" I kept quite. If it's one thing that I learned by myself is that you should never argue with an old person. They are wiser than you are, have lived longer than you have, got more experiences than you did, made more mistakes than I did and know about world more than I ever will.

Deciding upon how to change the subject, I spoke. "What kind of flowers should you give the person you are sorry to?" The lady feel into a deep thinking and I was yet again afraid if she'll ever get out of her trauma. She disappeared in to the same room that she did last time and it was then I regretted coming here. For now I was sure that she won't be coming back anytime soon. I took a seat besides the old man and he set his newspaper down and looked at me, a little shock look dancing on his face. I gave him a welcoming smile which eased him but he didn't return it instead just kept going on with his newspaper reading. I tapped my foot on the cement ground slowly which bothered the old man because he snapped at me to stop. Gruffily, I layed my head back on the chair wondering if I should call Elliot and Dan or not. Glancing sideways, my eyes fell upon a little headline at the backside of the newspaper but all I read was 'children law' and 'government's hiding' ; before the old lady came back and handed me a beautiful bouquet of a mixture of flowers, three or four I suppose.

"Three stems of white chrysanthemum flowers to express truthfulness, three stems of daffodils to express respect for your partner, and six stems of purple hyacinths to express your sorrow-filled apology and ask for forgiveness." She was a master in this. The only flowers I've ever known of were Roses, Jasmine, Sunflower, Daffodils, Morning Glory, Lilies and just general ones. The other two that she mentioned were even too hard to pronounce. Although, I must say the combination was very pretty. The daffodils were a beautiful and refreshing yellow, the chrysanthemum, that the lady pointed were a flawless white and hyacinths were violet making it over-all very beautiful.

I smiled at her genuinely and gave her a warm thank you. I took out the amount and handed it over to her. She accepted it almost too agerly but it didn't matter. God knows in what critical financial status will they be suffering in, for them to run a shop in this age.

"The children limit law is hilarious." The old man laughed to himself and my attention was immediately fixed on him. "People are so clueless." My heartbeat increased in its own intentions and I gulped on my dry throat.

"Don't say it, remember what happened to us." The old lady spoke, almost reminded the old man. Her reply wasn't a queston, it was a reminder. Both of their faces turned full of grief and pity. I felt like a third wheel in the conversation but I didn't want to budge away from here.

"What happened?" I whispered to the old lady but apologized as soon as it came out. It wasn't a matter to discuss with anyone. She shook her hand infront of me, dismaying my apology.

"Just remember something-" she took a deep breath and held my hand. I felt un-comfortable with it even if I shouldn't. My shoulders were tensed and I felt like some pedophile has grasped my hand and is not shoving me in his way. She continued, rubbing her thumb on my hand, "The only secrets are the secrets that keep themselves." I looked down, containing her words and when they absorbed in my brain, everything felt like pure regret. Writing Mason, crossing his paths, promising to meet him someday, him deserving the truth, walking out of the house today and still firm on meeting him. I wanted to take it all back. To go home and start over and wishing I'd never meet him.

"They let you end up behind the bars." The old man added, chuckling to himself although his statement was humorless.

"Mouth shut, Joseph!" The old lady hissed and I cleared my throat suddenly feeling like a 'target' here.

"It's true, that's what happened to our grand son." My eyes bulged out of my socket and my feet refused to walk away from here. "Still there....five years later."

"O-kay, I'm just...g-gonna go- b-bye. T-thanks for this." I rushed out of the shop and ran as fast as I can. Even if I didn't let them be suspiscious about myself, running off like that sure as hell made them feel suspiscious.

As I ran, I tried to think what the old man, a.k.a Joseph said about the secrets and the children limit law. Was it really that the extra children end up in jail? For five years, or maybe more than that? What's more puzzling is that there might be a possibilty of more than just one hidden child out there that is hiding from the public like me. My sight immediately started searching for some pedestrian here who was wearing a hoodie and had a ploy like me. But I barely caught the sight of any because it's an old town, let's not forget about that!

I slumped down on a chair and tried to regain my breath; the ain in my butt was just an under-statement. I could almost hear my heartbeat banging inside my chest and the dread that will be clearly visible in my eyes. I slipped my hand in my pocket and took out my cell phone and it was then I noticed how warm and trembling my hans were. Still catching as much as air as possible, I rang Dan.

"Hello Evelyn where the heck are you." He sounded urgent and worried. Bless him!

"Don't worry, where are you?" My words were cut short in my ragged breaths.

"What's wrong- are you okay? God where are you?" I chuckled at his im-patience.

"I don't know where I am..." I trailed looking in my surroundings. There were a few fruit shops and a large parking lot on the opposite side of the road but nothing special of a borad sign to signify where I am. "Where are you?"

"Um...we're besides our car, do you remember where that is?" I roamed in my memory to remember where that is and it isn't long before it clicked but going back there meant crossing the flower shop.

"Er...okay, will be there." I shut my phone of and tied up my hair in a messy pony tail. Getting up, I dragged my feet along the hard pavement, with my head down but movements alert. When the familiar shop came in my view, I hid behind a fat lady and ducked my head even more. I kept looking at my knees because of how much I was slouched and took a breath that I don't even know was caught up; when the whole shop exit my view.

"Hey..." I mumbled not stopping to look at them but got inside the car and sighed shakily. Dan and Ellliot got in shortly looking at me from the rear view mirror but not taking ay chnaces to say anything. I was glad for it, I don't wanna talk to them. I just need a little time to think to myself. I don't know if I have any strength to meet Mason tonight or confront him. But even though, if it's in my power or not, I know I can't retreat back. Even if I want, Dan and Elliot won't ever let me. Today's my only chance and tonight's the limit.

I was looking outside, my thoughts taking over easily from the needle pain.My thoughts still painting an other picture for me which didn't make me notice what's happening in or outside the car. "You okay?" Elliot whispered and I glanced at her blankly. I nodded slightly and went back to watching outside. "C'mon Evelyn, I don't know what happened and I know you won't bother telling but today is not the day to mope around. We're here for fun." She tried to grin but failed miserably when she saw my face.

"What's wrong Evelyn?" Dan tried to get to me but I just whined which made them laugh. I didn't know it was that funny to see other person so sad.

"Shut up!" I grumbled and they laughed harder. "Stop the car, I'm getting out of here." I was as serious as in a memorial but they didn't even notify my words. When they finally came down from their high, I smacked them both at their heads.

"Okay fine sorry, what's wrong?" This time I sighed and tried to explain my feelings.

"It's just that...It's hard to do it- I don't know." I can't do it. It's hard to explain when you have a million things running in your head.

"Oh please don't tell me you're re-thinking again."

"Hmm..." I didn't know what else to say, I really was thinking second chances. "I just learned that the best secrets are those secrets....which keep themselves." Elliot turned uncontrollably confused but Dan understood because he smiled at me.

"That's absolutely right." He exclaimed which didn't help the situation at all.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I whined and they laughed again. I should stop whining, it's so embarssing to look at them laught at me like that.

"I'll tell you-" Dan chuckled again before turning serious. "You told me that the best secrets are the one that keep themselves?" He put emphasis on 'themselves' and I hummed in agreement. "That doesn't mean that you should refrain yourself from telling secrets to the ones you trust." He kept quite while I tried to take in what he had just said. I groaned and Dan rolled his eyes. The car came to a stop on a traffic signal and Dan sighed.

"Understand it this way, you tried or are trying to tell Mason your secret because you feel like that he deserves to know or you know that there is a possibility that he might find it out himself, right?" I nodded. "Well that means your secret cannot be kept itself because sooner or later or maybe already he'd have find out! Get it?" I widened my eyes when I understood what he meant. My secret is something that couldn't be hidden from Mason for a long time because I promised him that I'll meet him which doesn't gives me an option to hide myself anymore. The secrets that are kept themselves are the best secrets, true; but those are kept by people who never let anyone inside their walls or restrictions while I have. I let Mason enter my life and grew close with him. Now he has a fair right to know about me, which ironically is my secret.

"It'll be over when you're done with it..."


It felt sooooo long just writing and thinking about this chapter. But there ya go. I hope you liked it! :) Stay around for next few chapters because the story is coming to it's climax. It already has entered the climax so hope you all vote and comment for it.

Secondly my sister here FoxtrotGem, the one I deciated this chapter and one of the previous chapters, writes awesome poetry so please please please check it out!

Thanks for your time :)


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