The Bad Boy's Girl

By adeeba2707

2.4M 68.9K 30.4K

He pinned me to the wall and brought himself impossibly close to me. I was trapped, quite literally. He grabb... More

Author's note
Chapter 1- Morning
Chapter 2 - The Step Father
Chapter 3 - Meeting the Bad boy
Chapter 4 - Second-Hand Embarrassment
Chapter 5 - 'Please call my name.'
Chapter 6 -Two Weeks.
Chapter 7 - We Are Just Friends.
Chapter 8 - Making Friends.
Chapter 8(Part II) The Library
Chapter 9 - My Ears Are Bleeding
Chapter 9 (Part II) - The Fight
Chapter 9 (Part III) - K-Pop Anybody?
Chapter 10 - Prison.
Chapter 11 - What is my mistake?
Chapter 12 - Have to be strong cuz I'm a girl
Chapter 13 - The Unexpected Anger
Chapter 14 - Soft and Tiny
Chapter 15 -The Football Ground.
Chapter 16 - Its Payback Time, Bitch!
Chapter 17 - The Creepy Old Man
Chapter 18 - Kacy.
Chapter 19 - Guilt
Chapter 20 - My Inner Child come Around at Wront Times
Chapter 21 - 'I can Leave my Mcdonalds Burger but Not You'
Chapter 22 - Philadelphia
Chapter 23 - The Kiss
Chapter 24 - Virgin who?
Chapter 26 - Satan's Ass
Chapter 27 - 'You are beautiful'.
Chapter 28 - Talking
Chapter 29 - The Fight
Chapter 30 - I Fucked Up
Chapter 31 - My Queen
Chapter 32 - I Am Sorry
Chapter 33 - Betrayal
Chapter 34 - A Father Figure
Chapter 35 - 'Its a Yes, You Retard'
Chapter 36 - Going Home
Chapter 37 - Exploring Each Other
Chapter 38 - Shopping
Chapter 39 - A New Face
Chapter 40 - 'Weird people are droping from the sky today'
Chapter 40(Part II)
Chapter 40 (Part III)
Chapter 40 (Part IV)
Chapter 41 - Eating CockPorn
Chapter 42 - 'This has to be a nightmare'
Chapter 43 - 'Was killing her not enough?'
Chapter 44 - She Is Gone.
Chapter 45 - Office romance
Chapter 46 - A Not So Pleasant Surprise
Chapter 47 - 'Are you sure?'
Chapter 48 - Did I Hear It Right?
Chapter 49 - Fears Come True
Chapter 50 - The Final Fight
Chapter 51 - Bruises
Chapter 52 - Thankyou
Chapter 53 - Forgiveness
Chapter 54 - Proposal
Author's Note

Chapter 25 - Getting Caught

39.7K 1.2K 1K
By adeeba2707


I may not be able to fix all your problems but I assure you, you will not have to face them alone.



Do you remember that moment when you were told that Santa clause is not real. Can you recollect, how shocked you were that point. You just couldn't accept it. For a minute I thought that they were bluffing but later I googled and found out that they were really fooling around with my innocent mind. Well not so innocent anymore.

Poor me.

Anyways, getting back to the present situation- that is exactly how I felt when Isabella told me about herself.

When she started telling me, I was delighted since she was willing to open up to me. She started to trust me. It is like we have moved two steps forward. The only terrifying thing is that I might make a mistake one day and we will be back to square one.

But slowly that happiness disappeared into thin air when she told me what all she went through in her past. My blood boiled to the point where I would have just beaten the crap out of the fucker until he passed out and when he woke up, I would have tortured him again.

No one ever dared to abuse a girl in front of me. It's just so wrong. Girls go through a lot in our society. In spite of all the awareness spread, a few men still haven't understood that we have to respect girls and women. Why do they have to feel so insecure about themselves? And because of those few guys, all our names is also tarnished and every girl thinks that boys only take advantage of girls.

Not me.

I come with a label which says 'proceed with caution' and everybody knows that.

I might would have been a player but all those girls came to me. Without their consent I would never go near them, let alone touch them. And since this was about my girl, you can imagine the rage I have towards that bastard right now. It just makes my inside churn thinking about how he must have treated her. Now that I think about it, every thing falls into place.

Bella getting hurt by Zack's words.

Bella remaining so silent throughout the sophomore year.

Her being so stiff and different when I visited her house.

No one touches her. It's only me and it will remain that way.

I still remembered the kiss we shared in the morning. I don't think I will ever be able to forget it. I have never been a girl's first. Every girl I had in my arms was experienced. But being her first in everything just gives me a different feeling. A nice feeling. She is so innocent and not-so-innocent at the same time. Something about her always stirs something inside of me. I just don't want to let her go. When I hold her, I don't want her to have any second thoughts. Her touch is still lingering on my lips. Gosh! the way she tasted.

I wonder how her other parts tasted.

I wanted to ravish her. Oh how I wanted to take her clothes off and lick her-

Damn I desperately need to quit thinking about her for a while otherwise I am going to be having boner in the hallway. Yeah, that's not very good and I am done picturing it.

Okay...Dave- come on-think of an old woman. Her wrinkled skin. Think of the smelly locker room. It is nothing compared to Isabella's fragrance. I remember it from when I buried my head in the crook of her neck. It felt so good. I am pretty sure it's strawberry. I wonder what soap-.

Damn! I am whipped.

I just returned home after the Philadelphia trip and I need to thank my dad for that. I owed him that one. I don't think it would have been possible for me do it without my mom knowing about it. I know Isabella wouldn't have mind even if I had taken her on a simple ice-cream date.

But I doesn't do simple.

Especially for his girl. When it comes to her, I just want to do something big for her. I want to be a better person for her if it means she will like me more that way.

I saw my mom coming towards me and I smiled in her direction.

"Oh! You are home, pumpkin!" she said.

"Mom! You have got to stop with that nick name. I don't have this perfectly built body to be called a pumpk-"

"You were wearing a different t-shirt today morning. What happened to that one, huh?"she asked, clearly ignoring my statement. But the question she asked really got me thinking.

"Oh- um- I spilled coffee on that one. You know, I always have a spear one in my locker. J-Just in case." I let out an awkward chuckle and gave her a half smile.

"Why are you stuttering if you are telling me the truth?" she grabbed by shirt and brought her nose closer to it. She sniffed and looked at me.

She looked up and narrowed her eyes. "It's a different perfume. A girl's perfume to be precise. Who were you with?"

"Mom-" I tried explaining but I knew it's of no use.

"Oh my gosh, you have a girlfriend. Oh my god. Oh my god." She gleamed with happiness. She always wanted me to find the one. Apparently it has been her dream to go shopping with my girl and spoil her. And then there is this manicure thing she wants to do together. Even if I did have a girlfriend, I wouldn't introduce her to my mom so soon since she will scare the crap out of the girl.

Yeah. Bella would definitely get scared of her question which aren't mature. It was equally bad when my parents gave me the sex talk in 6th grade. I swear, it was so awkward because my mom was being way too open about it. More straight forward than a person should ever be with an innocent kid. What she is likely to ask now very much resembles the conversation we had seven years ago.

"I am taking your silence as a yes. How far have gone? When did you two first kiss? Gosh! I want to know everything, Dave. Did you guys have sex? Did you use protection? I don't want you to be a dad at such a young age. If you ran out of it, I can lend you, there are a few-"

I closed my ears and screamed "No Mom. Please stop. I don't want to know where my dad keeps his con- protection. I am not having this awkward talk with you ever again. You are my mom for fuck's sake."

"So? You are my son for fuck's sake. I want- wait a minute- this shirt-" She intently stared at my shirt for a good thirty second. Oh no! Then she thought before starting off again-

"This is the shirt which you left in Philadelphia right? How did you get it here?"

"Come on mom, there can't be only one T-shirt in this world, right? D-Don't you remember I brought this one from t-that store the other day?" I am going to be so dead once she finds out.

"No, Dave. It's the same t-shirt. Do you see this button on your right sleeve. The one on your left sleeve came off when you wore this the last time and I was going to sew it but then your father and I- whatever, that's not the point. How did you get it here?"

"I wore it and came here, mom. What's the big deal? It's just a t-shirt."

"You didn't wear this one. You wore a red shirt. I also told you that it looks cool. I remember." she said, confidence evident in her voice.

"Why do you remember so much, mom?" I shouted as I was getting frustrated by her memory power. I sure as hell did not get those genes. Exactly then my dad came down happily like his life isn't in danger. Dad, you are standing on the edge of the cliff whether you want to or not. If mom finds out, she will just give you a push.

"Hey honey, what is going on? Oh- Dave, you came back? How was the fli- ride?" Dad tried to escape.

"Honey, Did you know, Dave went to Philadelphia ." She answered instead of questioning, just so that she could trick my dad.

And my dear dad, being not so intelligent got tricked. He turned towards me and questioned- "OH- you told your mum already? How is she so calm?"

I face palmed myself. I would have never said those words if I was at his place. I am sure that I didn't get my dad's genes when it comes to intelligence. I am hundred times smarter than him. Then whose genes did I even get?

"Dave! You went to Philadelphia ? You didn't-"

"Wait. You didn't know? But you said that you did." my dad interfered but my mom was too shocked.

"-didn't even tell me. What were you doing in freak 'in Philadelphia? Dave answer me."

"You can't do this to me." My dad interfered only to be ignored again.

"It's a long story Mom. And anyways- Dad sent me there and gave his permission." I accused dad. Yeah, he got my ass whooped a lot of times before. Let's just say I am playing fair. And about thanking him, there are better ways to do it.

"What! You betrayer. You liar. Liar, liar pants on fire. Dave, this is not fair."

"Honey, did you?" she raised her eyebrows.

"Darling, I did that only because he threatened me that he would send you the video of me braking your Chinese vas-" he gasped after he realized what he just said. He placed his hands over his mouth. My mom gaped and they both looked towards me.

I raised my hands in surrender and said- "You did this to yourself!"

"You broke my vase? Do you know that Mrs. Jones gave it to me. I was-" My mom shouted and my dad listened to her like a pup. They fight so much but in the end of the day, they love each other more than they could ever express it in words. This is how I want my future to be minus the scoldings from my wife.

"Mom-mom- I know it's rude to interfere but can I borrow dad for a minute? It's something important. You can continue your fight later on at night. Please spare him for now." I pulled dad towards me

"You nearly got me killed. Remind me to never help you again." my dad said and I smirked.

"But I saved you too. And who knows. It's the bedroom she called you in. She might forgive you in seconds." I wiggled my eyebrows. Dad and I have a strong bond. A very strong bond. I still remember when I was a virgin, I asked him how to last long because I wanted to impress my girlfriend of the week. Yeah, that was one hell of an awkward conversation. I will never forget it.

He cleared his throat "Let's not talk about that part of my life. What's up with you? You seem quite worried. Is everything alright."

"Dad I have to tell you something important. The thing is I-"

"Are you going to be a dad?"


"Do you have STD?"


"Um. OH! Are you gay?"

"What! DAD! Stop it. This is something more serious."

"Well, for me, nothing was more important than these questions. Alright. Go ahead- bark."

"Dad I know this girl. Her name is- whatever- you don't need to know. The thing is, she gets abused by her father. Step father to be precise. She is my classmate and I really want to help her out. But I don't know how. Her dad is a businessman. So, I thought, maybe you could help. Moreover, I am still under eighteen so I will need your help in a few things. I just didn't want to come up with plan and execute it on my own just to land in trouble myself."

"This is some serious ass situation. It's good that you told me because matters relating to these issues are sensitive. What's his name? I must be knowing him if he is a business man."

"Uh. I don't remember correctly. Microwave? No, that's weird. It was something from O."

"Oven?" he said, trying to take a guess.

"Yeah, how did you know?"

"That means I was right. It is indeed Owen Williams." he said, disgust lacing his sentences.

"You have met him before?" I asked, shocked that he thinks of him the same way as I do. Great minds think alike. Maybe I did get his genes.

"Yeah. I know him. I always felt those bad vibes around him. You know, something about him screams danger. We were going to have a deal but then I researched on his past and it didn't appear so good so I called it off. Moreover, his company didn't look in a good shape at that time. I must say, he is running it quite well now."

"Well not on his own. He tries to sell his daughter to get the deal sealed. He is playing a pathetic game. And the most horrifying part is that she is a part of his game. He is using her as a bait for all the hungry men out there. And that is why I am worried about her."

"Shit! That is messed up. I swear this man is psychotic. Why didn't she report this?"

"She doesn't want to go to child care. She is afraid as to who will take care of her and her studies. She tried to run away but he found her. She even tried to commit suicide." I ran my hand across my hair as I was frustrated from this situation. I wanted to do everything for her but I didn't know what to do. Just the image of her hurting herself causes me pain.

I wanted her to smile. Not only when I am around but every time, genuinely. The way her eyes become small when she laughs and the dimple which she has on her left cheek. Just like mine.

How did I end up finding this girl? How did someone become so special to me?

I am selfish when it comes to her. I want to keep her to myself. I know that I sound like I am treating her like an object but in reality I am not. I am just trying to protect her. I did not like it one bit when boys laid their eyes on her. She was so innocent that she might not have seen the lust in their eyes.

I would rip each one of their balls and feed it to the rhinos.

"Son! Damn, where are you lost nowadays. You behave like a teenager. Geez."

"That's because I am one dad. Stop being stupid. What's the plan?"

"Of trying to make you not act like a teen? I was thinking that you could-"

"Urgh. Dad!!" I groaned when he was trying to joke in such a situation.

"Okay. Okay. Spare the old man, here. I am trying to lighten up your mood, okay? I need to come up with a plan. It takes time. My mind doesn't work until your mom helps me out. If you know what I mean." He said as he headed towards the stairs.

"Dad!" I shouted and he immediately turned around, placing a hand on his heart, on the wrong side.

"What, you punk ass. I am right here. Why the hell are you shouting? This isn't a typical scene from a romantic movie." He said, as he calmed himself down.

"I love you!" I said so that I could annoy him. I know how badly he wants to go back to mom for make-up-you-know-what.

"I hate you!" he said and turned around.

I love this old man.






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