chickennnnnout द्वारा

259K 8.8K 10.2K

Na Jaemin : You left me Lee Jeno! It was you who wanted to divorce me. It was never me. Never my decision. Bu... अधिक

Welcome back 'Lee Jaemin'
Beyond the divorce
Give me your sunshine
Give me some rain
Prey and Hunter
The Truth
Sneak Peek
Walk You Home
Great, Romantic Night
!!!New MarkHyuck Book!!!
The season of the leaf
Steal a chance
His Precious Kiss
The Calm Before the Storm
Returning Favors
Don't Try Me
Too many questions, too little answers
Candle Light
The Love Puzzle🔞
NEW (?) Nomin Completed Book
I Love You, Lee Jeno
Just hold my hands
Imagine If
Missing Puzzle Piece
Copying Alert
Love Again
Welcome Home Lee Jaemin (Fin)
Extra Part 🔞
Smut Part 2🔞🔞🔞🔞
NEW BOOK![hate grows]
Extra Part 2 (Valentine's Special)

Give me another chance

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chickennnnnout द्वारा

Chapter 5| Give me another chance

"Hyung! Do you mind if I ask you something?"

The Chinese male with his freshly dyed brown hair asked in a curious manner. Jaemin glanced up once, acknowledging the young assistant to go on since he was reading down the guidelines of a newly presented request form from SM Entertainment.

"I..ah-..well, I know I'm a bit getting too personal if I ask you this..but.. I'm dying to know who that handsome man was"

Chenle's sparkling eyes twinkled even more to the final release of his curiousity. He had been doing a great job keeping the topic into himself for two full days but since no one except from him was in the office, he decided to spit out the topic.

Jaemin's motions terminated as his heart accelerated from his chest while the inconsistent beats echoed in his ears. His eyes slowly lifted up and skimmed through the Chinese's focused face.

"Uh....h-he..uh", Jaemin scratched his forehead and hesitantly started. He knew it was only right of him to talk out with Chenle, who caught them in the office. It was natural for the young assistant to have this much curiousity since he was the first one to fail in separating his work and the other part of his life.

"Is he your....boyfriend?!"

Chenle excitedly stated as his mouth hung in glimpse of hope. He was expecting so much about the possible relationship between the two ever since he first saw them together.

Jaemin nervously chuckled and cleared his sudden hoarse throat.


"He's not? Then he must be after you"

"No!...nothing of that sort Chenle. Go and make me a coffee please"

The painter got really tensed up by the interrogative situation as he quickly derieved the conversation into something not related, but more natural.

Chenle nodded and as if he understood the pressure he was setting on Jaemin, he stepped back to bow and set out to leave the office.

"Oh! And hyung, you will have a lunch with the curator from Andong. It's scheduled at 12 in Adela Bailey Rooftop Restaurant" Chenle reminded in a calm informative tone as he double checked the time and location in his Ipad. He nodded in satisfactory when he got them right.

"You're right! Do I need to know any other information aside from the document we made last week? I thought they want some changes". Jaemin suddenly got up, not wanting to read the form anymore. He needed Haechan to decide in this kind of matter and since he's dealing with the insurance, Jaemin decided to delay for the decision.

"I believe they will discuss that with you personally today."

Chenle quietly exited the office after doing his job perfectly and giving the artist his personal time to start his new artwork. Just with a black continuous stroke of a human figure on the white sheet of paper, Chenle already knew another masterpiece is on its way to be produced.


"CEO Lee is currently in the metting Ma'am"

After a not-so-honest message from the substituted messenger, an authoritative voice spoke through the phone as if she excelled to pierce through the man's lie from the flawless acting.

"I am repeating this again for the last time. Tell my son that to the Adela Bailey Rooftop by 1pm"


Just before the man could return back the already decided answer of his boss, the phone was sharply cut off by the other line.

"S-sir.. Mrs Lee said-"

The man was silented again with a single gesture of a hand raise. The phone was returned on the gigantic glass table and the man stood still in his position to be instruted. His first mission just miserably failed infront of the one who assigned it and he wished not to ruin another task he might be given in a minute.

"It's okay. You may leave."

"Yes sir. But are you going?"


The man bowed polietly and left the room as quiet as possible.

Jeno released an extreme amount of heavy gas that settled in his heart. He knew he would be instructed, controlled, chained up, and tamed this way. He expected this. He knew he could not change his own mother's authority over him and he recognized the consequences of not being able to do so. As soon as he set his foot on this very land again, the only goal was to regain everything he has lost. Every single things he lost: his capabilities, his natural stuborness and most importantly, the owner of his heart.

His hand extended out on the glass table to reach for the phone. The screen lit up with the image of the two white grooms standing perfectly by hand in hand; Both of their smiles so alive and loving, their eyes showing the world they brought for the other and their overlapping heartbeats that could be heard through the glass screen. That was how strong their love was. That was how Jeno loved Jaemin. And that was how Jaemin admired Jeno.

Jeno's finger traced on the sweet face. His eyes followed the wide smile that was only for him. He owned those lips. Those pair of cottons were of his own to cherish. But he threw them away, helplessly.

The screen darkened eventually and there displayed the state of emotion he deserved to be in. The pitch dark reflection was of the streams of tears that begged to be wiped out by his sweet husband's hands that -he knew-he threw away himself.


"Thank you for coming today. We did not expect you to show up personally"

Jaemin beamed in rays to the curator's wrap up response. Their meeting has successfully ended and there were no major issues aside from two small changes to which Jaemin had no problem giving in.

"No, I actually want to hear what you want to say. I am just an artist. All I do is paint all day. But I also have to listen what my customers  want for adjusting some changes," his sweet voice kindly replied. The two men, who came for the meeting, were satisfied as they returned the same kind smile.

Jaemin glanced back at the men and lit up a warm smile again. He then mouthed an excuse from the lunch table as he raised up his phone. The other two nodded in union with one of them putting his fork down and stranding out the same hand to show manner.

He walked to the bathroom as he dialed back the miscall he recieved fifteen minutes ago. It was from Haechan. After a short waiting, the other line received.


"Hey Haechan," Jaemin answered back as he entered the bathroom. He stood in front of the mirror and re-adjusted his neck tie.

"Are you still in the meeting?" Haechan questioned with a slight concern mixed with nervousness. He was the one who found these customers and he was worried they would be asking to much for Jaemin to change his artwork. Haechan has so much respect on Jaemin's arts that everytime someone asks Jaemin to compromise about his work, Haechan would get so nervous.

"Ah..No. We are done. Don't worry about it. They only wanted to soften the color of the pastel to match up with the logo. It's just a minor change so I am okay with it"

As soon as Jaemin finished his explanation, he heard Haechan's relief in the form of a loud sigh.

"Okay Jaeminine. You did a great job today. Have your lunch and come back. We still need to talk about the request form from SM. Also, the Mark Lee album cover"

Jaemin sensed a glimpse of fury at the end of Haechan's voice but he chose to go along with it. He ended the call with receiving Chenle's food order from the background as he agreed on buying it.

He checked himself in the mirror again and exited the place.

"Carbonara Spaghetti with Chicken,"  he repeated the food order Chenle just asked for as he walked to the table again.

"Na Jaemin..?" He feet terminated and his ears perked up to the mention of his name. His head snapped back to the direction of the high pitch voice that sounded out his name as a question when the voice was dedicated with determination.

"Y-yes?" His eyes collected as many detail as possible to the feminine figure with the display of her confidence in the way she dressed. Her bright lips were neatly showing off her mysterious smile as her long wavy hair folded into a single tie at the back. The black pencil heels were pointy as her body was lifted up more than inches from her initial height. Regardless, Jaemin still did not know the identity of the woman aside from catching up on her trendy fashion.

He confusely stared at the slim hand that was extended out as she switched her luxurious purse to the other side of her hand. He looked back at her eyes just to catch her glaring at him with countless emotions. That made him uncomfortable.

"Hello Na Jaemin-sshi. I am Choi Hana. Nice to meet you." The same mysterious smile was pasted on her lips. Her grin never grew larger or slumped smaller. It was consistenly the same.

"Um.. Do I know you?" Jaemin's voice was a combination of confusion and a certain level of impatience. Regardless, he reached out for the hand for a short moment as a manner and discarded immediately.

The slim lady glanced at her hand as she drew back to herself. Her eyes were fierce. They showed the overbearing confidence but they lacked in the sort of humanity. They were wild, but tamed. They were gorgeous, but dull.

She effortlessly switched her weight to the other leg and lifted her fallen strand of hair up.

"No, but I think you will have to know me in the future," her eyebrow pinned upward and she continued, "I am the fiancée of Lee family. Jeno oppa and I are going to marry in the near future."

Her smile changed. Her smile changed into a pure victory as she pierced through Jaemin's emotions. She caught his eyes weakened for a speed of light. She saw the visible frown of questions. But they lasted for too short of a time that did not meet her satisfication.

"Congrats Miss Choi," was all he said with a smile as he walked away. His heavy steps represented the weighted heart that hoped to be embraced. His eyelashes were the busiest, trying the hardest to keep in the tears. Those weak tears. Those unnecessary tears. Those unwanted tears.

Two years seems like nothing for you to learn something. He scolded himself. He knew his heart, his body and his being always belong to Jeno. He never questioned or resisted about that. But this time, he really needed to accept that he isn't Jeno's anymore. And yet, Jeno isn't his anymore.


"Lee Omma! Here!"

"Hana? Why are you alone?"

The middle age woman scanned around for any trace of her son but failed to detect anyone that looked like him.

She faced toward the sweet lady in gorgeous outfit, who dressed up even more prettier for today. Her face, however, was not as much bright and happy as the other times.

"I-I think Jeno oppa is busy today," her small voice woke up the burning fury in the woman's throat. In her mind, she had already yelled at her son for being this disobedient.

"Lee Jeno! This ungrateful son! I even come an hour late for you two to have fun." She reached out for her purse as she shuffled through the small container to reach out her phone.

Hana quickly caught the hand and safely discarded the phone on the table. She smiled brightly and patted the woman's palm softly.

"Calm down, Lee Omma. It's fine. We can meet other times if not today. He's a businessman and he needs to run the whole company with carrying out all the expectations we have on him. It is understandable how he might not be able to come to every lunch dates."

Her eloquence in words made the woman to rest assure a bit. Her eyes showed the gratitude she has for the young lady as she held back her hands.

"Thank You for understanding, Hana. I don't know anyone who can understands him like you. Marrying him off with you is the best thing this mother can do for the son"


"Good Afternoon-....Nana! Wait!"

Just after Jaemin stepped out of his car and locked the door, the deep voice -that he did not want to hear the most at the moment- called out for him.

Jaemin turned his back to walk off the underground parking lot to reach for the elevator but his hand was harshly pulled by a strong grip.

"Nana! Heyy..baby wait"

As soon as Jaemin's head was collected by that masculine arms to bury him into his chest, Jaemin worked his hands to push away the stronger body.

Jeno was fast enough to capture the small fists that were hitting him off. He trapped his sweet husband's body as he guarded the slim waist with his arms.

Jaemin calmed down only because he was unable to move an inch.

"Let me go!" He commanded in a furious voice.

"Talk to me first. Then I will let you go," Jeno stared at the twinkling eyes and retreated the force he inserted on his arms. As the grip weakened, Jaemin pushed the body away and tried to escape.

That was the end of Jeno's patience. He sighed out loud and ran after Jaemin who just sneaked his way out to the stairs. Soon enough, Jeno caught him by the waist.

"Ah! Jeno! Let me go! Jeno!"

Jeno turned him around, sealed his lips on the sweet ones for a second and lifted up the small body on his shoulder and calmly walked back to his car in the parking lot. Jaemin hit the back of Jeno's shoulder with his dangling hands. His head did not stay still as he tried to look to the front. It was only Jaemin who seemed to be struggling because Jeno did not even skip a step from all those chaotic panic Jaemin was having alone.

"Jeno!jeno! Wait! I have works to do"

"Ah! Babe." Jeno let out a sudden yelp since Jaemin just pulled his ear to make him stop. Instead, Jeno hit Jaemin's round butt gently as a punishment and continued to the car with a bright smile.

"You are not running away this time if you don't want me to catch you again and carry the same way until your office," Jeno warned as he put Jaemin's seatbelt on and walked away to his driver seat.

Jaemin sat quietly with a visible disappointment in himself. He failed to run away and he did not want to confront Jeno. Even worse after knowing the information he should not know this afternoon.

The car smoothly left the underground parking lot and Jaemin only had a chance to glance at his office before the scene left their view.

"Have you eat y-"


"O-oh," Jeno turned back to the front after the traffic light changed to green, allowing him to move.

"So, Do you want to..uh.."


Jeno glanced at his moody husband for a while and scratched his head. He came to Jaemin for getting lunch together since 12pm. But he came back  recently at 1:30pm. He was just going to be satisfied with seeing his face but the angry looking Jaemin made him suffocated from worries and he just made him to come along with him. He had no plans to do anything to Jaemin aside from grabbing lunch.

"Baby, Are you mad at me?"

No reply.

"Look Nana, I am sorry. I didn't mean to force you to come along. It-it's just I was worried that you look so mad and I needed to know"

Jaemin turned his face sharply to Jeno.

"Why do you need to know anyways? I am a human being and I have my own reasons to be mad at anything without your permission or reasoning. Stop acting like you care"

Jaemin gripped the seatbelt when his head rested on the back of the seat. Jeno has stopped the car on the side road. He did not stare back at Jeno because as far as he knows about his ex-husband, Jeno should be mad by now.

"Jaemin," his manly voice deeply called out, "Marry me, Nana. Please"


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