The Bad Boy's Girl

By adeeba2707

2.4M 68.9K 30.4K

He pinned me to the wall and brought himself impossibly close to me. I was trapped, quite literally. He grabb... More

Author's note
Chapter 1- Morning
Chapter 2 - The Step Father
Chapter 3 - Meeting the Bad boy
Chapter 4 - Second-Hand Embarrassment
Chapter 5 - 'Please call my name.'
Chapter 6 -Two Weeks.
Chapter 7 - We Are Just Friends.
Chapter 8 - Making Friends.
Chapter 8(Part II) The Library
Chapter 9 - My Ears Are Bleeding
Chapter 9 (Part II) - The Fight
Chapter 9 (Part III) - K-Pop Anybody?
Chapter 10 - Prison.
Chapter 11 - What is my mistake?
Chapter 12 - Have to be strong cuz I'm a girl
Chapter 13 - The Unexpected Anger
Chapter 14 - Soft and Tiny
Chapter 15 -The Football Ground.
Chapter 16 - Its Payback Time, Bitch!
Chapter 17 - The Creepy Old Man
Chapter 18 - Kacy.
Chapter 19 - Guilt
Chapter 20 - My Inner Child come Around at Wront Times
Chapter 21 - 'I can Leave my Mcdonalds Burger but Not You'
Chapter 22 - Philadelphia
Chapter 23 - The Kiss
Chapter 24 - Virgin who?
Chapter 25 - Getting Caught
Chapter 26 - Satan's Ass
Chapter 27 - 'You are beautiful'.
Chapter 28 - Talking
Chapter 29 - The Fight
Chapter 30 - I Fucked Up
Chapter 32 - I Am Sorry
Chapter 33 - Betrayal
Chapter 34 - A Father Figure
Chapter 35 - 'Its a Yes, You Retard'
Chapter 36 - Going Home
Chapter 37 - Exploring Each Other
Chapter 38 - Shopping
Chapter 39 - A New Face
Chapter 40 - 'Weird people are droping from the sky today'
Chapter 40(Part II)
Chapter 40 (Part III)
Chapter 40 (Part IV)
Chapter 41 - Eating CockPorn
Chapter 42 - 'This has to be a nightmare'
Chapter 43 - 'Was killing her not enough?'
Chapter 44 - She Is Gone.
Chapter 45 - Office romance
Chapter 46 - A Not So Pleasant Surprise
Chapter 47 - 'Are you sure?'
Chapter 48 - Did I Hear It Right?
Chapter 49 - Fears Come True
Chapter 50 - The Final Fight
Chapter 51 - Bruises
Chapter 52 - Thankyou
Chapter 53 - Forgiveness
Chapter 54 - Proposal
Author's Note

Chapter 31 - My Queen

35.2K 1K 1K
By adeeba2707


Why don't you slip into something more comfortable. Like coma.



The bell rang but I didn't budge from my place. I didn't find it in me to come back to reality. I needed to absorb everything that just happened. There were so many things going on in my life that I didn't know where to start solving them. Bella didn't ask me to solve her problems. In fact, she would never ask for it even if she is not in the right state of mind. But I have to rescue her from that bastard because she is mine and I can't bear to see her hurt.

Life is like Math. If it is too easy, that means there is something wrong. And when there is something wrong, you have to start all over again. The only thing I am afraid of is if me trying to save her will land her in more trouble. It's fine if I am the one getting hurt in the end but not her. She deserves a better life than this.

I went to class 10 minutes late. I know the teacher wouldn't give a shit.

I just entered the class without asking for his permission. He glared at me but didn't say anything to me. He knows very well that it wouldn't affect me in the slightest. Giving me detention isn't a way to deal with my behavior because everyone knows it wouldn't change me. The maximum he can do is take me to the dean but the dean wouldn't dare to put anything on the record if he wants to keep his job safe. Perks of being related to the chairman.

Bella was sitting with Olivia so that I don't sit with her. Oh. So this how she was going to ignore me?

It's Okay. I know that I deserved it. Its my fault and its not like I would never meet her again. I can talk to her after the class. I decided to give her some personal space because annoying her is on the last of my 'how to impress your crush' list. Well not exactly a crush anymore judging from the fact that I kissed her and she kissed me back.

I went and sat at the back silently. I was aching to talk to her. Her ignoring me is nothing new but the way I feel every time is different. Each time, it gets magnified by hundred. Between the classes, I kept throwing paper balls in her direction when the teacher wasn't looking. If she doesn't want to talk to me then she can at least spare me a glance, right? She received them all but gave it to Olivia.

Once the last period was over, before the teacher could take her leave, Bella went out of the class. Oh well, this is a first. She never leaves until the teacher leaves. I guess I will have to work hard this time.

I saw her leaving and picked my bag up in a hurry so that I could catch up to her. I was going to leave but the teacher stopped me. He held me by my hand and it took everything in me to not punch his sausage looking face for holding me back.

"Dave, you still haven't submitted your English project. When are you planning to give it? I will have to reduce marks if you don't-"

"You can just tell me 'submit it by tomorrow' in short, damn it. Can't you see that I am in a hurry? I have more important matters to care of. So the next time you think about holding me back, think twice. Or maybe just don't do it." With that I left the class.

I was beyond frustrated right now. On my way out I met with a huge crowd of people in the hallway who decided to not give me space to even breathe, let alone move. Why does the universe annoy me only when I am already frustrated? Judging from Bella's speed, I don't think she would have made it to her car yet. I ran towards the parking lot as fast as I could and saw her walking.

"Bella wait." I said.

She didn't wait. It's funny how we both end up turning the tables every damn time we fight. I would do anything to resolve this matter. Shouting at someone generally calms me down and satisfies me to an extent that I forget about what I was worried about. But when I shout at her, I end up hurting myself even more and find myself in even more pain. She is not the only one hurting.

She saw me and started running. I ran behind her too but then she just hopped into her car and locked it before I could reach her.

That was naive of her.

I tried to open the door. I knocked on the glass window and told her to open the damn door but she wouldn't. She didn't even look me in the eyes. Her driver asked her something and then they just sped off. I stood there gawking at the back of her car as I saw it retreating. How am I supposed to resolve this matter if she isn't even willing to look at me.

I have to talk to her and apologize. But how will I do it when she isn't going to talk to me.

How long will you run away from Bella? If you walk away, I will follow you. I will not let you go so easily. Not yet. Not ever.


I went home disappointed.

57 calls. 123 messages. 20 voice mails.

No fucking reply.

She is doing a very good job in making me feel guilty. No girl has ever ignored me like this. Generally, when I called my flings to come over and satisfy me like the way I want them to, they would pick up immediately. Hell, they would be at my doorstep within a few minutes. I never had to put an effort. I would try a new thing every day. I once tried threesome but it turned out boring so I left the thought of that 2 years ago.

But this girl was different. She had something in herself that made me fall for her.


Though god gave her a perfect figure, she never tried to show it off. Unlike the other sluts of our school who try to show off their fake breast and sleep with every second guy. How did I still manage to mess up my chances to be with her? Can I be more dumb?

I will fix my mistake. I will make it up to her, no matter what I have to do. She will forgive me, right?

I walked into my home lost in my own thoughts, looking at the ground as I was walking.

"The ground seems to look unexpectedly interesting today. Doesn't it?" Someone said.

I snapped out of my thoughts and looked up. I saw my mom standing in front of me with a huge grin on her face. She hugged me and then pat my back.

She still thinks of me as the same young boy I was 10 years back. She released me and then studied my face closely. She ruffled my hair only for me to struggle with setting it back.

"Why is my son so tensed today? Is it about Evan again?"

"Not completely. But how did you know?"

"Guessed it. But anyways. You said that it's not all about Evan. What is it? Is something bothering you in school?"

"Nothing mom. Leave it. You won't understand." I tried to walk past her but she didn't let me. She grabbed my hand and pulled me across the living room. After making me sit on the sofa, she grabbed her bowl of pop corns and glared at me while stuffing her mouth with it.

"Did you just say that I won't understand? Trust me Dave, if I can understand your dad, I can understand anything in this world. He is the most complicated shit in the world. It took me a decade to understand what exactly he wants from life. Is this about your girlfriend?"

"What?! Why do you and dad go on assuming that I am committed? I don't have any girlfriend."

"YET. You will. Soon. Well, is this about a girl? I can help you with that. After all I am a woman. Please don't make the same mistake as your dad. I had to teach him all about couple goals. He was good in other 'stuffs' but sucked in doing those small things which makes a woman happy. And every time I was angry, I had to tell him out loud that 'I am angry' because he was too naive to notice that. I might be able to tell how your girl must be feeling about a situation. Or what exactly you should be doing to fix your mistake."

"Why do you think I did a mistake? It can be anything right. For instance, I could be confused about how to propose her."

"Don't feed me with that bullshit. I am your mother and not the other way around. I know that you are a mischievous guy who messes everything up. And as far as proposing is concerned, I don't think you have any problem with that. Do you really think I don't know what you do at midnight after we go to sleep or go out. Till date, I have spotted over 50 girls sneaking into the guestroom with you. I just don't say anything because I know this is the time you enjoy your youth. But anyways, tell me the real problem."

"Umm... I fought with Evan today and-"

"Again? I figured that out judging from your cuts. Pumpkin, you need to control your anger. I know how you feel but you have to let go of the past."

"It's not that easy, mom. I am trying my best. I am sorry."

"Was everything fine? Did the dean say anything?"

"Yeah. I am fine. He didn't say anything. Well so, uh.....there is a girl-" my mother gasped and smiled. I expected this reaction so I didn't stop.

"-there is this girl who is a good friend of mine. Yesterday when she was upset, I consoled her and took her to Philadelphia. So today when I was angry and disturbed, she tried to console me too but then I took out all my anger on her. As usual. I didn't want to but it just happened. I was not in my right mind. And now she is not talking to me. Ma, it's really disturbing. What am I supposed to do? I feel really guilty."

I looked at my mom but she was just staring at me like I had grown two more heads. "Mom!!!"

"Damn. You are such a jerk. Did I really give birth to you? How can you be such an asshole to the girl. It's a good thing she didn't punch you in the face. If I was there at her place I would have beaten the living day and light out of you with my shoe."

"Mom you are not helping. I can go ask google and it will give me 101 ways of apologizing. So, if-"

"Okay! Fine. Gosh. Firstly, what you did was offensive but since you already feel guilty, it's not my job to remind you of that. Be thankful because guilt tripping is my specialty. Secondly, you should apologize as soon as you can. Don't stretch your fights. Fights happen in every relationship but the way you solve it is what makes it unique. I know that she is not just a friend but much more than that. Don't let this chance go. Go to her house at midnight and surprise her. Say a few romantic words."

"I don't do romantic though." I said with a pout.

"You ungrateful bitch. You say one more word I will make you eat green vegetables in dinner. So where was I? Oh yeah, Climb up to her window if you have to reach her. But remember, I will neither pay for the hospital bill nor be responsible if you break your bones. Do something adventurous outdoors rather doing it in your bed. You should have some stories to tell your kids when they ask you what did you do win their mother." She said, smiling to herself as if proud of what she said.

"Will she be convinced?"

"Hell yeah, even I would be." she said in a 'duh' tone. She went back to the movie she was watching and ordered me to make her some more popcorn for her.

What she said earlier brought a smile to my face. She was right. She gives better advice than google. Her and dad love each other. She gave the best advice when it came to girls but I never listened to her. Never felt the need to. But now, it's different.

She made it different.


So, here I was, inside my car, in front of her house at 10 pm. Stalker much? I don't think so. All sorts of crazy things this girl is making me do. I have never felt creepier than this before.

I noticed her in the balcony. She was wearing a simple grey t-shirt and shorts. Gosh, how badly I want to feel those legs.

I could see her dad in his room pacing around and talking to someone. I had to wait for another 2 hours till he switched the damn lights off and went to sleep. Oh how badly I wanted to shoot him dead and bury him in the woods secretly at night. But I don't want my Bella to get into any trouble because of me. They will obviously suspect her so I dropped the plan and thought whether leaving him on a barren island would do me any good.

There was only one security guard who looked like he would pas out any moment now. I knew this was going to be an obstacle so I came prepared. I took out my handkerchief and applied some chloroform into it and went towards the gate.

"Hey kid. What are doing here?" He said, sounding a little drunk. Before he could ask anything further, I pressed my handkerchief onto his face. He was on the other side of the gate so I had to squeeze my hand through the grill and make him pass out for good. He tried to push my hand but I held his face tightly. He soon blacked out and fell onto the ground. Weakling.

Phew...never doing this again. There was a lock from the inside whose keys were in his pockets. I tried to slide my arm in between the bars and got the keys. Without making any noise, I opened the gate and went inside.

That was more easy than I expected it to be.

I threw a few rocks at her balcony but she didn't wake up. I called her up. I knew she wouldn't pick it up but at least she would wake up. I threw rocks again but she still didn't open the window. I spotted a pipe which would lead me to her balcony. Her first floor isn't that high up. Is it?

I started to climb. I was half way there when she opened her window. She had a baseball bat in her hand and it looked like she was ready to hit somebody. That somebody must be me.

"Um....hey! Were you sleeping?"

"Ha! No. It's just 12:30. Why would I be sleeping? Plot twist, I am a vampire who never sleeps. Oho! And what the fuck are you doing here at midnight? Do you want to be arrested?"

"I wanted to tell you something so-"

"So? You decided to be a Spider man?"

"Can we talk about this later? Mind helping? My arms are going to give up. I don't really have a passion of hanging on the pipes" She sighed and went inside. She came back with a long rope and let it down. Funny how I feel like the Prince from Rapunzel. Except that his princess let down silky smooth hair and my princess is letting down a rope.

Scratch that, she is my Queen.

I finally climbed up and she took me inside her room before locking the balcony. She closed the curtains and switched the lights on. She still had the frown on her face. Her room was beautiful. Girly but sassy at the same time. She had posters which said 'BTS'.

This was my first time in her room. Hell, first time in any girl's room. She fixed her hair and adjusted her shorts by pulling them down.

I could feel the tension in the air so I tried to lighten up the mood. I picked the ropes up and smirked.

"Don't tell me you have some kinky desires to fulfill. What are these ropes for? You can tell me. I won't judge." I said and chuckled. She looked at me for a second before understanding what I really meant. She blushed and snatched the ropes from me.

"I used them to escape from here. Didn't work though. Might sound pathetic to you but it's one of the few options I had before he ended up finding me." She didn't even look into my eyes. She stressed on that word on purpose.






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Random question: Have you ever been kissed?

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